The War.

"You can't be serious?" Lyla breathed, looking at her sister in disbelief.

The 'elder' sister just looked away from the 'younger' one. A look of angst and regret painting her features until her eyes hardened and her lips pulled into a firm line.

"You can't be serious about all this either? Are you for real?! Siding with the law and Stark with whatever has happened. You side with them and agree so much that you refuse to tell me, your only living shred of family on how you sporadically popped back to life?!" Marina shrieked,

Lyla dropped her gaze, a look of shame upon her face that only fuelled Marinas anger even more.

"Are you sure this is what you wish for?"

"Deadly" Marina replied to her sister in a cold tone.

"Think rationally about this sister!" She exclaimed, desperation seeping through her voice and a pleading look In her eyes as she stared at her only piece of family.

Silence filled the airport ground.

"I just did" Marina shrugged, much to her sisters anger as Lyla growled.

"Why do you side with them?" Lyla breathed, completely in confusion as to why.

"They are my friends" Marina replied, hand slipping into Pietro's as he looked down at her intently.

"What about me? Natasha? Tony? The others?" Lyla brokenly questioned.

"What happened to the sister I knew that was down with me since day one? What happened to the Black Widow who once flipped off the government board? What happened to the billionaire who followed no rules?" Marina countered, the cogs on just one side of her goggles slowly turning and shifting.


"What happened to our team?" She questioned before her face hardened and the others of Team Cap all stood besides her. She looked to them all.
"It perished" she answered her own questioned before closing one eye and snapping the other wide open.

A black glow emitted from the one side of her goggles, everything what she was was enveloped in darkness besides the living life forms. It was a technique she called light searching, it was an easy way to spit opponents and it only worked for her. Their frames would glow a bright white so they couldn't hide no matter what they did.

Marina smirked, brandishing a dagger from her belt loop and grasping it rightly before lunging towards her sister. The battle begun. Her form fall atop of her sisters, pushing them both to the ground as her dagger grazed the others neck.

"Give it up, you can't beat me" Marina huffed, hands grasping at the others wrists as she pinned her down, the sound of battle all around them.

"I came back, New and improved. That includes my powers" Lyla smirked, twisting her trapped hands to her finger traced over the skin of Marinas hands.

Heat surged through Marina, causing her to writhe in pain and her face to twist in agony as she fell back from her sisters form. Lyla stood with a triumphant smirk gracing her features as she stared into the pained eyes of her sister.

"You should know which side is right...and which is wrong" Lyla stated confidently.

"I know" Marina grunted out, shakily standing and bringing her arms up to her mid section as a defence. Her skin was raw red, evidence of where the heat had scorched her from inside out.
"I was right" she coughed, noticing a white glow slowly advance behind her. Natasha.

Marina just threw her leg out, landing a kick straight to the assassins stomach. She wasn't done there though. She whipped her body round, fingers encasing the red head neck as she lightly pushed the pad of her thumb against where her temple was. Nothing happened Natasha thought, boy, she was wrong.

Marina released her, not even turning around as she back handed Lyla with so much force that it sent her flying. Natasha snapped her mouth open, screaming for Lyla. Nothing came out, and the billionaire seemed to notice.

Repuslors shot out at Marina but she just effortlessly dodged them, already being aware of his presence when another white glow filled her line of sight.

"What did you do?!" Stark growled, arms up at the ready and repulsors charging,ready for another round.

Natasha frantically felt about her neck, trying to find a reason as to why there was no sound leaving her lips.

"You seem to forget Mr Stark..." the formalities she used seemed to spike something in the tin man, sadness?
"I control all units of sound" she announced before throwing a blinding ball of light into his line of view and whilst distracted, jumped up and kicked him in his face. He was lucky he wore his helmet.

"Yep, okay. That hurt" Tony grumbled, pulling himself out of the wall of the airport he was sent flying into. Debris fell about all around him before he shot at Marina once more.

"Come at me"

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