The Twins.
A gorgeous red Lamborghini pulled up outside a university for Gifted and talented, the engined purred before coming to a complete halt.
Arriving students stopped all around the campus, eyes all drawn to the vehicle and just who was stepping out of it.
Two figures stepped out in sync, the doors slamming shoot in unison and the two girls walking away from the locked vehicle with their arms linked. Their heels clicked against the path, walking at the same pace with so much confidence that people couldn't look away.
It was the Jackson sisters. Walking past everybody without even a glance as they made their way inside. The two walked through the parted corridors, heading to their first shared lecture.
The younger one opened the oak door, swiftly entering to find the lecture hall to be already half full. The two took their seats at the back of the hall, no equipment needed since it was just a professor talking at them for an hour on something they already knew about.
When the Hall filled, lecture began. The two seemingly bored as the professor prattled on about the work of Shakespeare.
Marina genuinely wasn't interested, and Lyla already knew everything there was to know about him.
"Lyla? Could you give me a reason as to why Lady Macbeth could be viewed as an antagonist in his play 'Macbeth'?" The professor called out, attempting to catch Lyla of guard but failing miserably.
"People say she was the 'fourth witch', somebody who would call upon spirits for their help. She was the cause for Macbeth's downfall, and in the end she served her punishment by allowing guilt to consume her and not long after that, taking her own life" Lyla stated, shocking the professor since it seemed she wasn't paying attention, but to him, she proved wrong.
"A very well detailed answer...thank you" he breathed out, still in shock before carrying on with the lecture that seemed to drag on and on.
When it finally came to an end, Marina and Lyla were glad to get out of that lecture hall. They raced out, heading for lunch since their lecture ended at twelve. The Twins made their way into the cafeteria, grabbing a drink each and a light snack before seating themselves at a table.
"You have engineering next, right?" Marina questioned, unscrewing the lid to her bottled water and taking a drink.
"Yeah, you have..." Lyla's sentence trailed of as they both noticed a guy slowly advanced towards them both.
They recognised him, he was in their English lecture earlier. He seemed confident in himself, maybe too confident. Like he had let it get to his head and his ego was insanely massive. He must have been new to not know about the reputation the Twins held around there.
He strutted up to their table, boldly taking a seat by Marina and winking at her as she looked his way.
"So, I was thinking...either you..." he gestured to Marina.
"Or you..." he gestured to Lyla.
"Should date me" he stated, smirking as he leaned back slightly in his seat.
The cafeteria seemed to fizz into silence when he said that, everybody waiting for the harsh rejection that was soon to come. The tense atmosphere being thick and suffocating everybody present who watched on.
"Oh really?" Marina questioned, her grasp on her water bottle becoming tighter as this guy nodded.
"Wanna know what I was thinking?" She questioned, deep pink eyes staring into his dull brown ones.
"What was you thinking sugar?" He flirted.
"That you need to clean yourself up before demanding girls to go out with you"
And with that, Marina dumped the rest of her water all over the guys head. Enjoying the way his face shrivelled up when the cold liquid drenched his hair and soaked his shirt as it ran down his back. He huffed in shock, Marina dropping the empty, plastic bottle into his lap before she and Lyla excused themselves.
"Have a good day!" Lyla cheered, waving at his fuming form before following her sister out of the cafeteria and out of the building and onto the outside campus.
"God, he was such a jerk" Marina spat, the two taking a seat on a bench and just enjoying the way the summer breeze kissed their exposed skin.
"It's to be expected, not everybody knows their boundaries" Lyla hummed, her hair waving softly about her a she spoke.
"How much of a bet that we just made another enemy?" The pastel coloured haired girl chuckled, crossing one leg atop of the other as she spoke.
"Oh, he totally hates us now" her sister giggled back.
"But who cares, as long as we got each other, we are set for life"
"I'm with you on that" Marina nodded through soft giggles.
However, they soon silenced themselves when they caught sight of a black, sleek truck pulling up outside the building with a Hawk symbol on the side of it. They didn't even have time to question each other on it as the head of the University came walking up to them.
"Marian, Lyla. If you kindly follow me to my office"
And they did, having no idea what to expect when stepping into the Heads office, but only thinking that it was something bad. This couldn't be good.
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