14. Ophelia Takes A (dumble) Dive

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"Thank you, Ophelia. Thank you so much, love".

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"Ophelia Black I swear I won't wake you up again!" came Angelina's annoying voice.

"Just let me sleep!" Ophelia groaned in a sleepy tone. "I stayed up all night, completing that transfiguration essay!"

"We've got a match today dumbass," Katie chuckled, before leaving the two girls to themselves.

"Oh shit," Ophelia cussed, waking up and going to the bathroom.

"You couldn't get up that way when I was literally chanting your name for fifteen minutes?" Angelina cried.

"Well, you should've mentioned we had a match".

"Come down for breakfast quickly," the girl sighed and left the dorm.

Ophelia got herself cleaned up, and put on her Quidditch sweater with a pair of black jeans.

Walking into the Great Hall and towards the Gryffindor table, she saw the rest of the team eating some toast. She sat down herself and let out a huge yawn.

"Sleepy are we?" Asked Fred.

"Mhmm," Ophelia said and started eating toast, even though her insides were squirming.

"It's going to be a tough one," said Oliver, who wasn't eating anything.

"Stop worrying Oliver, we don't mind a bit of rain," Katie soothed him.

But it was considerably more than just a bit of rain. The popularity of Quidditch was so much, that the whole school had turned out to watch the match.

The team changed into their scarlet robes and waited for their captain's pre-match pep talk, but Oliver was silent. He shook his head hopelessly and just beckoned them to follow.

"Go go Gryffindor! Go go Gryffindor!" chanted the crew in unison.

The Hufflepuffs were approaching from the opposite side, wearing canary-yellow robes. The captains walked up to each other and shook hands. Cedric gave Ophelia a small smile, which she happily returned.

"Mount your brooms," Madam Hooch commanded and Ophelia swung her leg onto her Cleansweep. It wasn't a great model, but her brilliance made up for it.

On the sound of the whistle, fourteen brooms rose up in sync. The Quaffle was taken by Hufflepuff's chaser and Ophelia sped after him, the rain splashing hard on her back.

Katie took the Quaffle from him and went forwards towards the goal post, and just as the other chaser was about to take it from her, she passed it on to Ophelia, who took it under her arm, speeding rapidly ahead and put it through the middle hoop, scoring the first goal.

"Yesssss go Ophelia!" screamed Regulus.

Much to her disappointment, she couldn't hear Lee's entertaining and top-class commentary because of the thunderous rain.

It was getting harder and harder to hold onto her broom and fly straight. The sky was also getting darker, everyone's jersey was soaked, and it was becoming difficult to even tell the players apart.

Angelina had scored three more goals, with Ophelia and Katie scoring one each. They were fifty points up when Madam Hooch's whistle sounded again.

Oliver must've called for a time-out, Ophelia thought as she went over to the end of the pitch where the team was huddled under a large umbrella.

"What's the score?" Harry asked as he wiped his glasses on his robes.

"We're fif- fifty points up," Ophelia said loudly over the noise of the thunder.

"I've got no chance with these on," Harry waved his glasses.

"Harry! Give them to me I've got an idea," said Hermione appearing behind them.

She took his glasses and tapped them with her wand she muttered, "Impervius".

"They'll repel water!" she said beaming at him.

Ophelia wanted to kiss her right there. She said, "I love you!" making Hermione laugh as she went back to the stands.

"Ok team, let's go," said Oliver and off they went.

Full of determination, Ophelia swooped in to take the Quaffle from the opponent chaser as she was zooming fast towards the hoops.

She was going as fast as she could, but there was a sudden change in the atmosphere. An eerie silence fell across the stadium, and the howling winds had become quiet.

She suddenly felt herself becoming light-headed and losing energy. She shook her head and started to fly, dodging a player. But a horrible wave of cold swept over and she became aware of the creatures moving on the pitch.

Forgetting that she had the Quaffle in her hand, the hovering girl was distracted by a hundred dementors standing below her. With her insides freezing, Ophelia heard that voice again.

"NO!!! JAMES!!!! PLEASE NO!!!"

Then came a new voice, "Not Harry and Ophelia! Please not them! Please take me! Kill me instead, not my children please!"

And there was a terrible scream, it sent chills down her spine and she shuddered.

And suddenly she had the feeling that she was falling.. "Help.." she mumbled before her eyes went black.

"I swear to Salazar this girl," cried Regulus, biting his nails and looking pale in the face.

"But we can always count on Dumbles to save the day," said Dorcas.


"Lucky Dumbledore made her slow down".

"I thought she was dead for sure".

"Thanks for the faith," Ophelia murmured, groaning as her head ached.

"Lia! Thank Godric!" Hermione sighed looking relieved.

"How're you feeling?"

"Oh brilliant, truly spectacular," she said.

"We thought you'd died," whispered George who was shaking, his face white.

"Oh never I'm too awesome for death," Ophelia grinned, wincing.

"So... on with the tea," she said, sitting up with a little difficulty.

"You fell off.." Fred muttered. "Must've been what, fifty feet?"

"Oh, I know that!" Ophelia said. "I meant what happened in the match? Did we win- or lose?"

No one said anything, and the truth come out.

"Right, so we lost. Why the long faces?" she asked scanning everyone.

"I'm sorry Ophelia!" said Harry looking miserable. "The Dementors, they affected me too and.... Diggory got the snitch".

"Hey don't beat yourself Potter, you're still the best seeker we've ever had," said Fred wrapping an arm around his shoulder.

"And... Where's cap?" asked Ophelia looking around.

"That guy must be destroyed," Marlene trailed off thinking about Oliver.

"Still in the showers, think he's trying to drown himself," snorted George.

"It's not over yet," Ophelia said looking at Harry. "We lost by a hundred points right? So the other teams... they have to win or lose by a margin of a hundred either way".

After ten minutes of talking, Madam Pomfrey came over and told the team to go. "Out now, you have had twenty minutes!" she said dragging them away.

"See ya later, Star," George smiled at Ophelia who grinned back.

Fred let out a loud whistle and she returned it, beaming.

"Aww I love it when they do that," smiled Lily.

The team trooped out, trailing mud behind them as Madam Pomfrey looked at them disappointedly. She had allowed Ron and Hermione to stay with the two.

"Dumbledore was really angry, never seen him like that before," Ron said. "He waved his wand and slowed you two down, and then shot some silver stuff at the dementors".

"Did someone get my Nimbus?" Harry asked looking at them. "And Lia's Cleansweep?"

Ron and Hermione shared a glance and looked at the other two.


"What?!" Harry questioned, looking between them.

"Well... when you fell off, it got blown away and...".

"And?!?" Ophelia questioned, annoyed by his dragging tone.

"And... Lia, Harry... it- it hit the Whomping Willow.

Ophelia's heart sank, the tree was a very violent and vicious one. And if something ever hit it... It will never be back, not in one piece at least.

Hermione reached down for a bag at her feet, turned it upside-down and tipped dozens of splintered wood and twigs on the bed, the only remains of their broomsticks.

"I want to get them a new one," complained James.

"Me too Potter, really want to get the new Firebolt," Regulus added.


Laying in the hospital wing bed, Ophelia was thinking... again.. It was about the voices she'd heard in her head when the dementors had attacked.

Who was that man that screamed, "NO!! JAMES!!!?

He must've been close to the Potter's, that scream was probably when he had found his friend's dead body. And the second voice she heard, Ophelia was sure it belonged to Lily Potter. She was screaming and pleading to someone, that someone was definitely Voldemort. She was pleading to the Dark Lord to spare the children, take her, kill her instead of them.

She sighed heavily, wanting to get rid of those thoughts, they were making her depressed.

Ophelia managed to convince Madam Pomfrey to let her out quickly because she had a very important job to do today. She had almost hit herself for not remembering about it, "Curse my forgetful ass," she muttered under her breath.

She ate dinner as quickly as possible, with Fred and George giving her weird looks as they ate.

"What's going on in her mind?" asked Lily with a suspicious look.

Talking with the two, Ophelia set off for her after-dinner detention with Snape and then for the prefect rounds. Walking back to the common room, she saw the time was 10:30 pm.

Fred looked at her and asked, "Anything wrong Lia? You look in a hurry".

"No, nothing's wrong. Completed that Defence essay have you?"

"On inferi?" Fred looked at her raising his eyebrows. "Nope. We were quite busy doing some work-"

"-And thought of copying yours later on," George grinned cheekily.

"Too good I haven't done it yet then," Ophelia smirked back.

They both had a look of horror on their faces, clearly shocked.

"Ophelia Black... The girl who completes all her assignments on time, hasn't finished the essay that was to be submitted tomorrow?" George questioned with an exaggerating voice.

"Oh dear Lia, how will you ever reach the height of academic success if you continue on like this?" asked Fred dramatically.

"They are THE best," snorted Dorcas.

"I have to agr- hey! What about us though?" James asked looking a little offended.

She laughed at their silly behaviour and said, "For a change, why don't one of you complete before me so for once I can copy yours".

"No we can't do that," Fred shook his head looking serious.

The Trio continued to laugh, making silly and lame jokes as they tried to complete the workload kept before them. They were talking and laughing hysterically for so long, that it was 11:15 by the time they were silent, steadying their breath from the award-winning joke that Fred had just cracked.

y'all know any good jokes?

"Sorry for the interruption boys, but I got to move," said Ophelia getting up and dashing up to her dormitory.

She grabbed The Marauders Map, her wand, and Harry's cloak that she had borrowed from him. Stuffing the cloak in her bag, she went back to the common room where her annoying friends were standing, their arms crossed.

"What the hell?" asked Marlene.

Ophelia groaned and said, "Please get out of the way, I'll tell you everything later".

The twins looked at each other, communicating silently. "But where are you going?"

"I can't tell you anything right now, let me go I'm getting late!"

"Just be safe okay?" The two muttered, faces plastered with worry.

"Don't worry, nothing will hurt me," she smiled and waving them goodbye, Ophelia stepped out of the portrait.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," she whispered tapping The Marauders Map with her wand.

The map opened, and lines formed around it like a spider's web. She looked her way and was thankful no one was lurking around. Putting a silent charm on her shoes, she scurried soundlessly towards the Kitchens. Ophelia reached the portrait of the fruit basket and tickled the pear.

"Hello Miss Ophelia!" squeaked a tiny house-elf with big eyes and floppy ears.

"Hello Timmy," Ophelia said, shaking his hand. "Can you please get me some....."

"Where is she going?!?" James said, frustrated that he didn't know.

After thanking Timmy, she put the items in her bag and slung them over her shoulder. She was running as fast as she could, it was 11:45, and that was enough to keep her going.

Reaching the courtyard, she stopped for a while, resting her palms on her knees and catching her breath. Panting she looked around, and like a dark shadow, made her way towards the Whomping Willow.
goddamn I rhymed again.. I swear it's not on purpose, it's just... happening lmao.

"Lumos," she whispered and walked up the tunnel, her wand providing light.

She was relieved to find a black dog curled on the floor, with a thin and weathered sheet under it. Taking one last look at the map, she folded it and muttered, "Mischief Managed".

"Silencio," she said jabbing her wand at the door. Now that no one would hear, she went towards Padfoot and smirked before executing her plan.

She looked at her watch and it was 11:59, perfect timing, thought Ophelia.

"Oh my word!" exclaimed Lily. "Is she going to-?"

"YES!" Regulus interrupted her with a huge smile, understanding what she was referring to.

Bracing herself, she yelled, "PADFOOT!" really loud.

The dog jumped straight up, eyes widening that made him look like a clown, and ears raised in alarm. He transformed to his human form and looked at Ophelia in dismay. She had her back turned to him, and was preparing something..?

"That isn't a method to wake people up Lia," he grumbled rubbing his eyes.

Just then Ophelia turned, facing him, her expression beaming and it was 12:00 when she sang,

"Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Sirius,
Happy Birthday to youuu!!!"

"WOHOOOO HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATE!!!!!!" celebrated James.

"Happy Birthday Siri," whispered Regulus.

"How did we not guess?" asked Dorcas who was jumping up and down in her seat.

Sirius. was. stunned.

There was Ophelia, singing Happy birthday to him and in her hand was a red velvet cake that had a small dog figure on top of it along with candles.

Sirius looked up at her, meeting the pair of eyes identical to his own. One had the candles' glowing reflection in them and was shining brightly, the other was glistening silver with emotion.

"Y- You remembered?" Sirius asked stuttering and blinking his eyes.

"Of course I did," Ophelia smiled softly. "Now make a wish and blow out the candles".

Sirius closed his eyes shut, only one thought present in his mind. He, Remus, Ophelia and Harry; living together happily. Making his wish, he blew the candles and cut his cake. His birthday cake after twelve years.

Ophelia clapped her hands grinning up at him, "Happy Birthday Dad," she whispered and Sirius' heart swelled after hearing that word, that small three letter word, strong enough to make him cry.

"Yes!!!!! She called him dad!!" Beamed Lily with a wide grin.

"Nooooo I'm fucking sobbing you gits," Marlene sniffed, holding a tissue against her face.

"These two!!" grumbled Dorcas, wiping her eyes.

"Thank you Ophelia," he whispered back. "Thank you so much, love," he said, eyes shining with fondness for his not-so-little girl.

"Here's my gift birthday boy," she said unpacking her bag and settling down all of the stuff.

He watched as she piled out food on a plate for him, there were small portions of literally everything. Cutting a piece of cake for both of them, they began to eat.

"I- merlin I don't even know what to say," Sirius said letting out a nervous laugh. "You did this all for me and I'm.... lost for words,"

She noticed him shivering as he was talking and from her bag, she took out a big Gryffindor sweater and gave it to him. He accepted it thankfully and after putting it on, he wrapped his arms around himself feeling warm and comfortable.

"I also got you a blanket," she added.

"You might as well make me a room in here," he chuckled.

"I don't want you catching a cold, you've still got Pettigrew," she said, unwrapping a chocolate bar and eating it.

He smiled and they were both sitting in silence until Ophelia questioned, "How old are you now?"

"Uhh 34".

"Damn you're old," she teased him with a mischievous smile.

"I'll have you know that my handsomeness always made me look younger than my actual age-" he cut himself off at Ophelia's raised eyebrow, "-Sure I'm not that good-looking now, but that day will come, soon I hope," he grimaced.

"What I want to know-" he said sitting up straight and looking at her. "-Is where did you get this?" he asked gesturing to the red and gold sweater he was wearing. "It looks too big to be your size".

"That's exactly what I wanted to know, thanks bro" said Regulus, narrowing his eyes.
I give up... I can naturally rhyme now..

Ophelia felt herself go red as she cleared her throat and said, "Yeah.. that isn't mine. It's....-" she put her face in her hands, feeling embarrassed under her Dad's smirking gaze.

"It's Fred's," she answered not looking at him.

"My ship is sailing!!!" Dorcas, Lily and Marlene squealed together.

"I don't ship her with anyone," grumbled Regulus and James nodded immediately.

"OoooOo is it? Who's Fred? Your boyfr-"

"No he's not my boyfriend!" Ophelia cut him off with a dangerous glare.

He held up his hands and said, "Calm down tiger! I was just curious".

"Shortly speaking... I don't have a boyfriend. Not yet at least," she responded.

"Seems like everybody's falling in loveeee except for me," sang Dorcas with a painfully dramatic expression on her face.

"Maybe I'll, maybe I'll find love when I'm twenty threeeee," Marlene finished with faux emotion.

"Good that you don't, no boyfriends or girlfriends till you're eighteen miss," he warned.

"We'll see about that," she smirked giving him a wink.

"I wanted to ask you!" Sirius exclaimed making Ophelia look at him questioningly. "The Quidditch match! You fell off your broom!"

"You've heard as well? I'm already embarrassed more than enough," Ophelia groaned. "Oh but I'm fine, no broken bones, no broken ribs, it was almost like falling on a bed".

Sirius nodded though he still looked really, and I mean really concerned that his baby-girl fell down about hundred feet.

"So that's crossed off my bucket list," she continued in a casual tone.

"What falling down a hundred feet?!?" He asked looking horrified.

"Exactly," Ophelia whispered solemnly.

"BAHAHAHA I LOVE HER," grinned James.

Sirius just stared at her, wide-eyed, sweet merlin she was even worse than Remus and him combined, he thought with terror.

Ophelia suddenly roared with laughter, and he looked at her strangely, one minute she's telling him that falling from the sky was her to-do thing, and now she's laughing.

"I- Merlin your face!" snorted Ophelia, holding on to her stomach and breathing heavily. "You didn't actually believe that bucket list thing did you?"

It was Sirius' turn to be heavily embarrassed, "Of course I did! Your face was looking so serious-"

"You mean my face was looking Sirius?" she cut him off smirking and he just groaned exasperatedly.

"HA! HAVE A TASTE OF YOUR OWN MEDICINE LUPIN-BLACK!" smirked Marlene and the others, who were all victims of Sirius' stupid jokes, nodded.

His reaction just made her laugh again, and Sirius looked up at her, eyes filled with every ounce of care, ecstatic that he had made her smile.

"How's fifth-year going on?" Sirius asked, getting flashbacks to his own days.

"Just one word, pathetic".

"That bad?"

"Yes! Teacher's are showing us no mercy at all, I mean we're humans not one of those Muggle machines," Ophelia grunted.

"Don't worry, you'll get through it," Sirius encouraged.

"Yeah hope so," Ophelia replied letting out a yawn.

They were once again sitting in calm silence and that was enough for her to fall asleep. Her head rolled sideways and lightly fell onto Sirius' shoulder. He looked at her to make sure she was asleep and smiled, a pure and genuine smile.

Looking at her face, he didn't fail to notice the eye bags; clear sign of not sleeping and exhaustion. And even though all he wanted was for her worries and stress to disappear, he knew it was expected as this was her O.W.L year. So he just let her rest, for a awhile a least.

It was undoubtedly Sirius' favorite day, and Ophelia, calling him 'Dad' again was the key point. He just hoped that he would be cleared soon, then she'll maybe call Remus 'Papa or Pa' someday too.

Checking the time on her watch, Sirius shifted slightly to face her and shook her very gently, "Hey Lia, c'mon love it's late," he whispered.

"It isn't easy to get her up," James said, looking at the duo with a fond smile.

After more shaking and whispering, Ophelia finally got up, rubbing her eyes.

"It's hard to wake you up eh?" smiled Sirius and she gave a sleepy nod as her reply.

Feeling more awake, she took out The Marauders Map, checking for any unwanted people. Sirius' heart leaped when he saw that artifact, his favorite item. And he was even more happy that it was his daughter that was now putting it to good use.

"See you then," she said turning to face him.

"Yeah, good luck for the next match, I'll be cheering you on," he said with pride.

"Stay safe okay? Don't get caught, bye Dad!" she waved at him.

"Will do, goodbye love," he responded, lips twitching up in a full and happy smile. .

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Hey y'all I'm back with another chapter, and this one has to be the cutest so far. The idea of her celebrating Sirius' birthday had been in my head for too long.
Please do interact, if you don't want to, it's fine no problem. So this one's the fourteenth chapter already!
As always, vote and comment, <33

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