I wake up in a unfamiliar place. I couldn't barely stand up. I looked down to see glass everywhere. My feet where barefooted and my hands where all bloody. Their was noting to special in the room I was in. It was just mainly empty and pitch black. Then I had heard foot steps coming towards me. I tried to get up again. But I had failed. "Keep going Mariah it fun seeing you struggle! " i know that voice. That voice is Rika I said. "That right !" what the heck do you want !? "To make you see everyone that you ever loved turn on you. And to make you take your last breath. " you bloody snake. " oh don't worry you won't need to see this snake ever again." she said with a grim smile. She then started walking towards me. She had her hands behind her back. When she got closer to me she showed me what she had behind her hands. She took out my sword and swung it to me.
I woke up almost jumping out of my bed.
I was holding my chest where I had got stabbed. I get up from from my bed. I decided to walk to ayato room. Hey ayato can we do something ?"Ok what do you want to do ?" I dont know... Eat. " Haha ok lets go."
We get up and walk towards the kitchen. Can you cook teroyaki for me ? Please and thank you. "Ok yours truly will make teroyaki for his little sister." he said.
After ayato had made some teroyaki . we both ate all of them. Thank you ayato-chan ! "No problem Mariah." ayato-sama this is really good ! " oh really !" he says " of course onii-chan makes the best teroyaki in the world !" he says so proudly. I smile at him forgetting everything. "Hey guys what are you guys doing ?" yui says. We where just cooking some breakfast. " I was the one cooking! " Hehe sorry I said. " hey guys do you want to play a game !?" um...sure why not. What kind of game anyways ?
"It called hide and seek." ok lets play we both say. We just have to get more people.
So we went out of the kitchen and looked for some people. Hey subaru do yoy want to play with us !? I said. "No sorry pumpkin I'm kind of busy." he says patting my head. Ok that ok. We look around to see laito and kanato. Hey guys do you want to play with us !? "Yeah sure " they both say. Ok where going to play hide and go seek.
We all had to chose who want to be it. Laito had volunteer to be the seeker first. Laito-kun you have to count to to 30 ok ? "Ok 1...2...." once he started counting we all where running out of the room. I was walking towards kanato room. I looked around the room to see if their anywhere to hide. I closed the door quietly. Then their was someone who grabbed my hands. Kya ! "Shhhh Mariah be quiet. " dont scare me like ayato. "Haha sorry. Come on lets go hide with me." he said pointing to all of his stuff animals. We go all the way in, at the bottom. We cover ourself in his teddy bears. Me and ayato practically hug each other. Because we are so close together. We stay as quite as we can. Then when we had heard laito say found you. We got scared for a second. but we had heard yui voice. So thank goodness where not it.
Then after a while we heard kanato voice. Guess he was found too. After a while we hear some footsteps by the door. When we heard the door open we where super scared. "Mariah....ayato....come out where ever you are." his voice sent chills to our spine. Then my phone rang. It wasn't on me it was on the bed. "Ohh Mariah phone !" my eyes are in shock. "Ohh who This... Oh its saeyoung!" my eyes turn dull with no emotions. I didn't want to remember what had happen yesterday.
I got up from up from my hiding space. Then I walked towards laito. I grabbed the phone then I threw my phone across the room. It had shattered in pieces. I dont want to play anymore I said and walked out of the room. I teleported to my secret place. I went over to my mirror. I had took a good look of myself in the mirror. I guess im just a traitor in everyone eyes. I had said to myself. I had looked in the mirror again. Then I looked at my sword. I didn't like this Mariah. I didn't want to look like this. I decided to change the old Mariah. I wanted a fresh new start. A new Mariah...
I had took my sword on the ground and pick it up. I grabbed all of my hair. Then I swung my sword to my hair. It cut like scissors with paper. My hair that used to be all the way to my back. It Is now by my shoulders . I grabbed some diy that was used for my wigs. That I had to do for some of my missions. I had grabbed my hair dye. Then I put it all over my red hair. Now my red hair is now fully black.
I go to wash the rest of the remaining due off of my hair.
I go back to my room and lay on my bed. I had put some of my music on and started drawing.
Then I heard a knock on my door. It was subaru " Mariah what happen to your hair !?" he said. I changed it why you don't like it ? "What no I like it." he said. "But why ?" because I wanted a new Mariah. "What happen with you guys playing hide and seek ?" I... Don't want to talk about it. After I said that I looked down. Sorry subaru Im a bit tired good night I said laying down. After a awhile I heard him close the door. Soon after I dozed off.
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