2- Love to be loved.
(Note: This is the most awkward I've felt writing anything jesus christ)
“Pass me that towel will you?”
Damon is sitting up in my cramped bed as I roll over and take a dirty towel from my floor that I pass to him. He wipes away the mess on his stomach and lies down across me. We’ve both had a rough couple of days and this was most definitely needed. He presses a soft kiss to the side of my head and I relish in the feeling of warmth and comfortability.
“How did your exam go?” I ask him as I push my face into the crook of his neck. He giggles and his fingers tangle in the hair on the back of my head. I need to get it cut but I would hate to take away Damon’s ability to pull on it. He drives me crazy when he does things like that.
“I failed it. I know I did.” He chuckles as he plays with the loose threads on the thin blanket that covers our bottom halves. I’m cold but I don’t say anything. Damon has enough warmth for us to share. He’s a very sunshiny person and can usually brighten up anyone's day. I get up and steal a cigarette from the half empty pack in the back pocket of his jeans that are lying haphazardly on my cluttered floor.
Laying back down, I light it and take a drag before passing it to Damon. He happily takes it and we share until there's nothing left between our fingers but burning filter. I stub it out in the ashtray beside my bed.
“I have to work tomorrow.” I breathe and stare up at the popcorn ceiling above me and try to focus on how ugly it is. Who in their right mind thought popcorn ceilings were a good idea? It looks like someone painted rocks into the ceiling. I also just recently found out that the paint they used to use contains asbestos, so Dave, Damon and I are probably all going to die premature deaths.
"What do you mean? I thought you worked your shift yesterday.” I’m brought out of my thoughts on the design flaws of the house as I turn to see Damon’s wide, almost childlike eyes stare back at me with a hint of concern lying deep inside his irises. He’s always worried about me staying in my line of work, but I can’t make a full on career change right now. This is just about the only thing I’m any good at which is sad to say but it’s true.
“I mean, Jarvis offered me extra.” I tell him, but his expression stays put. I thought that was enough of an explanation. It would have been for me. “It’s at a drug dealer’s house. The pay is going to be amazing.” I hope he understands. Damon and I have a very complicated friendship that lies on sex and genuine care for the other. We’ve talked about the idea of getting into a relationship, but it’s never been like that for us and I don’t want it to be. I’m fine right here where I am, tucked under his arm and sharing cigarettes as the smell of sex clings to our skin.
"I know that the money won’t disappoint, but is this the safest job you’ve taken?” His question sends a shiver up my spine. When Damon thinks something isn’t safe, it’s usually life threatening. He’s been in enough dangerous situations to know when to sit certain activities out. I on the other hand, do not. But we both know this job is unsafe so I don’t know why he had to point out the obvious and worry me once again.
“Let’s go shower. We both stink.” I point out as an attempt to change the subject. I can tell that Damon notices, but he just sighs and smiles.
“Yeah. You’re probably right.” He chuckles as he sits up and yawns. He stretches his limbs to wake himself up further, but his eyes immediately droop back to their sleepy state. He looks exhausted. I wonder how much sleep he’s been getting lately.
We shower together and tell ourselves it’s to save water. We both know that it’s not the only reason we’re showering together when I’m on my knees in front of him though. He’s moaning out obscenities as I swallow him down to the best of my abilities as he tugs harshly on my hair. I moan onto him as he hits the back of my throat and his fingers tighten. Water beats down on my back as he cums for the second time today. I’d never trade this in for the world.
“Was I good?” I ask as I ignore my reddened knees and wipe away at my mouth. Damon snakes his arms around my waist and kissed at my neck lovingly. I giggle and blush as his featherlight playful kisses turn to sucking and biting. A content sigh slips past my lips as he smiles against my neck.
“You always are.” He responds before lathering my body in his strawberry scented soap. He stops at my ribs and tickles me. I laugh and attempt to push him away but he’s relentless. He waits until I’m subtly gasping for air. He shoots me a cheeky grin as he shampoos his own hair.
“You’re a prick, you know that? That’s no way to treat someone who just gave you a blowjob.” I pout and he rolls his eyes before pressing his lips onto mine. He tastes like cigarettes and coffee. It’s quite intoxicating. His tongue runs along mine and I let out a content sight into his lips. He grips at my ass harshly and I yelp out in surprise, but
it gives him better access to my mouth. I love having time off at the same time as Damon, We always get up to plenty of fun together.
Soon after he deepens the kiss, he abruptly stops and shoots me a teasing smile. “You can’t do that!” I whine, but he just ignores me and continues to wash his body. Fucking tease. I sluggishly wash my hair and kiss the side of his head before stepping out of the shower and drying off. I take a long look in the foggy mirror and admire my own features. I may seem quite vain, but I just see it as self love. That might just be what I keep telling myself though.
I only pull on a pair of boxers before I fall back on my unmade bed. It smells like sweat and Damon’s cologne. Lying back down on the dirty sheets kind of defeats the purpose of taking a shower, but I don’t have the energy to care at this point. Damon appears in the door with a towel loosely hanging from his hips and another one in his hands being used dry his hair. I roll my eyes. What a waste of a towel.
“D’you fancy going out to the bar with Jamie and I?” He asks as I sit up and wrap my duvet around my body and play with one of the cigarette burn holes in it. When did I become so careless with my possessions?
“I guess.” I shrug. I don’t really want to third wheel tonight, but the only other plans I have for tonight is finishing my homework and jerking off. Jamie always has the best weed as well so at least I get rewarded in this situation. “Which bar though?”
“That really sleazy one next to that old laundromat.” He persuades me further. I’m always a sucker for dirty parties. The ones where you fear stepping on needles and contracting diseases just from having exposed skin are always the best places to meet interesting people because everyone is different, but you’re all there for one reason. To have a good time.
“What time are we leaving?” I smirk.
I know that I’ve made the right choice as Damon, Jamie and I stumble into the loud bar. People are yelling back and forth at each other. They might be fighting or they might just be trying to hear one another over the loud chatter, but it doesn’t matter because it doesn’t concern us.
We’re drunk from pregaming at Jamie’s apartment and we claim that we did it so we wouldn’t spend too much money on alcohol here, but even I know that we’re going to spend just as much and just be even more drunk than we had originally planned. It’s really quite obvious that the three of us aren’t the smartest, but we’re young and want to have fun before we decide to settle down with women who want to change our self destructive ways and give us children. I want no part in a life like that.
I take a seat beside an older hooker who is telling random people about her days when she was the talk of the town between rich business men. When she was considered an escort. The bartender smirks to himself to contain his laughs and I relax and order myself a drink. This place is filled with the scum of the earth and I’m right in the middle of it. I belong here just as much as the next guy.
Jamie and Damon have disappeared into the bathroom to snort cocaine off each other or something of the sort as I down drink after drink. This is definitely better than finishing my chem homework. I don’t even let it enter my mind anymore as a boy who got in with a fake I.D. challenges me to see who can drink more. I smirk at him and accept as the bartender claims that the shots will be free because he wants to see who wins. Man, that guy is a terrible person. I like him.
As soon as the shots are placed down. We’re tipping them back into our throats. I of course win by a longshot and the boy stumbles off to find somewhere to pass out. People cheer me on and buy me drinks after that and I happily accept them all. Jamie and Damon walk out of the bathroom rubbing at their noses. I knew it.
“Have you got any money on you? There’s a guy selling acid in the bathrooms and it’d be a shame if you missed out.” Damon pouts as he falls into my lap and Jamie giggles. They shouldn't be doubling up on two hard drugs, but who am I to tell them to do otherwise? I run my fingers through his hair and beckon Jamie to sit down. He does.
“I think I have twenty pounds on me.” I shrug as I sip at my vodka. I don't even order it with juice to mask the taste anymore. I've gotten used to the burning drink years ago and now I'm able to gulp it down as if it's comparable to water. Acid doesn’t sound like too bad of an idea right now if I’m being honest though.
“That’s enough for a tab. I don’t know if it was laced, but I’m tripping balls right now.” Jamie’s pupils are dilated and so are Damon’s. Damon is staring off at a wall and I almost want to take some acid myself, but I know I have to be good enough to watch these idiots. They’re hopeless without me making sure they don’t die.
“Let’s go back to your apartment Jamie.” I say and it’s more of a lighthearted demand than a proposition. I don’t want to go home and neither do they, but it’s safer if we do. Jamie nods and Damon continues to stare at the wall. I use the payphone outside to call us a cab and make sure to stop by the bathroom before it gets here. All of us can be high if we’re in a safe place.
I slip the tab under my tongue as I sit beside Damon in the back of the cab. Jamie leans his head on the window and places a hand in Damon’s lap. The driver shoots us a glare from the mirror, but he ignores it and lazily begins to rub circles into his crotch.
Damon’s eyes flutter closed and his mouth falls open as a small sound bubbles up his throat. The drugs are beginning to take effect on me. My lips find his neck and I suck, bite and lick at the sensitive skin just under his jaw. I make sure to leave colourful marks wherever my lips found. The cab stops and so do we. The three of us stumble into the apartment building and as soon as we’re behind the safety of Jamie’s door, we’re all over each other.
I don’t know where my limbs end and their’s begin by the time we slip into his bed. Damon’s hands are running up and down my body and Jamie is working on pulling off Damon’s clothes. My body feels as if it’s on fire and my skin is sensitive to every touch they offer and I curve into any and I can come in contact with.
Moans and grunts fill the silence and we become increasingly more naked as time passes on. My hand dips into Jamie’s boxers and Damon presses wet kisses against my shoulder blades. This is hardly how I envisioned my night going when I had agreed to go out. It’s so much better than I expected.
Jamie sighs into my mouth as Damon needily tries to receive our attention. I give it to him. None of us are in a rush to get off because just seductive touches alone are pleasurable enough for now. I still pull Damon’s boxers around his thighs and take him onto my tongue before hollowing my cheeks and sliding my head down as far as I possibly can. He curses a few times as his hand finds the back of my head and he pushes me down further. I choke on him and gag. My eyes water as I struggle for air but he doesn’t stop pushing down. It starts to make me laugh as different colours swirl across my vision. He finally lets go and I gasp through laughs as I let myself catch my breath. I’m terrified to go back down, but I can’t get enough of him. Jamie distracts him by nipping at his neck.
Swallowing him down once again, Damon now lets out a stoic grunt instead of suffocating me and I smile around him as I work him up to his orgasm. He sounds absolutely heavenly above me as Jamie plays with his hair and bites over the hickeys I had left earlier and I don’t even care enough to get jealous over it because I have the best parts of Damon all to myself.
His cums for the third time today and I give myself a moment to realize how lucky I am to be here right now with two beautiful men who want me and are willing to let me pleasure them like I was made for it. I can’t even wipe the smile off my face as Damon pulls me into a passionate kiss, telling me he can taste himself on me. I like that.
The night carries on after that and Jamie and I both get our turns to chase after well deserved orgasms and we end up leaning back on each other, extremely exhausted. We bask in the feeling of being lusted after even if it was by each other, it’s nice to feel admired by the people you care about.
2623 words.
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