Chapter five

"Snitches get stitches"

Hunter's P.O.V

I was such a dick for bringing up Jason, why did I even do that. It just slipped out of my mouth like I was saying something sweet to Noah, I'm an actual dick sometimes. I mean I know she hates whenever anyone brings him up.

I mean I would hate it too with what he did to her. I could feel my blood booing at the thought of him so why did I think it was funny to joke around about it. My hands found their way into my hair pulling tightly as I sat up on the bed.

We all had our own guest rooms; Ryder and Elliot, Abigail and Jessica, Adam and Catiy, I was in Noah's room which is where I stayed when I came here. I loved coming here since I got to be away from my own place that I call home.

Smaller hands found their way onto my own and pulled them away from my hair, then onto soft thighs, as I felt a weight on my lap. My thumbs started to rub the soft skin as I immediately knew who it was.

Noah's hands made their way into my hair to message my head, knowing that helped calm me down quite a bit,"You know she's not going to hold it against you, she'll forgive you and you'll move one."

His voice was always soft as he whispered pure words to making me give him a light smile,"I really hope she forgives me, I didn't mean to bring him up, it just kinda happened," I tried to explain.

Jason was someone who we all hated with a passion, he was Jessica's first and only boyfriend. Jason Malachi was an evil person who hid behind a smiling mask. His big blue eyes that sparkled whenever you talked with him.

His golden hair that all the girls loved, it was long but didn't go past his shoulders and flowed in the wind like leaves in fall. He talked so politely and acted so mature, it was like he didn't have a single flaw.

Everyone loved him until his true colours sprouted free. The insults, bad comments, pressuring Jessica to do things she didn't want, luckily she said something before he could do something we most feared.

Sometimes he even slapped her and he pushed her down the stairs once when he got so angry. Thank god it only lasted for three months but it was enough to have an effect on Jessica.

I'm happy she found someone like Abigail who treats her right, and I would know never hurt her. The relationship she had with Jason was in freshman year, then right after she got together with Abigail realizing she never really liked him.

That was when she knew she was a lesbian, I kind of knew from the start but I would've never said anything since that was hers to tell, some of us didn't get that luxury.

"Do you have to go home early?" Noah's soft voice broke me out of my thoughts making me nod.

"Unfortunately yeah, Scott and Kayla want us home before one, apparently they have a surprise for us which I'm not happy about," I groaned leaning my head into his neck, then started to kiss it.

"Don't worry once you turn Eighteen you can move out and come live with me, while Jessica lives with Abigail," he said tugging my hair gently as he bite his lip.

I smirked putting my thumb on his lip and pulling it awake from his teeth,"I don't recommend you doing that unless you're prepared," I whispered huskily into his ear, bitting hit.

I heard a moan leave his mouth making me kiss down his neck. I was quick to pull a off his shirt after getting a nod from him. I pulled him into a rough kiss, as he gripped my shoulders kissing back.

I felt him start to lightly grind his covered member on mine, which only mad a small problem arise in his pants. I chuckled soon enough both of our shirts and pants were gone, all we had was our boxers left.

I felt him kiss my neck then down my chest,"I think I should be the one Pleasuring you right now," he spoke moving down as our night was fillies with loads of fun.

The next morning the awoke with Noah sleeping on my chest, his little snores making me smile. I started to rub his lower back, knowing it would carefully wake him up but also help with his pain.

I kissed his head and waited the next 10 minutes for him to wake up. I had grabbed my phone and was scrolling through Instagram when he woke; it now being nine in the morning.

"Morning sleeping beauty, how are you feeling?" I asked when I noticed his eyes flutter open making him look up at me.
I smiled brushing some hair out of his face, rubbing a little harder then before.

"Morning, just as sore as usual," he repeated that same sentence each time I asked after we had sex. I nodded at him, slowly sitting up straight with him on my lap.

"Let's hope I'm the shower and get clean the we can go downstairs and make breakfast for everyone," I suggest raising my eyebrows at him making him nod.

I picked him up, letting his legs wrap around my waist so that I could walk to the bathroom. We ended up taking a bit long in the shower since our cleaning duties had been long forgotten.

After our time of se-I mean shower we went downstairs with the others, me giving Noah a piggy back ride down the stairs.

"Morning!" A cheery as always voice spun through the room to my ears, indicating the it was Elliot.

"Morning Shorty!" I teased making him pout with his arms crossed and lip puffed out as he spun on his heel to stare at Ryder.

"Ryyy~! Hunter is being mean to me again!" He whined like he was a little kid but I went over and slapped his head.

"Snitches get stitches," I snickered as he grabbed a wooden spoon defensively, holding it like a sword to me.

"And dickwads get whacked with a wooden spoon!" Before he could try and hit me he was thrown over Ryder's shoulder but I heard a gasp come from him.

That gasp sounded painful, could it be maybe he hit a bruise that Kirk made. I was fuming about the idea that Kirk was hurting Elliot. I mean we didn't know for sure but I had something like this in mind.

The way he acts and dresses,plus the way he speaks sometimes, I knew something was going on but I couldn't piece it together. I had been thinking about it a lot recently and now with what Ryder and Adam said I knew I was right.

"You okay?" All eyes were on Elliot when Ryder asked the question, as he put him down.

"Yep! Your shoulders are kinda boney though, maybe get those fixed," he giggled making Ryder groaned.

"Damn you don't need to point it out like that, let's just eat some breakfast," he said as everyone grabbed some pancakes that Catiy had made, being the chef in the group.

"Oh, Hunter did mom text you we need to be home before twelve," Jessica said making me sigh, why she still thinks of them as our parents is beyond me.

"Yeah I did, and also I'm sorry about yesterday, I didn't meant what I said, all forgiven?" I asked holding out my pinkie finger as she nodded wrapping her pinky around mine.

"All forgiven."

Only a couple hours later me and Jessica were driving home, ready for whatever they had in-store for us.

"We're home!" I called slamming the door shut as we walked in, I immediately heard the clicking sound of  my mother's heels against the wooden floors making me more irritated then before.

"Why did we have to be home?" I asked getting straight to the point.

"We're having company over, two people from my work, they're higher ups so I expect you two will be on your best behaviour. Jessica you make dinner, I want something fancy but easy to make, Hunter I need you to set the table in a very clean way outside since that's where we'll be eating, you guys are to stay quiet and let us do the talking," her tone was bitter and full of disgust.

Me and Jessica were off to do exactly what we were told, then we not went and got dressed to look more presentable.

About a week passed and I was walking to my locker on a Friday for school. I hated school for the learning part but getting to see my sweet boyfriend and friends made it all worth it.

I was wearing light brown jeans, a white red and blue three stripped long sleeve shirt, dark brown mountain boots and a white, blue and black stripped flannel wrapped around my waist.

My blonde hair was being a brat today and not staying where I put it so I gave up on it. I pushed my glasses but that were falling, they had a black frame and were slightly squared.

I had a couple piercings and a single tattoo of paw print, that's for my dog chandler who passed away two years ago. He was the sweetest little light brown fluff ball,a cock-a-poo, or cocker spaniel and a poodle mix.

I saw my Noah clinging onto Abigails back so I went over and lifted him up then set him on my back,"Hows it going Babe?" I winked causing him to groan and turn to Abigail.

"Abby, Saveee Mee!" He whined but she just started to kiss Jessica's neck instead.

"Could you not do that while I'm here," I groaned not wanting to see my sister making out in front of me, but all Abigail did was pull Jessica into a make out session that I turned away from.

"Okay okay, stop torturing Hunter we all know he's sensitive," Caity said making them all laugh but myself and Elliot. I noticed that he hadn't said Hi yet this morning like everyone else.

I was about to ask if he was okay but Ryder glared at me shaking his head. Elliot was standing with his head in Ryder's chest, while Ryder was hugging him.

"Lilian's birthday is coming up remember," Noah then whispered in my ear making me sigh, I totally forgot about that.

"How about we all go to a party after school today, the soccer team is hosting an open party for all grades since they won the state championships," Adam suggested making us all nod.

"I think that's a good idea!" Jessica said, which we agreed to, then the bell rang and we all went to our classes,"Oh right, this morning mom told me that uncle Eric is coming to dinner tomorrow night."

Fuck, I hated him, well really I hated most of my family aside from a few cousins and Jessica. You could say that our family weren't the nicest, me and Jessica have very high grades cause they expect great things from us.

Our parents parents ignore us until they need us, like making sure our grades are high, or when family come over. They run a large business and expect me to take over along with Jessica.

I want to become a doctor not run a business it sounds awful to me. Jessica wants to be a detective and loves to watch crime videos all the time.

I hate my parents since they don't care about us, We try to spend our time with our friends but our parents need us home a lot. I almost say no sometimes but then Jessica begs me not to make them mad, since we're still underage and have to live with them.

I sighed and nodded at Jessica before going to my class with Noah. After school we all met up at Ryder's house. He had clothes that us guys could use and Abigail kept clothes for the girls there.

"Girls you only have an hour, no longer no shorter then we're leaving, with or without you," Ryder warned making them bolt upstairs to get ready. Ryder threw me and Noah some clothes so we went and quickly got changed.



I went to sit on the couch with Noah on lap, as we watched some random cartoon that was on tv.

"Love, would you like to get changed?" I turned my head when I heard Ryder talking to Elliot, who shook his head,"Alright, I'll be right back I'm just going to change."

Ryder got up leaving Elliot curled in a ball on the couch, I noticed he had tear stains on his cheeks but I decided not to say anything. After a bit Ryder came back and Adam did as well already changed.




After about fifty-five minutes the three girls came down looking pretty nice but I looked at Jessica's outfit,"You're not wearing that!" I exclaimed but Abigail smirked.




"No guys gonna look at her cause I'll be all over her," she kissed Jessica's neck who giggled at me.

"Let's just go!" I huffed making them all laugh and go to the cars.

Me, Noah, Ryder and Elliot were in one, then Abigail, Jessica, Adam and Caity were in the other car. Soon enough we made it to a large house with loud music, teens making out on the grass.

"Guys don't do anything stupid and try not to separate," Adam reminded us being the mom of the group when we were all outside the cars.

"Yes mom," Ryder, Abigail and Jessica replied making me snort, along with Caity.

"Fucking assholes," he muttered dragging Caity away. I grabbed Noah's hand and dragged him inside straight to the drinks; which he started to look through.

"They don't have anything good here," he muttered grabbing a bud light and handing it to me knowing it's one of my favourite beers.

"Just pick one or share with me," I said making him sigh and grab a bud light as well. We were talking for a bit before I said I would be right back and went to the washroom.

I was only gone for five minutes but when I came back Noah wasn't where I left him making me panic. I looked around before going into the next room and my anger rose extremely quickly.

I went over to the guy that was pinning Noah to the wall, with his hands on Noah's member through his pants and grabbed his shoulder pushing him away.

Noah was quick to grab the back of my shirt pressing himself to my back, where I felt tears soak my shirt. I looked at the guy, who was glaring at me,"Get the fuck out of my sight before I murder your drunk ass."

He was quick to run away and I turned lifting Noah up into my arms, having his legs wrap around my waist,"Hunter," he whimpered putting his head in my neck.

"We're going to the car, it's okay now I've got you," I whispered into his ear making him nod and snuggle further into my neck. We got to Ryder's car quickly where I called him.

"What's up?" He asked as I didn't hear very much music so I figured he would be somewhere quiet for Elliot.

"Round everyone up, we're leaving, Noah was just harassed by some drunk asshole," I said through gritted teeth.

"Alright, we'll be there soon," the line went dead as I leaned against the car with Noah still in my arms.

"Noah, please don't cry, it's alright, okay I'm right here, you're safe and no ones gonna touch you again," I kissed his head rubbing his back gently.

"It-it hurts.." he muttered and I knew exactly what he was talking about, I gently put my hand on his member through his pants and didn't move my hand.

"You know that this is mine and yours, mo ones else's, did he touch you quite hard?" I asked softly making him nod.

"He squeezed really hard and pushed on it," I kissed his head again.

"Do you want to ice it when we go back to Ryder's?" I asked making him nod as I saw the others coming out from behind us. Abigail was quick go run and put her hand on Noah's shoulder as Elliot put his hand on Noah's back.

"Are you okay?" He asked making Noah nod.

"I'll be okay, I just want to go back and sleep," Abigail kissed his head.

"Let's get back, we can go out for breakfast tomorrow," we all nodded and got into the cars. Once at Ryder's house I grabbed an ice pack and we said goodnight to the others then went straight to bed.

It's finally out, Yay!

Bye bye kiddos

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