Best friends are the only one who knows all your secrets


A/n pov:

Both Anna's mother and Adora were talking when she asked

Adora- where Is han oppa??

Mom- ooh!! he is at his room... anyways go change and get fresh and meet him ohk?

she said while passing a light smile

Adora -okk aunt

she said while kissing her cheek

Few moments later:

Adora came changed and also met Han... She went near Anna's mother who was making something in kitchen

Adora: so aunt how is everything going?

Mom :fine I am really happy that anna is back and you too now she'll not feel desolated now

Adora: yes aunt im here to help you....

Mom: ooh see here comes your uncle

Adora- hello uncle how are you

she said while getting up and giving a bow to him

Anna's dad- Omo Adora you grown up.. anyways I'm fine , what about you? are you feeling comfortable here?

he said while settling on his seat

Adora: I really feel very happy after so many months as I'm back to Korea.

Anna's dad: now this time enjoy don't do like what you did last time although you came like wind and went like a storm

he said while chuckling lightly making all three laugh together

At evening,
Adora pov:

Here I was waiting for my bitch I mean anna but she is nowhere seen no calls so I thought to go to aunt and help her in making dinner.

Adora-Aunt when Will Anna come its 8 o'clock ??

Anna's mom- ooh I forgot to mention that she'll be late today as tomorrow is Sunday....

Adora I sighed and went back to my room

End of Adora pov

After dinner:
Anna pov:

Its was really late I swiped to check the time I swiped my phone and saw

I sighed in frustration oh no Gosh I totally forgot about her . She might kept waiting for me.... I drove straight to my house

Half an hour later:

It was 11 o'clock ... I am really late today today's day was really stressful and challenging. I'm hungry.... I went straight to change myself it was pin drop silence no sound except my mom was there at the kitchen...

Mom:Anna go change let me serve you food

Anna- yes mom by the way where is Adora??

Mom: ooh she is sleeping on.. she kept waiting for you till 10 as it was late so,i asked her to sleep... have your dinner keep the plates and then have some sleep you aren't paying attention to your health

Anna: yes mom..

Next Morning:

I was awake but still my eye lids were closed and I was on the bed I jolted when I felt a hand on my waist I was startled

Anna: aah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I screamed white keeping my eyes close ..

End of Anna pov

?? JESUS !!!what happened is there a ghost or what??

Anna: ooh Adora you scared me! please don't to this again and- wait why and how are you here in my room ??you are supposed to be in your room this time..

She said while knitting her brows

Adora: ooh well I was scared to sleep alone...So.... I came here at midnight

Anna: ooh you could have waked me up

Adora: whatever: now get up its 7 in the morning

Anna: what!!!!! I AM LATE

she said while almost yelling at her brain cells

Adora: oh god damn pull yourself together its Sunday bae!!
Anna: ooh wait yes..

she sighed in relief

Adora: so whatch ya plans for today?

Anna: Perhaps a day out

Adora: yeah I'm really excited for today so get ready-

Anna: yes now go and have a bath first you smell like a pig you know

she said while lightly slapping forehead with her palm

Adora: oohk

At breakfast:

Good morning said both of them

Han: so finally two pigs are awake..

Anna: what's for the breakfast
She asked completely ignoring Han

Mom: today is oatmeal and your favorite buns with stir fried eggs

Anna: My favorite!! I know-

Mom: who said it's for you? This is all for Adora

Anna: no way..this is cheating

Everyone Started laughing except Anna who was cutely pouting..

Few moments later:

Anna: ohk mum we are done
Anna's mom: wow you both are looking awesome.

Anna's outfit:

Adora's outfit:

( Hope you liked it ishu baby 💕 )

We are going to have a day out and also buy some dresses for us..

And with that both the ladies left for shopping


To be continued...

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