

*buzz buzz*


Hello Lovely, I'm waiting near the entrance.

I'll see you soon, Please drive safe. :)

I smiled as I read my last message just before I pulled out of my driveway. Work ran long today since we had some technical difficulties getting my brother on the conference call. I had to come home and change out of my work clothes before heading out.

Devin was really a very sweet guy, and he admitted that he was new to this kink realm but I didn't mind. You could tell his heart was in the right place and that's what mattered most to me.

Broc and I have had a lot of fun getting to know each other via text. He's a Gif master and seems to have the perfect Gif for every situation. He's also already finished the Fairy Tail series so he thoroughly enjoyed my random texts at 11pm last night while I watching TV. I was tipsy and very offended that they killed off one of my favorite characters. Literally wanted to cry. I ended up turning off the TV and heading to bed while Broc swore up and down everything was going to be OK.

*Buzz Buzz*


Have fun at the botanical gardens today darling.

That place is really nice. :)

I'm sure you'll have a blast.

I rolled my eyes. I would have more fun if it was with you Broc. The thought crossed my mind before I could stop it. I stiffened at my own words. I didn't want my mind on someone else while I was with Devin. That's not fair.

*Buzz Buzz*


Have fun with Devin! Call me later! I need all the details!!

:) :) :) :)

I giggled as I pulled up to the gardens. It was so beautiful here. I really loved walking around the giant gardens and looking at all the pretty flowers and plants. I drove by the entrance and saw Devin standing there. He looked so cute with his band t-shirt, his short dark hair combed to the side, and his tight jeans. I had to park on the other side of the parking lot since the place was pretty crowded.

I text Devin that I was here and started making my way to the entrance of the gardens. I wasn't really nervous, but I was excited to spend some time outdoors after a crazy busy work week.


After finding a picnic spot tucked behind the rose garden, we finally sat down and opened the food I brought. Devin's eyes grew wide when he saw what I brought. I giggled as he looked down as his plate.

"Whoa Summer, this looks amazing. I feel I should have brought more expensive wine."

Laughing I said, "What?! No way. You're good. I just threw this together." I smiled inward, I loved when people liked my food.

"This looks like something you would order at a restaurant." He shook his head, "you never cease to amaze me Summer."

I blushed at his words. He was always so sweet. A girl could get used to this.

We spent the next hour talking about ourselves. Devin is an only child, he's 28 years old. He manages a small cafe downtown. He doesn't talk much to his family, but sees his mother and father a few times a year. They live in France now that they're retired. He lives alone, and besides the occasional playtime he's had with a few different subs, he's never been in a relationship with a sub before. He's new to the area, moved here about 4 months ago and is still learning the area. I promised I would show him some other neat spots around town. I was so grateful for his honesty. All in all he seemed like a nice guy.

After our picnic, slowly walking hand and hand back towards the front of the gardens, I felt a ping of dread. Although he hadn't done anything to make me feel uncomfortable, I still felt "off". Pushing the feelings aside, I decided to avoid the kiss. I went in for the nice friendly hug and started walking towards my car.

I saw him hop in his car on the other end of the parking lot, just as I was about to reach my car.

"Excuse me, Summer?" I turned around to find a tall thin woman. She was wearing skin tight jeans and a bright pink crop top. She looked like a model with how tall and thing she was. She had the prettiest long blond hair, it was braided and fell down one side of her shoulder. She had a small smile on her face and she seemed harmless.

"Yes? I'm sorry, have we met before?" I meet a lot of people through my job, it's possible we've met before.

"Well, not exactly, I, um, sort of know who you are." I narrowed my eyes at her and crossed my arms. I was starting to feel uncomfortable.

"Sorry, Let me start over. Hi! My name is Brenda." She stuck out her hand and I carefully shook it. I wasn't too sure about this, but she also didn't look like she wanted to hurt me.

"OK, Hi Brenda, what's this about?" I asked crossing my arms across my body again.

"So, I was just here with a group of friends, I saw you with Devin. I didn't want to interrupt..." She got quiet for a moment. "I'm one of Broc's Playmates. Figured I would introduce myself..." Her smile went wide across her face. I felt my cheeks heat up. ONE OF BROC'S PLAYMATES. Figures. I plastered a normal smile on my face, fake it till you make it right?

"That's cool. Nice to meet you. I should probably go though..." I started to open my door when she placed a hand on my arm.

"Broc talks a lot about you, so you thinking about joining us soon?" She licked her lips and wiggled her eyebrows.

No. Just. No.

"No. That's not my scene." I said this as emotionless as possible. I quickly got in my car, rolling down my window.

"Nice to meet you Brenda!" I waved as I began to pull out.

"I hope you still consider it!" I heard Brenda yell as I pushed on the gas. I couldn't get out of there fast enough.


I walked into my house, quickly slung my bag over one of the barstools, and grabbed a cider from the fridge and headed to my bedroom, tossing my phone on my reading chair before flinging myself on to my bed.

I wasn't ready to text Brit yet. I downed half of my cider before sitting up in my bed and turning on the TV that hung on my wall above my dresser. I clicked on crunchy roll and started searching through the latest anime show updates and tried to decide what I wanted to watch. Nothing looked fun to watch right now.

*Buzz Buzz*

I looked over at my phone lighting up on the chair next to my closet. Ugh.

I sat back in my bed thinking about what this girl Brenda said. I really have no place to be upset right now. Broc never mentioned anything about us going out, or even dating. Sure we flirted around the topic, but nothing more than that. Maybe I should just text him. Let him know I'm not into the multiple partner life, and we can just be friends. Right?

*Buzz Buzz*

*Buzz Buzz*

Shoot! I should at least text Devin and let him know I got home OK.

I pick up my phone, 1 text from Brit, 1 text from Devin, and 1 from Broc. I ignored the message from Broc. Time to put up some boundaries I think.


Hey GIRL! Tell me everything! I know you're home...


OK, creeper. I'll call you in a bit.

I forgot I gave Brittany access to see me on find friends whenever I go out on dates, you know, to be safe. She enjoys spying on me though. One day I'll going to stop sharing my location and she's going to freak out. I chuckled at the thought of her calling me over and over freaking out because she can't see my little flashing light on the screen.


Hey lovely, I hope you made it home safe :)

I had a lot of fun with you today.


I made it home safe! :)

I had fun too :)

Devin is so sweet. I like that he calls me "Lovely". I smiled thinking about our little date today. It was a lot of fun. I loved sitting behind the rose bushes so we could smell the fresh roses while we ate and drank wine. He's pretty funny, seems to really enjoy his job and his friends. I probably spent more time than I should have talking about this article I read describing the new technology scientist are using to train soldiers using VR, But I found it so interesting.

*buzz buzz*


I saw his name flash on my phone again, too curious to know what it was he sent me. Probably some sort of super hilarious Gif that's My Hero Academia related since a new episode comes out tonight. I sighed and ignored it again. This seems like a good time to call Brit.

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