TW: Domestic violence, Strong language.


It was recently revealed to the members that Jin had a girlfriend. They were the first to know and promised not to tell anyone. The first thing the members asked was how they met and how long they'd been a couple. Jin revealed that they met through online video game streaming and she lived not too far. They had been texting and hadn't actually even met in person yet, but Jin liked her so much he asked her out before someone else could.

"You asked her out over the video game?" Taehyung asked, trying to hide his laugh. Jin admitted that's what happened.

"You're so romantic," Hobi giggled.

Jin couldn't help but laugh with embarassment, but he expected the members to tease him about it. They had more questions like why he liked her, if he knew what she even looked like (to which he said they had video chatted a few times), her name, how old she was.

"Her name is Nari, and she's my age."

"Aww man, does that mean we're going to have to listen to her too?" Jungkook joked.

"It's not like any of you listen to me! So what difference does it make?!"

All of the members continued to joke and tease their oldest hyung, but deep down they were all really happy for him. As long as he was happy, that's what mattered to them.

It wasn't long before Jin asked Nari to come over to the house and have dinner with them. He begged his members not to embarrass him and they promised they wouldn't. Nobody went out of their way to embarrass him, but simply acting like themselves seemed to stir up some judgment from Nari.

Between the maknae's running around the house playing, Namjoon breaking at least three different cups, Yoongi complaining about the maknae's, and Hobi laughing a lot, Nari was annoyed.

She kept her mouth shut about it while over and didn't stay long. After leaving, Hobi said he thinks dinner went well and she seemed nice. "A little quiet though. But she's really pretty! What a score, hyung!" Hobi started clapping and Jin felt his cheeks turn red. He also felt like dinner went well. The members said they were glad to meet her and reiterated that they were happy for him. It wasn't until later into the night when she texted him.

Nari: Are they always like that?

Jin: Who?

Nari: All of them...

Jin: Well, I think everyone was excited to meet you that's all..

Nari: You did nothing to calm anyone down. It was overwhelming and chaotic. And honestly the food you made wasn't that good either I just didn't want to say anything in front of them.

Jin felt his heart sink and he didn't know how to reply. He was upset that she didn't hit it off well with his dongsaengs, and upset that she didn't actually like the food he had cooked. It was still such a new relationship and he felt terrible, so not wanting to fight with her he immediately apologized.

Jin: I'm sorry. Please don't be mad at me. I swear they won't be like that again and I will cook something else from now on.

Nari: I'm going to bed.

Jin: I'm sorry..

After getting no reply, Jin put his phone down and cried himself to sleep. He couldn't help but also feel a little bit angry at the others for acting in a way that annoyed Nari. So the next morning he told them what she said.

Namjoon was the first to come to everyone's defense. "We didn't act any differently than we usually do. So I don't know what her problem is. Also your cooking was delicious so I think she might be a bit delusional."

"Hey! You can't say that!" Jin yelled. "Next time she's here can you all act a little bit more calm? Please?"

"We can try," Jungkook replied.

Nari started coming around more often and the members tried hard, at first, to act more casual, but the more she was over the more they started to act like their normal selves when at home. Nari kept scolding Jin, telling him to handle them but he didn't know what to do. He didn't see a problem with how anyone was acting. He couldn't tell Hobi to laugh more quietly, he couldn't tell the maknae's to stop playing, he couldn't control the little things Namjoon kept breaking, etc.

Nari started to tell Jin that she didn't want to come over anymore and it led to a small fight. As the relationship went on they had started to bicker and then fight more. It was always Nari telling Jin what he was doing wrong or how she didn't like how he was treating her, in which he couldn't understand how he was treating her badly. She always claimed that he was spending too much time with his members instead of her, so he started spending more time with her, wanting nothing more than to make her happy. When she started coming over again he would completely ignore everyone else and put his full focus on her, much to the members annoyance.

One night Nari and Jin were in the kitchen and she was screaming at him about how he couldn't make it to her upcoming birthday party.

"I'm sorry." Jin was fighting back tears. "I have to work."

"You can't take one day off for me?" Nari was determined to make Jin feel so terrible about it that he'd skip work that day to show up.

"You know what kind of work I do. It's not something I can call out of. I'm part of a team and the team needs me. We have performances coming up so we have to practice."

"Practice another day."

"Every single day is already full of practice!"

"Then taking one day off shouldn't be a problem!" Nari screamed.

Jin's tears slipped down his cheeks. He was feeling frustrated and depressed, wanting to be there for Nari but understanding the team needed him more. "I promise to make it up to you.."

"How?" Nari crossed her arms.

"Well I haven't thought of that yet, but I will."

Nari didn't reply before lifting her arm and smacking Jin in the face. After she smacked him in the face she proceeded to continuously smack him in the back of the shoulder.

"Stop!" Jin screamed, crouching and trying to block her hits. "Stop it! Ow! I said I will make it up to you I'm sorry I can't make your party!"

Yoongi overheard the yelling and came running into the kitchen, stopping in his tracks when he saw Nari smacking Jin. "Hey! Stop it!"

Nari backed away towards the door.

"What the hell are you doing? Why are you hitting him?!" Yoongi screamed at her.

"He deserves it!" Nari burst into tears and ran out the door, slamming it shut behind her. Yoongi looked to Jin who was also crying. He walked over and rubbed his shoulder. "She hits you?"

Yoongi's touch made Jin completely break down, he threw himself into Yoongi's chest and began sobbing. "I deserved it. I shouldn't have made her angry."

"Jin! Are you kidding me!? No matter what, she shouldn't be hitting you! Has she hit you before?!" Yoongi was furious.

"N-no," Jin replied. This had been the first time she'd ever been that angry. "I'm s-s-sorry, Yoongi-ah."

"Why are you telling me sorry?" Yoongi hugged Jin tightly. He still couldn't believe what he had witnessed, and he couldn't believe Jin thought he deserved it.

"I don't know. I'm going to go lay down." Jin wiped his tears and departed to his room. The first thing he did was text Nari how sorry he was for upsetting her, and Nari replied going off on him about how he embarrassed her in front of Yoongi because he shouldn't have acted like such a baby over some "small taps."

"Sorry.." was all Jin had to say. He curled up in a ball and cried into his pillow. The relationship had definitely gotten harder as time went on, and he often felt bad about all the wrong he was doing. He started to feel like he didn't deserve Nari because he was clearly a bad boyfriend, but he also admitted to himself that he was in love with her and didn't want to lose her. I need to be a better boyfriend. Do more for her. Spend even more time with her. Give her everything she wants.

So he tried harder. He constantly blew the members off to spend time with her, he constantly bought her whatever she wanted, he even started to defend her actions more. Yoongi had already expressed his concern to the others about Jin getting hit but Jin said it was no big deal.

"Did you forget what happened with Jimin's ex girlfriend?" Namjoon frowned.

"No I didn't forget, but Nari isn't like that."

"We all thought that Jimin's ex was cool at first, and then she turned out to be psycho," Hobi replied.

"She tried to kill me!" Jungkook yelled.

The members were referring to an ex girlfriend Jimin had who, a few years ago, turned out to be manipulative and abusive, and even tried to kill Jungkook by drowning him in their pool. She got caught because Taehyung found that it had been caught on their video camera that happened to be recording.

"If the same shit happens again..." Taehyung mumbled.

"It won't," Jin replied. He was getting annoyed with them. Since starting to see Nari more he stopped caring about their concerns so much.

"And hyungie that's not the only problem..." Jungkook dropped his gaze to the floor and nervously played with his fingers. He looked at Jin with a hurt expression. "We also really, really miss you. You spend all your time with her it's like you're not even our hyungie anymore." Everyone nodded in agreement with the youngest.

"Bullshit Jungkook!"

Everyone flinched at Jin's sudden anger. They didn't expect that reaction, he'd never reacted like that before. Jungkook bit his bottom lip, not prepared for the tears that automatically started forming in his eyes. He wasn't used to Jin yelling at him like that.

Jin continued. "I see you guys every day. We literally live together! We work together! So don't sit there and tell me I don't spend time with you! It's practically all I do. Forgive me for wanting some time to myself every now and then!"

"Seeing us is a lot different then actually spending time with us! You're always too busy!" Hobi defended the group. "You don't pay any attention to us and I'm sorry to say this hyung but quite honestly, your girlfriend is a bitch! I don't even understand why you're with her! She treats you like shit, she's hit you before, she steals all your attention to the point it's affecting the rest of us. You've had an extremely different attitude lately. I mean look at him!" Hobi pointed to Jungkook, who was having his tears wiped away by Jimin. "You've never made him cry before!"

"It's not my fault he's so sensitive!" Jin yelled.

"Sounds like something Nari would say," Namjoon replied.

Jin stiffened and stared at them. "I'm done with this conversation."

"You used to be better at communicating too and now all you do is avoid it," Yoongi added.

"Yaah! I said I was done!" Jin went to storm off to his room, but Jungkook spoke up again after taking some time to catch his breath. "H-hyungie.."


"Do you love her more than us?" Jungkook, along with everyone, felt their hearts start to race. That was a heavy question and they were all nervous about his answer given the current circumstances.

"How the hell do you expect me to answer a question like that?"

Yoongi's own bottom lip suddenly quivered and then a slow tear made its way down his cheek. He started heading to his own room, but when he was about to pass Jin he stopped and looked him in the eye. "You were supposed to answer that...with a no.." Yoongi continued on his way. Jin looked at everyone else who was staring at him, clearly hurt. He ignored it and went on his way to go be alone. They're just being overdramatic. I love them and her.

Jin wanted to fix this entire situation and wanted everyone to get along. He decided to invite Nari over again for dinner in hopes of reconciling the relationship between his girlfriend and his little brothers. He desperately wanted them to like her, it was making his life difficult that they didn't.

After everyone had spent a few hours sulking on their own over the conversation that recently took place, Jin finally went around and told everyone Nari was coming for dinner.

"Of course she is.." Taehyung grumbled.

"Please, I am begging you, just get along.."

"I'm never going to get along with anyone who treats my hyungie like shit. You might not care all that much but I do." Jungkook crossed his arms and avoided eye contact. "But we know you love her more than us so I guess you'll let her treat you however you want."

"I never said I loved her more than you." Jin was starting to feel anger bubble up inside him again.

"Well you also never said you didn't." Taehyung glared at the oldest, waiting for the reply he was hoping for.

"I love all of you guys!" Jin realized that's how he should have replied the first time this came up. "Now can you just drop it?"

"But who do you love more?" Jimin chimed in.

"Considering right now you're all annoying the shit out of me, I love her more!" Jin screamed.

This led to an intense fight between Jimin and Jin. Jimin started screaming at Jin about how he was a shitty hyung and he hated him, and Jin said he hated Jimin too. Namjoon tried to mediate but they were all interrupted when Nari knocked on the door and then let herself in.

Hobi couldn't contain himself. He pointed at Nari. "This is your fault. Jin has been nothing but a dick lately and it's because of you."

"Jung Hoseok!" Jin screamed and felt his ears burn with fury. He quickly turned to Nari. "I'm so sorry about him. He didn't mean that!"

"I know what I said," Hobi replied.

Jin was speechless. This already wasn't going as planned. Nari turned to Jin. "Do you always let them be disrespectful to people like that? Or are you going to do something about it?"

The oldest was caught off guard. He'd never felt the need to discipline any of them before.

"Yeah, I'm curious, hyung," Jimin entered the conversation. "Are you going to do something about it?"

Jin gulped. He was so furious that his head was fuzzy. "I will deal with it later. Can we please just eat?"

Everyone gathered around the table and the members didn't hide how they felt about Nari. Namjoon even brought up how he doesn't like that she hits Jin, and Jin could feel the death stare coming from Nari. He already knew he was going to be in a lot of trouble with her later. He tried to hurry everyone up after quickly realizing this was a bad idea. Filled with anxiety about the fight he knew was going to ensue later, he said goodbye as she left. He took a deep breath before turning around and facing his members.

"What the hell is wrong with all of you?!" Jin finally exploded. "Are you out to get me?! Trying to destroy my relationship?! What the actual fuck, guys!" Jin's arms were flailing all over the place. He was so angry he couldn't stand still as he kept screaming. "Why is it so damn hard for you to listen and act right for one fucking night?!"

Taehyung and Jungkook both started crying but Jin didn't care. He was sick of all of them.

"Dump her," Yoongi demanded.

"Excuse me?" Jin was baffled at the blunt statement.

"Are you fucking blind, Jin? She's abusive, and it's changing you. I mean I'm honestly surprised she didn't start beating you up before she left but I guarantee you she's going to fight you later and make you feel like shit over things you didn't do. I don't..I mean..NONE of us understand what you see in her! She's an asshole!"

"She's not an asshole!" Jin defended. "You're all assholes! You've done nothing but shit talk my relationship almost the entire duration of it, and you all wonder why I stopped spending time with you? I don't get it. Can't you just be happy for me? Are you jealous or something?"

"Has it ever occurred to you that we're trying to protect you?" Taehyung spoke in a calm voice, trying to communicate with his hyung in a way that didn't involve screaming back and forth. He continued. "No, hyung, we're not jealous of you. We were happy for you at first, extremely happy for you. But then she showed her true colors, and it's hurting you, and in return it's hurting us. Clearly you're blinded by your love for her, but we aren't. If you're going to date someone why can't it be someone nicer to you? We care about you a lot hyung and it's killing us to see you going through this. There is nothing to even like about her. Tell me one thing you even see in her that's making you stay."

As calm as Taehyung was, Jin was still angry.  He didn't feel the need to explain himself and he didn't like that Taehyung was speaking badly about his girlfriend. "I don't need anyone to protect me. I'm the oldest."

"Since when does that matter?" Yoongi chimed in. "We've always been protective of you. Oldest or not, you're our brother."

Namjoon was biting his tongue, but couldn't anymore. "And Jin? We're also protective of each other, and frankly speaking, I personally don't like the way you're treating us. I don't like seeing my brothers cry because of you and it's happened multiple times now."

"You can't tell me what to do," Jin shot back.

"But I can protect them and tell you not to be such a fucking asshole."

"Yah! Why so much disrespect?!" Jin screamed.

It was evident that Jin didn't seem to care what anyone had to say. Namjoon angrily left the room and everyone started to follow.

"Wait! Hobi and Jimin!" Jin screamed.

The two stopped in their tracks and slowly turned to Jin.

"You two are grounded after that bullshit you pulled tonight!" Jin felt it was only right that he, for once, disciplined his dongsaengs for how rude they had been to him and Nari. "Give me your phones."

"No." Hobi crossed his arms and refused. Jimin looked between Jin and Hobi, unsure of what to do. He could see Jin getting angry and he wasn't feeling as brave as Hobi so he handed over his phone. Jin ignored the fact that he could see Jimin's hand trembling when he handed it over.

"No?! What do you mean no?!" Jin got in Hobi's face and the younger started backing away. He tried to hide that he was extremely anxious, but he was so angry at Jin and didn't think him and Jimin deserved to be grounded.

"I" Hobi's voice trembled and Jin completely lost his temper as he smacked Hobi across the face.

"No!" Jimin screamed when he saw Jin's hand collide with Hobi's cheek. Jin turned to Jimin. "Would you like me to do it to you too?! You both deserve it!" Without warning, Jimin felt his own cheek sting once Jin's hand collided with it. The other members ran back in and could recognize what was happening.

Jungkook ran at Jin and shoved him. "What the hell is wrong with you?! You hit my hyungs?!" Jin shoved Jungkook backwards onto the floor and he slammed down on it as the wind was knocked out of him.

"Maknae!" Taehyung screamed. Namjoon ran at Jin and grabbed both of his wrists.

"Let go of me!" Jin screamed. "I'm sick of all of you and your bullshit!"

Namjoon wouldn't let go of Jin. "If you put your hands on one more person I'll make damn sure you regret it!" Namjoon was shaking with anger. He could feel heat radiating off his face. He turned to see Hobi, Jimin, and Jungkook all huddled on the floor crying. Taehyung was crouched down next to them trying to comfort all three and continuously using his sleeve to wipe all of their tears.

As Jin looked around he also saw Yoongi standing nearby, staring blankly at him. His eyes were wet and bloodshot.

"I know you always have something to say, so go ahead." Jin stared at Yoongi waiting for him to put his two cents in. He was surprised when Yoongi didn't say a word. The rapper stared at him, not even blinking, and never opening his mouth to speak.

"Yoongi? Do you have something to say as well?" Jin tried egging him on, wanting to know what he was thinking. Yoongi continued to ignore him, turning to check on the others who were on the floor. Jin turned back and looked at Namjoon, who was just now letting go of his wrists.

Jin stood there and didn't say anything. As his anger subsided he started to realize what he did and his heart shattered.

"" Jin got choked up and started crying. He walked over and bent down to check on the three he had hurt, but Taehyung instantly pushed him away. "You've done enough. Stay the hell away from them unless you want a fist to your own goddamn face you motherfucking asshole!"

He could see the red marks on Hobi's and Jimin's cheeks, and he could tell that Jungkook had hurt his back. He couldn't even be mad at Taehyung's reaction because he realized he deserved it. He knew if anyone else had hurt them like that, he would have reacted the same way.

"I'm so sorry.." Jin burst into tears and ran out the door, leaving the others behind to deal with each other. He ended up going to the only place he could think of.

Nari's house.

He ran up to her front door, banging on it. When she opened it he ran inside, already hyperventilating and drenched in tears. He covered his face with his hands.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.." he cried.

"You have a lot of nerve coming here this soon to apologize to me after the hell of a night your stupid brothers gave me."

"I'm not sorry to you, Nari! I'm sorry to them! I hurt them! I hurt my little brothers! Those are my babies and I hurt them and it's because of you!"

"I didn't make you do shit," Nari said. "If you hurt them that's on you. What did you do?"

"I hit...I hit Hobi and Jiminie...and I hurt Jungkookie..."

"So you hit them. Big deal. They're bitch ass babies if they're going to get so upset about it. It's about time you actually did something about them."

"I know it's not a big deal to you because all you like to do is hit, but believe it or not hurting the people you love actually feels terrible! I've never hurt any of them before!" Jin dropped to the ground because he was having trouble breathing. "And...and...I was so angry...but it wasn't really their fault. It was yours. I never realized it until now but they were right about you. You're bad for me. You're changing me in ways I don't want to change."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Nari hovered over Jin.

Jin slowly looked up and blinked away some tears. "I'm breaking up with you. I can't do this anymore."

Nari lost it. She started throwing things from the counter and hitting Jin with them. "Did they put you up to this?! Huh?! What the fuck do you mean you're breaking up with me?!"

Jin got up and tried running to the door but Nari ran and blocked it. He didn't try to move her out of the way, not only refusing to put his hands on a woman no matter what, but also refusing to put an angry hand on anyone ever again after the pain he was feeling for what he did at home.

"I mean I'm done!" Jin cried. "And don't you dare blame my little brothers! They tried to tell me and I wouldn't listen! You know, earlier Taehyung asked me what I even saw in you and I didn't reply because I felt as though I didn't need to explain myself, but you know what I realized? I didn't answer him because I didn't know how. I can't think of a single damn reason to stay. So let me go."

"No!" Nari shouted. She immediately tried to gaslight and manipulate him. "After all I've done for you? I don't deserve this."

"What have you done for me except bring out my temper and make me feel like shit all the time?! I can't believe I couldn't see it before but my dongsaengs could see it because I was taking it out on them when they never deserved that."

Nari punched Jin in the face, causing the ring she was wearing to slice his cheek and make him start bleeding. "You're not dumping me."

Jin couldn't stop crying and for the first time he actually felt very scared of Nari after she punched him, and it made him feel even more broken when he couldn't even comprehend how scared Jimin, Hobi, and Jungkook must be feeling right now. He desperately wanted to get back home and hold them and tell them how sorry he is. He felt a new sense of deserpation and ran to the door, getting there before Nari could block it. "Don't follow me and never contact me again! We're done, and if you even try anything ever again I will call the cops! You're lucky I'm not calling the cops on you right now, but there are more important things I need to do!" Jin started running.

"Jin!" Nari kept screaming after him, but eventually gave up. As he was running he realized he needed to be extremely grateful to his members for not calling the cops on him.

He ran back into the dorm and it was quiet. He started looking around for everyone and found them all in Yoongi's room. The three he had hurt were curled up in Yoongi's bed together while the others sat around them.

"What the hell happened to you?" Taehyung asked. The slice on Jin's cheek was the first thing everyone noticed.

"Don't worry about that right now!" Jin was panicking. He was crying hard all over again. He made his way to the bed. "I'm so sorry. Hyung is so so sorry. If you never forgive me I understand but you have to know I'm so sorry. I should have never put my hands on you. I never meant to hurt or scare you. I didn't know what I was doing and I promise on my life I'll never hurt you again. I also never meant any of the mean things I said. Of course I love you all more than her. I love you all more than anything. And Jimin I don't hate you at all I never meant to say that. I'm so sorry."

Namjoon crossed his arms. "If you hadn't have hurt them, you'd probably still be in the middle of screaming at them."

"I don't know what to say to that. This should have never happened and I'm sorry that it did but trust me it was a huge wake up call."

Jungkook sat up on the bed, wincing in pain. Jin felt his heart sink when he saw the pain in his maknae's face. "Hyung you're bleeding a lot."

"I am?" Jin touched his cheek and his fingers were covered in blood. He had been so worried about the others that he hadn't noticed. He wiped it on his shirt.

"What happened?" Jungkook asked.

"I broke up with her and she punched me."

The members showed concern, asking if he was okay. "It doesn't matter if I'm okay. If anything I don't deserve to be after all I did. You guys were right this whole time. She was bad for me, and it made me bad for you." Jin dropped his head in shame. He heard Jimin and Hobi sigh at the same time. Namjoon asked why he finally broke up with her and he said how he realized everything that they had to say about her was true.

Jimin spoke up. "I'm going to admit that I'm really ashamed of you for what you did to us. It shouldn't have come to this for you to realize what we've been trying to tell you all along. If you had listened from the beginning this would have never happened. But I also have to admit I'm finding it really hard to be mad at you because when I went through the same thing I didn't listen either until someone almost got killed. So realistically, I have no right to judge because I understand how you felt about her.."

Jin looked at everyone, wondering what they'd have to say.

"I'm trying to understand but I guess I can't," Hobi admitted. It hurt his cheek to even talk.

"I'm sorry I hurt you." Jin stared at Hobi and his dongsaeng simply shrugged, not having much else to say.

Jin looked at Yoongi, he was the only person who still hadn't said a word to him.

"Yoongi-ah?" Jin started. Yoongi ignored him.

"Are you giving him the silent treatment?" Jungkook asked Yoongi. The rapper didn't respond to Jungkook's question, but did ask the three in his bed if they needed more painkillers. They shook their heads no.

"I'm going to go outside for a bit." Yoongi got up and walked past Jin without even looking in his direction.

"He's hard to read," Namjoon said.

Jin asked if it was okay if he sit on the bed.

"That depends," Hobi said. "Are you trying to get in arms reach so you can smack us again?"

"" Jin's voice cracked. "But I do want to hug you. Please."

Jungkook and Jimin immediately opened their arms. One thing about some of the youngest members of the group was that they were always more willing to forgive those who hurt them. Jin grabbed Jungkook and Jimin and squeezed them tightly. He then opened his arms again gesturing for Hobi to join, at first he hesitated, but once he joined the hug he buried his face into Jin's neck and started sobbing. Soon everyone in the room was in tears. Jin continued his apology and kissed the hurt members on their heads. Namjoon said he was proud of Jin for finally ending things with her. Taehyung showed more concern about Jin's sliced cheek, but the oldest said he'd be fine.

"And Jin hyung? Just know I'm not apologizing for what I said to you after you put your hands on them. I'd say it all over again." Taehyung was referring to what he'd screamed at Jin earlier.

"I wouldn't expect you to apologize. I deserved it," Jin replied.

"Now what? I mean is she gone for good? Did she say she'd leave you alone?" Jungkook asked. Jin told them what she'd said but told them not to worry about it. He said if she tried coming back around he'd call the police and get a restraining order if that's what it came down to.

A few hours went by and things had greatly calmed down. Jin realized Yoongi had still never come back inside and he was getting a bit worried. He told the others it was time for them to get some rest, and his heart felt light because everyone was willing to give him a hug goodnight.

"There's still someone I need to make amends with, so if anyone needs me I'll be outside too."

The members nodded, but they were all ready to pass out and call it a night. After everything, they all also felt better after the long talk with their oldest.

Jin walked outside and found Yoongi silently crying on the front step. He slowly took a seat next to him. "Even if it's to say you hate me, at least say something. The silent treatment is unbearable. Especially coming from someone who always speaks his mind. The others and I are okay, but I can see that you and I still aren't."

Yoongi slowly turned to Jin and stared at him for a second, but turned his gaze away without talking.

"Yoongi-ah, please.."

They sat in silence for a while and Jin decided to give up. Clearly he doesn't want to talk to me.  He stood up to walk inside, but Yoongi finally spoke up.

"Wait. Sit."

Jin anxiously sat back down next to Yoongi. He gulped, nervous about what was to come. Yoongi looked at him again. "I honestly don't know where to start, so I guess I'll start with what I wanted to say earlier after you hurt our dongsaengs. Fuck you, Jin."

"Well, that's better than not talking to me at all. I deserved that." Jin frowned and nervously played with his fingers. He knew if he wasn't going to get forgiveness out of a member, it was going to be Yoongi.

"You realize you're my only hyung, right?" Yoongi said.

"Of course I realize that."

"I look up to you a lot. I look up to you for literally everything. Seeing you be in a relationship like that scared the hell out of me because for a moment I started to question what love was supposed to look like. And in doing that, it made me worry. Because I quickly knew that your relationship wasn't what it was supposed to look like, but our dongsaengs were looking up to you too and it scared the hell out of me thinking they might begin to think that's what love is supposed to be. Especially when it comes to Jungkook. He watches everything we do and takes after all of us."

"I know that." Jin felt more shame fill his heart realizing he should have been more mindful of the example he was setting.

"We've already been through this once with Jimin, and I was hoping you would have learned from that and it scared the hell out of me when it didn't."

"I know. I'm sorry." Jin was lost for words. He knew he needed to listen to everything Yoongi had to say. To his surprise, Yoongi got choked up with even more tears.

"And it scared the hell out of me knowing she would hit you. Every single time you left to go be with her I sat around scared as hell that you would either come back hurt or not come back at all." He gestured to Jin's cheek. "And I was right.."

Jin was still speechless. He would have never guessed that Yoongi felt all of this. He put his hand on Yoongi's back and rubbed it. Yoongi ended up leaning his head on Jin's shoulder and let all of his emotions out.

"I love you and I love them and seeing you be mean to them...I didn't know what to do. I felt like I had to protect them from you and you from them at the same time. I felt like I had to be the oldest and I didn't want to do that. I wanted my hyung but seeing you be so mean confused me because you were upsetting everyone. But at the same time, Nari was upsetting you. I felt like I had to save everybody but there was nothing I could do because you never wanted to listen." Yoongi started sobbing uncontrollably. Jin grabbed Yoongi's head and clutched it to his chest as he rocked him. "'s okay..."

"As much I tried to hate you I couldn't bring myself to do it. I thought giving you the silent treatment would make it easier but it didn't. It just made me more upset." Yoongi wiped his tears on Jin's shirt. Jin had started crying and his tears fell onto Yoongi.

"This was a lesson learned the hard way but I promise to do better from now on, Yoongi-ah. Even if you can't forgive me and you don't care for my efforts, please know I'm going to try harder. I already know I'm never going to forgive myself for what I did to our babies. All I can do is...well, do better, I guess."

Unknown to Jin, Yoongi actually was full of a lot of forgiveness too. Mainly because he knew Jin was hurting from an abusive relationship and he did take that into consideration. He didn't consider it a complete excuse but he did know it had broken Jin and he wasn't being himself.

Yoongi squeezed his arms around his hyung, thankful that he was being his truly loving and caring self for the first time in a long time. They hugged silently for a long time until Yoongi was finally able to stop crying.

"Incase you were wondering, I do forgive you, hyung."

Jin's heart exploded with relief. Yoongi was the one he was worried the most about so to hear that finally made him feel like they would all be able to mend from this. After a while it was clear that the two were both getting tired so Jin led them back inside. They checked on everyone else who had quickly fallen asleep.

"Follow me." Yoongi grabbed Jin's hand and led him to the bathroom, gesturing for him to sit on the toilet.

"What are you doing?" Jin asked.

Yoongi was wetting a washcloth. "I can't keep looking at you when your face looks like that."

"Excuse me! I have a handsome face!" Jin yelled.

"Have you even seen it since getting cut?"

"Oh. No." He got up and looked in the mirror to see the cut and dried blood all over him. "Oh no. My handsome face!"

This got a good laugh out of Yoongi, which is what Jin had been aiming for. He didn't want his dongsaeng to be upset about it. Yoongi gently cleaned Jin's face up and while he did, Jin couldn't help but admire him. "You know, you'd have no trouble being the oldest. You already take care of everyone very well."

"You know acts of service have always been my love language."

Jin got a bit choked up because he realized this was what caring about someone was supposed to look like. He was proud of Yoongi for setting a good example, one he'd recently failed to do. It also warmed his heart that Yoongi was proving he still loved and cared about Jin. He knew they'd be okay.

After he was cleaned up the two went to bed. Yoongi ended up sleeping in Jin's bed considering his was currently occupied.

A few days went by without hearing from Nari, and things between the members instantly fell back to normal. There wasn't a single fight. Jin was still having anxiety about Nari possibly showing up but time proved to show that she would never return again. He didn't care what she was up to anymore. He'd already blocked her online and on his phone.

As time kept going, it was clear that Jin was no longer broken. He was whole again, and the members couldn't have been happier to have their Jin hyung back.

[The End]

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