Chapter 9
Let me know what you think of it throughout the story and make sure you read the end notes !
Happy reading :D
Louis looks around for at least twenty minutes, trying to find where they came from.
"Was it this way?" he asks Harry, pointing in one direction.
"Um, no. I don't remember that tree."
Louis sighs and turns his head. "What about this one?"
"I don't-"
"Okay you have to stop saying that to everything I point at when we both know you weren't even watching where we came from because you were too busy staring at my ass!" Louis exclaims, propping a hand on his hip in a disapproving manor.
"And we both know that you like it when I stare at you."
Louis makes a face, but doesn't say anything for a few seconds. He's obviously been taken by surprise.
"Getting cocky now, are we?"
"We both got cocky just minutes ago." Harry says, trying to make a pun but failing.
Louis stares at him before he pulls Harry in for another kiss.
"What's that for?" Harry asks against Louis' lips when they pull apart.
"Just...there's just something about the way you try to make a joke that turns me on."
"You get off to bad puns?"
"Bad puns made by tall legal guys with green eyes, giant heads, and awful style senses."
"Did I forget to mention frog features?" Louis asks giggling (as in ACTUALLY giggling), sliding his hand under Harry's shirt, curling his fingers over his skin.
Harry rolls his eyes and steps back. "Let's try to find the-"
"It's that way." Louis says, nodding on another direction he's probably pointed out before.
"What? How do you know?"
"I remember."
Harry makes a confused face. "What? What do you mean?"
"I mean, I know the way back to the camp."
"So why did we spend more than half an hour walking through the woods alone? I almost pissed myself when I heard a branch cracking."
"I was just fucking with you."
"You were-ugh." Harry says and turns around, crossing his arms. "You're an asshole."
"Aw, come on now, don't get mad. It was a joke."
"The worst one yet. You know, you really think you're so funny and stuff, but you're actually not. All of your jokes are either overused, boring, or just plain unfunny."
Louis stares at Harry, crossing his arm. "Wow. Picking at my humor. Fuck you. You can say anything about anything, but do not fuck with my humor."
"Oh, please. Give me a break. Let's just go back-"
"No." Louis says.
"Why the fuck not? We've been out of the tent for more than an hour and I'm starting to get really cold and really mad."
Louis looks at him but doesn't say anything.
"Oh, you're the angry one now? Fine. I'll find the way back on my own."
Harry turns around and as soon as he takes a step in the opposite direction, there's a hand clutching his shirt to prohibit him from moving.
"If you carry me."
"Excuse me?" Harry asks, wanting to turn back and look at him, but Louis places his hand on his shoulders.
"I'll show you the way back to our camp if you give me a piggy back."
Harry sighs. "Fine."
Louis doesn't waste any time to jump on Harry's back and secure his legs around his waist.
"Right ahead until I tell you to turn."
Harry follows his instructions, and tries to focus even when Louis places his chin on his shoulder, talking into his cheek.
"You know, I didn't actually want to make you mad." Louis eventually says when Harry can see the dimming light coming from the fire.
"You wanted to make fun of me by pretending we were lost."
Harry can feel Louis shaking his head. "No. I was trying to stall."
"To spend more time with you." Louis says, eyes glimmering from the flames as they step on their campgrounds.
"You could've just said so without having to give me a heart attack."
"But it was more thrilling, wasn't it?" Louis asks and then lowers his voice as soon as they enter the ENTRYWAY of the tent.
Harry shakes his head and puts him down. Then he unzips the tent, and then gets in right before Louis does. They make sure not to make any noise as they shuffle back into their sleeping bags, and then say goodnight.
But for some odd reason, Harry can't fall asleep. He can feel Louis next to him, and he knows Louis isn't asleep either, because his breathing isn't even and he hasn't started lightly snoring.
"Go to sleep." Louis tells him before Harry can find something to say.
"You go to sleep."
Louis shuffles in his sleeping bag and turns to face Harry. "We need to stop acting like children."
"I'll stop when you stop, deal?"
Louis rolls his eyes and doesn't answer. Harry waits a couple of seconds, looking for something to say, anything, just to keep the conversation going. He hates it when this happens.
But then Louis unzips his sleeping bag, and then Harry's, giving no explanation whatsoever.
"What are you doing?" Harry whispers, confused.
"It's too warm in there." Louis complains.
"So, cuddle me."
Harry is taken aback by the words, but lifts one of his arm up nonetheless and lets Louis snuggle into him.
"You smell good." Louis mumbles into his shirt.
"I smell like jizz."
Louis giggles and looks up. "I said you smell good."
"You're disgusting."
"Who swallowed again?"
Harry does a Jim Halpert face into the darkness, but pulls Louis closer nonetheless.
They talk about the different types of sperm there is, and how different they taste (really romantic; Harry knows), until Louis yawns and throws his leg over Harry's. He struggles to lift his head and look up at Harry, before he leans in and places a soft kiss on his cheek.
"Go to sleep."
And after that, Harry does.
They end up not going hiking anymore because no one wakes up on time, so around noon they gather their stuff, get the tents down, and clean up before they start to make their way back down on the mountain.
"So I was thinking." Louis starts when they sit down on the bus. This time, Louis makes sure he climbs in right after him, before Ander even has the chance to set foot on the bus, and sits down next to Harry.
"You were thinking?"
"I was thinking, I want to do a lad's night next week."
"Lad's night? What does that entail?"
"I means playing FIFA, drinking some beers, ordering takeout and watching Marvel movies. You in?"
"Who else is coming?"
"Well Liam and Zayn, obviously. And I'm thinking of inviting Niall and David?"
"Yeah, that sounds fun. What about Ander though?"
Louis scrunches his nose. "I said beers and FIFA, not Netflix and chill. If you want to fuck him, do it in your own house."
"Who said I'm a top?"
"You're a bottom?" Louis asks, looking at him intensely.
"Well, no. I mean, not really. I like it both ways."
Louis hums.
"What about you?"
"Me? Oh, I've never had sex with a guy before."
Harry looks at him in disbelief. "Why don't I believe you?"
"Because I'm lying. I fucked two or three guys in France, but that's about it. Also, I'd appreciate this if you kept this information to yourself."
Harry nods. "Of course. Who would I tell?"
"I don't know? Niall? Barbara?"
"They wouldn't judge, but I'm not going to tell them."
The two of them are interrupted by Giggs, who's walking down the aisle and handing everyone's phone back.
When Harry turns his mobile data on, he's got 200 unread WhatsApp messages, four snaps, and ten Facebook notifications.
(179 unread messages)
Harry scrolls through the conversation without actually bothering to read it, wondering why Niall and Barbara can't just talk on their private chat.
Harry: hi
Harry: got my phone back
Barbara: how was it?
Harry: great ;)
Niall: ?
Barbara: ??
Harry: blowjobs and handjobs were exchanged
Barbara: WHAT
Barbara: Louis Tomlinson gave you a blow job?
Harry: I did
Harry: suck him off
Harry: he only used his hand
Niall: is his dick small and thick?
Barbara: or is it long and thick?
Barbara: we made a bet
Barbara: HARRY
Harry locks his phone, hoping Louis wasn't reading over his shoulder.
The bus stops in the parking lot of their training centre, and Harry is not too pleased when he sees a bunch of paparazzi waiting outside for them. There are also a bunch of guys (and girls), some dressed in Man United shirts, looking into the bus and holding out different items that need to be signed.
"Who called them here?" He hears Rooney ask, looking out the window from behind the curtain.
No one answers, so everyone gathers their bags from the suspended compartment and gets into a long line to leave the bus. Harry is right behind Louis.
"You okay?" Louis asks him, and places a hand on his shoulder.
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"
"I don't know. It might be intimidating for you."
"I'll manage."
Once they exit the bus and try to make their way inside the building, someone manages to grab Harry by the sleeve and almost make him trip over his own feet.
"Is this your new boyfriend Tomlinson?" someone shouts and Harry goes red as he pulls away from the arm that was holding him back.
Louis turns his head towards the pap that bravely asked the question, and proceeds to flip him off. Harry smiles at him and the last thing he sees before entering the building is a bright flash going off.
When he gets home, his father isn't there, and judging by the vacant spot in their driveway, he's gone out. Harry takes a shower and then opens his laptop to check his Tumblr and Facebook.
His follower count has increased from 1.5k to 3k in less than three days. He shakes his head and bothers to reblog some pictures and text posts he thinks are funny before he pulls out a notebook labeled MISC, and opens it at a blank page.
Why Louis may want be or I could just be insane (a list by Harry Styles)
- he gave me a handjob
-he let me give him a blowjob-ASKED me to
-he's jealous of Ander
-invited me to lad's night
Harry stares at what he's written so far and realizes that he might be insane after all, because the points his made in the Want section may as well go into the Insanity section.
He folds up the paper and places it on his desk before he goes back to his laptop and searches through his movie folder to find something he can watch to pass the time.
His phone buzzes on the pillow next to him and he throws a quick look at the screen, before he takes a double look.
Louis: so are you coming on Friday?
Harry unlocks his phone and stares at the screen. He knows his father wouldn't mind if he slept at someone else's house during the weekend to he types 'yes'.
Louis: tell Niall
Louis: Zayn and Liam are coming too
Louis: :)
Harry: what should I bring?
Louis sees the message but doesn't answer, so Harry locks his phone and continues to watch a horror movie he picked out.
Eventually, his phone buzzes.
Louis: bring your body baby
Louis: ;)
Harry is not okay. Not even after Niall tells him that he'll be at Louis' on Friday. Anxiety is running through his veins every time he reads, or even thinks, about the message Louis sent him.
'Bring your body baby' ???? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
One thing he didn't have to worry about this week though, is the photos of him leaving the bus going viral. Apparently, thanks to Louis' middle finger, those photos can't be published anywhere (except of Tumblr of course, but he already reblogged a picture of the incident-sue him).
"So that's what he wrote? Bring your body baby?" Barbara asks on Friday afternoon, a week later during her lunch break.
As soon as Harry got off from practice he took the first tube to Arndale because he hasn't gotten around to see Barbara face to face for a week, because he knows he can always vent to her about his 'Louis problems', as they like to call it.
"Yeah. And then a winky face."
"Was it a winking emoji or just a semicolon and a bracket?"
"Semicolon and bracket."
"Ooh. That's pretty serious."
"Is it? Why?"
"Because an emoji is so easy to send, whereas a winky face made with the normal keyboard takes time and premeditation. It's more serious than a playful emoji."
"Jesus Christ, this feels like I'm in English Lit all over again where we would analyze every single word of the book."
Barbara rolls her eyes. "But this is something actually important, who cares what the hidden meaning behind Oliver Twist is? I sure don't."
"Barbara, you aced that class."
She flips her hair back and stabs a piece of chicken from her salad. "That's because I like to read and write. Not because I actually cared about the books or what they were about."
"Whatever. I'm going over there later tonight and I'll ask him about it."
"You'll actually do that?" she asks with her mouth full.
"Yeah, I'm actually going to do that. He can't fuck with my mind like this just for fun. If he thinks that playing with my emotions is funny, then he's really, really, wrong."
"What if he wants to have sex with you?"
Harry chokes on his pizza. "I don't know. He probably doesn't."
"He asked you to suck him off. That's the first step."
"And which is the next one?"
Barbara shrugs, placing her fork onto her now empty plate. "Fingering, rimming, probably."
"How do you know more about this than me?"
"I've been reading some hardcore Harry Potter fanfiction lately."
"With whom?"
"Draco and Harry. They'd make the best couple ever."
Harry nods in agreement. "And the third step is taking it up the arse?"
They begin laughing and Harry eventually asks the waiter for their check.
"So you'll keep me updated tonight right?" Barbara asks him while they smoke outside of the shopping centre before she has to go back inside for three more hours of work.
"Of course."
"I'm asking you because I know Niall will get way too drunk."
"I know."
"Also, make sure-"
"He doesn't slip into an alcoholic coma. Yeah yeah, I know the drill."
Harry is staring at Louis' front door merely a few hours later. He can already hear voices from inside, and wonders if anyone would notice if he just didn't come. Then he realizes that he's acting like an immature child and he should just get over it, so he knocks rings the doorbell.
The door opens a few seconds later and Liam is staring at him with a grin on his face.
"You're just in time Harry," he says, shaking his hand. "We were just about to start a new game of FIFA."
"Is Niall here?" Harry asks, but gets a response when he hears a familiar laugh coming from the living room.
He finds Niall and Louis on the couch drinking beer and watching something on TV. Zayn is in the kitchen, pouring himself a Margarita because apparently he doesn't like to start his nights with a beer.
"Harreh, are you always late to everything?" Louis asks, checking his wristwatch without even looking at Harry.
"Yeah, sorry. I had to take the tube."
"Where can I leave my bag?"
"Just pick a room upstairs."
Harry doesn't need to be told twice, so he quickly hurries up the stairs and checks the guest bedrooms. There are two bags in one, and then another bag in the one across from Louis'. Without even thinking about it, he walks over to Louis' room and drops his bag on the bed.
When he comes back downstairs, he's dressed in a pair of sweats and a tank top. The four of them are on the couch already, with Zayn sitting on the floor at their feet, so Harry takes a seat in the armchair.
Louis gives a controller to each Harry and Zayn, before he sits back on the couch. "The winner plays against Liam, and then against Niall, and then me."
"Why you?" Harry asks.
"Because you and Zayn are the worst players, and I'm the best."
"Heyyy. You've never seen me play FIFA."
"Yeah, but you're pretty shit at football-"
"You've also never seen me play football." Harry says, crossing his arms.
"Come on then, prove me wrong babe."
The pet name obviously takes everyone by surprise, even Louis, who tries to mask it by taking a swig from his beer.
Zayn loses their game so Harry proceeds to play with Liam, who surprisingly, also loses against him. Niall beats him 5-4. Louis wins eventually, and they all complain that the game wasn't fair and they should make a proper tournament out of it.
By the time they get to the semi finals, Harry is already out and now drinking his fourth beer while watching Niall trying to defeat Louis.
He's a bit tipsy now, definitely the first time he's ever gotten drunk from simple beer.
When Louis wins, he celebrates by yelling at Niall and ruffling his hair, and then asks Liam to order pizzas and Chinese takeout, because apparently 'they're both to good so why not have both kinds'?
They put on the newest Avengers movie that only Harry hasn't seen yet, and open another six-pack of beer. Harry decides to stop drinking it and asks Zayn where he can fix himself a stronger drink.
"In the kitchen, third cupboard to the right of the sink."
Harry gets up from the armchair and walks away, into the kitchen. He finds a bottle of Vodka and a can of RedBull in the fridge, so he mixes them up in a glass and leans against the counter to taste it.
"Try not to get too drunk and throw up okay?" Louis asks him as soon as he comes into the kitchen to set a dirty chips bowl in the sink.
"'m not going to throw up."
"If you do though, please use the bathroom downstairs."
"Okay." Harry says, rolling his eyes. "'m not a baby you know."
"I know."
Harry takes another gulp of his drink, and then makes a face when the taste finally hits him. "Speaking of 'baby', what did you mean by 'bring your body baby'?"
"Uh, I was listening to The Weeknd."
"That's bullshit. You don't like that kind of music."
Louis raises his brows and crosses his arms, cocking his head. "And how would you know?"
"You only listen to pop music on the radio in the car."
"The Weeknd is the best fuck music."
Harry almost chokes on the Vodka that threatens to come back up. "What? Who were you fucking when you texted me?"
"No one, I'm just saying. Don't you like The Weeknd?"
"I do. But only some songs."
"The mainstream ones." Louis says, shaking his head.
Harry watches him take a glass from one of the cupboards and pouring the same exact drink into it.
"I thought you hated Vodka."
"Well, not if it's mixed with something else so I can barely taste it."
"Cheers to that then."
He follows Louis out of the kitchen, eyes trained to the back of his head. Zayn has now taken Louis' spot on the couch, so Harry drops himself into the armchair as quick as possible before Louis can get to it.
"Scoot over." Louis tells him and nudges Harry's knee with his own.
"There's not enough room."
"Are you calling me fat?"
Harry sighs and squishes himself to the side, before Louis drops down next to him, one leg over the other armrest.
The movie is great, but it's too bad that Harry can barely concentrate on what's going on because of Louis' closeness and the way their thighs are touching.
The pizza arrives right before the Chinese takeout does, and they spend the rest of the movie eating and drinking even more than they already were, laughing about everything now that the alcohol has gotten to all of them.
"Heyyyy Harryyy." Louis drawls out right into Harry's ear when the credits start rolling. He lights up a cigarette and takes a long drag, before blowing the smoke in Harry's face.
Harry turns his head, and their noses accidentally bump together.
"Massage me."
"Why-what? Why would I do that?"
"Because my back feels tense and you've got huuuge hands. So if you're not going to put them to a better use, at least massage my back."
Harry rolls his eyes and turns his torso so he can get better access to Louis back on the armchair, but apparently Louis has other plans. He sits up, spreads Harry's legs, and then sits down between them before pulling Harry's legs around his waist so they can fit in the chair better.
Harry rubs his palms together so he can get them warm, and then starts massaging Louis' shoulders, before moving further down his back.
"Shit, that feels so good." Louis says, leaning his head back so that Harry's knuckles brush against the hair at the back of his neck.
"Are you wanking him off?" Niall loudly asks from the couch, holding up his beer bottle.
"Niall, you can literally see us, we're not doing anything."
Louis laughs and wiggles his bum against Harry's crotch; probably unaware of the effect it has on the younger boy. Harry doesn't tell him that, but Louis is doing the same thing five minutes later, and Harry has to make him stop if he doesn't want to get a hard-on.
He grips into Louis' skin and presses his lips against his ear. "Stop it."
Louis stops abruptly and visibly tenses under Harry's hands. He leans against Harry's chest and whispers back:
"Because I'm going to get a boner and I'm wearing sweatpants, so it might be embarrassing."
"Not for me." Louis mischievously says, grinning against his earlobe.
"Oh fuck off."
Louis smirks. "Wouldn't you rather I fucked you?"
Harry's heart stops and his breathing hitches. "That doesn't help." He mumbles.
"Since when do I want to help you? You know I like to tease you."
"You're a dick."
"You like my dick."
Honestly, can Harry ever win with him? Why is Louis trying so hard to make him mad? Is this the way he flirts with people? Probably not.
"Who lied to you?" Harry replies.
Good one, he thinks.
"Mmm, your own cock did last week."
Okay, the situation is getting way out of hand.
Louis' lips skim over his neck, and Harry shouldn't be getting this excited just from a mere lip grazing. He tries to say something else but Louis cuts him short by placing his lips on Harry's.
And now they're making out. Right in front of the other guys. And no one is saying anything. It's alarming.
"People can see us." Harry whispers against his lips.
"They're too drunk, they won't remember this tomorrow."
"What if they will?"
Louis shrugs, and then turns in the armchair so he's sitting across Harry's lap, both legs hanging over the right armrest.
"Now kiss me you fool."
"You're calling me a fool and expect me to kiss you right after?"
Louis puckers his lips and wraps his hands around Harry's neck. He pulls him in towards his lips and they start kissing again for what seems like minutes, maybe hours.
"Alright, I think I'm going to bed." Zayn mumbles and stands up from the couch, before he falls right back on it. "Whoa, 'm a bit dizzy."
Louis pulls away from Harry's lips, his own incredibly red and swollen. "What time is it?"
He answers his own question by looking at the watch on his wrist. "Half past twelve. Yeah, let's go to sleep."
"I would, if you'd get off me."
"Get off you or get you off?"
"Jesus, you really are a horny drunk, aren't you?"
Louis closes his eyes and leans his head against Harry's shoulder as the other guys stand up and turn off the TV.
"Carry me." He orders, tightening his arms around Harry's neck.
"You're kidding me right?"
"That's the second time you indirectly called me fat tonight and I don't appreciate it."
"Lou, I'm so drunk we're both going to fall and twist our necks."
"I'll give you a hundred quid if you carry me upstairs right now."
"I'll do it!" comes Niall's voice from upstairs, before two doors slam shut.
Harry sighs and proceeds to stand up while also lifting Louis bridal style.
"Mmm sooo drunk." Louis says, burying his nose into Harry's chest.
It's not that hard getting upstairs. The hard part comes when Harry has to open the door to Louis' bedroom with his knee so he won't drop the grown man.
"Bed time for me." Louis hums. "Bed time for me."
And the thing is; he's just too adorable Harry wants to squeeze him until he pops. And then fuck him really good. But that won't happen tonight, judging by the state they're both in.
"Where are you sleeping tonight?"
Harry puts Louis down on the bed. "In here. I already put the bag there."
"Purrrfect. 'm going to sleep now."
"Won't you be too warm in those clothes?"
"I'm too tired to get undressed. You do it for me."
Harry kneels on the bed next to him and pulls Louis' shirt off, and the pants follow.
"I can't even get a proper hard on because I'm soooo drunk."
"It's fine, just get under the blanket."
Louis obliges, and as soon as he's under the blanket, he watches Harry getting undressed.
"You've got nice legs. And a nice chest. And a really nice cock."
"You can't even see it."
"I will though, right?"
Harry gets into bed next to him without answering, and then turns off the light.
"Right?" Louis repeats the question, turning on his side to face Harry.
"Right. When the time comes."
Louis pouts, but doesn't say anything else. Instead, he kisses Harry with an open mouth and a lot of tongue. The kiss is sloppy, but this time slower and deeper; just the way Harry likes it.
At one point, Louis straddles him and they kiss like that, until he eventually stops responding.
Harry opens his eyes to see that Louis' are closed.
"Did you literally fall asleep while we were snogging?"
Louis doesn't answer. Harry sighs and struggles to pull him a bit further down so that Louis' cheek is resting on his chest, and even though he's straddling him, Harry still manages to fall asleep.
He is still asleep when Harry wakes up, so he tries to roll Louis off of him and get out of bed without waking him up.
The house is still quiet when he gets downstairs, and by the time he's finished cleaning up and doing the dishes, Liam walks into the kitchen with Niall behind him.
"My head hurts." Niall complains and drops on one of the chairs at the table.
"Coffee?" Harry asks, ignoring his statement as he picks up the coffee pot.
"You're a life saver." Liam smiles and holds out a clean mug.
Zayn joins them five minutes later, and they spend the next hour talking about what happened yesterday while smoking and drinking coffee.
"So you and Louis were quite wild with the PDA." Liam states and places his now empty mug in the sink. He leans against the counter and crosses his arms.
"Uh...yeah. We were both drunk. And we hoped you were too, so you wouldn't remember it once you woke up."
"Well, I still do, and I don't know if I should wash my eyes or just go throw up." Zayn tells him.
"Am I the only one who doesn't remember this?"
They all stare at Niall.
"What? I drank more than all of you put together." He says defensively. "And I'm skinnier."
"That has nothing to do with it." Liam argues.
"Yes it does. It depends on your body weight."
They start a debate about who can get drunk easier and why, and everyone is so invested in the topic that Harry is the only one who notices Louis walking in.
He's got his sleepy face on, eyes rimmed red and hair sticking out in every single direction, and great, he's only wearing his boxers.
"What's all this noise in my house at this hour?" Louis asks and closes his eyes.
"It's two in the afternoon."
"What did I just say, Liam?"
Liam rolls his eyes and checks his phone. "I have to go. I'm meeting Soph for lunch in thirty minutes and I stink like a rubbish bin."
"Aw Liam, don't worry." Louis smiles. "That's your usual smell."
Harry asks Liam if he can drop him off at the tube station. Liam agrees, and Harry tries not to think too much into the sad, disappointed look Louis gives him when he leaves.
It turns out that the cantonment everyone was talking about a couple of weeks ago will officially start on Friday the 29th (they're leaving on the 28th), and will end on August 4th, so that the whole team can relax for a few days before the first game of the League.
"This year, we're going to California." Van Gaal tells them on Monday. "All expenses paid, we'll be gone for seven days...most of you know the drill already."
Everyone stays quiet.
"Harry, as I've said before, you're welcome to join us if you want to."
Harry nods, cheeks heating up. "Alright." He tries not to look in Louis direction. Because things are too weird. They haven't talked since his 'lads night' sleepover, but they make way too much eye contact for it to be just coincidental.
"Any further questions?"
No one says anything. Harry looks down at his hands.
"Alright then. I'll see you tomorrow."
His father agrees to the whole cantonment thing and even gives him money for the whole week, which is a bit suspicious.
Maybe he wants the house to himself so Kathy can come over, Harry thinks a couple of days later as he packs his suitcase. They're supposed to meet at the training complex in less than thirty minutes to leave for the airport, and Harry still hasn't finished packing.
It's already dark outside; their plane leaves at 12:30am, so they can touch down in LA at 4am local time and sleep off the jetlag until dinnertime.
Everything is well thought out, except of the part where Harry is supposed to pick up his pace with the packing. He's already said goodbye to Barbara and Niall yesterday when they came over to lounge by the pool, and now there's a taxi waiting for him downstairs (his father has been sleeping since 8pm because he has a trial to attend tomorrow; even though he promised he'd wake up to take him to the training complex) already, so he throws everything else that's left on the bed in the suitcase, zips it up, and then off he goes.
He gets to the complex in time, lucky for him, and hands his suitcase to the driver before he hops on the bus.
Louis is in the back next to David, so Harry takes a seat next to Ander right across from them. David and Ander greet him with happy smiles and handshakes, and Louis just raises his eyebrows in a playful manner.
The airport is buzzing when they get there, and everyone goes to the bathroom before they check in.
"Having fun so far?" Louis asks while Harry is drying his hands.
"Why would I be having fun so far?"
"You know, because you're sitting next to your crush and all."
"I don't have a crush on Ander."
Louis snorts. "Of course you don't."
"You're really confusing sometimes. I mean, if I were to have a crush on someone it wouldn't be a guy I barely talk to." Harry says and pulls his hands away from under the automatic hand dryer. "It would probably be the guy I've been kissing for a few weeks now. Just saying."
As he exits the bathroom without looking back, he wonders if Louis just realized that Harry confessed his attraction and obvious crush on him. But it's too late to turn back now, so oh well.
Their tickets are in alphabetical order apparently, so Harry ends up having a seat in first class right next to Louis Tomlinson.
"What seat do you have?" Louis asks when Harry sits down in 34A.
"34A, as you can see."
"I have 34B. Can I have the window seat?"
Harry sighs and stands up to let Louis by the window.
An airhostess comes in a few minutes later to act out the flight instructions, and before they know it the plane is moving.
As soon as they're up in the air, Harry checks all the movies the small TV is equipped with. He's in an internal debate over Killers and Titanic when he feels someone's hot breath fanning over his cheek.
"You know what's something I always wanted to do?" Louis asks in a low voice so the others can't hear them.
"I'm afraid to ask." Harry says, trying to keep a calm composure.
"Join the mile high club."
Thank you so much for reading :)
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! Next update will be on October 17-18th , 6pm UK time !
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