Chapter 8
Let me know what you think of it throughout the story and make sure you read the end notes !
Happy reading :D
The first thing Harry feels when he wakes up is something pressing against his lower back. At first he thinks one of his pillows might have moved while he tossed in his sleep, but then he realizes that someone's arm is around his waist. And then he realizes that Louis Tomlinson is actuallyspooning him, and the thing pressing into his back is actually Louis' morning wood.
Harry's heart leaps into his chest and his stomach flips as last nights' events come flooding back to him. He tries wiggling away from Louis' grip without waking him up.
Once he's finally free and out of bed, Louis whines and turns on his stomach, not waking up. Harry's not sure what he's supposed to do next now that he's out of bed, because this isn't his house and last night's clothes are sprawled across the room.
Oh my God
Did we do something?
No. I remember everything.
He stares at the curve of Louis' ass for a moment, before he feels like he's a creep so he averts his eyes. God knows how long it takes for Louis to wake up in the morning. Do they have practice today? No, he remembers something Van Gaal said about not having practice today, so he calms down.
Harry walks over to the bathroom and brushes his teeth with a new toothbrush he finds in the cabinet under the sink, and then combs his hair.
Louis is softly snoring, so Harry sits down at the edge of the bed and checks his social media. Niall and Barbara are sending pictures from last night after Harry left and he actually bothers responding to his father's texts with a simple 'at louis' house, going to be home later'.
Louis stirs in his sleep and mumbles something, before he turns on his back and opens his eyes. Harry watches him as he rubs them, and then sits up in bed looking disoriented.
"What time 's it?" he asks, running a hand through his hair.
"Uh..." Harry checks the time on his phone. "Twelve forty-two."
How on earth did he sleep in this much? Maybe he was just too comfortable in Louis' arms. Maybe.
"Jesus, I'm starving."
"Well you don't have anything in your fridge besides cereal and that weird diet food you have to eat."
"Fuck the fridge, let's go out for lunch."
Harry doesn't want to ask if it's like sort of a date, because it's not. Louis just wants to go out to eat and since Harry's here it would only be polite to invite him along.
Louis gets up from the bed, and it doesn't look like he really minds Harry seeing him with a hard-on as he makes his way to the bathroom.
When he comes out, Harry is already dressed in last night's clothes.
"You're not wearing a tuxedo out to lunch." Louis says, shaking his head and motions for Harry to follow him into the closet.
"I think we've established by now that your clothes don't really fit me."
"Shut your mug and try these on. They're Liam's but he forgot them here." Louis tells him and pushes a pair of ripped skinny jeans into Harry's arms. Then he places a black shirt on top.
"I'm not sure I can give you shoes though, I'm a size eight and a half."
"I'm a size ten. You've got baby feet."
"Shut up."
Harry puts on the clothes Louis just handed him, and then his own shoes.
"I look like an idiot with these jeans and dress shoes on."
"Shut up, no one is going to look at you."
"Where are we going?" Harry finally asks once they're out the door and Louis passes the garage.
"There's a restaurant a couple of blocks away that's really good."
"I don't have any money on me."
Louis shakes his head. "It's fine, I got it."
"Ugh, please don't make this one of those situations where I have to insist to pay and you denying even though we both know I'll end up paying okay?"
Harry nods, shutting up.
The restaurant is more of a terrace in the middle of a crowded street that's occupied by shops, other restaurants, and even a small cinema. There are people everywhere, and Harry is sure that some of them recognize Louis when they sit down at a table outside.
By the time the waiter brings their menus, a couple of girls sitting nearby try sneaking photos of Louis while talking a 'selfie'. Harry stares at the camera before averting his eyes.
"Those girls are taking pictures of you." Harry says.
Louis doesn't look up from his menu. "I know."
"You can't even see them."
"I heard them giggle."
Harry snorts. Louis really is something else.
"What if they'll think I'm your boyfriend?"
Louis shrugs. "They can think whatever they want to think. Who cares?"
Harry turns his head, not responding.
Louis orders a Caesar salad with fries on the side and a glass of lemonade, while Harry orders a hamburger with veggies and lemonade.
"Don't you want desert?" Louis asks when the plates are placed in front of them.
"If I'm not full, then yes. But I don't want to take advantage of you money."
Louis rolls his eyes. "Why is everything about money? Can't you have a good time without thinking about who owes who and how to get even?"
"Sorry, it's just that I feel bad when people pay for me."
Louis raises an eyebrow. "So you've never been asked out on a date?"
"I have been, but I always paid for myself."
"Because I don't like the idea of someone paying for me. I don't know why." Harry shrugs.
"You're weird. When I was younger, I would have taken any opportunity to save up money."
"Well then, we're not really alike now are we?"
"I guess not." Louis concludes and opens his mouth to take a bite out of the chicken.
They eat the rest of their lunch in silence, and Harry ends up ordering a milkshake and some ice cream after.
"Now that's what I like to see." Louis says, smiling, when Harry finishes his ice cream and leans back into his chair, patting his stomach.
"My beautiful face?" Harry asks, teasing.
"Your satisfied smile. Hey, I forgot to ask. So I was bored yesterday and logged on Tumblr, and like, I could see the posts but didn't know how to 'reblog' them?"
Harry sighs, waiting for Louis to place his phone on the table.
"So here is how you reblog stuff, this is how you life posts, and this is how you mention someone if you want that person to see the post."
"Oh, so like, if I want you to see a post I just @ you?"
"Yes. And I'll check it out."
"Good. How do I get followers?"
"By posting stuff and following people who follow back."
Louis smirks and exits the Tumblr App to click on Twitter. "Or I can tweet about my Tumblr."
Harry watches him tweet 'heyyy I made a tumblr !!'
"Now we wait."
"You know you're going to have to be careful about what you like and reblog from now on right?" Harry asks.
"Why? Is there anything I shouldn't be posting?"
"No, I'm just saying. Maybe you're going to like..." out yourself "post something that might put your career in jeopardy. I don't know, I'm just saying but I don't know how this whole business works."
"You think they might kick me off the team if I tell them I'm gay?"
"Are you coming out to me right now?" Harry asks, not sure of what he's supposed to say. His choice of words isn't that great though, and now he feels like an idiot.
"No, I'm just wondering. I've never really heard Van Gaal express his opinion about homosexuality."
"Well, if you're straight, then what's it to you?"
"I just...don't like close-minded people, that's all."
Harry stares down at his hands, and then something catches his eye. There are two men with cameras a bit further down the street, pointing them right at Louis.
"Paparazzi are here."
"I know, I saw them."
"And doesn't that bother you?"
Louis shakes his head, and then turns it to look at the men. "I'm used to it. But it's not like I'm a big celebrity, I don't get followed everywhere. Unless someone tips them off or if one of our publicists calls them, I don't have a problem."
"Aren't they like, rude to you?"
"No. But most of them are really focused on who I'm dating. Don't know why though. That's nobody's business but my own and the person I'm with."
Harry bites his lip, but doesn't say anything else because he has no idea what to say. Louis asks their waiter for the check and pays with his card, before they're on their way back to his house.
"So do you want to stay or are you going home?"
Harry checks the time on his phone. "I think I'm going to go home and endure an hour long speech about how what I did was wrong and that my dad is allowed to date whoever he wants to."
Louis pokes the inside of his cheek with his tongue. "You can leave your suit here and I'll bring it over tomorrow at practice after I get it dry cleaned together with mine."
"I really need a personal assistant to help me out with my chores because I simply forget to do them." He sighs, opening the door for Harry and offering to drive him home. Harry tells him he'll get a cab.
"Good luck on finding an assistant." Harry says.
"Good luck on surviving that speech."
When Harry gets home, his father is in the living room watching Law and Order, but he mutes it as soon as Harry steps into the living room. Ernie is on the armchair next to the couch, and he lifts his head to look at Harry with sleepy eyes.
"We need to talk." Is the only thing his dad says. No 'hello', no 'how are you', nothing.
"About what?" Harry asks innocently, sitting down on the armrest of the couch.
"You know what. About what happened yesterday at the gala. What was that?"
Harry sighs. "It's weird seeing you with someone else, especially when I didn't know it was going on. How long has this been going on?"
"I've been seeing her for six months now."
"Six months?" Harry exclaims. "That's half a year! For half a year you've been lying to me!"
"Don't get worked up now-"
"Are you planning on proposing?"
His father raises his hands in defense. "I didn't say that."
"If you love her so much, why didn't you tell me? That's what bothers me the most about the situation. That you didn't tell me."
"I didn't tell you because I didn't know how you were going to react."
"So you thought it would be better to just hide it from me? You thought I was never going to find out?"
"No, that wasn't-"
Harry stops him by putting a hand up. "You know, you always tell me we can be open and honest with each other, but you never are. You're never home, never here. And then you expect me to pretend that nothing's wrong and just take all the shit you throw my way? I'm so done with this, honestly."
He doesn't wait for his father to say anything else before he takes up the stairs and makes sure to slam the door really hard behind him.
After he takes a shower and changes into some more comfortable clothes, he sits down on his bed and pulls his laptop over his lap.
He checks Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and then finally Tumblr. He has a notification from lwtomlinson, who reblogged his most recent photo of a Christopher Pointdexter quote.
Harry clicks on his blog but there's nothing to see really, besides a selfie with over five thousand notes already, and the post he's reblogged from Harry. To his surprise, his follower count just doubled, and he knew it would happen since his blog was the first one Louis Tomlinson actually reblogged.
He scrolls through his dashboard and then suddenly stops at a set of pictures posted by fuckyeahtomlinson. There is a set of four pictures, all of them taken seconds apart of Harry and Louis out for lunch. They're talking to each other in the first three, and then Harry is staring right at the camera in the fourth one.
He likes the post and scrolls further down, until he finds another set of pictures he wasn't even aware were being taken at the time, of Louis and him walking away from the restaurant, laughing about God knows what it even was.
He looks to the comments made on the post with Xkit, and a whole lot of people are already speculating whether this is Louis' new boyfriend, wondering who Harry is and how old he is, because he apparently doesn't look older than 18.
Harry closes the Tumblr tag and stares at the wall for a few seconds, until he takes out his phone to save two of the pictures and send them to Louis on WhatsApp.
Harry: look at this
Harry: [image]
Harry: [image]
The messages aren't even delivered, so Harry busies himself with taking all the dirty clothes that have been piling in his room for the past week to the laundry basked in his bathroom. He cleans him room to get his mind off of everything, but as soon as his phone rings to signal a new WhatsApp notification, he lunges for the bed.
He's disappointed when he sees that the activity is on their group, and not on his private chat with Louis, who by the way, received the messages but hasn't read them yet.
Barbara: did u see this???
Barbara: [image]
The image is one of the two Harry just sent to Louis, and he bites his lip as he thinks of a reply.
Harry: yeah they're on tumblr
Barbara: I saw???? People think you're together now and want to know who u are
Harry: ?
Barbara: do u want them to find out?
Harry: not really
Harry: my dad said it's better if van gaal doesn't find out about this
Harry: this*
Barbara: then be careful next time
Harry: they were there already, we didn't have a choice
Niall: what if we see the photo in a magazine?
Niall: will u sign it for me?
Niall: :D
Harry is about to reply with '_|_' when he sees Chats (1) on the top left of his screen, so he leaves the conversation.
Louis: ?
Harry: these pictures are all over tumblr
Louis: I know
Louis: I saw
Louis: my publicist just called me and asked me about you
Harry: and?
Louis: I told her there's nothing to worry about you're just a friend
Harry: ok
Louis: is that wrong or?
Harry: no, it's good
Louis sees the message but doesn't reply, so Harry gives up on having a conversation with him, when it's obvious that Louis isn't in the mood to have a chat.
The next day is a Wednesday, and Harry almost doesn't go to practice because he's just not in the mood. The atmosphere at home has been really tense, so tense his father and him don't even talk anymore.
He does show up ten minutes late though, when the team is already on the field doing warm-ups. He pushes the cart over to the benches and sits down, already done for the day.
Louis comes over at some point and asks Harry something, but he's too out of it and gives a halfhearted reply, to which the footballer frowns. When Louis leaves, Harry wishes he hadn't acted so cold because it wasn't his fault.
"You okay?" Ander asks at the end of practice when they're on their way to the locker rooms.
"Yeah, why?"
"You just seem out of it today."
Harry shrugs. "Problems at home. Nothing important."
"It must be important if you're so distant, unlike usual."
Ander's insistence is starting to annoy Harry, even though he only means well. Usually, he likes when Ander hits on him or tries to strike a conversation, but he's just not feeling it today. All he wants to do is go outside have a cigarette or ten, and relax. Maybe forget. Get a new father.
As soon as the thought crosses his mind, he feels guilty.
"I'm leaving." He suddenly says and reaches for the cart. Just then, Van Gaal enters the locker room and asks everyone to pay attention.
"I'd like to see you all in my office after you change in ten minutes. Don't be late." He says, and looks at Harry.
Shit. He found out about the lunch...outing. Date? Fuck.
Harry puts the dirty towels and empty bottles where they're supposed to go, and then heads over to Van Gaal's office alone. He's the first one there, so he waits seven minutes on the clock until the players come in one by one.
Van Gaal comes in last and closes the door, before he takes a seat next to Giggs at the end of the table, just like usual.
"I called this meeting to talk about the upcoming team bonding weekend."
Harry raises a hand.
"Leave the questions at the end."
Harry puts his hand down, feeling like a fifth grader who just got ignored by the teacher.
"We're planning on going away this weekend for a one-night camping trip in the nearby woods. No cellphones, no Wi-Fi, nothing."
Harry is confused. Why is he at this meeting? He's not part of the team. And what about that one-week cantonment everyone has been talking about? Is this it?
"We're leaving on Friday afternoon so we can be back Saturday night. Now, questions?"
Three hands, including Harry's come up.
"Yes, David?"
"Will we sleep in tents?"
Van Gaal rolls his eyes. "That's what camping implies. Louis?"
"Is there going to be a lot of hiking? Or just like, relaxing and stuff?"
"There will be hiking and other physical activities to keep you in shape Tomlinson." Giggs answers this time. Louis pouts, but doesn't say anything else.
Harry catches him staring but speaks to Van Gaal instead of making eye contact. "Am I supposed to come too?"
"If you want, of course. You get along with everyone on the team, so I don't think anyone would have anything against it. Do you, guys?"
Everyone shakes their head and some of them say that it's a great idea, that they wouldn't have anything against it. Harry almost wishes they would have something against it, since he's really not in the mood to go away for two days, but if he thinks about it, a one-night getaway just to think would be for the best right now.
Away from his father, from social media, just on his own. And twenty other people. Whatever.
When they're dismissed, Harry follows everyone out of the room and stays behind as soon as they exit the building so he can lean against the wall in peace and light up a cigarette.
He's not even halfway through it when Louis walks up to him with raises eyebrows. "You okay?"
Harry blows out the smoke through his nose and shrugs. "I don't know. Sorry for being rude to you earlier, I just got a lot on my mind right now."
"It's fine, I didn't take it personally. So what's up?" Louis asks as he takes out his own cigarette pack and lights a fag.
"I got into a fight with my dad about the whole Kathy thing, and I ended up telling him how I really feel about everything and things have been weird since yesterday."
"I'm sorry."
"There's nothing to be sorry about. I'm glad I got to finally tell him some of the things that I've held back for years now."
"For years?"
"Yeah, like about my mother and how he's never around. It's not that important." Harry says, trying to wave it off.
"Yes it is." Louis frowns. "You know you can tell me. Right?"
"Well, I don't want to complain too much like-" Harry stops for a second. "Like a baby. You know, whining."
"It's normal to vent Harry. I've been living with teenage girls my whole life, I've gotten used to listen. Or at least pretend."
Harry's heart falls. "I don't need someone to pretend to listen. I need someone to listen."
"That's not what I meant. I meant like, I'm used to listening to people."
"Well, that was about it. I just wanted to apologize for the way I acted earlier."
Louis lets the smoke out right in his face and smiles. "Don't worry about it. You're done with your cigarette? Let's go."
Ever since Harry told Niall and Barbara that he'll be accompanying the team on an overnight camping trip, all they've been talking about is how Harry will fuck Louis, or vice versa.
Then everything evolved into a 'who would top' hot discussion, where Niall claimed that Harry would definitely top Louis since the footie player is shorter and has a really fit arse, while Barbara said that Louis is definitely the 'small but really domineering type' (Harry agrees with her whole heartedly, but he would mind doing it Niall's way either).
Barbara: I'd tell you to call or text us if anything interesting happens
Barbara: but I remembered you can't bring your phone with you
Harry: I can, but they'll take it away as soon as we get there
Niall: good luck mate
Harry: (prayer emoji)
He shuts his phone off and looks out the window of the bus that's taking them to the outskirts of Manchester where they'll hike up the mountain and eventually find a glade to camp in.
Louis is sitting across from him with David, while Harry sits with Ander, who just sat down next to him before Louis even got on the bus. Not that Louis would've wanted to sit next to Harry or anything; that's highly unlikely.
Harry's watching Ander's profile while he talks to Young, who's sitting right behind them next to Carrick. Now that he thinks about it, Ander is actually really fit and obviously interested. And since Louis hasn't made any other attempt at anything, Harry might as well just have fun. Well, not right now; if and when the opportunity arises.
The bus eventually stops at the beginning of a hiking trail, not even an hour after they left the training complex. Their destination is an hour and a half away, so it shouldn't be that hard to get up there. Louis is already complaining, but no one pays him any attention.
Van Gaal collects their phones and places them in a backpack that's left back on the bus, and then waves the driver off. Then he and Giggs, with backpacks on their shoulders, start walking and everyone follows.
"Do you think there are bears in these woods?" Harry asks Ander. This question might go down in Harry's own autobiography called 'I am a fucking idiot and these are actual words I've said out loud' as the worst pick up line yet.
He's just trying to make conversation, but he should know better by now that he wasn't meant for something along those lines.
"Probably, but everyone's talking too loud and it will scare them away." Ander replies, seeming happy to leave the conversation he was just having with Louis so he can reply to Harry.
"I bet you could outrun them." Is the next stupidity that comes out of Harry's mouth and oh God, someone stop him for fuck's sake.
Louis snorts and shakes his head, before he looks up as if he wasn't even paying attention. Harry frowns at him confusedly, but lets it go and decides to start up another conversation with Ander about how he became a footballer and got recruited for Man United.
By the time they reach the glade, it's way past five pm and everyone is sweating. They have yet to set up six tents and make a campfire, and also shower in the river a few hundred meters down; all before the sun goes down.
They pair of in groups of four to set up the tent they'll eventually sleep in, and Harry doesn't even realize what's going on until Ander and David start putting up a tent while Louis watches them and tries to give instructions that can't be safe for anyone.
Their tent is the last one to go up since Louis didn't really help with anything, as much as he tried to. They place their backpacks inside before everyone heads over to the river to take a quick bath and change into some new clothes.
Harry tries not to stare at anyone, because he's not sure how the players would react if they caught him ogling them. He's never heard them say anything homophobic or speak about the topic, but you never know.
Back to their small camp, some of the guys busy themselves with going out to find wood for the fire, others set up fold out chairs they carried all the way up here around the pit, and others (meaning Louis and Harry), are standing by their tent arguing about who should go inside first, since as soon as he unzipped the tent, Harry saw a giant wasp and decided he was fine sleeping outside tonight.
David comes a few minutes later and chases the wasp out of their tent, so Harry retrieves his hoodie (it's getting pretty chilly outside) and walks past Louis towards the bonfire.
Everyone takes out the food they brought with them, and thank God for De Gea, because he's brought a giant bag of marshmallows with him.
Harry takes the last remaining seat between Louis and Ander, reaching out to take a skinny stick on which he can stabilize his marshmallow.
They spend the next hour or so talking about game strategies and that the most important thing isn't winning; it's learning how to play better as a team and blah blah blah.
Harry doesn't say anything; he's just content listening to Louis talking about how back in Paris they didn't do this and that everyone had one single goal in mind, and that goal was to be the best player of the team.
His watch shows 10:30pm when Van Gaal says they should all be headed to sleep so they can wake up early the next day for an early morning job through the woods.
Harry takes it upon himself to clean up the cups and whatever is left from everyone so he can put them in the large black trash bag.
By the time he's finished, everyone has already brushed their teeth and gone inside their tents. Harry simply takes out a pack of gum he found in the pockets of his hoodie and puts a tablet in his mouth, before he makes his way towards his tent.
David and Ander are arguing about something Harry doesn't bother to pay attention to, so he unzips his sleeping bag and slides inside. He's incredibly aware of the fact that he's sleeping between Ander and Louis. How is it possible to be caught between them all the time? Or at least that's what's happened in the past twelve hours for at least three times.
Louis isn't saying anything, but Harry can see that he's staring at the ceiling, listening in to the conversation. It eventually dies down, and Harry falls asleep to David's light snoring.
Someone shaking him wakes him up from a dream he has about meeting David Beckham and his entire family.
"Mm what?" he mumbles, suddenly aware of the fact that he has chewing gum in his mouth that still, surprisingly, has some flavor left.
"Shh, you'll wake them up." Louis says.
He's straddling Harry, pressing his forefinger to his lips.
"What happened?" Harry whispers, trying to match Louis' volume.
"I need to pee but it's too dark outside."
"So? I need a smoke and a wee and I don't want to go alone. Come on."
"I was sleeping." Harry says, but moves as soon as Louis gets out of his lap.
They exit the foyer in silence and walk farther away from the camp until they can't see the dying fire anymore.
"Hold this." Louis tells him and hands him a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, before he just turns around to pee.
Harry waits for him to be done so he can pull a cigarette out and hand one to Louis. They light them up at the same time, and then lean against the nearest tree.
"So was it really necessary to wake me up?" Harry asks. He likes to give Louis the impression that he doesn't like this at all or that he doesn't feel a rush of adrenaline when he thinks of all the possibilities of what could happen between the two of them right here right now in the dark where no one can see them.
They chain smoke three cigarettes until Louis finally speaks up. "So what's the deal with you and Herrera?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, you two have been disgustingly flirting today and I was just wondering when you were going to fuck, you know?"
Harry is speechless. It may be just his imagination, but Louis does sound a bit jealous.
"Why are you so interested in this? What's it to you?"
Harry may have just sounded more defensive than needed.
Louis shrugs. "I don't know. I guess I liked when you were only trying to flirt with me."
"When did I ever flirt with you?" Harry asks, but feels like a deer in the headlights.
"Tried. Tried to flirt with me."
"Fuck off."
"Aw come on now, don't pout." Louis says, the last word spoken slower than usual.
"I'm not pouting."
"Yes you are."
"No I'm not."
They're behaving like children.
"Yes, you are."
Harry purses his lips in anger. "I am not."
Louis stares at him, and Harry expects him to say 'yes you are' once again. What he doesn't expect though, is for Louis to wrap an arm around his neck and pull him to his lips.
Harry's tongue meets Louis' before anything else, and his hands find themselves on Louis' waist, pulling their chests together.
The kiss is heated and rushed, like someone might pull them away at any moment, so Harry slows it down and Louis follows suit.
Harry wraps his arms around Louis' waist completely and lifts him up so he can press him against the tree. He has no idea what's gotten into him; all he knows is that he wants more.
Louis' legs and arms come around him, and he tastes like cigarettes and toothpaste and Louis, and Harry gets lost in it.
When Louis starts kissing and licking his neck, Harry's hand wanders down the front of his sweater until they reach his sweatpants and cup Louis' growing cock.
Louis lets out a low moan and bites into his neck.
"Suck me off. Please." He whispers to Harry, and the hot breath brushing his earlobe is too much for him to say no. Besides, why would he say no to giving Louis a blowjob?
Harry puts him down and gets to his knees, fingers curling around the hem of Louis' sweatpants before he pulls them down together with the briefs underneath.
Louis' semi is staring him right in the face, so Harry takes a hold of it. His cock is smooth and even though he can't see it, he can feel that it's thick.
"Fuck." Louis exhales as soon as Harry takes him into his mouth, all the way down until it reaches the back of his throat.
He alternates between sucking and licking, moving his fist up and down in rhythm with his own mouth, just like he used to do it on the guys that came before. He thought he'd lost his skills, but judging by the way Louis breathes, he's okay.
Louis' fingers tangle into his hair and they pull at it, which causes Harry to moan.
"Like that?" Louis asks breathlessly, tugging once again.
Harry nods and lays his tongue flat on the underside of Louis' dick, moving his head up and down until he's out of breath.
"Fuck my mouth." He mumbles with a cock still in his mouth.
Harry pulls off, saliva mixed with precum dangling from his lips. "Fuck my mouth."
"Shit, okay."
Louis guides his head back in, and keeps it in place by Harry's hair as he moves his hips forward. He goes slowly at first, but then picks up his pace.
Harry places his hands on Louis' thighs and opens wide, closing his eyes because darkness is pretty much all he can see anyway.
"This might be embarrassing but I'm-"
Harry pulls away from Louis' grip and takes matters into his own hands (literally). He circles his tongue around the tip and plays with Louis' balls before running his tongue all the way from the tip to where his hand is resting, and then back up.
Louis comes in his mouth with a high-pitched cry, and Harry waits a few seconds to swallow everything before he pulls off. He stands up and wipes his mouth.
"You really need to eat more fruit-" he starts, but doesn't get to finish because Louis is kissing him again and one of his hands is sneaking into his pants to jerk him off.
Harry comes with a low groan in Louis hand, and then they press their foreheads against each other, trying to even their breathing.
"You're the first boy to kiss me after a blow job." Harry tells him.
"I don't have a problem with that." Louis smiles against his lips. "By the way, nice cock."
"You can't even see it."
"I can feel it though." He says and wipes his hand on his sweatpants. "Also, I don't usually come so fast."
"It's fine. My knees were starting to hurt anyway."
Louis smiles against his lips and kisses him again.
They pull apart a few minutes later, and Harry takes a look around. "What direction did we come from?"
Louis looks around. "Did you pay attention?"
"Um, no? You led the way."
"You've got to be kidding me."
Thank you so much for reading :)
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! Next update will be on October 4th, 5pm UK time ! (I've decided to post one in every two weeks so I can have time to focus on school, social life, and also writing. There are less than 10 chapters left of this story for those wondering.)
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