Chapter 7
Let me know what you think of it throughout the story and make sure you read the end notes !
Happy reading :D
Harry watches Louis go in for another punch, and then he suddenly feels like throwing up. He turns his head to look f the way to the exit is clear. There is a line of people probably waiting to go out and have a smoke, so he looks back at the current situation.
Louis is currently being held back by a security guard, hauled back by strong tattooed arms as the creepy man clutches his nose. There is blood oozing out between his fingers and he looks like he's a few seconds away from passing out. Which is exactly how Harry feels right now too, probably because of what that man put in his drink.
He follows the security guard and Louis outside.
"I know you're a big deal Tomlinson but that doesn't give you the right to go punching people." The security guy says when he lets go of Louis' collar.
"That man spiked my mate's drink, what was I supposed to do?"
The guard turns to look at Harry, who's now leaning against the wall of the club, trying to not let the fact that he's incredibly busy, on the verge of throwing up, show.
"I guess you did the right thing, so I'm going to try and not get you banned from the club. You can't go back tonight though."
Louis nods, and then shakes the guard's hand in form of a thank you.
"You okay?" he asks Harry when the guard goes back inside. "How are you feeling?"
"Really drunk. Dizzy."
"How much did you drink out of the glass?"
"Two sips."
Louis curses under his breath and then pulls his phone out.
"I'm going to call Liam and tell him that we're going back to your house to get you to bed and put something on me knuckles."
Harry looks down at Louis' hands, and it's the first time he sees that they're actually bleeding and that the skin has rubbed off from the constant punches.
"Does it hurt?"
"A bit, but that's not the problem right now. Why weren't you paying attention?"
"I was looking if you were still waiting for me."
Louis rolls his eyes and takes the phone to his ear. When Liam doesn't answer, he send him a message before he looks around for a cab.
"Can we just like, walk? Please."
"You want to walk to your house?" Louis asks. "There's at least a ten minute walk."
"Yeah, I need some fresh air right now."
"Fine. Let's go."
Louis holds out his hand for Harry to take, and after he pulls him off the wall, he lets go (to Harry's disappointment).
They walk a couple of minutes in silence, until they reach a big park they have to cross so they'll finally get to Harry's neighborhood.
Louis lights up a cigarette and stops when Harry sits down on a bench and puts his hands in his palms.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. When are these drugs supposed to wear off?"
"I don't know, it's not like I've used them before."
Harry shakes his head and looks up, just to see Louis staring down at him as he lets out smoke from his lips.
"Can you like, look it up or something?"
"Yeah hold on."
Louis takes his phone out and sits down next to him as he googles the date rape drug.
"It says that the drugs usually leave your system in less than twelve hours."
"Great. Eleven more hours to go." Harry mumbles, and suddenly surges forward to throw up on the grass by his feet.
He stays like that for a few seconds, and then wipes the corner of his mouth before he sits back.
"Jesus man, that's gross."
"I need gum."
"What for? 's not like I'm going to kiss you right now." Louis says.
Harry turns his head to look at him. "I didn't say anything about kissing. I want to get the taste out of my mouth. There's a supermarket a few blocks away from his house, we should go there."
"Alright, get up then."
They stand up at the same time before they start walking again, this time slower as Louis starts talking about a charity gala Van Gaal wants the whole team to go to, but he doesn't know any more details.
They reach the supermarket five minutes later, and Louis buys a pack of gum and two packs of Marlboro. As soon as they're back outside, Harry takes two pieces of gum and Louis lights another cigarette.
All the lights in the house are out when Harry unlocks the gate, which means that his father is either out somewhere or has already gone to sleep. It's quiet, so Harry goes outside to check on Ernie and give him food, and then comes back in so he can put ice on Louis' knuckles.
"The first aid cabinet is in the bathroom downstairs." He tells Louis, who is apparently feeling like home because he's watching TV with his feet propped up on the coffee table.
Louis stands up and takes off his jacket, before he follows Harry to the bathroom. He sits up on the counter and crosses his ankles, waiting for Harry to do his job.
Harry takes out a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, a couple of band-aids, and some cotton pads.
"You've done this before?" Louis asks.
"When I was younger I used to babysit and the children would get in all kinds of trouble."
"Harry Styles, professional manny."
Harry rolls his eyes and takes Louis' right hand to put it under water.
"Shit, that stings!" Louis complains.
"It's just water, relax."
"It fucking hurts."
Harry stops the water and then wipes the blood off with a cotton pad, before he applies hydrogen peroxide on all of his knuckles. Louis yells and jolts away, but Harry keeps his hand in a tight grip. Then he presses another cotton pad to the wounds and puts band-aids on them.
He does the same with the other hand, and after he's done Louis waits for him to brush his teeth. Then they walk upstairs to his bedroom so Harry can lay down.
Harry pulls off his shirt, toes his shoes off, and then gets rid of his shoes. He turns to look at Louis, who is still fully dressed by his closet, looking right at Harry's chest.
"So what are you going to do? Stay here or go home?"
"Where can I sleep if I stay over?"
"You can sleep in the bed. It's big enough for two people." Harry answers, looking at his queen sized bed.
"Are you sure?"
"Well, we're not going to do anything because I feel too sick"
Louis nods and takes off his shoes before he disappears into the bathroom.
"Can I use your toothbrush?" he asks from the other room, and Harry mumbles a 'yes' as he gets into bed.
When Louis comes out, the only light is coming from the bedside lamp, so he walks over to turn it off before he gets into bed himself.
Harry turns on his left side to face him, and sees that Louis is also half naked as he scrolls through his phone.
"Thank you." He tells him. Louis looks away from his phone.
"What for?"
"Punching that guy for me. God knows what would've happened if you didn't interfere."
"You've already thanked me. And I'm sure anyone else would have done the same." There's a short silence before Louis continues. "Next time, be more careful though. And just to be safe, you should only drink from a bottle."
"But they only serve beer and sodas in bottles." Harry says, scrunching his nose.
"Or you could buy spirits in bottles like we did tonight and not order from the bar anymore."
Harry sighs, pulling the blanket down to his waist because it was too warm in the room. Louis turns his attention back to his phone, and busies himself with it for about ten more minutes until he locks it and puts it on the bedside table.
"What happens if your dad checks your room tomorrow and finds me in your bed? What will he think?" Louis asks, but it's clear that he's smiling. Harry can tell by the tone he uses; even through the dark.
"My father never comes on the second floor, unless it's because he has work in his office, let alone my room."
Louis hums, turning on his side so they're facing each other now. Harry's cheek is against the pillow, while Louis is resting his head on his arm.
"Must be nice."
"Having privacy. When I was younger, I would rarely even get five minutes of privacy to wank, like three times a week. Four if I was lucky."
Harry snorts as Louis continues. "The girls were always everywhere, and I would've killed for a day or two alone."
"Well... I wouldn't."
"Why not?"
"Because it gets...lonely." Harry exhales, and he suddenly realizes that it's the first time he ever tells anyone how he really feels about his dad and being alone all the time.
"What do you mean? Zayn and your housekeeper are here all the time."
"Yeah but...I don't know. I just feel lonely. When I was back in Cheshire, I used to have my sister."
"What's her name again?"
"Gemma. She's in her last year of Uni now."
Louis smiles. "You should go to sleep."
Harry nods, suddenly feeling like a loser for sharing this with Louis, probably because the man wouldn't understand. He turns on his back, and closes his eyes, trying to fall asleep.
"Just...if you ever need someone to talk to or keep you company, I'm here."
Although Harry's response seems casual, inside he's actually freaking out. Freaking out because of the way Louis' words just made him feel. Not like he's falling in love, even though he's starting to slowly develop a crush; Louis' words made him feel safe for the first time in years.
And it feels really nice.
Harry wakes up with his face smushed into the pillow, and a cold right side of the bed.
"Louis?" he calls out as soon as he stands up and looks around the room. They forgot to shut the blinds last night so the sun is shining brightly into the room, literally melting everything.
Harry gets out of bed and walks over to the bathroom to brush his teeth and change into some clothes. He walks downstairs with two empty glasses to put in the sink.
He stops in his tracks when he reaches the kitchen though, because his father and Louis are at the bar, having coffee and talking about God knows what. To say that he's shocked is an understatement.
"Um...good morning?" he carefully says as he proceeds towards the sink.
"Good morning Harry." his father responds, looking at him. Louis doesn't say anything, but he smiles reassuringly at him.
Harry can't tell for sure what his dad must be thinking, but he knows he'll get an earful as soon as Louis leaves.
"Coffee?" Stephanie offers, coming into the kitchen with a tray of unwashed dishes.
"Um, yes thank you."
Harry sits down on the stool next to Louis, unsure of what to do or say next.
"So what were you to talking about?" he asks, trying to play it innocently like Louis Tomlinson didn't just spend the night.
"We were talking about the charity gala my law firm is hosting. It's for kids with cancer, and I bought us a table. I'm going to bring three of my friends with me, and you have room for five more if anyone is up for it." his father starts. "Louis and two of my clients also bought a table." He adds.
"I'm probably going to bring Niall and Barb...and then we'll find three more people."
Louis checks the watch on his phone, and then places his coffee mug down.
"Unfortunately I have to go now, but it was good meeting you Mr. Styles." He says, getting down from the barstool and shaking his hand.
Harry's father nods, and then sees Louis out the door while Harry remains seated, waiting for him to return in severe anxiety.
His father comes back and retakes his place. "So. What was Louis Tomlinson doing at our house at nine in the morning? Did he sleep over?"
"Dad it's not what it looks like-"
His father lifts a hand. "Listen. I don't care what you do with him. But I don't want you to get in too deep, literally."
"Dad!" Harry exclaims, almost dropping his mug.
"I'm serious. Louis is five years older; he knows what he's doing. I don't want him taking advantage of you."
"Okay, first of all. I'm eighteen, so I'm old enough to make my own decisions. Also, he's not taking advantage because nothing happened." Yet.
"Whatever. I want you to be careful. Also, make sure Louis doesn't find out about you two."
"Why not?"
"Just-he doesn't need to find out okay? Unless it's something serious, which it won't be, I hope. He doesn't want his players to be distracted during the League."
Harry nods. "Dad, chill."
"I am chill." His father says, shaking his cup to see if he has anything left in it. "And also worried. Please don't disappoint me." He checks his watch, and then stands up. "I have to go now, I'm meeting with a client at eleven in Stockport. I'll be back later tonight."
"Alright. I'm probably going to stay in today."
"You do that. Don't forget we have the charity gala."
"You never told me when it is?"
"It's tomorrow night, so the players get Tuesday off."
"Oh. Good."
"Do you have a tux that fits you or do I have to leave money for you to go buy a new one?"
"I think I have one from my graduation, but I'm not sure it's right for a fancy gala."
His dad checks his wallet.
"I'm going to transfer some money to your card so you can go to Arndale and buy a new one okay?"
"Here's some money for the taxi." He says, and hands Harry two tenners.
"Thanks dad."
His father smiles and then walks upstairs to change.
Harry waits for him to leave before he goes up to his room, changes into some respectable clothes, and then calls a taxi service. He debates whether he should tell Niall and Barbara about what had just happened this morning, but he decides against it, since Barbara will probably be at her job in H&M. He texts her.
Harry: hey u working today?
Barbara: yeah from 11 to 5. Why?
Harry: have to buy a tux for tomorrow. Explain when I get there
Barbara: okay come onnn I'm boreeed already and I haven't even started
He arrives at Burton around twelve, and finished by twelve-thirty, so he sets foot in H&M just minutes later. Barbara is at the register; chewing gum and looking bored since the store is almost empty, due to the sale going on at Topshop across the hall.
She kisses both of his cheeks and invites him to sit down next to her.
"So what did you want to talk about?"
"Well, first of all, you and Niall need to come with me to this charity gala my father's company is hosting tomorrow."
"Ooh, fancy. I'll finally get to use the initial prom dress I bought but didn't get to wear." She says, mostly to herself.
"And you know how I know about it?"
She raises her eyebrows questioningly.
"Because my father told me this morning. After he told Louis. While they were having coffee in my kitchen."
"Wait what? You had sex with Louis and then he had coffee with your dad?" she asks, laughing.
"Barbara please. I didn't do anything with him last night. I have some standards."
She snorts. "Like fuck you do. You have nothing, not even self respect when it comes to Louis."
"Speaking of last night, what happened exactly? I was too drunk and confused."
"Well, this guy spiked my drink with the date rape drug, Louis beat the shit out of him, so his security guy led us out of the club and we ended up going back to my place to bandage his knuckles and sleep."
"And you didn't do anything." She states, more like a question.
Harry shakes his head.
"Not even cuddle?"
"I'm disappointed."
"Why would you be disappointed?"
"Well Soph and I totally ship you guys." She says, smiling.
"Ship us where?"
"Like, together you idiot. You're on fucking Tumblr and you have no idea what shipping means?"
Harry shakes his head. "I only follow photography blogs."
"Jesus. So what did your father say?"
"He told me not to get into deep with Louis. Literally."
"Oh my God." She cackles. "Niall needs to hear about this."
"Tell him whatever you want, but make sure he presents himself tomorrow night. I have three more people I can invite, so do you think I should invite-"
"Soph, Liam, and Zayn? Definitely. I'll text her right now."
"Great." Harry says, getting out of his seat. "I better get home so I can still catch Zayn and take a bath."
"And wank over Louis." She adds.
"You're the fucking worst."
"But you love me."
Zayn is still there when Harry gets home, smoking in the backyard and reading a book. He agrees to coming to the gala tomorrow, so Harry thanks him and goes upstairs to take a long, well deserved bath.
Then he gets into bed to catch up on Parks and Recreation, since he hasn't gotten around to watch the last episodes due to his hectic school and work schedule.
His father comes home around half past six and they have pizza for dinner in front of the TV, which is weird, because Harry can't even remember the last time the two of them ate dinner like a family.
Ernie comes in through the back door and settles down at their feet, and they spend the rest of the evening watching two action movies. It's the first time in weeks, maybe even months, when Harry's felt like he actually has a father. It's nice and at the same time weird. But he's not complaining.
"So what will you be wearing tonight?" Louis asks that Monday morning after practice.
And it's unfair, really, because he has the audacity to make asking such a simple question so hard, since he's only wearing a towel around his waist.
"Uh...a tuxedo."
"With a button up underneath?"
"What else?"
"I'm thinking of trying to get away with a t-shirt instead of a button up. I hate them."
Louis sits down at his bench and takes out his change clothes.
"Why? Because they're always too big or too long at the sleeves?"
"You're coming tonight?" Ander asks and comes out of the blue with a smile on his face.
"It's my fathers law firm, so yes."
"Oh, good."
"Why is that?" Harry asks, focusing his attention on him instead of Louis.
"Just saying." He shrugs. "See you there."
Harry nods and Ander greets everyone before he leaves.
"What was that about?" Louis asks.
"I don't know?"
"He was flirting." He teases Harry as he stands up and drops his towel. Harry averts his eyes.
"I don't think he was."
"Yes, he was." Louis dumbly continues like a five year old. He dresses up quickly, but Harry still fights by saying there is no way that Ander Herrera was actually flirting with him all the way to Louis' car.
Louis opens the driver's door. "Honestly Harry. You're so oblivious sometimes."
"What do you mean?"
Louis doesn't answer as he gets into the car and waits for Harry to do the same.
His father calls him at three in the afternoon, letting him know that he's sending a car to pick him up at seven o'clock sharp, so he should probably tell his friend to be there too.
Harry sends Barbara and Niall a text, telling them to be at his house around five if they want to get ready here, or at half past six if they want to do it at home. He then starts another conversation on WhatsApp.
Harry: hey can you please give me zayn's number?
Louis: what for?
Harry: I need to tell him to come over so we can all go together at the charity gala tonight
Louis: ( 0161) 497 0682
Harry: thanks
Louis: (seen ✓)
Harry frowns, sort of wishing that Louis has responded, but he doesn't really have time to let himself be bothered about it. He has to take a shower, feed Ernie, dismiss Stephanie for the day, and then start getting ready because Niall and Barbara are coming over at five, and Liam and Sophia at six together with Zayn, who's just replied.
He's in his room putting on a new pair of briefs when the doorbell rings, and he doesn't bother dressing up before walking downstairs to let his friends in.
Niall and Barbara are both casually dressed, but each of them carrying backpacks since they're going to sleep over tonight.
"I don't even know where to start!" Barbara says as soon as she sets her backpack down on Harry's bed. "My hair? My makeup? Ahh."
"Hair first." Harry tells her and goes back to his closet to put his tuxedo on. "My dad's sending us a car at seven."
"If it's a limo I'll faint."
Niall snorts at his girlfriend's words before he proceeds to undress himself.
"This feels like prom all over again. Us three getting ready, me being the third wheel..." Harry trails off.
"You're not the third wheel."
"Niall please, I was the third wheel even when you two weren't together."
"That's not...fine. I don't want you to feel like you're extra."
"Niall, relax. I don't feel like I'm extra. I'm used to it." Harry laughs and pulls his dress pants on. They fit perfectly, even though they haven't been tailored. His dad will love it. Well, he has to love it since it's a two grand tuxedo from Burton. He was thinking about buying one from Yves Saint Laurent or Burberry-the stores his father usually buys his clothes from-but he was too lazy to go at another mall.
At six thirty Niall and Harry are ready, and Barbara is just finishing up her makeup when the doorbell rings once again. It's Zayn, Sophia, and Liam, all dressed and ready to go.
They gather in the kitchen for pre drinks while Barbara is still getting ready, talking about the game from last night and how the League starts in less than a month.
Barbara eventually emerges from upstairs in her red gown looking incredibly beautiful, just like Sophia, and a car honks from outside.
"Our ride is here." Harry announces and takes all the empty cocktail glasses to the sink.
The ride is indeed a limousine, and Niall is the first one to literally throw himself in it.
"It's the same car that took us to prom." Harry tells Barbara once they're seated inside. "It's me dad's driver."
"How lucky are you to have a driver." She sighs, smoothing down her dress.
"Yeah how lucky are you to get a car when you go to Uni."
"Do you honestly think your dad isn't going to get you that car?" Niall intervenes. "I think he will."
Harry shakes his head. "No. He's always true to his word. If he says no it's no."
Niall disagrees, just as Liam takes out six glasses of champagne and a bottle of Louis Roederer.
"I don't want to drink before we get there anymore." Harry says when he's offered a glass.
"You don't want to drink Louis? Ha." Niall snorts, and the rest of them laugh.
"Hey. I don't appreciate these Louis jokes."
"They're not jokes, they're the truth." Barbara adds and high fives Niall.
Harry ends up taking a glass of champagne anyway, and downs it quite quickly when he thinks about what his father told him yesterday about Louis.
The gala is held in a building that looks like it's made out of marvel. Everything is planned out well, with a red carpet leading from the sidewalk where the cars stop all the way inside. There are some hired photographers on each side, since this charity gala is an annual thing-each year raising money for a different cause-and the wealthiest people in Manchester are usually said to attend. (Harry was bored last night so he searched on the Internet for it since his father told him to.)
The limousine stops at the beginning of the red carpet, and a guy in a black suit opens the door for them. Barbra and Niall get out first, followed by Sophia and Liam, and then Harry with Zayn.
"So I guess we'll be photographed together." Harry whispers to Zayn as they walk down the carpet with smiles on their faces.
"It's not an awards show with paparazzi." Zayn laughs. "So just smile and look pretty yeah?"
They turn towards one of the cameramen and pose for a few pictures before they finally head inside. There's a queue at the door with a lady holding a list, checking off names as people walk inside.
"Name?" she asks when they finally get their turn.
"We're there under Styles?"
"I've got six seats left."
"Yeah, that's us."
"Alright, have a great time." She smiles, ticks off the name, and then opens the door.
There's a long hallway with only one door at the end of it except of the bathrooms, so it's not that hard to find the hall. It's incredibly luxurious, with marble walls and marble stairs that lead up to a balcony. There's another flight of stairs that leads to another smaller balcony where the band that's playing is located. There's a bar in the right corner and a stage right at the back of the room so everyone can see it when they eventually start auctioning things (that's apparently thing, and Harry wonders why the event wasn't called a charity auction instead of a gala).
They read the table arrangements right at the entrance.
"Styles, table one." Liam says and points at the words.
"Van Gaal has three tables." Niall gapes.
"Well, he's also got a giant football team so."
They find their table right by the stage, and Harry's a bit (more like extremely) surprised when he sees his father whispering into another woman's ear. There's another couple with them who Harry recognizes since they've been over a couple of times. The man-Bruce-is his father's (closest thing to a) best friend.
His dad pulls away from the woman when he spots Harry and his friends, and smiles as he stands up. Introductions follow, and Harry learns that the woman's name is Kathy, and she's an accountant at the firm Bruce works.
Harry doesn't like her one bit; with all that makeup on, the perfect white teeth, the tight dress she's wearing, and the way she laughs at his father's words. She looks great though, and Harry might be a bit unreasonable because Kathy is nothing like his mother, so that's why he probably hates her.
He decides the best way to get his mind off things is to go and get himself another glass of champagne, or anything else that contains even the least bit of alcohol.
"You okay?" Niall asks him as they're making their way towards the bar.
"Yeah, why?"
"You seem pretty eager to get some alcohol in you. Why's that?"
"Is this question coming from Niall James Horan?" Harry shakes his head and places his elbow on the bar. "I'd like a Vodka tonic please."
"Jesus, if you order Vodka then shit's getting serious."
Harry takes his drink and waits for Niall to do the same, before he retreat in a corner.
"Is this about the woman your dad is with?"
"Maybe. I just feel uncomfortable. Like, I'm not used to seeing him with anyone but my mom."
Niall nods and sips on his Tequila Sunrise. "Don't look, but Louis is coming over with Herrera."
Harry turns his head, unlike Niall just told him to. Louis and Ander are indeed walking towards them with drinks in hand.
"Harold, how weird to see you in a tux." Louis says and stops in front of them.
Harry's eyes give him a onceover. He's wearing a really fancy looking tuxedo, a graphic shirt underneath, black jeans, and black Vans. Who wears Vans and jeans to a gala? Louis Tomlinson, apparently.
"'s the dress code." Harry tells him, downing the rest of his drink. Louis frowns at that, but doesn't say anything because Ander starts up a conversation with Harry.
Harry doesn't even realize it when Louis leaves, because he's too occupied laughing at one of Ander's jokes. He tries to look for him, but doesn't even get the time since someone steps up on stage and talks into the mic, asking people to sit down so the auction can begin.
Everyone sits down, and the man on stage starts talking about sponsors and the people who made this possible, so Harry busies himself with downing two other glasses of champagne.
He keeps glancing towards his father and Kathy, who seem to be whispering to each other more often than not, and getting pretty cozy, which makes Harry want to throw up. To be fair, he thinks if he has
"The next item is sold by John Abbey. It's a weekend at his beach house in Barcelona, all expenses paid. Bidding starts at five hundred pounds."
Harry's father lifts his arm. "Five hundred."
"Seven hundred." Someone else says.
"A thousand."
"A thousand and one."
"Two thousand."
"Three thousand."
"Five thousand." Harry's dad says.
Harry sits back in his chair. Why the fuck would his father need a villa for two nights in Barcelona? Harry's question is answered when he puts his arm around Kathy's back and kisses her on the lips.
And that's enough for Harry. Not only did his father fail to mention anything to him about a girlfriend, but he also has the audacity to kiss her in front of him.
He stands up from the table, his chair making a lot of noise so everyone's looking at him, but he storms out of the hall without another word. By the time he's outside he's already ordered a cab and waiting for it at the curb.
He turns his head, looking at Louis jogging towards him.
"You ok?"
"No. I'm really really drunk and not in the mood right now."
"The mood for what?"
"Home. My father. Anyone. I just feel like-I need to sleep."
"Do you want to come over at my place? So you won't have to face your father tonight."
Harry gulps. "Sure."
They take the ordered cab and give Louis' address, before Harry turns off his phone to silence the incoming calls from his friends and his father.
"Zayn asked me if you're okay and I said that you're coming over."
Harry shrugs, looking out the window. It's so weird, seeing his father with someone else, he doesn't think he'll ever get used to it.
Louis pays the driver since Harry doesn't have any money on him, and they enter the house in silence.
"Do you want like, something to eat?"
"No, I just want to lay down and sleep. I feel like I'm about to pass out."
"The guest room is upstairs."
Harry nods and walks up the stairs while Louis stays behind to lock the door and make sure everything is in his place. When he enters his own room, he stops.
"I said the guest room, not my bed." He chuckles when he sees Harry sprawled out on the bed on his back.
"'m too lazy to take off me clothes."
"You want me to help?"
Harry nods.
Louis sighs and walks over to the bed, starting on his shoes. He then pulls off Harry's pants, takes off his tuxedo, and then his button up.
Harry crawls under the covers and pouts, staring at the wall.
"Alright, what's wrong? Why did you storm out of the room?"
"Why did you follow me?" Harry retorts.
"That wasn't the question."
Louis takes off his tuxedo and takes it over to his closet, where he leaves his shoes and pants.
"So?" he pushes, kneeling on the bed next to Harry, who turns on his stomach to look up at him.
"It's weird. Seeing my dad with someone else."
"Was he happy?"
"That doesn't matter, it's unfair."
Louis sighs, eventually sitting down, his knees touching Harry's left side. "It does matter though. Do you think I was okay with my mother's boyfriends when I was younger? I wasn't. But it made her happy, and that made things a bit better."
"Yeah but...I don't know. He could've at least told me. Not just show up with her and buy a five grand vacation for the two of them."
"You're right. But give him a chance to explain, okay?"
Harry shakes his head and turns his back to Louis. "You don't understand. Good night."
Louis knows that Harry's drunk, and that's why he's also a bit unapproachable right now, so he just turns off the light and gets under the cover.
He stares at the ceiling for a couple of minutes, wondering how in the world did he end up following Harry outside and why does he feel the need to protect him and make sure that he's right all the time.
Louis eventually decides to turn towards Harry, and dares to put his arm around his waist, burying his nose into his hair. Harry seems to be asleep, since he doesn't even move and his breathing is even.
"I'm trying to understand, but you make it so hard."
And the worst thing is, he's not sure what he's even referring to; Harry's problem with his dad, or the way Harry makes him feel.
Thank you so much for reading :)
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! Next update will be on September 20th, 5pm UK time !
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