Chapter 3

Third chapter, hope you like it :)

Let me know what you think of it throughout the story and make sure you read the end notes !

Happy reading :D


Harry wakes up the next Saturday with a mild hangover and a dry mouth. Last night's events come rushing back to him as he gets out of bed with wobbly feet and a pounding head.

He brushes his teeth before he walks downstairs in just his briefs, and sits down at the table with a cup of coffee. He checks his Instagram once again, just to make sure that Louis does indeed follow him, which means he's one of the twenty-one people he follows.

Harry tries not to get ahead of himself, but when Niall calls him right after he takes his first sip of coffee to yell about how wicked that is, he might feel a bit better.

Of course, he knows that just because Louis followed him it doesn't mean he also wants to fuck him; probably wants to laugh at Harry's photos.

Harry: come over today because im bored and have nothing to do

Barbara: so u invite us over only when ur bored

Barbara: I c how it is

Niall: hell yea!! Pool time!!!

Barbara: ...

Harry locks his phone and looks out the window, to see Zayn already at his job. Well, technically at his job, because he's sitting down with his feet dangling in the water as he checks his reflection in the front camera of his phone.

He walks back upstairs to change into his yellow swim shorts, and then spends time in the living room petting Ernie, who's trying to sleep on the couch.

"You're not allowed to sleep while I want to play with you." Harry tells him, and lowkey wishes he'd also have a cat to play with. He's always been more of a cat person but his father is allergic to cats (or so he claims-Harry's never seen him near an actual cat to prove that theory), so owning one is out of the question.

Ernie makes a disapproving noise and turns his head from Harry's hand, which is heartbreaking.

Harry finally leaves him alone when the doorbell rings, so he stands up from his crouching position to go and open the front gates for Niall and Barbara.

They came together, which is weird. Their arrivals are always at least ten minutes apart because they live on different sides of town. Niall lives in Firswood, whereas Barbara lives in Fallowfield. Harry with his house in Whalley Range is somewhere in the middle, so that's why they usually meet up at his place. Well, that and the fact that he has a pool.

"How come you guys came together?" Harry asks when the three of them finally sit down on their lounge chairs.

"We met up on the way." Barbara quickly answers as she takes off her sundress.

Harry rolls his eyes at Niall who is shamelessly taking this opportunity to ogle her body without her seeing.

"Stop being a perv." Barbara tells him as she sits back down.

"I'm not being a perv!" Niall protests, pulling out his phone.

"I know you were watching me."

"Harry was watching you too but you never go off on him."

"Harry is gay." Barbara replies and Harry nods, not really paying attention to the conversation anyway.

He's too busy looking at Zayn's sleeve tattoo.

"So what's this I hear about Louis Tomlinson following you on Instagram?" Barbara questions and turns her head to look at Harry.

"What about it? He followed me last night, no big deal."

"Yes it is! Besides him being a celebrity, you also want him to fuck you and vice versa."

"Just because he followed me on Instagram, it doesn't mean he wants to fuck me, Barb. And besides, he's straight."

Niall and surprisingly Zayn, snort at Harry's statement.

"What are you smirking about?" Harry asks Niall, confused as to why Zayn would react to Harry's words, or why he's listening in the first place.

"It's just...look mate, I don't want to be a stereotyping dick, but have you seen the way Louis walks and talks and I don't think he's straight."

"That's really rude of you. You know I hate stereotypes-"

"It's just my guess. And he was definitely flirting with you at the bar last night, no doubt about it."

"We did some shots-" Harry tries to reason, but it's in vain. Both Barbara and Niall, and apparently also Zayn who Harry now knows hears everything, are standing by their opinion. Still, Harry doesn't want to get ahead of himself.

Flattering has never helped him in any way. A good example is his 11th year crush, Josh - who's also the guy that made Harry realize he's definitely, 100% gay -, who would always smile at him and give him cigarettes and invite him over to watch movies. And of course, being the naïve sixteen year old Harry was back then, he thought that Josh's smiles meant that he had a crush on Harry, so one day when neither of them were really expecting it, Harry just leaned over and kissed him.

Which lead to a giant fit thrown by Josh that was followed by loud yelling and dramatic door slamming. Harry never looked him in the eye again. The only good thing that came out of the whole ordeal was him coming out to his father and friends.

His father was indifferent because he had more important issues that concerned him; not where his son decides to put his cock. And his friends, Barbara and Niall - because Harry had never been popular - smiled and told him they already knew. Harry didn't even bother asking them how they knew. He was just glad he got it off his chest.

"I wonder how big his dick is." Niall says, pulling Harry out of his thoughts.

"What?" he and Barbara ask at the same time.

"What? You got to give it to the lad, he looks good! But judging by his posture he probably has an average sized dick that's a bit thick-"

"Niall, oh my God!" Barbara exclaims and mimics throwing up.

"I'm just trying to prepare Harry for what's to come. Better said, who's to come."

"That's not funny."

"Oh like your bad puns are any better." Niall mumbles.

"He's straight, okay? Let's stop talking about him."

"What if he isn't though?" Barbara pushes.

"How would I even know?"


"You're not making any sense." Harry says and thinks about asking Zayn for a mojito.

"Yes I am. I can try to you know, hit on him the next time we go to the bar and see if he-"

"You want to seduce Louis Tomlinson?" Niall snorts, looking at Barbara. "Good luck."

"No, hold on. That's actually a good idea. You can hit on him and see if he responds the same way he responds to me."

Harry sits up to face Barbara properly.

"You two are crazy."

"Says the guy who was just thinking about the thickness of Louis Tomlinson's dick a few moments ago." Harry shoots and Niall shakes his head, sighing.


Sunday is unusually hot for England, and Harry can't even put on a tank top without feeling like he's going to suffocate. He checks the weather on his phone, and almost gasps when he sees a giant 31 on the screen.

"Thirty fucking one degrees, what a joke." He mumbles as he sits down in a kitchen with a plate of waffles that Stephanie prepared.

"Hottest day of the year." Zayn agrees as he walks in with a backpack over one of his shoulders and a skateboard under his arm.

Harry almost chokes on his waffles because he's once again reminded how hot he can be. It's inhuman. And also unfair.

"Any plans for the day?" Zayn casually asks as he places his backpack on a chair and goes to get himself a glass of water.

"Yeah, 'm thinking about going to the waterpark with Niall and Barb."

"The new one that just opened?"

Harry nods, swallowing a bite. "You?"

"Nothing really. Going to clean your pool and then I might swing by the skate park with my mates."

Once Harry's finished eating he places his plate in the dishwasher and walks back upstairs to write on their group chat that they should meet up in front of the building in an hour. At least he can take a cold shower before he steps out in the terrible heat.

Because they went out yesterday (they had no luck in meeting the team again - even though for Harry, it was actually luck) and the day before, he doesn't have the money to spend on a taxi, so he has to take the tube. Which means that it will be twice as hot and sweaty inside, since most of the Mancs aren't crazy enough to travel outside in this heat.

He takes a long, cold shower before he puts on the thinnest tank top he owns, a pair of jean shorts, and his white converse.

The closest tube station is a two-minute walk from his house, and by the time he gets underground he's sweating in places he had no idea could actually produce sweat. It's pure torture.

He has to travel seven stations before he finally arrives at the indoor waterpark, and as soon as he sees the state his best friends are in (extremely close to fainting from the heat), they immediately decide to spend the entire day inside, until the park closes and they are forced to leave.

"I think I might literally die from hypothermia." Barbara whines when they finally meet outside the changing rooms in their swimsuits.

"Ditto." Niall agrees and Harry shoots him a suspicious look. Since when does Niall agree with what Barbara says? And since when do they actually socialize? What is going on? What is Niall not telling him?

He decides to question him as soon as Barbara goes to the sauna and leaves them alone.

That has to wait however, because Barbara wants to test out every single waterslide and then the Turkish bath before she even thinks about going to the sauna.

And Niall is eager to accompany here everywhere, which is another red flag for Harry.

As soon as Barbara announces that she's off to the sauna a few hours later, Harry grins and tells her to have fun. Then he turns his head to Niall.

Time for interrogation

"Ditto?" is all Harry asks.


"Since when do you agree with Barbara? What is going on?"

"What's with the creepy look on your face?" Niall questions without answering, looking slightly scared.

"Me? Nothing. What's with the secretive look on your face?"

"My face? What do you mean?"

"I mean what the fuck is up with you and Barbara? I know something happened. You two act different than usual."

"You got that from one word?"

"Don't change the subject."

"That's not-" Niall tries, but Harry raises a hand to stop him.

"I feel betrayed."

"You don't have a reason to feel betrayed!"

"Look me in the eye and tell me nothing's going on."

Niall sighs and Harry knows he's one of the few people who simply can't lie to your face.

"I didn't kiss Barbara." Niall states, looking at something behind him.

"You so did!"

"Alright I did!"

"Ha! I knew-wait what? You kissed her?" Harry exclaims, not believing his ears. Even though he was sure something was going on, he didn't actually count on it being true. His hunches usually aren't right.

"Thought you already knew."

"I did but-what? When? How? What?"

"Oh come off it Harry." Niall says, waving his hand like it's nothing. "We kissed yesterday."

"Yesterday when?"

"When we went home."

Harry's eyes widen. It's just surprise after surprise. His heart can't take it.

"You went home together?"

"Well, no. But we waited at the same tube station and we got to talking and one thing lead to another-"

"Oh no, none of that. Tell me exactly how it went."

"Jesus." Niall exasperatedly sighs. "You're worse than Barbara and her friends at school."

"Don't change the subject by being sexist." Harry says, looking at him expectantly.

"We were waiting for the tube and she asked me why I'm always rude to her and I told her that it's because she's always rude to me, and then she told me that she doesn't want us to be rude to each other or some shit, and then kissed me. Just like that. Out of the blue."


"And what?"

"How was it?"

"Good." Niall calmly states, maintaining a cool attitude that Harry can see right through.

"Just good? No tongue? Groping?"

"Yes there was tongue but no groping. Her tube came so we said bye and that was that."

"And did anything happen since?"

"Well, we snogged right before you arrived today-"

"The sheer disrespect-"

"Oh shut up, you'd probably pretend to gag if you ever saw us."

"That's not true!" Harry lies.

"Shit, she's coming back already. Don't tell her I told you. She said she doesn't want to tell anyone in case things don't work out." Niall hisses and looks in Barbara's direction.

"You're already having the relationship talk? And expect me not to do anything about it?"

"Just-shut up."

"Okay." Harry frowns.

"So the sauna was overcrowded." Barbara announces and drops her towel on her lounger.

"You and Niall kissed?" Harry bursts out.

"What the fuck mate?!" Niall exclaims.

Barbara just shakes her head with a smile.


"Okay so now that you guys are together-" Harry starts that evening when they exit the building at exactly 9pm, which is closing time.

"We're not together Harry." Niall sighs, telling him that for the hundredth time. Ever since Harry found out a few hours ago, he's been whining about being the third wheel and making plans about their futures just to mask the fact that he feels left out and lonely.

Harry definitely wants someone he can kiss whenever he feels like it and have one of those corny summer romances you read in a Nicholas Sparks novel or see in really cliché movies.

He shakes himself out of his daydreaming and turned to face the two of them. "Well I'm taking the tube home so I'll see you guys...whenever. Bye."

Barbara smiles and kisses his cheek as a sign of goodbye. Niall hugs him before Harry's off towards the station, alone.

It's not completely dark yet, and that's one of the things he hates about summer. Besides the mosquitos, sunburns, and now the incredibly stressful (yet supposedly easy) job, he also has to put up with the fact that the sun goes down around ten in the evening. Which makes the day seem a lot longer, and that just won't do because it gives him the illusion that he spends more time awake than asleep.

It's his last summer when he'll be able to properly relax, and he wants to make the most of it. Even if that means laying in bed all day and doing absolutely nothing. He likes doing nothing.

The tube ride is half an hour long, so Harry takes that time to post a picture that Barbara took of him when they went outside by the pool bar to get lunch.

harrystyles: hottest day of the year

He spends two minutes editing it, and then another two minutes debating whether he should post it or not. In the end, the picture is posted but he makes a mental note to work out in the gym at the training complex next time the players have a gym day.

He gets home around ten when it's already dark outside and calls his dad as soon as he's out of the shower.

"Yes, Harry?"

"Hi, I just got home from the pool."

"Okay? Is there something wrong?"

"No. When are you coming home?"

"Tomorrow. I didn't ask Stephanie to stay the night; figured you might be okay on your own."

Harry hates it when his father talks in his serious, businessman voice. He has no idea why he even thought to call him.

Oh well.

"Yeah. Well then. Goodnight." He says without bothering to ask his father where he is. Probably Spain. Or France.

He changes into his pajamas (which is actually a pair of briefs) and then settles in his bed after turning on the TV. He has a few notifications on his photo, but he only cares about four words written on the screen.

louist91 liked your photo 5m

He's about to get his laptop out when he hears something downstairs, and wonders how the hell did Ernie even get into the house.


Harry walks down the stairs carefully and switches on every light as he goes. There is no sign of Ernie, but as a safety measure, he walks outside to make sure he's in the garden.


He startles when he sees two figures on one of the loungers, and his heart almost falls out of his chest. There is no bat in sight, or anything else he might use to defend himself from potential robbers.

However, as soon as he's about to run back into the house and call the police, he hears giggles and silent talking.

"Zayn?" Harry asks, squinting his eyes as he carefully steps closer. His breath hitches and he can't believe his eyes when he sees Louis fucking Tomlinson sitting next to him, with what looks like a spliff in his hand. His tiny hand. Did he ever notice that Louis has small hands?

"Harold." Louis says and nods, trying to be serious but failing when he falls into a fit of giggles.

It shouldn't be cute when a grown twenty-three year old man giggles.

"That's not name."

Harry has no idea what to say to them.

"Are you smoking weed in my backyard?" is the only think he manages to say.

"No, we're eating fucking Skittles." Louis grins and holds up the spliff. "Want a hit?"

"Um...not really. I've never-"

"You've never smoked pot?"

"No-is that a bad thing or?"

"Not at all. You don't have to do it if you don't want to." Louis tells him.

Zayn pats the lounger across from them, and Harry finds himself taking a seat. Everything is too overwhelming; the fact that he's sitting on the lounger facing two of the most attractive people he's ever seen in his life, and they're smoking weed.

Sure, Harry's seen weed at parties-Niall always smokes it, and sometimes Barbara-, but he's never really tried it. He got high once though, when a few people did a smoked in a closed bathroom at someone's birthday and he laughed for two hours straight until his jaw started hurting.

" exactly are you here?" Harry asks Louis, placing his hands in his lap.

"Zayner and I have been mates since we were little kids." is the explanation Louis gives him as he takes another drag. Harry is internally debating whether he should try it too (because he's always wanted to but always feared choking on it and embarrassing himself), so when the insistent looks Louis' giving him get too much to handle, Harry sighs and holds his hand out to Zayn so he can take a few hits.

"So do I what I do with cigarettes?"

"Yeah, you take two long drags and then hold it in your lungs as much as possible." Zayn instructs as he hands him the blunt.

Harry does as told, but he ends up coughing up one lung in the process. Louis laughs at him but he doesn't give up, and finally gets it right on the second try.

"See? Now that's how you do it." Louis smiles and takes the blunt away from him. "Good boy."

There is something bubbling up in Harry's stomach at the words, and he can't help but smile. Louis' praising shouldn't make him feel as good as it does.

He finally starts feeling the effects of the drug after a couple more hits, and he knows he must look ridiculous because of the way he's smiling. Every time either Louis or Zayn says something, Harry bursts out laughing for no apparent reason. He feels good.

"I think Harry might've smoked a bit too much." Louis laughs when he finally puts the joint out in the ashtray.

"When's your dad coming home?" Zayn asks and stretches out on the lounger, resting his legs on Louis' thighs.

"Tomorrow. I don't even know where he is." Harry's answer quickly turns into laughter and he finds it ridiculous how a few hits can take their toll on him.

A few minutes later - after they cross different topics such as football, girls (much to Harry's dismay), and which photo of Zayn and Louis they should post on Instagram - the two of them decide to finally go.

"Sorry know, smoking in your backyard without your permission, but my roommate decided to have his girlfriend over and Louis' place is a mess." Zayn apologizes when Harry walks them to the door so he can open and then close the automatic gate.

"It's fine. Thank God you weren't robbers or serial killers."

"Yeah, would've been a pity to have you killed." Louis says with a wink and then he's out the door after Zayn. Harry watches them on the monitor by the door and opens the gate so they can walk out, before he closes it again. They usually keep the gate open during the day if his father is home (there are always clients coming in and out, having to talk to his father about God knows what), but when Harry's home alone, he always keeps it close to feel safe.

He hasn't felt safe since his family split up and he misses the feeling.


Harry knows he has to take the tube to work from now on, because he's short on money and he doesn't even catch his father at home anymore so he can snatch some bills from his wallet.

On Wednesday, when he's in the locker rooms before practice, talking to Herrera about where they want to go out on Friday (and Harry's been invited!), Van Gaal and Giggs enter the room, together with their other assistant coach, Stuivenberg.

"A medical checkup is going to happen tomorrow before the league starts." Van Gaal starts. "This includes urine testing, so no drinking until tomorrow night."

Harry turns his head to look at Louis, who doesn't seem fazed at all. He actually seems relaxed about the fact that he's going to do a drug test tomorrow. As far as Harry knows, marijuana definitely doesn't leave your system in just a day.

Why isn't Louis panicking? And why am I stressing over this?

When the locker rooms finally clear out, Harry hurries to push the cart filled with towels and water bottles on the pitch. He waits for the moment Louis jogs over for a few sips to approach him.

As Harry hands him the towel and the bottle, Louis eyes him curiously. "Something wrong?"

"No just...aren't you a bit scared of the drug test? You're going to be kicked off the team."

"Nah." Louis smirks before he takes a gulp. "'ve got a friend who usually gives me urine samples."

"Wha-you've got a urine dealer?" Harry asks, mouth agape.

What even is Louis Tomlinson?

"You could say that." Louis laughs, handing back the bottle, and then wiping his face with the towel before he throws it to Harry, who catches it on his chest. "Nice chat."

Harry watches him run back out on the field, but focuses on his neck on purpose, just in case Louis has eyes in the back of his head. Since he has a fucking urine guy, Harry wouldn't be surprised about anything anymore.

Practice ends around lunchtime as usual, and after Van Gaal announces a gym day tomorrow, the guys start to pack up and hit the showers. Harry makes sure to throw the towels in the laundry basket and the bottles in the trash, before he stretches and sits down on one of the benches.

He opens his Instagram, and scrolls through it to see if Louis has posted anything recently that he might've missed. No biggie. Louis did indeed post a photo of himself and Zayn, with thank god we're not robbers as the caption. And okay. That's the photo Harry took of them, and also something he said. He smiles as he double taps the screen.

Harry then opens WhatsApp, to respond to the messages he's got from Niall and Barbara, who are planning on going out tonight.

Harry: why don't you 2 just go out alone? Like a date? Why do you need me to come along?

Niall: um...? Barb?

Barbara: well I mean I wouldn't mind but I don't want Harry to feel left out

Harry: jfc this is ridiculous just go out on a date already

Harry: also I don't feel left out I'm short on money anyway

Harry: so have fun

He opens up the text from his father saying that he'll be out until later tonight because he's going to an important business meeting, and Harry just replies with a simple ok. Like he always does.

The locker room is empty, so when he hears a shower running, he looks up confused, and at the same time scared. Does he go check out where the noise is coming from? Does he just go home? Who is here half an hour after everyone left?

Harry decides to stand up and go check it out to make sure that someone who's allowed back here is actually in the showers, which would be really confusing nonetheless, since he saw everyone leave. He wants to make sure he isn't locking anyone in the locker room over night.

As soon as he enters the linoleum clad showers, he immediately regrets ever being born. Because there is Louis Tomlinson (well, judging by his tattoos and his very amazing, very naked ass), bent over with one hand placed on the wall and the other one around his cock.

Harry doesn't even gasp. He can't. It's unreal. God doesn't love him this much.

His cheeks are flaming as he turns around and walks back into the locker room, awestruck. He can barely move, mainly because of the way his jeans are starting to get way tighter than they usually are.

He knows he has to lock up so the only way to do that is to wait for Louis to come out of the shower, while pretending he didn't see anything.

It's going to be really hard to do that, he thinks. That was a good pun. I should write it down.

There is no time to think about puns right now though, because Louis emerges from the showers with a towel around his waist and a happy look on his face, hair wet and clinging to his forehead.

He looks surprised to see Harry sitting on the bench next to his locker, but doesn't say anything as he walks to get his stuff.

"Why haven't you gone home yet?" Louis asks, breaking the silence. He looks for his clothes and then sets them out on the bench to put them on.

If he's going to change in front of me I swear to God

Louis, apparently, has that exact idea in mind when he drops his towel and bends over to get his briefs.

"Jesus Christ." Harry says and covers his eyes. His life has officially skyrocketed. He looks away and changes the subject so he won't seem too obvious.

"I can't go home because I have to lock up and then leave the keys with Eleanor at the reception. I could've locked you in if I hadn't...heard you showering."

"You heard me showering or saw me showering?"

"Heard you."

"You're lying." Louis says and turns around, placing his hands on his hips.

Harry takes this moment to look over his defined abs, the small, barely visible soft tummy right over the waistband of his jeans, and the tattoos that litter his chest.

"And also staring."

Harry looks up at Louis as he contemplates just giving up. Just quitting his job tomorrow and saving himself some embarrassment and dignity.

"Um I wasn't-sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

Oh Christ. Why didn't he ever think that his staring and pathetic flirting might make Louis uncomfortable?

"You don't make me uncomfortable. I'm actually flattered."

"You're flattered when I creep on you?"

"I'm flattered that you've got something in your pants that needs taken care of because of me."

Harry's jaw falls to the floor and he crosses his legs to make it less obvious, which, of course, makes it even more obvious.

Good fucking job.

"I just thought um...usually straight guys are weirded out if they're being hit on by me."

"How many straight guys have you hit on?" Louis asks, amused, as he pulls on a black Adidas shirt over his head.

"Just...two. Counting you. And the other one didn't take it as well as you did." Harry awkwardly says.

Why would Louis even care about this?

"What makes you think I'm straight?"

Harry chokes on air.

"Wha-I mean-you've been linked to a lot of girls in your past and you I don't know? It's none of my business."

"You know, you shouldn't believe everything you read."

"So you're not straight?"

Louis zips his bag shut, and then places it over his shoulder. "Thought it was none of your business?"

"Yeah, you're right. Sorry."

"You're so easy to fluster." Louis laughs as he holds the door that leads to the hallway open for Harry to walk out first.

Harry locks up and then leaves the keys at the reception as usual, before he follows Louis out of the building.

"You going home?" Louis asks right after Harry says goodbye, and turns around to walk towards the tube station.


"And you're taking the tube? On this heat?"


"I'll give you a ride home. C'mon."

"Well-uh." Harry stutters.

I'd LOVE for you to take me for a ride

"Thanks." He finally says and watches Louis as he unlocks his Porsche and throws his bag in the backseat. Then he circles the car and gets in the driver seat, watching Harry with a curious expression.

"Do you need a special invitation or?"

Harry shakes his head and finally walks over to the passenger door, before he sits down on the comfortable leather seats. He buckles up and looks around the car while Louis starts the engine.

"The seats are so comfortable. 's nice."

"I didn't spend sixty thousand pounds on this car for nothing."

Harry's eyes bulge out of his head. Being a professional football player really does have its perks. He doesn't bother telling him where he lives, since Louis already knows. After all, he was smoking weed in his backyard just a day ago.

"So why did you get this job anyway?" Louis asks, changing the subject. His eyes are focused on the road as he drives with one hand, the other being occupied by a lighter. He lights up his cigarette and then discards the lighter in the car door.

"What do you mean? My dad got me the job."

"But don't you have something more exciting to do over the summer? Why would you want to work every day of the week instead of relaxing before Uni? You're going to Uni in autumn right?"

Harry is overwhelmed by the fact that Louis seems genuinely interested in these facts about Harry's life. He doesn't flatter himself though; Louis probably just wants to make conversation so they won't have to sit in uncomfortable silence.

"Yeah I am. It's actually a funny story, but it's kind of complicated."

"I've got time."

Harry exhales. "Well, I thought it would be pretty cool if I threw a party after graduation where I'd invite half of the people in my year. That turned out to be a bad idea when my dad found out, and he took back the promise he made to get me a car if I get into Uni. Now I have to work and save up money. That's also why I have to take the tube in this heat and why I'll probably have to quit smoking."

"That's horrible. About the car I mean, not the smoking part. What car did you want?"

"I was thinking maybe a 1967 Austin Healey?"

"How posh. How much is one?"

"Like fifty grand."

"I think you'll have to make a career out of being a water boy then." Louis laughs. "And then maybe you can get the car after you turn sixty."

"Ha ha. I took my driver's test for nothing. And my dad won't even let me drive his car."

Harry then wonders why in the world he's whining to Louis about his childish problems? He probably seems like a spoilt rich kid by now.

"Who knows, maybe you'll win the lottery one day and then you can buy your dream car."

Harry shrugged. "I doubt it."

Louis shakes his head and flicks the cigarette out the window, before he rolls it back up.

"So um...where do you live?" Harry asks, desperately trying to avoid silence.

"Greater Manchester."

"You already found a house?"

Louis nods. "Bought it when I got the proposition from Louis to transfer. 'S a bit complicated though since I haven't gotten around to unpack anything yet and I can't find the proper motivation."

"Um...I could help you sometime if you want. I mean-"

What the fuck?

"Sounds good." Louis agrees, taking him by surprise.

"So you already knew you wanted to join Man United?" Harry continues, changing the subject from his previous slip up.

"Of course. I've been a fan since I was in diapers."

Harry doesn't ask him about how come he transferred to Paris Saint-Germain because he's read Louis' page on Wikipedia more times than he can count, and they're already pulling up in front of his house. He does however want to know how come he knows Zayn so well after spending those years in Paris, how he didn't lose his accent...he wants to know a lot about Louis but doesn't want to seem like a desperate fan. Or a pathetic infatuated eighteen-year-old.

"Well uh, thanks for the ride. Sorry to inconvenience you-"

"Don't worry about it pal." Louis smirks, turning in his seat. "Look, if you ever need a ride to work...I can pick you up."

"Won't that be too much of a burden?"

"God no. I can take Zayn to work now, and then pick you up at the same time. He'll love me." Louis grins.

"Well then-uh. Thank you."

Louis nods and waits for Harry to pass through the gate before he finally drives off.

As soon as Harry gets into his room, he doesn't even wait to close the door behind him before he falls against it and tugs on his cock until he comes with Louis' name on his lips.


Thank you so much for reading :)

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Let me know what you thought of this chapter and whether I should continue the story in the comments :D

! Since I'll be going on holiday next week, I won't update this Saturday; only on August 9th, 5pm UK time !

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