Chapter 14
Soo...this chapter is sort of a filler chapter because it's relevant to the next two (and also last two) chapters of this story :) I hope you like it anyway, so make sure you leave a comment with your feedback x
Happy reading :D
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Harry attends three more Manchester United games that end in 0-0, 3-1, and 2-2. Louis' amazing on the field, and even though he's properly out, everyone surprisingly still supports him. The fourth game is on Monday, which is only a couple of days away, but Harry's Welcome Week at Salford University also starts on that same day.
So, to say that Harry is nervous on Saturday morning when he's supposed to start packing would be a giant understatement. Louis told him that he'll come along with Harry and help him get settled in his dorm today, but until then, he shouldn't worry too much about it.
Now that he thinks about it, Harry realizes that his father never really told him anything about the thing between him and Louis, when they officially got together exactly a month ago. He's obviously seen the interviewer and it was all over the news and in the papers for about two weeks, until something new came up and everyone forgot about it.
Louis was invited over for 'dinner' a week after they began dating, and it went pretty well, since his father had to leave two hours in because one of his clients got himself arrested once again.
That ended in Louis fucking Harry on the kitchen table, and then one more time in the pool. was still a good night.
Since that night two weeks ago though, Harry's barely seen Louis. He's always at practice, and if he isn't, then he's at a press conference or out with his family. They haven't had sex either, but that's not what's bothering Harry at the moment.
He's currently in the shower, getting ready to go get dressed and pack whatever's left, before Louis is coming over to pick some of the luggage up.
Harry doesn't even know when his father will be back from his trip to London, or who he's supposed to share a room with at Uni. Everything is just too messy and all at once, he feels like he's going to lose it. Niall and Barbara already left yesterday, and all of them are meant to meet up at least once a week for lunch and then during the weekend to go out and get mortal.
Getting back to what's bothering Harry; what bothers him is that now that he's going to attend Uni, and Louis will still be occupied with the Premier League and whatnot, they'll probably see each other even less than before. And Harry doesn't want 'distance' (when it's not even there! They're going to be about 10 miles apart, that's it!), or 'time' to lead to a breakup that (hopefully) neither of them want.
Barbara's assured him numerous times before that he's got nothing to worry about, but truth is, every time Harry sees Louis in the magazine out with a group of 'guy friends', or on Tumblr, he gets worried because Louis could've spent that time with him. He knows he's five years younger, and maybe he's just overreacting to everything, but it wouldn't hurt to be reminded that age doesn't matter from time to time and that he's also as important as Louis' friends. After all, he was Louis' friend even before they started dating.
The only time he's ever at peace with their age difference is when they're fucking, because he gets all of Louis' attention and feels like he's mature enough.
It's such a stupid reason, honestly, but it's been bugging him for a couple of weeks now, and he's not going to shut up about it anymore. Not anymore, because he's leaving for Uni, so it's going to be sort of a 'make it or break it' type of thing.
Maybe he's exaggerating, but it's been bugging him for quite some time and he really wants things with Louis to work.
The doorbell rings so he walks downstairs to buzz Louis in. He's wearing a white tank top and black skinny jeans, but not those 'fuck me' black skinny jeans he usually wears when he and Harry go out on their weekly date.
"Hey." Louis smiles and stands up on his tiptoes to press a kiss to his lips. "You ready?"
"Yeah. I just need some help with my luggage."
Louis pouts, still not moving from his spot by the door.
"Happy one month anniversary?"
"Oh, shit. Yeah. Happy one month anniversary." Harry says, and immediately feels guilty about the fact that it had slipped his mind.
Louis doesn't say anything though as he follows Harry upstairs to his room. He helps him carry all of his suitcases downstairs and into both of their cars, because Harry has quite a lot of boxes he wants to take with him.
His room looks empty without the posters and the clothes, but hey, isn't that what Uni is all about? A fresh start?
The problem is, Harry's not sure if he wants things to change. Barbara is already in London and Niall in Sheffield, so besides Zayn (who's last day working by the pool was two days ago) and Louis, Harry's got no one to talk to. He just hopes that his new roommate will be nice and friendly, so he won't feel completely alone.
Harry drives his car in front of Louis all the way to the University, and stops in front of the Peel Park Quarter building, which will be his home for the next ten months. He's nervous and excited at the same time, but as soon as he sees Louis, his anxiety seems to go away.
Louis has put on his sunglasses in the mean time to shield his eyes from the sun, so he looks even better than he usually does.
Why do people always look better with sunglasses?
"I need to talk to you about something." Harry says while they unpack their trunks and walk towards the main entrance.
"Shit, it sounds serious." Louis jokes as he pulls the door open and lets Harry walk in first.
"It is. A bit. I think."
Their conversation is put to a halt when Harry asks the man at the front desk about his dorm.
"Hi. I'm Harry Styles?"
"Harry Styles." The man says, and his eyes fall on Louis, recognizing him immediately. "I'm Bruce Dillon, your hall director. So if you've got any questions or complaint, you come to me. Here's a sheet of house rules you have to read and sign before you bring it back to me by the end of the day. Here's your key; you're in room forty-five, on the third floor. The elevator is right there."
Harry thanks him and grabs the sheet and the keys, before they're off towards the elevator. They don't speak to each other until they're in his dorm.
It's a small room with two beds on either side of the room and a bathroom on the left. Two desks are placed on either side of the sliding door that leads to a small balcony. There are shelves above each bed, and two tall one-door closets next to the door.
"Okay, this is killing me. What do you want to talk about?" Louis eventually snaps while he's unpacking one of Harry's boxes.
"Oh, right."
Louis leans against the closet as Harry sits on the bed, looking down at the hands in his lap.
"So...I was just thinking about it today in the shower...about how, I don't know. If it's going to work once I properly start Uni."
Louis makes a face, as if Harry just said the most idiotic thing ever, but doesn't say anything, meaning that Harry should go on and finish his idea.
"And like...I don't want us to drift even further apart than we already have in the past couple of weeks."
This time, Louis steps forward and crouches down in front of him, placing his hands on Harry's knees.
"What are you even talking about? Drifted apart?"
Harry shrugs. "I you really think we saw each other more times than we did when we weren't dating?"
"That's because I'm busy with football games and press conferences-"
"And going out with your friends."
Louis pulls back. "So that's what it's about?"
"You never invite me out when you're with your friends, and that makes me feel a bit odd. Like, you're ashamed of me or something. Like I'm too young and immature to be near your friends."
"That's bullshit, Harry. The only times I went out when it wasn't with you was when two of my friends had their birthday and invited me out. I never really thought you'd want to come-"
Harry looks at him skeptically. "I don't want you to feel like you're obligated to invite me along, because I feel so stupid and clingy right now, but I just wanted you to know that I felt like I wasn't good enough for you, so...I need to know if you still want to continue this."
Louis shakes his head and stands up, only to straddle him on the bed a second later. He wraps his arms around Harry's neck and looks at him.
"Of course I want to. Honestly Harry, do you really think I would still be with you if I didn't like you?"
Harry shrugs. "I don't know."
Louis playfully slaps him on the cheek. "You're an idiot." He laughs. "There are just ten kilometers separating us, so I don't think we'll have that much trouble-"
Before Louis can continue, the door opens, and in comes a tall, muscly guy with curly hair, with loads of boxes and suitcases. Louis gets off of Harry and straightens his top down.
"Is this room forty-five? I'm just asking because I can't really see the number." The guy says, and Harry thinks it would be nice to see his face so they wouldn't have to talk to a couple of cardboard boxes titled 'DORM SHIT', and 'BATHROOM !!'.
The guy finally sets the boxes down, before he looks at them with seemingly innocent blue eyes. They fall on Louis first, because of course, and then on Harry, then back at Louis, before he does a double take and looks at Harry.
"You must be Harry, right?" the guy asks, holding his hand out. "I'm Xander."
Harry sees Louis scrunching his nose at the name, but doesn't say anything about it as he shakes Xander's hand.
"And I'm Louis. His boyfriend."
"I know." Xander nods and turns around to pull the rest of his luggage into the room. "You've been all over the magazines last month. Quite courageous of you."
Louis nods, not saying anything.
"So won the game last week against Liverpool."
Louis smirks this time, placing his hands on his hips. "Yeah we did."
"Well, this is going to be a bit awkward then." Xander continues as he takes a poster out of the box labeled '4 THE WALL'. Louis' face falls when he sees a Liverpool FC.
"You're not actually going to put that on the wall with me in the room, are you?"
"I am, actually. I used to support Manchester United but my boyfriend really likes Liverpool. One thing led-"
"You're in a relationship with someone who roots for Liverpool?"
Harry can't do anything but watch them as they talk, and he feels like he's at a tennis match, because his head is moving from Xander to Louis, and then back again.
"And is it a healthy relationship?"
"I don't know, is your relationship healthy?"
Harry can see Louis' jawline clench, and he knows it's time for him to leave.
"Well, thanks for the help babe. I'll uh-I'll talk to you later?" he tries, placing a hand on Louis' shoulder, to try and calm him down.
"Sure." Louis answers, but doesn't turn his head. When Harry squeezes his shoulder, he finally looks at him. "I'll come pick you up at seven tonight, okay?"
Harry's eyes light up. "Where are we going?"
"It's a surprise." Louis smirks, before he leans in to kiss him. When they say goodbye, it's either a quick peck if they're in public, or a dirty makeout session if they're in private. This time, even though Xander is right next to them, Louis feels the need to push his tongue into Harry's mouth and kiss him like that until they run out of air.
"See you." Is the last thing Louis says as he wipes his lips and leaves, slamming the door behind him in quite a childish manner.
"What a polite boyfriend you have." Xander says when they eventually get back to unpacking.
"He's just possessive, that's all."
"What for, though? Did he feel like I came on to you or something?"
Harry shakes his head. "I don't think so. It was more like a football thing."
"Oh, then it wasn't my obvious flirting." Xander says.
Harry bites his lip as he stares into his closet, but doesn't respond to that. It's a bit weird, and he wouldn't want to say anything that could be wrongly interpreted. He won't tell Louis though, because he has a nasty habit of overreacting to things when it's not the case.
That would be one of the things they have in common.
Harry starts getting ready a bit after five, because he has to go through a whole process of shaving, showering and cleaning himself up nicely, before he spends about half an hour deciding on what to wear. Knowing Louis, the 'surprise' will either be a really fancy place, or something simple like...maybe something to do with football. There is no in-between.
He eventually settles on a simple blazer, a V-neck shirt, his favorite jeans, and converse. All black everything. To top it all off, he puts a dark blue YSL scarf on his head; the one Louis bought for him last week as a present for...well, for nothing really. Louis just likes to buy him expensive things whenever he feels like it because he apparently 'has too much money than he can spend'. And even though Harry really likes the gifts, he always feels guilty for accepting them, because he doesn't want Louis to feel like he's taking advantage.
It's a bit weird though; looking at himself in the mirror and doing his hair with Xander in the room; even though the guy isn't even watching him because he's too busy skyping his boyfriend.
Louis knocks on his door at a quarter past seven (as expected-Louis is never on time-, he's at least fifteen minutes late each time, Harry's noticed), and Harry eagerly opens the door to meet the eyes of his boyfriend.
They share a quick kiss like they usually do before a date, or just when they see each other basically, before Louis asks if he's ready.
"Yeah. Let me just grab my wallet and phone." Harry says, even though he knows that they'll end up fighting because Louis will insist paying the entire bill, instead of splitting it. He looks incredibly good in his jeans, a black button up, and black Vans.
Harry says bye to Xander, whereas Louis doesn't even bother to acknowledge him. As they walk side by side towards the elevator, Harry notices that Louis is wearing his 'fuck me' jeans. He points that out, of course
"You're wearing your 'fuck me' jeans." He says when they stop and Louis presses the button for their floor.
Louis smirks. "Are you complaining?"
"Not one bit."
"We're taking a taxi, because I plan on drinking tonight." Louis announces when they're finally outside a building, and Harry spots the car.
"Planning on getting drunk?"
"Not drunk enough so we won't be able to have sex afterwards."
Harry almost chokes on air, and wonders how in the world did he get so lucky to have Louis as a boyfriend. Louis, who's so blunt and always straightforward, always happy and cheery.
"We're going back at your place afterwards?" Harry asks.
Louis tells the address to the driver before he turns to look at Harry. "No. We've got to break in your bed, don't we?"
Harry blushes because he makes eye contact with the driver through the rearview mirror at that exact moment. Ten minutes later, the cab stops in front of aBode Manchester, where the Michael Caines restaurant is located. Harry knows it's a really fancy and expensive place, since his father took him there a month earlier when they went out with Kathy, so Harry could 'get to know her better', as his father put it.
Yeah, she's a lovely woman, but she's definitely not wife material for his dad (not resembling his mother's characteristics even one bit), let alone stepmother material.
"Tomlinson, table for two." Louis tells the hostess at the entrance.
"Right, Mr. Tomlinson. You requested a booth by the window."
Louis nods, and the hostess leads them all the way to the back, where they've got a great view of the city below them. A waitress is at their table within a matter of seconds with their menus, and Louis orders the wine before he's even opened it.
"We'll have a bottle of the Krug 98 please."
The waitress nods, and leaves the table. As soon as she's gone, Harry opens his menu and checks the price of the bottle out of habit. He's not even surprised when he sees that it's the most expensive bottle on the menu.
Harry eventually settles on the Spaghetti Bolognese, and the chocolate truffle for desert, because he doesn't want to be too bloated when they go back. He knows Louis doesn't mind, but it's all about feeling good while he fucks, or is getting fucked.
When the waitress comes back with the bottle and two glasses, they order.
"I'll have the steak with fries on the side, a plate of nachos as a starter, and the Belgian Truffle cake."
Louis stops and looks at Harry.
"I'll have the Spaghetti Bolognese and the Chocolate Truffle for dessert please."
The waitress smiles and takes their menus, before she's off towards the kitchen with their order.
"Why do you always get the same thing whenever we go out?" Louis asks, taking a sip from his wine as he leans forward, meaning he's ready to engage into some serious conversation.
"Because I like spaghetti. Is that a problem?" Harry daringly asks, taking his glass and bringing it to his lips.
Louis shrugs. "Just asking. So, tell me about this Xander guy. Do you two get along well?"
Harry makes a face as he puts down the wine. It tastes great, but really, all wine tastes the same for him.
"Yeah...uh. We do. He's a nice guy. From Liverpool."
"Figured that much." Louis bitterly answers. "And you're not telling me something."
"What are you talking about?"
"Your left eyebrow twitched. It always does that when you're nervous about something. And since I hope you're not nervous about our date, there must be something."
Harry really, really hates it when Louis gets into psychologist mode.
"There...might've been an incident."
Louis' face expression immediately tenses. "What kind of incident. He didn't make a move on you, did he?"
Harry shakes his head. "Not really. I think. I mean, we were unpacking and he sarcastically said that you're really polite, and I told him that you're just really passionate about your football team."
Louis raises a brow. "That's all?"
"He also said that he thought it was obvious that he was flirting with me, so maybe that's why you were so...polite."
"What the fuck? Now that's going to be the problem. He's got a boyfriend, doesn't he?"
Harry nods. "He was skyping him when you came in. He's really nice though, they get along well."
"You've met his boyfriend?"
"Only like, on Skype."
Louis shakes his head before he takes another swig of his wine. "If he hits on you again-"
"Calm down, he didn't hit on me. He was probably just joking. There's no need to get possessive over it."
"How am I supposed not to get even the least bit possessive when I know he's your roommate and he hit on you? You're going to see him a lot more than me from now on."
"Don't you trust me?" Harry asks.
"I trust you. It's him I don't trust."
"He's got a boyfriend."
"Apparently he's not that important."
Harry places his hand on the table, palm up. Louis instantly puts his hand in his, like they usually do when they're out for dinner and are having a 'deep moment', as Louis likes to call them when they're cuddling.
"Lou, seriously. It's nothing."
"If it is something, then I'm going to punch his face in, you know that right?"
Harry nods, a small smirk playing on his face. "I don't doubt that for a second."
"Are you taking the piss right now?"
"No babe. It's just funny."
"What's so funny?" Louis asks, but Harry can tell he's not being serious; judging by the smile on his face.
"The fact that he's a head taller than you."
"That just means I can reach his balls even better."
Harry snorts. "Now I should be the worried one. Talking about his scrotum already?"
Louis rolls his eyes, but smiles anyway. "You're such an idiot."
"That's why you like me though, innit? Because we're so alike."
They talk about Uni afterwards, and Harry's schedule, and an internship his father landed him at his law firm in Manchester where Harry's supposed to go three times a week. Louis tells him about his upcoming games, and the private meetings Van Gaal holds sometimes to talk about a new transfer and strategies. And even though it might sound boring to some, Harry absolutely loves it when they just talk about whatever.
Their main courses come half an hour after the appetizer, and they keep talking about things, even with their mouths full.
By the time they've finished desert, they're both too full to finish the last drops of the wine, but Louis takes one for the team and drops both of their remains in one gulp.
"You ready to head back?" Louis asks once the waitress gives him the bill.
Harry nods. "Yeah. Let's go."
Louis pays the bill with his credit card, before they leave the restaurant and call a cab in front of the hotel. They spend the entire ride making out and touching each other, with no trace of shame whatsoever, because they've done this plenty of times.
When they arrive in front of Harry's dorm, both of them are sporting semis, so Louis just hands the driver a twenty-pound bill and nearly shoves Harry out of the car.
The elevator seems to be incredibly slow, and by the time they enter Harry's dorm, Louis' shirt is halfway undone, and both of their lips are bruised from the hasty kisses they've shared so far.
"Wait." Harry says, and Louis stops to look at him impatiently. "Xander is sleeping."
"So...we can't fuck on the bed next to him."
"Really? Because I bet we can."
"It's-it's disrespectful."
"Since when do you care? He's sleeping anyways." Louis snarls.
"What if he wakes up?"
"Then you'll either have to be quiet, or we'll have to put on a good show."
Harry sighs, placing his hand on the back of Louis' neck. They both know they want this, and Harry can never deny Louis anything because he's Louis.
So naturally, he picks Louis up and takes the four steps needed to get to the bed, where he drops him down on it.
"Where's your condom and lube?" Louis asks breathlessly as he unbuttons the rest of his shirt and lets it fall to the ground.
"My desk."
When Harry gets on top of him, Louis is already undressed down to his briefs, watching him with an eager expression. Harry tries to catch up to him by removing his blazer, and pulling his shirt and pants off quickly, before he's on top of his boyfriend again.
Looking at how things are currently evolving, with him on top and Louis moaning into his mouth as Harry jerks them both off, it seems like Harry's going to be doing the fucking tonight.
But the moment the opens the lube bottle and gets ready to put some on his fingers, Louis stops him.
"Nu-uh. I'll be doing it this time."
"Wha-really?" Harry asks as Louis flips them over so he can straddle him.
Louis leans down to catch his lips into a deep, messy kiss. "Need to remind you who you belong to, don't I baby?"
Harry's at loss of words, so all the can do is nod and spread his legs for Louis to fit between them. Louis wastes no time with lubing up his fingers and shoving one inside of Harry, causing him to moan.
When the second one enters him and Louis curves them up just in the right way, Harry's legs give out and he's moaning again. Louis silences him by placing a hand over his mouth and whispering into his ear.
"Shh, baby. You'll have to be quiet if you don't want to wake up your roommate."
Harry nods, arousal shooting up his spine from the way Louis' fingers still move inside of him, combined with the hot whispering into his ear.
"Get in me." He eventually whines when it all gets too much. "I don't want to come yet."
"Yeah, 'm loose enough. Please, Lou."
Louis nods into his neck and pulls his fingers out, wiping them off on Harry's belly. Then he kneels back and tears the condom wrapper open, before he slides it down on his cock slowly.
"How do you want it?" Louis asks, considerate as always.
"Like this. It's good, just fucking do it already."
Louis smirks as he slowly pushes in. "Someone's eager, huh?"
"You have no idea." Harry moans, gripping into Louis' biceps. His legs wrap around Louis' waist to give him more access, and he whines when he realizes that he isn't moving.
"I'm just trying to let you adjust, Jesus."
"Don't flatter yourself." Harry tells him, and that's what does it for Louis. He starts thrusting, faster than he usually does when he's just getting started.
It burns just for a matter of seconds, before Harry starts feeling pleasure all over his body. Louis hasn't hit his prostate yet, but the friction and the way he whispers dirty things into his ear is doing it just fine for him.
They're kissing now, and even though it seems like Louis is putting a lot of concentration in the way he's moving his tongue, his thrusts don't slow down one bit. If anything, it gets even better when Louis kneels up and pushes Harry's legs up so they can rest over his shoulders.
He places his hands on either side of Harry's face before he picks up his pace as if he's looking for his prostate.
"Yeah, shit, right there." Harry whimpers and brings his hands down to cup Louis' arse.
"You like this baby? Like the way I'm fucking you right now with someone else in the room?"
Harry lets a loud groan out when Louis' tip pushes against his prostate, and merely a second later, there's movement from the bed next to theirs.
Louis immediately stops and Harry bites his lip, because Louis is so deep inside of him, putting pressure against his sweet spot. Xander shifts in his bed but doesn't make a noise, so Louis eventually resumes his movements. It's not long before Harry feels like he's going to explode from the pleasure that Louis' lips and cock are causing him, but he doesn't say anything since he's trying to make it last as long as possible.
"I can feel you tightening around me, you close?" Louis asks.
Harry nods and brings his head down to kiss him. Louis obliges and gives a deep, hard thrust, that sends Harry over the edge so he's coming all over his chest. His sounds are silenced by Louis' lips on his, even those that come out due to the fact that Louis is still fucking him when he's so sensitive as he's trying to reach his own orgasm.
It doesn't take long for that to happen though; one minute later, Louis is coming into the condom. He slows down, until he comes to a halt and pulls out of Harry, before collapsing right next to him in the tight space.
They try to catch their breathing with smiles on their faces, and Harry removes Louis' condom and throws it in the bin under his desk.
"'m gonna clean you up." Louis says and gets out of bed to walk into the bathroom. He comes out a few seconds later with a damp cloth that he uses to wipe Harry off with, and then returns to the bathroom to wash it.
"You know...that cloth wasn't mine." Harry whispers a minute later when they're both under the covers, wearing two of Harry's clean pairs of briefs.
Harry cuddles up to him by placing his head on Louis' chest and throwing one leg over his thighs.
"Shit, it wasn't?"
Harry shakes his head as Louis laughs. He closes his eyes, because he always likes to fall asleep to the sounds of Louis' erratic heartbeat. He always scolds him for it, saying it's from all the energy drinks and protein powder he drinks. But Louis just waves it off, saying 'it's what all athletes do'.
"So, I think we did a good job with christening the new bed, huh?" Louis asks, and the smirk is audible in his voice.
"Do you think he heard us?"
Louis trying to make conversation means that he's not sleepy yet, and Harry for the first time wishes that he were, because he's tired as fuck and his arse is still throbbing.
"I hope not."
"I did." Comes a voice from the other bed. "And as much as I support you two consuming your love or whatever, I'm really trying to sleep here. So, if you don't mind."
Then there's silence, before Louis bursts out laughing so hard that it rings through Harry's ears.
That's all Harry really needed; a reassurance that things won't change between them now that he's going to be attending Uni.
And by the look of things, it seems like it won't change any time soon.
So he falls asleep peacefully, with a smile on his face.
Let me know what you thought of this chapter in the comments :D
This story is slowly coming to an end; there are two chapters left! Ahh!
! Next update will be on December 12th, 6pm UK time !
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