Chapter 13
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When Harry gets home, the only thing on his mind are Louis' words.
"Because I don't want it to hurt when you fuck me."
"Because I don't want it to hurt when you fuck me."
"Because I don't want it to hurt when you fuck me."
He's going crazy just thinking about fucking Louis, so having a wank in the shower as soon as he gets home is pretty much inevitable at this point.
Niall goes in after him, and Harry cackles when he hears him shouting that there are come stains on the wall. Meanwhile, Harry turns his entire closet upside down to find something attractive enough to wear.
It seems like ever since he's met Louis, he can never look good enough to be completely pleased with himself.
He finally picks out a NSW Nike shirt, the skinniest black jeans he owns, and of course, his black converse to match everything.
When Niall comes out of the bathroom, already dressed and everything, Harry is staring at himself in the mirror.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Niall asks, coming to stand behind him.
"Louis is coming to pick us up in less than twenty minutes, and my hair is a fucking mess."
"Jesus fucking Christ." Niall groans. "Just shake it like you usually do. Seriously now, he's way too in love with you to even care how you look."
"Yeah right. I'm lucky if I get an 'I like you' out of him."
"You already did, you idiot. So stop fretting over something so unimportant and tell me where I can find some socks, since you apparently changed their location."
"Bottom drawer. I changed their location because you always borrow them and bring back just one of them."
Niall rolls his eyes as he sits down on the floor to put his socks on. "So how hot do you think your victory sex will be?"
"Victory sex? Oh dear God, is that what it is? Shit. Victory sex is usually really rough because people are fired up right?"
Niall shrugs, which isn't helping at all. "Probably. When Derbie won two weeks ago, Barbara told me her legs wouldn't stop shaking for two days."
"You're exaggerating."
"I swear to God I am not. Ask her."
"I actually will."
"Good." Niall answers and then stands up. "How good do you think you are with your fucking skills?" "What?"
"Like...movements, stamina, and shit. Dirty talk? I bet he's a bitch in bed if he's getting fucked."
Harry frustratedly runs a hand through his hair. "I don't know. I haven't fucked that many guys, you know that."
"I know. I was just hoping you could lie to yourself by lying to me right now. I'm trying to help you."
"Well, you're not." Harry says, staring at his hair in the mirror. "I'll just go with it, I guess." He stops. "Wait. Are you offering yourself for-"
"Fuck no!" Niall exclaims, looking horrified. "I wouldn't go anywhere near that dick of yours. No offence mate."
Harry shakes his head, and then pushes his hair to the right, just as Louis honks from outside.
"Dear Lord, give me strength." He says, more to himself as he grabs a pack of lube and a condom from his nightstand, stuffing them into his jacket.
They grab their phones, keys, and then they're walking towards the stairs.
"If you end up shaggin' him, you're going to tell me, right?" Niall checks as Harry locks the door.
"Who else am I going to tell? What the fuck?"
Niall shrugs, before they turn around and walk towards the gate.
Louis is waiting for them in his Porsche, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel as he stares right out at the road. When Harry knocks on the window, Louis startles and unlocks the doors.
Harry gets into the front seat next to him, while Niall climbs into the back, slamming the door a bit too loudly.
"Hey, watch it. It's a Porsche." Louis jokes as he starts the engine. Then he turns his head to Harry. "Hi."
Harry smiles in return, and before he can register what's happening, Louis is leaning over to kiss him on the lips for a short second. Niall doesn't say anything about it, but Harry meets his eyes in the rearview mirror just in time to catch his knowing look.
"Shut up Niall." Harry mutters.
"I didn't say anything!" Niall defensively says, raising his hands to prove a point.
David's house is fifteen minutes away from Harry's, just a neighborhood over, but when they get there the driveway is already packed with expensive cars (some of which Harry recognizes), so Louis has to park a block away.
Music can be heard from outside, and Harry feels like he's in one of those American movies where the richest kid is having a party with the entire school attending. He's almost disappointed when he doesn't see people drinking from red cups, but he gets over it soon enough, because almost everyone is drunk already.
The music is way too loud, so Harry can barely hear Louis when he tells him that he's going to say hi to a few people.
Niall tells him to go get a drink and try to catch up with everyone, so Harry agrees because he doesn't have anything better to do anyway.
The only people he knows in this house are the guys on the team and a couple of their girlfriends he's seen around in the locker room after practice.
"Cheers." Niall says after he's poured them two shots of Jägermeister each. "To getting mortal and winning the game."
Harry clinks their glasses together, before they both drink the shots one after the other, at the same time.
The thing about Niall is, that no one can really resist those blue eyes when they're staring right into your soul after asking you to do another round of Jägerbombs.
The RedBull and the Jägermeister are starting to get to his head, so it's no surprise that he's wondering where Louis's disappeared. Harry hasn't seen him since he sauntered off to greet some of his mates, which was more than an hour ago.
"I'm gonna go find Louis." Harry yells into Niall's ear, but the blonde lad is too focused on the conversation he's having with a random girl than to confirm the fact that he actually registered what Harry just said to him.
Harry wonders if he should be worried about Niall and that girl, but then he remembers how Niall confessed his love for Barbara (well, only Harry knows, but still) just a few days ago while she was gone.
Louis is sitting on the couch between Liam (who Harry didn't even know was coming), and another guy he doesn't really recognize, so it's only normal that he gets a bit jealous when he sees how close the guy's lips are to Louis' ear.
It may be the alcohol in his system, or the fact that he's just fucking head over heels for him, but Harry still taps Louis on the shoulder and drunkenly smiles when they make eye contact.
"Where have you been?" Louis asks, getting up from the couch, completely forgetting about the guy he was just talking to.
"In the kitchen."
"I've been looking for you." Louis pouts. He's tipsy, Harry can tell.
"I was in the kitchen."
"No, I've looked there. Only saw Niall. Hey, do you want me to introduce you to my best friend?"
Harry looks at him weirdly. "I've always thought Zayn and Liam were your best friends."
"No no, they're also my best friend. But my bestest friend is Stan. We've been friends since we were three. Lemme see where he is."
Harry steadies him with a hand on his back, and then follows Louis through the crowd, until they're finally outside.
There are three guys out on the back porch, smoking cigarettes and laughing with beers in their hand.
"Harreh, this is Stan. And Luke, and Oli." Louis says, pointing to everyone as he names them.
"So you're Harry." Stan smirks. "Almost didn't recognize you."
"Well, all you've seen are blurry pictures of me, so."
If Harry weren't drunk, he definitely wouldn't be so chatty with Louis' friends. Not because they're older than him, but something about the fact that they're Louis' friends, people who have known him most of his life and probably want the best of him, is a bit intimidating.
The conversation starts flowing, and it's definitely not as awkward as expected, so Harry makes a mental note to thank the person who discovered alcohol.
Louis' friends eventually go back inside to get more drinks, which leaves Harry alone with him.
"So?" Louis asks, stepping closer until there's barely an inch between them.
"So what?"
"What do you think?"
Louis' voice gets lower with every letter he says.
"I think...that you've had waaay too much Vodka." Harry laughs, putting his hand on the back of Louis' neck to bring him even closer.
Harry nods.
"You want to know what I think?" Louis continues.
"I think..." Louis trails off, brushing his lips against Harry's, "that you should take me upstairs and fuck me so hard that I pass out."
Harry can already feel his cock growing in his pants, making him uncomfortable.
"I think...that's a brilliant idea." He responds, trying to keep his cool so Louis won't notice that he's nervous as fuck.
So Harry places a hand on his back and leads him inside, trying to remember where he's seen a staircase.
"There's an empty guest bedroom at the end of the hall." Louis tells him when they're finally upstairs.
"Do you think David will mind?"
"Well, since he's the one who told me about it, I don't think so."
"He did?" Harry asks, and they come to a halt right by the door.
"Yes. Would I lie?"
Louis then turns around, looking at him with a cocky expression, before he pulls Harry in for a sloppy kiss. It doesn't take long until the kiss heats up, therefore, ten seconds later, Louis is already jumping into his arms and locking his legs around Harry's waist.
Harry carries him into the room and shuts it with his back, and somehow he manages to turn the key, just to make sure no one is going to walk in on them.
He places Louis gently on the side of the bed, throws the lube and condom on the nightstand, and before he can even take his shirt off, his belt is already undone.
"I want to suck you off."
Louis rolls his eyes to answer his dumb question, and soon enough Harry's pants and briefs are around his ankles. It turns out that Louis doesn't want to waste anymore time, because he's already got Harry's dick in his mouth and he's sucking on it like his life is at steak. Harry's not one to complain though; it feels amazing. And since Louis seems like a good lad, he doesn't hesitate to fuck his mouth a couple of times while gripping into his hair.
It all gets too much when Louis is licking and sucking the head of his cock while looking up at him with glassy eyes.
Harry pulls back. "Get on the bed."
It's weird. Telling Louis what to do, now that he roles have been reversed. But Louis complies immediately, and it soon dawns on Harry that even though Louis is always so bossy and has a powerful personality, he's incredibly obedient in bed when he feels like it.
Harry quickly undoes Louis' belt and pulls his pants down together with his briefs, and then discards both of their shirts and jackets somewhere on the floor by the foot of the bed.
"I'm gonna-I'm gonna try one finger, okay?" he asks as he spreads Louis' legs open before reaches for the lube sachet and turns on the lamp.
"I tried doing it before we came here...but sure."
"You fingered yourself?"
Louis nods, not even a trace of shame in his eyes. Harry takes his time with lubing his fingers up because Louis is just too beautiful when he's looking at his fingers.
When he eventually shoves one in, Louis lets out a small whine, and then asks for another. And who is Harry to deny him such a favor?
One minute later, two of his fingers are inside of Louis' tight hole, stretching him open with scissoring motions.
"Shit, that feels so good." Louis mutters, turning his head to the side and closing his eyes, once again blessing Harry with his beauty.
When he clenches his jaw, Louis' cheekbones jut out, so Harry can't help but lean over to kiss him.
"You good?" he checks.
"Mhm. Fuck me."
It's so blunt and straightforward, Harry can already tell that he won't last more than say, ten minutes, if he's lucky.
He pulls his fingers out and takes the condom, tearing the pack open with his teeth like he's seen in porn.
Who said porn wasn't good for something other than getting yourself off?
Louis helps him roll the condom down, and then watches Harry as he uses the last remains of the lube on his cock.
The second Harry's tip pushes in, Louis bites his lip and places his hand on Harry's arm, not taking his eyes away from the part where their bodies are touching.
"Shit, hold on a second." Louis breathes when Harry finally pushes in until he bottoms out. Their chests are now touching and Harry's kissing him, trying to get his mind off of the slight burn Louis' probably feeling right now.
"Tell me when."
Louis doesn't respond; instead, he kisses Harry more fervently. It's a hasty kiss, with a lot of tongue and panting, but Harry loves every single second of it.
"Come on."
That's all Harry really needs before he starts thrusting as deep as he can while holding himself up on his palms over Louis' chest. He does it like that for a while, and his pace picks up with every single moan he gets out of Louis.
"I can't believe I'm fuck you." Harry breathes into his ear, and then sucks of the lobe.
"Yeah, feels fuckin' great, but it just won't do."
Before Harry can ask what he means, Louis takes over and gets on top without breaking Harry's cock. If anything, it just feels even better because his rim tightens thanks to the movement.
Now, all Harry can do is watch Louis fuck himself on his cock, going up and down just the way he knows he likes it. And judging by his whimpers and shallow breaths he's letting out, he must be fucking loving it.
Louis looks down at him with the sexiest look Harry's ever seen, and pulls him up so he's practically sitting right in Harry's lap as they grind against each other.
"I can feel you in my stomach I think." Louis slurs.
God, even his alcohol breath turns Harry on.
"Don't flatter me or it'll go to my head."
Louis shakes his head, and pulls him back in so their lips can lock. He seems to be doing all the work while Harry just sits there and stares at his toned stomach and his flushed cock rubbing between their bellies. Which is a bit ironic, since Harry's the one who's supposed to do the fucking.
"'m really close Harry." Louis breathes into his mouth as he slides a hand between them to grasp his own cock.
That's Harry's cue to flip them over once more and fuck him senseless with all the energy he has left.
Louis' whines get more frequent and high-pitched with every thrust, and Harry can already feel the red scratches forming on his back from Louis' nail.
"Yeah baby, fuck me just like that." Louis moans into the pillow after he's turned his head.
These words are like music to Harry's words, so he does the best he can to fuck him even harder, until he's sure he's reached Louis' prostate and is now hitting it over and over, based on the words coming out of his mouth.
Louis reaches down to jerk himself off a few quick times, and he finally comes all over his tummy, before Harry can feel him slipping in a state of languidness.
Harry's not done though, but Louis tells him to pull out; so he does. He's not sure what's going on, until he's being pulled upwards, to the point where he's straddling Louis' chest.
The condom is removed and Louis' mouth is on his cock for the second time tonight. Louis sucks him off until Harry comes into his mouth with a deep groan.
He stays like that for a few seconds; the sensitive head of his cock sliding over Louis' lips, until he eventually climbs off of him and lays down on his back.
"That was even better than last time." Louis says, turning his head to look at him. "And your cum tastes nicer than expected."
"Thanks. And you're a whiny bitch in bed, just so you know."
Louis softly punches him in the side. "Shut up. It was just a one time thing."
"Us fucking, or you being the bottom?" Harry asks, a bit afraid of the answer.
"Me being a whiny bitch in bed. We definitely won't stop the fucking. No matter who takes it up the arse."
Harry opens his mouth to say something, but Louis interrupts him as he stands up with an excited look on his face.
"How about this? From now on, whoever feels like doing the fucking will do it, right?"
Harry shrugs and tries to play it cool, even though he's having an internal freak out.
"Right." "Good. Glad we got this sorted." Louis smiles and holds up his hand, high fiving Harry. "'M going to shower and then we have to go back downstairs before anyone notices we've been gone."
"I think they pretty much figured out what we've just done; you weren't quiet with your moaning."
"Oh, fuck off."
Louis stands up from the bed and gives Harry the honor to watch him walk towards the bathroom with that amazing ass.
They take turns showering and then walk back downstairs to join everyone. The party has died down a bit, and everyone has already split up in groups around tables or outside, chatting away.
Harry spots Niall on the couch with that bird he's been talking to, and he's even closer now, which is a bit alarming, so he decides to leave Louis and walk over to see what's up.
Niall looks up at him, and immediately removes his arm that's been laying on the couch behind her.
"Hey mate, what's up?"
"Nothing really, you want to go outside for a smoke?"
Niall leaves the girl without even a word, but it's obvious that he knows something's wrong based on his face expression.
"What's wrong?"
"Who's that girl?" Harry asks, and lets Niall light both their cigarettes.
"Marnie? She's an old friend."
"Old friend? How come I've never heard of her?"
"She's a family friend, and she's here because she's David's brother's girlfriend. You know I'd never cheat on Barbara, we were just catching up."
Harry shrugs with one shoulder. "Alright, just checking."
They walk back inside after they've finished the cigarettes, and Niall suggests that they leave since the party has already died down.
Harry looks for Louis while Niall says goodbye to everyone, and finds him in the kitchen talking to David.
"We're leaving." He says.
Louis stops talking to look at him. "Already?"
Harry gives a short nod. "Kind of tired."
"Alright, I'll talk to you tomorrow then. You know I've got my coming out interview."
"I knew you had one scheduled, but I didn't know it was tomorrow."
"Van Gaal said it's better if it's sooner rather than later."
Harry leans against the counter. "And are you nervous?"
"Of course. Was just talkin' to David about it."
Harry looks at David, who just nods with a smirk.
"So will it like, be live?"
"No. But The Sun is going to upload it tomorrow evening. So it'll be public around seven."
"I hope it goes well." Harry tells him, and spots Niall in the doorframe with his phone in his hand, probably ordering a taxi. "Alright, I have to go now."
Louis does a really cute pout, so Harry pulls him in for a goodbye kiss. They apparently forget that David and Niall are also in the room, because they get into it and don't break apart until David coughs and Niall tells him that the cab is waiting outside.
Harry wakes up around twelve the next day, with a stale taste in his mouth and heavy eyes. Barbara is supposed to come home today, so they're going out later in the evening.
Zayn and Stephanie are already here, cleaning the pool and the house, and since Harry doesn't have anything better to do, he takes Ernie out for a walk.
It's around seven in the evening when he's getting ready to go and shower, that he gets a call from Louis.
"Hi, did you watch it?"
"Watch what?"
"The interview that The Sun just posted."
" Should I?"
"What do you think?" Louis sarcastically answers.
"Alright alright, sorry. I was just getting ready to shower. Which reminds me, do you want to go out tonight? Barbara came home from Paris so we have a reason to get pissed."
"Where are you going?"
Harry balances his phone on his shoulder as he opens his laptop and clicks on Twitter. "Temple, and then The Milton."
"Ooh, fancy. Alright. Should I come pick you up?"
"Oh, no. We want to drink after all."
"Shit, you're right."
"So I just saw the tweet." Harry says as he reads the words 'Manchester United player Louis Tomlinson officially comes out'. There's an article link attached to the tweet, and two of the worldwide trends are 'Louis Tomlinson' and '#WeSupportYouLouis'.
"Did you click it?"
"Not yet."
"I'll let you watch it then." Louis says, and Harry can hear the nervousness in his voice, even though he doesn't known why. The worst is already over.
He hangs up and clicks the link leading to the article. The same title is written in huge block letters, and there's a video at the beginning of the article, right before a written transcript of the interview. The video isn't long, almost ten minutes, and Harry can already feel the butterflies in his stomach as he starts the video.
The first four minutes are Louis speaking about how and when he realized that he was gay, if anyone else knows, and how he feels it will affect his football career. It's clearly visible that he's nervous as he talks, and Harry's never seen him like this, ever.
Around minute seven, the interviewer asks him a question that causes Harry's heart to almost stop.
"So Louis, is there any reason you've decided to do this now? Why not earlier? Does it have anything to do with that brunette boy you kissed yesterday?"
"Uh..." Louis says, looking down. "Yeah. I mean, until about...two months ago, I just thought that the attraction I felt towards men was...human. Like, when I thought that a guy looks good and is attractive had nothing to do with my sexual orientation, since I never felt like I wanted to act upon those thoughts."
"And what changed?"
"It's not about what changed. It's more about who came into my life and changed it."
"So who is this person?"
Louis hesitates, looking into the camera, and Harry feels like he's about to vomit.
"His name's Harry."
"And how did you meet?"
"He worked at the training complex."
"Is he your boyfriend?"
Harry pauses the video. He's not sure what he's more afraid of; Louis saying yes, or Louis saying no. Probably both. He starts the video again.
"Well, we haven't seriously talked about it, but I like to think that yes, he is. I hope." Louis says, with the softest smile ever.
"Alright then, that's about it. Thank you, Louis."
Louis stands up and shakes the man's hand, before he smiles into the camera and the video stops, asking Harry if he'd like to share it or replay it.
Harry would much like to punch himself in the face from happiness. He doesn't get to, though, because his phone is ringing again. It's Louis.
"Did you see it?"
"Yeah." Harry breathes.
"Come outside."
"Wh-are you outside?"
"Yeah, open the gate."
Harry hurries downstairs and opens the gate for him before he checks himself out in the mirror. He looks like, but doesn't really care to be honest, so he opens the door to see Louis standing there with a nervous smile on his face.
"Did you it?"
"Yeah. I'm proud of you." Harry smiles.
"And about that boyfriend thing-"
"You didn't even let me finish my sentence."
Harry motions for him to go ahead.
"Are you okay with that? Being boyfriends, I mean."
"As of today, officially?"
Louis nods.
"Fuck yeah." Harry smiles and Louis steps forward, kissing him with so much force he almost knocks them both over.
"I've got a present for you. As a thank you." Louis says against his lips with a smile.
"A thank you for what?"
"For everything. I can't explain it, but I just have a need to thank you for a lot of things."
Harry looks at him expectantly, but Louis just steps out of the doorframe and motions towards his driveway.
"What the-" Harry starts, placing his hand over his mouth. "Is that a-"
"A 1967 Austin Healey? Yes it is."
"You didn't. You can't." "I can and I did." Louis smiles, taking the keys out of his pocket. "Here you go."
"I can't accept it, you know that, right?"
"Why not?"
"Because it's expensive! And I just-"
"Shut up and take the fucking keys before I hit you in the throat."
Harry smirks. "Because you can't reach higher?"
Louis' nostrils flare as he hands him the keys. "Don't make me regret it."
"I'll make it up to you, I promise."
"It's a gift." Louis tells him, and follows him outside to the car.
Harry looks at it, still not believing that it's his. What will his father say? Jesus Christ.
"I can't take advantage of you like this-" Harry says as he places a hand on the car.
"You're not. Don't make me angry and just fucking accept it."
"Jesus, alright." Harry laughs.
Louis places a hand on his waist. " you think we can break in the new car by you sucking me off in it?"
"How about I take a picture of you with the car first?"
"Showing off already?" Louis jokes and leans against the car, waiting to be photographed.
"Showing you off, yes."
Harry takes the picture with Instagram, and then thinks about the proper description for it. "How about...thank you? With a smile and a heart?"
Louis shakes his head. "How about...there are two things I like to ride in this picture. Or, my favorite ride and Austin Healey."
"Jesus Christ, no."
Louis pinches his nipple and pouts, but Harry refuses to post such an outrageous description for almost twenty thousand people to see.
They end up compromising in the end, because they're a proper couple now.
He's in the shower when he starts regretting it, because he knows his father wouldn't be too pleased to see 'my favorite ride and Austin Healey' under a picture of his twenty-three year old boyfriend and the fifty grand car he bought.
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Let me know what you thought of this chapter :)
Also, I've planned out this story from start to finish, and it will have 16 chapters!
! Chapter 14 will be on December 5th !
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