Chapter 11

Sorry for the two day wait, but I hope you like it ;) 

Don't forget to leave comments !

Happy reading and please read the end notes :D


Louis' kisses are frantic and rushed, and Harry can barely keep up with them. His hands all over Louis; on his back, under his shirt, and in his hair.

The erection Harry's currently sporting is starting to get really uncomfortable against his jeans, so he tries to adjust Louis on his lap.

"I'm so turned on right now, you have no idea." Louis whispers into his ear, and then bites his earlobe to add effect.

"Stop it." Harry moans, and tries to pull his head away from Louis' wandering tongue, but the footballer can't be bothered. His hand wanders down Harry's chest and stops on his growing erection, before he starts rubbing his hand up against it.

"Or what?"

"Or I'm going to come right here."

Louis mischievously grins. "That would be so hot."

Harry can't believe this is happening; yet here they are, in a taxi on their way back to the hotel.

"Can't you wait like...fifteen more minutes?" Harry asks, voice already low and raspy because he can't control it when he's around a horny Louis.

"Fifteen more minutes? Are you crazy? I'd suck you off right this second." Louis says, and Harry can literally see the idea as it comes to him. "Can I?"

"Wha-are you serious?"

Louis turns his head to look at the driver. "Yeah."

Harry's in awe and can only watch as Louis kneels down before him and slowly unzips his jeans. He's trying to do it as silently as possible so the driver wont' lose focus, but if the undressing won't do any noise, Harry sure as hell will.

"Fucking hell." He mutters, almost inaudible, as Louis takes his cock out and gives it a long lick.

The driver lifts his eyes up and makes eye contact with Harry through the rearview mirror, before setting his eyes back on the road.

Louis apparently doesn't give a shit about whether they get caught or not, judging by the way he goes down on him, over and over again, sucking and licking like his life depends on it.

Harry runs his hands through Louis' hair, and leaves them there to guide him through it because he's going way too fast and Harry doesn't want to come in less than two minutes because that would really be embarrassing.

"Stop." He eventually says and literally pulls Louis' head away. It feels like a crime against nature but it needed to be done.

First, because Harry is already starting to recognize the neighborhood, which means they're two minutes away from the hotel and he doesn't want the driver to see them. Second, because he's way too close to coming and messing up the seats would be a shame. Third...well, because he knows he won't be able to be quiet. Sue him.

Louis makes a face but sits back next to him and wipes his mouth as Harry tucks himself back in. When the cab stops, Louis pays for it and then almost pushes Harry out of it.

"I can't-I can't go in there this way." Harry says, looking down at his obvious erection. Well, through his jeans it looks like a semi but it's still obvious.

"Come on, just follow my lead and do NOT make eye contact with anyone." Louis tells him, before he grips into his hand.

He guides the both of them towards the elevators and doesn't even wait for the doors to close so he can push Harry against the wall and snog him senseless.

By the time they're on their level, Harry's jeans are unzipped once again and he's still being pushed against the wall.

"We should-probably go inside-"

"I'd love to get inside of you." Louis whispers and grips into the back of Harry's thighs to lift him up. Harry obliges, almost unconscious of what's going on because it's definitely way too much to handle, and wraps his arms around Louis' neck.

The door to their room is opened by Louis, who blindly tried to do so with the card, while at the same time keeping Harry up against him.

He's thrown on the bed as soon as the door shuts, and doesn't even get the time to properly get his jeans off because Louis is on him once again, mouthing down his neck while playing with his cock through his briefs.

"Off." Louis instructs and pulls at Harry's top, trying to get it off of him.

Harry sits up and takes off his shirt so he's only left in his underwear.

Louis takes a moment to stare him up and down; his chest, his flexing muscles as he's breathing way too hard, and the shiny, ravished lips from all the kissing.

"You're so fucking hot." Louis breathes and he's on Harry once again, kissing him and letting his hands wander everywhere. It's probably from the alcohol, because Harry knows for a fact that Louis wouldn't be this affectionate and touchy if he were sober.

"Your turn to take your clothes off."

Louis smirks and pecks him once more, before he kneels so he's right over Harry's thighs, and takes off his tank top. Then, he struggles to pull his jeans off while also maintaining an attractive pose, but fails miserably when he falls on his ass and hits Harry in the face with his legs.

"Shit, sorry." He apologizes and finally throws his jeans somewhere in the room.

"It's fine, just...c'mere."

Louis happily obliges and straddles Harry, who's already thinking ahead.

"Do you uh-do you have a condom? And like, lube?"

He smiles against the younger boys' lips. "Of course I do." Then, he leans over to the nightstand and opens the second drawer, out of which he pulls out a condom and a small bottle of lube.

"You knew this was going to happen?" Harry asks.

"No you idiot. I knew I was going to jerk off when I got the time and the condom is just for security measures. You know, in case I get laid."

"In case you get laid?"

"Well, it's happening right now isn't it?" Louis says, and then proceeds to shut him up the best way he knows how.

They kiss for several more minutes; just the right balance between hurried and sluggish, dirty and languid.

"So you do you want to fuck me, or to get fucked?" Louis eventually asks, making Harry's heart almost stop.

"Well...uh...I like both. So uh-whatever you want. Fuck."

Louis smiles. "I'd rather do the fucking this time."

"This time? Does that mean there's going to be a next time?"

Louis doesn't answer, and Harry doesn't bother him about it because it's going to happen right now, which is more than he could've asked for.

"Open your legs." Louis tells him and gets off of him so he can lay down next to him, and be able to kiss him at the same time he's fingering him.

Harry does as asked, and watches him with hooded eyes as he lubes up his fingers and trails them down his belly until he gets to his hole.

"You're so soft." Louis mumbles against his lips, before pecking them and pushing his middle finger in.

Harry lets out a soft moan and grips into the sheets in order to keep his hips from bucking off the bed.

"I've never done this before." Louis admits as he starts to move his finger in and out.

"Done what?"

"Finger a guy."

Harry shakes his head. "It's just like fingering a girl, but...better."

Louis smiles and starts kissing his neck while picking up the pace of his finger. Harry's legs are already trembling because Louis sometimes gets his prostate, and as if just one finger isn't enough, there's a second one being pushed in before Louis starts scissoring them.

"You like that baby?"

Harry bites his lips at the pet name and tries to keep himself calm because Louis Tomlinson's fingers are inside of him.

"You think you can take three?"

"N-two are enough. I think."

Louis scissors him for a bit longer and then starts fucking him with his fingers, up to the point where Harry warns him that he'll come if he doesn't stop soon.

"I want you to come from my cock." Louis hotly says into his ear, before he pulls his fingers out and reaches out for the condom.

Harry's knees go weak as he watches Louis get between his legs again and roll the condom down his erection. Then he squirts some lube into his palm and lines himself up with Harry's hole.

"If it hurts, just tell me to stop okay?"

Harry nods. "I've done this before. I'll be fine."

Louis rolls his eyes and places both his hands on either side of Harry's head, before he pushes in and lovers himself down so their chests are touching and they're kissing.

The only sound in the room is Harry's long, deep whimper as Louis fills him up, one inch at a time.

"You alright?"

Harry gives a weak nod and brings one hand up to Louis' hair to press their open mouths together.

Eventually, Louis slowly starts thrusting in and out of him, sometimes pulling his head away and making eye contact just to make sure Harry's okay.

And while it's really nice and sweet, Harry would pretty much love it if Louis were a bit rougher.

"Harder." Is the only thing that comes out of his mouth as he scratches down Louis' back for emphasis.

"You want me to fuck you harder? Is that what you want? For me to be rough?"

Jesus Christ, as if the fact that Louis fucking him wasn't enough. So all Harry can do is give a weak nod and hope that he doesn't come too soon and embarrass himself.

Louis then speeds up his thrust and starts going faster, harder into Harry. Everything is just way too much to handle and Harry thinks he may just come untouched.

His nails are digging into Louis' back and his left calve is cramping up but he can't be too bothered about it because he's on the verge of a pretty amazing orgasm that he wants to last as long as possible.

At one point, Louis is thrusting just right so his head hits Harry's prostate over and over again, and touching his cock to relieve the built-up friction becomes impossible.

"Lou-fuck. I'm going to come."

"Stop touching yourself." Louis grunts into his ear right before biting it. Harry obliges immediately and puts the hand he used to grip his cock with into Louis' hair, tugging at it.

"If you mess up my hair I swear to God!"

"I think we've got-we've got more important issues at hand."

"Don't try to make a pun when I've got my cock buried inside your ass."

Harry bites his lip, clenches his eyes shut, and arches off the bed as he comes, loudly. After that, things are basically just a blur, with concrete snippets of Louis fucking him even harder, probably chasing his own climax.

It's pretty unfortunate that Louis keeps jabbing at his prostate when he's way too sensitive, because Harry can't contain himself so he just licks and bites at Louis' neck, whispering things he thinks sound hot into it.

"Fuck you can't just-ooh."

And Louis is coming, right into the condom, and it's so thorough Harry can feel it. After a few more slow thrusts, Louis completely stops and flops on top of him, breathing heavily into his ear.

They stay like that for a few moments; limbs tangled and out of breath, until Louis finally gets the self-determination he needs to pull out and roll off of him.

"Was it okay?" Harry asks, legs still a bit shaky as he turns his head to look at him.

Louis lets out a breath, smiling. "Yeah. For you?"

"More than."

"I can't believe we waited so long to do this."

"Hey. I've got standards okay?"

"So you don't put out in less than two months?"

Harry snorts. "Depends on the guy."

"You're bruising my ego here."

"Oh come off it, your ego is taller than you."

Louis turns his head so they're looking at each other now. "I really don't appreciate the height jokes you know. If you want to see my cock again, you should probably stop."

Harry raises his hands up in mock defense. "Oh dear lord, please don't punish me this way!"

"Okay now you're getting cocky." Louis says and sits up from the bed so he can climb down and throw the condom in the trash.

He says something, but Harry's too busy staring at his round ass to care.

"Hello, eyes are up here?" Louis interrupts him from his obvious staring as he turns around


"Still up here."

"Right." Harry looks up to meet his eyes.

"I'm gonna take a shower. Wanna join me?"

Harry shakes his head. "I think it's going to take a few more minutes."

"Seriously? Now you're just trying to make up for the fact that you called me little."

"I said no such thing."

Louis rolls his eyes and then smiles, before he walks over to the bathroom and closes the door.

Harry waits until the shower is running to get out of bed and walk over to his suitcase. He can still feel faint traces of Louis' touches all over his body, and it's a bit scary because of how they make him feel and the way it makes him shiver all over.

He finds the familiar list tucked into one of the pockets and pulls it out.

Why Louis may want me or I could just be insane (a list by Harry Styles)

Right under invited me to lad's night, he writes had sex with me and said it was OKAY-what does that mean??

He hears the shower turn off so he stuffs the paper back into his suitcase and shoves it back into its place, before he jumps on the bed and tries to act natural by holding his phone just as Louis comes out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist.

While Louis gets dressed into a pair of shorts and goes out on the balcony for a smoke, Harry opens up his groupchat.

Harry: so we had sex

It takes less than five seconds for Barbara to answer.


Harry: Barb


Barbara: how was it though?

Harry: good

Harry: he said he liked it :)

Niall: you go bro!

Barbara: so who tops?

Harry: he did this time

Niall: FUCK

Barbara: Niall you owe me 10 quid! Ahahha

Niall: wait

Niall: this time??

Niall: does that mean it's going to happen again?

Harry: :)

Barbara: how long did it last??

Harry: idk

Harry: I have to go

Harry: talk to u guys tomorrow

Harry: btw

Harry: isn't it like

Harry: really early in Manchester?

Barbara: it's 6am

Harry: then why aren't u sleeping?

Barbara: early flight to paris

Harry: ur going to paris?

Harry: oooh I remember now

Niall: and I just drank a red bull before bed

Niall: so

Harry closes his phone and goes to the bathroom to shower.

When he comes back, Louis is already in bed, also texting someone and Harry doesn't get the chance to see who it is or what they're talking about because Louis locks his phone and looks up at him.

"Gossiping about me?" Harry jokes, although there is some curiosity behind his words.

"Don't flatter yourself babe."

Harry climbs over Louis to get on his side of the bed, and then tries to pull the blanket on his side too.

"What are you trying to do?"

"Uh?" Harry says, pulling at the blanket again. "Trying to keep myself warm? Stop hoarding the blanket all to yourself."

"I guess you'll just have to cuddle me so the blanket can be enough." Louis says and shuffles closer, already throwing his limbs over Harry's torso and nuzzling his head into his chest.

"Is this sort of a pick up line to get me into cuddling you?"

"You know what? Nevermind?"

Harry grabs a hold of his arm just as he moves away, and pulls Louis back against him.

"Stop playing the victim here."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

Harry puts an arm around Louis and pulls him as close as he possibly can, breathing in the smell of his shampoo.

"Are you smelling my hair?"

"Are you clingy after sex?" Harry retorts.

"Go to sleep Harold."

And Harry does, with a small smile hidden into Louis' hair.


"Stop doing your hair in the bathroom! I need to wee really badly!" Harry yells, banging his fist against the door.

"Then you'll just have to wait!" Louis screams back, before the door opens and he exits with a comb stuck into his hair.

It's half past six and they're supposed to meet the whole team in five minutes in the lobby so they can go to dinner in Santa Monica.

Harry slams the door shut behind him and pees really quickly before he starts working on his own hair right after pulling a shirt on.

When he comes out, Louis is at the door with an empty expression on his face.

"You alright?"

"Sure. You ready?"

There's something wrong. Louis's usually more upbeat and cheered up when he knows they're going out to eat.

"You okay?"

"Mhm. Let's go or we'll be late."

Okay, now there's definitely something wrong. He doesn't get to ask about it though because the next second Louis is already out the door.

Harry tries to make eye contact all through dinner, but it's a bit complicated with Louis sitting all the way across the long table and not even sparing a look at him. Not even once.

When they eventually do make eye contact at the end when Van Gaal asks for the bill, Harry tries to throw him a questioning look, but Louis turns his head way too quickly.

He doesn't catch him alone for the rest of the night because he doesn't come back to their room, or the next day because he's occupied with team activities.

Harry eventually manages to corner him on Thursday morning, on their last day in Malibu, when they're chilling at the pool and De Gea leaves to go to the bathroom.

"Hey. What's going on? Why are you avoiding me? Are you mad? Or is it because we had sex?" Harry straightforwardly asks, sitting down on his lounger so Louis has no way out.

Louis looks up at him. "Me? Nothing. Everything's fine." "That's exactly what a mad person would say."

"Harry, I'm fine. What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about the fact that you haven't said a word to me in literally three days, ever since we had sex."

"No, it was a day after that."

"So you do have a problem."

"Harry, it's nothing. Just leave it."

"I won't leave it! The whole situation is so confusing! At least tell me what I did."

Louis stands up. "You did nothing. It's me, okay?"

"What's that even supposed to mean?" Harry yells after him, and ends up watching him leave.

"Que paso?" David asks and sits down on his own lounger.


"Not you too."

Harry ignores him because he's angry and goes back to his place. He's not planning on getting up from the lounger until they have to get ready for their last dinner.

That time comes sooner than expected, so Harry's forced to gather his things and make his way back to his and Louis' room to take a shower and get dressed.

When he gets to the room, Louis is nowhere to be found, but something catches his attention. His stomach drops to the floor when he sees the list he made in the middle of the bed, even though he's 100% sure he put it into his suitcase a couple of days before.


No wonder Louis is acting weird

He saw the list

O fuck

Fuck fuck fuck

He showers and dresses up quickly because he's already late, and makes a plan on how to explain everything to Louis after dinner.

Once again, Louis chooses the farthest seat from Harry's, but this time Harry isn't bothered. He has a plan. Well, sort of a plan. It only entails him grabbing Louis by the arm and dragging him away to a secluded place when they get to the hotel to explain everything. The hard part is the explaining of course, and that's also the part Harry hasn't figured out yet.

As soon as they get back to the hotel, Harry is quick to grab Louis' arm and pull him around the corner so no one notices them being gone.

"What the f-what are you doing? Let go of me."


"Let go of me arm."

"Or else what?"

"I'll scream."

"Just try." Harry says. His voice comes out more threatening than intended.

Louis tries pulling away but Harry's had enough of his cold demeanor so he wraps an arm around his waist and throws him over his shoulder, before he starts walking towards the beach.

"This is manhandling and kidnapping!" Louis yells as Harry continues to walk, not even phased at all, towards the beach

"You can go to jail because of this!" he adds, punching Harry's lower back.

"Is that so?"

"Yes! Because I will sure for assault!"

"Go ahead and scream. Really. If you want me to let you go then just scream and I will."

Louis goes quiet, so Harry stops at one of the hotel's loungers that are sitting in the sand and puts him down. Louis stares at him with a hard expression, and places his hands on his hips.

"Go ahead."

"Me? How about you go ahead. Tell me why you've been acting like a little shit towards me for the past few days."

"I think you know."

"Enlighten me." Harry says, trying to seem like he's not nervous about this at all.

"The list? I found it in your suitcase."

"Why were you snooping through my suitcase? I can sue you for invading my privacy, if you still want to take things to court."

It's a fail attempt at making a joke to enlighten the mood.

"I was looking for a shirt to wear because none of mine matched the pants I wanted to wear to dinner that night."


"So, I found the list." Louis simply says and crosses his arms.

"And why did you read it?" "Yeah, because you wouldn't have done the same."

"I wouldn't have! I know what personal boundaries are."

"If you would've found a list that had why Harry may want me or could just be insane written on top of it in huge block letters, wouldn't you be the least bit curious?"

Harry has to give him that.

"Alright. But I still don't see the point. Why would you be so mad about the list? Is it really that bad that I have a crush on you? Are you that disgusted by me?"

Louis lets out a frustrated groan. "You're so fucking stupid, I swear to God."

"Still me!"

"Yeah, still you!" Louis says, making a short pause. "I stopped talking to you because I wanted to clear my head and because I was scared, okay?"

"Scared of what? Of me? Because I'm desperate or what?"

"No, you fuckin' idiot! Scared because the things you wrote on the list were true!"

Harry blinks for a few seconds, trying to process Louis' words.

"Um, what? As in-"

"As in, I want you and I'm also insane."

"So what's wrong with that? What's wrong with admitting you like someone?" "Because it just is." Louis says, running a hand through his hair. "You're young."

Harry rolls his eyes. "We've been over this."

"Yeah but I still feel so guilty about it. Like I'd be taking advantage of you."

"But you're not. I'm legal and I know I want this, so what's so fucking wrong about it?"

Louis shrugs. "You deserve to be with someone who shares the same interests as you and who can treat you right and...who can be there when you need them."

"I'm not asking you to be with me, I'm just asking you not to give me a could shoulder."

"So you don't want me to be with you?" Louis asks.

"That's not what-I don't know what I want." Harry gulps. "I just want you. As in, as a friend. More than a friend. I don't know. I like you."

"See? That's the problem right there."

"What?!" Harry exclaims, getting tired of the discussion.

"I fee-I want the same thing, but it's way too complicated. We wouldn't work like that."

"Can't we just take it slow? See where it goes?"

Louis contemplates it for a moment. "Yeah. I'd like that. But you know Van Gaal can't find out."

Harry frowns and steps closer, heart beating faster.

"Why not?"

"Because he'd cut me. He doesn't want any drama during Premier League season-"

"But that's like...ten months."

"I think it's convenient."

Harry looks down at his feet. "Why?"

"Because if we, like, hypothetically get together and eventually last that long, then we can come out because it's a serious thing."

Harry tries not to let his disappointment show, so he smiles instead. "You're right. Alright."

"So you're in?"

"In what? You?" He tries, smiling at his own lame joke.

"Soon." Louis smirks, stepping closer and placing a hand on the back of his head. "I mean, are you in with the whole 'taking is slow' thing?"

Harry nods. "Yeah. Why not?"

Louis smiles and closes the distance between their lips.


They ended up just cuddling to sleep last night because they have an early flight that leaves at nine in the morning, so they have to be up at six.

Harry can't contain his smile for the entire plane ride, and tries to be as opaque as possible, keeping the staring and smiling on the down low. And it's hard, because Louis is right next to him, with his perfect looks and funny jokes and secret kisses when no one is looking.

They touch down in Manchester at two in the morning, and surprisingly, his father sends him a text that he's on his way to the airport to pick him up.

"Are there paps waiting for us at the arrivals?" Louis asks Van Gaal as they ride the shuttle from the plane to the airport.

"Not to my knowledge."

After everyone has their luggage, they start walking towards the arrivals section, and Harry feels a hand on his arm so he stops and turns his head.

Louis watches him for a moment, before he looks behind him to make sure everyone is a good few steps ahead.

"What's wrong?" Harry asks.

"Nothing." Louis stands up on his tiptoes and kisses him quickly. "Just wanted to do this."

Harry smiles. "You sure you're okay?" he jokes.

"Yeah you idiot."

"Let's not start with the roasting sessions right now. I'm tired."

"You need me to drive you home?"

Harry shakes his head and steps away from Louis as they pick up their pace.

"My dad's here."

"Oh. Alright. Text me when you wake up?"

Harry makes eye contact with his father. "Sure. Bye."

"Bye babe."

He tries to ignore the butterflies in his stomach as he walks over to his father. It's nothing. Right.

As soon as he gets home, he collapses on his bed face-first, and doesn't move until twelve hours later around noon, when he's woken up by a loud bang.

He opens his eyes, only to see Niall into his room holding a stack of what looks like to be the same magazine that they drop on the bed.

"What's going on? I'm trying to sleep."

"It's three in the afternoon and we've got a bit of a problem." Niall tells him, shoving a magazine right under his face.

On the cover, there's a blurry picture of two people kissing, that Harry finds incredibly familiar.


"That's me." Harry says, as soon as he flips to page three. Well, it's a blurry picture of him and Louis kissing, but anyone who knows Harry would probably recognize it's him by his posture and hair.

He looks up at Niall.

"Well, this is a bit of a problem."


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Let me know what you thought of this chapter :)

Also, I've planned out this story from start to finish, and it will have 16 chapters!

! Chapter 12 will be on November 14th !



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