Chapter 10

Let me know what you think of it throughout the story and make sure you read the end notes !

Happy reading :D


"The mile high club?" Harry asks, trying to keep his calm and appear as chill as possible.

"Yeah. You know what that is, right?"

Harry nods. "Not sure about it though."

Louis pouts. "I was just joking. Don't look too much into it, I like getting you worked up."

"That's not fair to me."

Louis doesn't respond to that, so Harry stands up and goes to the bathroom once the seatbelt lights go out. Once he gets there, he stares at himself in the mirror and exhales. What has he done in his past life to deserve this kind of treatment from Louis Tomlinson? He has no idea.

There's a knock on the door a minute later.

"It's occupied."

"Let me in." comes Louis' voice from outside.

"I'm peeing."

"No you're not."

"Why do you want to come in."

When an answer doesn't come, Harry sighs and lets Louis in.

"You're not mad, are you?"

"Mad that you're taking the piss? No."

"Isn't it ironic that you think I'm taking the piss when we're in a bathroom?"

Harry's face doesn't flinch. "That's not funny."

"Ah, you're taking jabs at my humor once again."

"I'm not sure that it can even be called humor."

Louis shakes his head before he reaches out and grips into Harry's shirt. "Kiss me."


"Kiss me." He repeats, so Harry does.

They kiss frantically, like they're running out of time and someone might be waiting outside. The sink is digging into Harry's back uncomfortably but he tries to focus on the pleasure coming from Louis' tongue against his own instead.

There's a knock on the door but they don't make a sound because their mouths are attached and Louis' thigh is now between Harry's legs, rubbing against his crotch.

Harry's hands make their way into Louis' hair and he pulls him closer, as close as he possibly can, wondering whether he could sit on the sink and get Louis to stand between his legs.

The door suddenly swings open and David enters the already cramped space. The goalkeeper stops abruptly when he sees them, just as Harry pulls away from Louis. They must look like two deer caught in the headlights.

"Oh, shit, sorry." David awkwardly says and steps back, shutting the door quickly.

"Fuck." Louis exhales into Harry's throat.

"You didn't lock the door?"

"It slipped my mind."

Louis takes a step back from him and rearranges himself in the mirror.

"He won't say anything to anyone, will he?" he asks Louis.

"I don't think so. 'm gonna talk to him."

"And say what exactly? How are you going to explain what he just saw?"

"He's probably going to ask me how long this has been going on, and I'll tell him that we've been occasionally kissing for a few weeks now, but there's nothing serious going on."


Louis frowns at him. "Why do you sound so disappointed? Did I give you the wrong impression about 'us'?"

Harry doesn't even know what to say. He knows Louis' right, that kissing and sometimes getting each other off (even though it only happened once) is all they're doing. It's neither Louis' fault, nor his own, really, that he got a bit attached and developed a mild crush.

They get back to their seats; Harry first and then Louis a few minutes after. No one notices anything out of the ordinary except of David, who keeps looking at Louis from time to time, probably thinking he's being discrete.

They land at LAX at quarter past four am local time, and they're all incredibly jet lagged no one is even talking. A bus takes them from the airport to their hotel, and although everyone wants to sleep, Van Gaal is still talking about rooming arrangements.

"You're going to share a room with the same person you sat on the plane with, hence the alphabetical order."

Harry's face falls even though it's pressed against the window.

Great. The last thing I needed was to share a room with Louis.

"We're going to meet up at seven pm in the hotel lobby to go to dinner. Until then, you can sleep off your jetlag or do whatever. You know the drill."

The Malibu Beach Inn is right by the shore, where they're going to do their early morning beach runs daily. Harry wonders, once again, whether he can get out of the run; after all, he's not part of the team. Then again, he is on this trip even though he's not a player, so the respectful thing to do would be to take part in the 'football activities', as he likes to call it.

Louis gets the card for their room, 316, and Harry follows him to the elevator.

"So before we go in and live in the same room for a week, I just wanted to warn you that I'm a messy person." Louis tells him while they're in the elevator, waiting to reach the third floor.

"It's fine. I've had Niall live with me two weeks a couple of years ago, I think I can survive pretty much everything."

"Why did Niall come to live with you for two weeks?"

Harry bites his lip. "Well, his parents got into a big fight right before they got divorced so he just kind of wanted to get away from it all for a little while."

"How nice of you."

"Yeah. My dad wasn't really around at that time either so it was nice to have some company."

"Is your dad really that bad?"

Harry shrugs just as the door open. "Not really. A more appropriate word would be...careless. Or just busy. Because he's a lawyer."

"That's why you're going to study law?"

"When did I tell you what I want to study?"

Louis opens the door. "You told me that a while ago."

"Oh. Well, partially. I'd like to help people but the downside of it all is that I've got way too much to study."

"Eh, if you like it, you'll manage."

They both stop and stare at the bed in the corner. A double bed. A king sized, double bed.

"So...I think we lucked out since we have an ocean view room." Louis says and drops his suitcase by the closet.


"I sleep on the right, by the way."

"That's not fair! Why do I have to sleep by the wall? What if I need to take a wee during the night?"

"You're closer to the outlet so why are you complaining?"

"Fine, I guess it's only fair."

They take turns unpacking and showering, and by the time they're done it's way past five in the morning, so they decide to go to sleep.

Louis gets into bed first, which leaves Harry no option but to crawl over him and get on his side.

"Good night."


"Did you set an alarm?"

Louis snorts. "No."

"Did you talk to David?"


"Alright then. Don't snore too loud."

Louis gasps and turns on his side. "Harry Styles, I am appalled! I never snore."

"Um, yes you do? All the time."

"How many times have you heard me do it? Honestly."

"Honestly?" Harry smiles. "Every time we slept in the same bed."

Louis scoffs and turns on his back. "If it bothers you and you can't sleep, just wake me up or roll me over on my stomach."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Goodnight." Louis says again. "And for real this time."



Heavy knocks on the door and the insistent ringing of the phone wake them up.

"Shut it off. Make it stop." Louis whines and buries his head into his pillow.

Harry stretches and yawns, before he rubs his eyes so he can sit up in the bed. He checks the clock on his phone.

"It's half past five in the afternoon. We slept for twelve hours straight."

Louis mumbles something incoherently, and then pulls the pillow over his head to drown out all the sounds.

Harry sighs and climbs over him, one hand picking up the phone and the other one opening the door. He's not sure what to focus on; on a serious-looking David staring at him or at the man telling him that this is a wake up call per request.

"Thank you." He mumbles into the phone and hangs up. "Um. Hi."

"Hi." David awkwardly says and looks over Harry's shoulder. "Can I come in?"

Harry nods and steps aside, letting him enter the room. He closes the door and watches David as he looks at him, then at Louis, who's now sitting up and yawning, and then back at him.

"Am I interrupting something?"

"Dear God David." Louis exclaims and gets out of bed. "You're not interrupting anything."

David sits down on one of the couches and stares out the glass doors of the balcony. "Ocean view room. Nice."

"Cut the shit bro, we all know why you're here." Louis tells him as he searches for something to wear through the closet.

"Right, about I supposed to ask what's going on here?"

Harry sits down on the bed and crosses his arms over his naked chest.

"There's nothing going on here. Harold and I are just kissing buddies."

"Kissing buddies?"

"Kissing pals then, if you will."

"So how long has this been going on then?"

"About a month or so." Louis answers."

"A month? Uno mes? And I didn't know about it? I didn't figure it out? Dios mio!"

"Okay you have to stop with the Spanish this early in the morning if you don't want me to have a breakdown." Louis threatens.

"It's almost six in the evening." Harry mumbles.

"Well, I'm gonna take a shower now because I feel like I haven't done that in weeks. What time are we supposed to be in the lobby?"

"Seven. But you know Van Gaal, so we should be there at least ten minutes early."

"Right." Louis snorts, before he walks into the bathroom and shuts the door behind him.

Harry and David stare at each other for a few awkward seconds.

"Harry." the older man starts.

"Oh no, I know this look."

"What look?"

"The we-need-to-have-a-talk look."

David shakes his head. "There's no talk."

"Yes there is. I can see it on your face. I got this talk from both my father, Zayn, and I'm pretty sure Liam also told me something along those lines."

David sighs. "Fine. I won't say anything then."

"To me right now, or to anyone in general about what I saw?"


"Thank you."

"Well, I have to go now, but I'll see you luego. I have to shower because I think I smell like a pigsty."

Harry smiles. "Well, I didn't want so say anything."

David ruffles his hair and then he's out the door, closing it behind himself.

Harry picks out his clothes for tonight, a grey shirt, jean shorts, and white converse, and then checks his notifications as he waits for Louis to get out of the shower.

The bathroom door opens ten minutes later, and with a freshly showered and dressed Louis comes an irresistible smell of expensive cologne that, for some reason, turns Harry on.

"Your turn."

Harry replies to Niall's messages and then disappears into the bathroom.

I turns out that Louis does indeed need about an hour to get his hair done (dry it, gel it, un-gel it, gel it back, comb it, ruffle it, etc.), but he's finally done at a quarter to seven.

"Did your fringe really take fifty minutes on the clock?" Harry asks as they enter the elevator. "All you did was sweep it to the right in the end."

"Oh, like you're the fashion guru. Oh, look at me, I'm Harry Styles. I do my hair by shaking it out and then running my hair through it. I look so good." Louis mockingly says, using a low voice.

"Midget." Harry mutters under his breath.

"What did you just call me?"

The elevator dings and the doors open, revealing the elegant lobby.

"Shh, Van Gaal is saying something." Harry shushes him, knowing that it just drives Louis mad.

The restaurant they have reservations at is just a few hundred meters away from their hotel, along the coastline with an amazing view of the ocean.

Harry ends up sitting next to Ander, right across from Louis, who is apparently ignoring him now because of the midget comment. He wasn't wrong when he called him that though, since Louis is the shortest one on the team.

Everyone orders something healthy (under Van Gaal's and Gigg's supervision), and then they start talking about (surprise) the Premier League.

Harry feels a bit weird when the food comes, since he's the only one who has ordered pizza, while the rest of them eat salads or fish.

After dinner, they walk back to the hotel and told that they're going to meet up at six in the morning right by the beach for their daily morning run.

"So what do you want to do?" Louis asks him once they're in their room.

"I have no idea." Harry tells him. "All I know is that I'm not tired at all."

"Well, it's half past nine."

"How about we go to the Santa Monica Pier? I've never been there but I've heard it's great."

"It would take about an hour to get there by bus."

"So? I'm not tired, are you?"

Louis shakes his head. "Do you want to invite someone else?"

Harry thinks about it. "Ander? Maybe David?"

He doesn't miss the face Louis makes when he hears 'Ander'.

" about no."

"Alright then, just us two?"

Louis nods. "I'll call a taxi."

"A taxi? Won't that be expensive?"

"I don't think so. Come on, I'll pay."

"You sure?"

Louis rolls his eyes. "Yes I'm sure I won't go bankrupt if I spend fifty dollars on a cab."

"Fine. Let me change first, it's really warm outside."

Harry changes into a tank top, before they leave the room. They find a taxi right across the street, and the driver seems pretty excited when they tell him where they're headed.

"You two here on vacation?" the driver asks, trying to make conversation.

"Not really." Louis answers, taking out his phone.

Harry makes eye contact with the driver through the rearview mirror.

"So how long have you two been together?" the driver goes on, keeping his eyes on the road ahead.

"We're not together." Louis jumps in, suddenly getting curious about what's going on around him. "We're here on a football cantonment."

"You're in football? The both of you?"

"Football. As in, with a round ball."

"Soccer." Harry says.

"Ah. Figured. You have british accents. I'd ask about the team you're playing for, but I know shit about soccer."

"It's called football. You use your foot to kick the ball." Louis dryly tells the driver.

The driver doesn't say anything else, and for the rest of the way there's an eerie silence in the car, except for the radio.

When they arrive, Louis hands him a fifty-dollar bill and they both get out with a 'thank you'. The pier isn't as long as expected, and it looks like the fun just started, since there are people everywhere and the loud chatter covers up the sound of the waves entirely.

"If I don't get a hamburger in me right now I'll faint."

"Didn't we just have dinner?"

"Harry, if you think I'm going to spend one week in America only eating salads and exercising, then you're terribly wrong."

Harry spots a small restaurant called Pier Burger as they walk along the large wooden pier, so they get in line because apparently it's closing soon and everyone wants to get something last minute.

Louis orders a two portions of large fries, a double Pier Burger for himself, and a regular fresh lemonade for Harry. They take everything to go because the chairs have already been put up on the tables and there's a man sweeping in the corner.

They take a seat on the stairs right at the very end of the pier, and watching an elderly couple that just sits staring out at the dark ocean and a group of guys passing what looks like a joint between them, as they eat what Louis bought for the both of them.

"So, about earlier. I'm sorry for calling you a midget. I hope you didn't get too offended."

Louis turns his head to look at him, and Harry would say something about the mayonnaise that's smeared on the corner of Louis' mouth, but he's interrupted.

"You know, I was a bit mad at first because I hate it when people comment on my height or my weight, but then I realized that this is coming from a barely legal overgrown manchild so I felt better about myself."

Okay, now Harry definitely won't inform him about the mayonnaise, and will let people think that Louis had sucked him off.

"Is this what you tell yourself so you can sleep better at night?" Harry asks him.

Louis shrugs. "Let's just change the subject."

"What do you want to talk about?"

Louis looks around and then points at the old couple. "How about those two over there who haven't moved in like ten minutes?"

"She's sitting with her head on his shoulder while they watch the ocean. It's cute."

"Yeah but it's dark. You can barely see anything."

"Maybe she just likes being close to him? And enjoys that?"

"They're like, what? Seventy? Eighty almost? Do you really think their love lasted this long?"

Harry shrugs. "Looks that way."

"I don't believe it."

"And why not? You've got proof right there."

"I don't know. I for example can't imagine myself loving someone for so long."

Harry frowns. "That's a stupid allegation."

"Why though?"

"Do you not believe in love or something?"

"Of course I do." Louis says, now matching Harry's expression. "I just don't believe in everlasting love. 'Love forever'. That's a load of crap. Everyone gets bored at one point."

"That's not true."

"How can you believe that though? Your parents are divorced."

"I don't really consider my parents an example for everlasting love." Harry smiles. "But I do believe it exists. Not necessarily for me, but for others."

"That's a bit illogic."


Louis folds the wrapper that the burger was in and places it in the box they were given. "Because you wish 'eternal love' or whatever but not to yourself."

"I didn't say I wished anyone anything. I just say I believe that other people can have that, but not me."

"And why not you?"

Harry licks his bottom lip.

"Because I've never met anyone to prove me wrong."

Louis raises a brow at Harry's statement. "Well you're still eighteen. You haven't even experienced ten percent of what's out there."

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know you were a wiseass and a mathematician.

"Can you not be sarcastic for once?"

"Said Louis Sarcasm Tomlinson."

They finish their drinks and fries, before Louis pulls a cigarette pack out of his pocket and lights one up.

"Want one?"


Harry puts a fag into his mouth and Louis lights it for him, before he takes a long drag.

After they finish their cigarettes, Louis takes out a pack of gum and hands him a piece.

"I hate cigarette breath." Louis tells him.

"Can you really smell me? You're not even that close."

Louis snarls. "Oh God. You really are oblivious you idiot."



Harry doesn't get to register his words as he's pulled in towards Louis and now they're kissing.

As the kiss gets deeper, Louis tilts his head further to the right and wraps an arm around Harry's waist, pulling him closer.

By the time Louis' hands come up to Harry's hair, the kiss is way too heated if anyone were to look at them, so Harry pulls back.

"We should uh...go. I think. If you want to be able to wake up tomorrow. Also, I can't believe I'm putting a stop to this."

"No, you're right. We should head back."

They stop at a non-stop on their way back, where they buy a bottle of water and some crisps, after which they hail a cab.

It's past midnight when they enter the room, and neither of them bothers showering because they're just too tired.

"Thank you for uh...tonight." Harry says as they lay in bed under the covers, with a good two inches between their bodies.

"Well, it was my idea so there's nothing to thank me for."

"Yeah but you paid so..."

"So I did it because I wanted to. Now c'mon, let's try and get at least a few hours of sleep because I have to wake up early tomorrow."

"About I need to come along?"

Louis shuffles so he's laying on his side, facing Harry. "I don't think so. This is more of a holiday for you innit? You're lucky your father has connections."

Harry pouts. "Now I feel bad."

"Oh come on, there's no reason for you to feel bad about it. I'd take advantage of this week as much as I could if I were you."

"By doing what?"

"Going out, relaxing, drinking...I mean, it's all inclusive for fuck's sake!"

"Yeah, you're right."

"Good." Louis says, pulling the blanket down to their chests because it's getting a bit warm. "Now sleep."

Harry nods, closing his eyes, and falls asleep wondering whether what just happened could be called a date.


When Harry wakes up a few hours later, the clock shows 9:10am and Louis is nowhere to be found. There is, however, a text on his phone from him telling Harry that they're out for their early morning beach run and that they're going to be back after they have breakfast at ten.

Harry gets dressed in his swim trunks and a thin shirt after showering, and rummages through the closet for a pair of red converse he could've sworn he brought along. He eventually finds them so he takes his phone and the keycard before he's off towards the elevator so he can still catch breakfast before it's over.

After breakfast, he gets a beach towel from the lobby and goes outside to lounge by the pool. It's disturbingly similar to what he would have done at home, including the free, all inclusive Mojitos he gets from the cute guy that keeps asking him if he wants anything from the bar.

He's got blonde hair and blue eyes that remind him of someone, and looks really fit, so of course Harry will flirt with him until James will give him either a gay or a straight vibe.

By the time some players from the team come down at the pool it's way past twelve, and the bar guy is sitting on the lounger opposite of Harry, way too interested in what Harry tells him about life in England and why he's here, although he can't really form proper words due to the ridiculous amount of drinks he's consumed in the past two hours.

"Oi oi." He hears that familiar voice behind him, and doesn't even have to turn his head to know that Louis is coming towards him.

Louis is dressed in a pair of black swim trunks and nothing else, so Harry gulps and smiles at the bartender, who gets up when Louis looks at him with a raised brow.

"I never got your name?" Harry smiles a little loopy.

"It's James. And you are?"


"Harry." James repeats.

"And I'm a guest here." Louis interrupts them as he sets his towel on the lounger and sits down. "Who desperately wants a cocktail that contains Vodka."

James looks at Louis' wrist to make sure he's an adult that paid for the all-inclusive feature, before he's off towards the bar.

"So who was that?"

"James. The cute guy who serves me Mojitos." Harry giggles.

"How many Mojitos exactly?"

"Four...teen? I think."

"Jesus Christ."

"No, no. James."

Louis rolls his eyes and turns on his stomach. "Can you put sun lotion on my back so I won't get burnt?"

"Oooh. I don't think-okay."

Harry struggles to get up from the lounger, and when he eventually manages, he straddles the back of Louis thighs. Harry squirts lotion into his palm and then giggles as he rubs it over his back.

"What now?" Louis asks, his back muscles flexing.

"I just squirted some lotion in my palms."

"Oh my God."

"You're really religious today."

"And you're incredibly drunk even though it's noon."

"Shhh. Don't tell anyone."

Louis laughs, his thighs vibrating against Harry's. "I don't think I have to tell anyone in order for them to notice."

James brings Louis' drink and sets it down on the table between their loungers.

"Hey, are there any clubs around here? Or anywhere we could go out and" Harry asks, looking up at James.

"Uh...well my friends and I are going to this club called Bogies later tonight if you want to come?"

"The team was thinking of going there too." Louis says, reminding Harry that he's still there.

"What about practice tomorrow?"

"We've already talked to Van Gaal and he says we have every other day off from running."

"What time do you leave?" Harry asks.

"We've talked to the hotel manager and arranged for a bus to take us and other willing guests there, and then bring us back around five when it closes. We leave at ten."

"That's in how many hours?"

James laughs. "Nine."

"Alright. Great. Can't wait."

"You should probably take a nap and get the alcohol out of your system before we go." Louis tells him once James leaves.

"Gay vibe." Harry mutters, ignoring Louis completely as he gets off of him and on his own lounger.


"James. He's definitely giving off a gay vibe."


Harry ignores him as he closes his eyes.


"Harry. Harold."

Harry's eyes open slowly, and they focus in on David looking down at him.


"The pool is closing soon."

"Wha-what? How long have I been asleep?"

" hours? You were really out of it man."

"Shit. What time is it?"

"Half past eight. Time for dinner with the team. C'mon, we're eating on this terrace right by the beach. Just put a shirt on."

"Mind if I skip this one?"

"You're coming to the club later, right?"

Harry nods and David smiles, before he's off towards the small path that leads to the beach.

Once Harry gets inside his room, he collapses on the bed and sets his phone to wake him up in half an hour so he can shower and pick out something to wear.

By the time he's out of the shower, it's way past nine and Louis back in the room, charging his phone and texting at the same time.

"Finally, God. Can't you toss off some other time?"

"I didn't. I don't think I'll need to do it tonight though." Harry tells him, even though he's not drunk anymore.

Louis looks at him weirdly, but doesn't say anything as he walks in the bathroom with his clothes.

Harry blow-dries his hair while Louis showers, and then talks to Niall and Barbara on WhatsApp to let them know about James and put them up to date with Louis.

Harry: so I think I'm going to hook up with James tonght

Harry: not Louis

Niall: y not louis??

Harry: idk

Harry: I just have this feeling

Barbara: u stupid

They talk about Uni starting in a month, and how they're going to see each other even if they attend different ones.

"You ready?" Louis asks fifteen minutes later, once he's finished arranging his hair and spraying half a ton of cologne on himself.

"Yes. If I could only breathe, it would be great."

Louis checks his pockets for his cigarette pack, money, and phone, before he follows Harry out the door.

They meet the guys who wanted to attend down by the lobby, and the receptionist announces that the bus is already outside, waiting for them.

Harry spots James when he gets on the bus, and goes to sit down next to him, ignoring Louis who sits down behind him. David takes the seat next to him though, and for the rest of the ride, Harry tries to flirt with James who told him that he broke up with his boyfriend (!!) two weeks ago and isn't looking for anything serious, while also listening to the hushed conversation David and Louis are having.

There's a seemingly short line at the entrance, so they probably won't have to stand very long.

"Everyone here's over twenty-one right?" James asks, looking around right before the bus stops.

Harry's eyes widen. "I'm eighteen."

"Security is very strict here, I'm not sure how you'll be able to get in." James says, biting his lip as they exit the bus.

"Uh...what should I do then?"

"Maybe I can talk to the bouncer. I know the manager but I'm not sure she's here tonight."

They get in line, and everyone has their ID's ready except of Harry.

"What if I bribe him?" Harry asks as they get closer.

"I'm not sure if it works. Never tried it."

"So you're twenty-one?"

"Yeah, had my birthday in June."

"You look younger though."

James smiles. "That's why I always carry my ID with me."

Harry then greets all of his friends and it turns out that they're all really nice and legal to drink, which, again, makes him feel like the baby of the group.

"So...have you ever had a boyfriend?" James asks when the line eventually stops because of a mishap at the entrance. They're apparently full at the moment, so it may be a while until they can get in.

Louis and a couple of James' friends sit down on the curb to smoke.

"Yeah, when I was younger. I don't anymore."

"So he's not your boyfriend?"

James points in Louis' direction.

"What? Oh no. Not at all. Not even close."

"He seemed jealous earlier when you sat down next to me. And at the pool."

"Yeah, I don't know. He's not that important."

"Oh, he isn't?" James smirks.

Harry shakes his head. "Nope."

"Well then you wouldn't mind me doing this?"

James leans in and presses their lips together. Before he can pull away though, Harry responds by pulling him in by the neck. Their kiss turns heated in no time when James' hands travel down his back and grip into his arse, pulling Harry flushed against his chest.

His hands then travel to the back of Harry's thighs, and soon James is lifting him up, pinning him against a lamppost.

"Jesus, look at James going at it!" one of his friends (Kurt? Kendall?) exclaims, which has everyone within a hundred meter radius look at them.

The line suddenly moves, and Louis is back, so Harry lets go of James and straightens his shirt out.

"What if they don't let me in?"

"Then I'll take you somewhere else. The others can have their own fun." James tells him with a wink.

Harry turns his head and sees his own guys entering one by one after they show the bouncer their ID's. Louis is the last one, and he shakes the bouncer's hand before he whispers something in his ear and enters.

James and Harry are next. The bouncer looks at James' ID, then at Harry's face expectantly.




Harry looks at James confused, but the older guy just pulls him along, towards the entrance.

"What just happened?"

"I don't know, but next means we can go in."

The club is huge, and the lights are blinding, but they find two booths next to each other and get in. A waitress comes over and tells them that they need to get at least a $50 bottle per booth, so they get Ciroc and Rum with coke and berry juice, while the football players that are sitting right next to them get two proper Vodka bottles with tonic water.

"They can hold their alcohol better than me." Harry explains to James when the two Vodka bottles arrive.

"You're not even legal!" James laughs, burying his nose into Harry's neck.

"I am in England!"

Harry pours himself a Rum and Coke first, and doesn't even get to drink half of it when James asks him to come dance.

A David Guetta song starts playing and everyone is singing along, so Harry nods and follows him out on the dancefloor.

He's not sure how long they've been dancing for, all he knows is that his second glass is empty now and James lips are on his neck, hands on his crotch, rubbing up and down. For some reason though, he opens his eyes and looks around until he sees Louis in his booth, chatting up a blonde girl with big boobs and a pretty smile.

Harry frowns and is about to look away so he can focus on James, but that's when Louis turns his head and looks right at him with a hazy expression on his face. Good, so they're both at least tipsy. Well, Louis might be a bit drunk since his hand is resting on her thigh and now he's whispering something in her ear, before he fills another glass for himself.

"I think I'm...I'm going to go to the bathroom really quick okay?"

James nods and watches Harry leave.

When he enters the bathroom, he walks right up to the mirror and washes his face with cold water.

What the fuck is wrong with me? Why isn't James doing anything for me?

He knows the answer though. The answer has blue eyes and is currently talking to a blonde girl. Harry suddenly wants to go home and sleep.

Just as he's about to exit the bathroom, Louis comes in, almost tripping over his own feet.

"Oops." Harry says, catching him by the arm.

"Hi. Harry. Hey."


"What are you doing?"

"I don't know. I'm a bit tipsy and I feel like I want to go home."

"You want to leave? It's only midnight."

"I know."

Louis stares at him for a moment before he suddenly pulls him in by his collar, and then pushes him against the sink. Harry melts right into the kiss, hands coming down to Louis' hips.

"I've been waiting all fucking day to do that, but you're too busy with that blonde douchebag." Louis breathes into his mouth.

"He's not a douchebag..." Harry trails off, but if it actually, Louis can call James anything he wants and it would be okay with Harry.

"Want to leave?" Louis continues, hand trailing down Harry's torso and stopping on his crotch so it cups Harry's cock through his jeans.

"It would be rude."

Would it, though?

Louis>everyone else

Louis squeezes.

"Alright." Harry agrees, biting down Louis' bottom lip.

"Great. Let's go."

"What about James though?"

Louis grips into Harry's wrist and pulls him along.

"You'll see him tomorrow." He says as soon as they're out of the club and motioning for a cab. They get in the first one that stops, and Louis immediately straddles him when it starts moving.

"How did you get me in the club?" Harry asks between chaste kisses.

"What are you talking about?"

"I know you had something to do with it. You said something to the bouncer."

"Oh." Louis says, smirking against Harry's lips. "I gave him a Ben Franklin and told him to let you in without checking your ID."

"You gave him a hundred dollars?"

"I owed you from that time you carried me up the stairs, remember?"

"Wha-I don't remember. I think."

"You're too young." Louis whispers and starts kissing his ear, and then down his neck.

"Then what are we doing?" Harry asks, suddenly very aware of himself.

"What are we doing?"

"I asked first."

"We're just having fun."

"We are, aren't we? And besides, what happens in Malibu stays in Malibu right?" Louis says before he leans in for another kiss.


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! Next update will be November 3rd !



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