A Dream
It's been a year since Alfred... died and everything still feels depressing.
His funeral was full of sadness and regret. The people who knew him as the boy who always smiled and waved at them all the while passing by really felt regret because the boy never deserved this. They should have showed love and care but all they did was give him more reasons to die. It doesn't matter whenever or wherever they go, everything still reminds them of the golden haired teen.
It's hard to cope when you didn't care about what you had back then until it's already too late. He even chose to die on his birthday. Instead of good memories, all it brought to their town is sorrow.
And it is July 4th.
They never knew this was what Alfred felt. He must have been so lonely and depressed. With nothing and no one by his side.
It must have been so dreadful.
Now all of them suffer the consequences.
Ivan had long accepted that Alfred really is dead but he cannot accept that Alfred is gone. Yes, Alfred was dead. Ivan had accepted that--- far more readily than he could have ever imagine--- that he wouldn't see his little one again. But what he would not accept was that Alfred was gone. Because that was simply not the truth.
Ivan looked up and saw the shining sun and the blue sky.
The sun.
It always reminds Ivan of Alfred's endless happiness. His cheery attitude he first thought of as annoying and irritating. But he grew to feel warmth with him, to feel the comfort he once felt with his sisters, and to feel the bubbly happiness from him.
The sky.
The sky is still there. The sky curved above them just like the convex of Alfred's blue bright eyes that always made him smile in more ways than one. It reminds him of the days of the blissful past when he was still considerate. Less scary. Less avaricious. Ivan knew when he first met Alfred that he'll grow to love his eyes dearly. That's why Ivan loves the sky.
But when the dark clouds comes, it paints darker colors to the sky. That's when Ivan hates it.
He hates the dark clouds. The rain.
It always reminds him of that dreadful day. That day when Alfred cried so hard and killed himself. That day when everything was wrong.
Alfred was never gone. He's forever in his heart.
Even when it hurts.
Closing his eyes tightly, he leaned against the side of his door, trying to hold in his tears as they threatened to fall. He did not want to cry, he didn't even want to look back to that horrible memory. Slipping inside, he took a few deep breaths before pushing the door shut, letting its sound echo heavily in the hall.
Arthur mindlessly stared at nothing. July 4th. The damn day always brought him sorrow. He's forlorn whenever this day comes. Why wouldn't it? All of this was his fault.
He always bullied the American with petty words he thought nothing of.
It was just a joke.
It was just his usual banter.
But he never knew that it hurt Alfred so much, he never once thought that Alfred would feel this way.
He never thought this would ever happen to him.
He never knew.
Nobody knew.
And now he stood, alone and in the dark, with nothing more than his memories and shattered hope.
Later that day, Francis came by and managed to take the Brit in one of his favorite pubs. They both spent time drinking away the sorrows and anguish. Just for a little bit more.
But they knew Alfred will never ever come back. He's dead.
Matthew sobbed sadly on his brother's bed. He always went to Alfred's room whenever this day comes. It's where he always thinks of the days he and Alfred spent. When everything was still perfect, they always played hokey and football games together, watch TV and some movies or even play board games with Ivan. Only Matthew, Natalya, and Katyusha knew about their friendly rivalry instead of the usual kill-each-other stuff. So that's why they always spent time together. Katyusha and Matthew sometimes stalk the pair at times when Alfred and Ivan decides to play through the woods (Natalya used to do that but she stopped after finding a certain Lithuanian).
Matthew remembered that time when Ivan and Alfred tried to dance on Tino's rooftop because of a simple dare, then suddenly Ivan slipped and he fell on Alfred who also fell after being hit and then they both fell until they land so hard, luckily, into the huge swimming pool. They both laughed even though they ended up being sent to a nearby hospital and were bedridden for a few days. Matthew started laughing. Through his mind, he ran down everything that he remembered while watching over his brother. He laughed so much his sides started hurting. He laughed so much that he started crying and coughing. His laughter faded until the only thing he was doing was crying. Those were... good times.
If only they never called him names.
If only they never bullied him.
If only they never did this him.
If only everything was fine.
Matthew cried again, his already red eyes burned his eyes as he tried to decipher why in the world had he never noticed? Why did he even let this happen? Why? Why? Why? Whywhywhywhywhywhywhy-
Why did you have to go?
Why did you have to leave?
Why did I let this happen?
He's already gone.
He won't ever come back anymore.
No more Alfred.
No more brother.
No more...Alfie.
"Oh Alfie... why did it had to be you?" Matthew sobbed as he wrapped himself with Alfred's soft blanket. "Why...."
If only...
England gripped unto his chest as he tried to get a hold of his wand. His fairy friends tried to help him but they couldn't because, apparently, something is holding them all back. Like some kind of magic.
England snarled when he thought of Oliver. There's no one who has great magic that wanted to mess with him other than the crazy pink loving cupcake maniac himself. But England felt like it wasn't him. Somehow.
But who else could it be?
This is obviously done by magic...right?
His thoughts were cut off when he felt more pain, now it's his stomach and eyes. It felt like he's been drinking and crying so hard for years which is partly true. What is not true is the fact that his eyes are bloody burning! England knew he's never cried ever since that incident six years ago so it doesn't make any sense.
His body hurts at the moment, yes that much is true. But he's not even crying for goodness sake!
Suddenly, he felt his pocket vibrate. England assumed that it must be his Prime Minister but he can't really move at his own will so he only writhed in agony.
"D-Damn i..it..." He muttered under his breath. Then his world went black.
"Nah.... burgers... the best...!" A voice laughed.
"Shut it, twat! I'm trying to read here!" His voice yelled angrily at the voice.
"Obno...us... ido...." Someone mumbled.
"Alfred lad. Please stop it."
'What is...going on?'
"Please don't....this!"
'W-What is going on?' England thought in fear.
Then just a flash of America's bitter smile came to his head. His eyes dull, hair disheveled, and his uniform swaying with his body.
England can feel himself running. Running towards Alfred. His arms stretched to reach unto him but he was too far. He can see Russia desperately running--- no... everyone is running.
He doesn't understand but what he knew is that he has to get Alfred away from the edge.
He has to get him.
He has to save him.
He has to-
Suddenly, a scream echoed and everyone followed suit.
England froze and fell on his knees. He doesn't want to see. He doesn't want to know what happened. He doesn't want to-
He knew Russia's scream tore his world apart.
England woke up, gasping for air as his hand continued to grip on his chest. The pain is still there... Then after a few more minutes, the pain faded away. "W-What...?" England asked mostly to himself, questions flooded his head as he tried to understand what the bloody hell just happened.
"G-G-G-Germa-ny..." Italy whimpered, trembling like a little scared lamb.
"I-Italy...? I'm glad you're alright." Germany sighed as he tried to get up but couldn't really do that as his body was very exhausted. "Ah...Verdammt."
Prussia decided not to speak as he breathed in and out, also trying to understand what just happened.
"Oh my, someone call an ambulance!!!"
"Aren't those Germany, Italy, England and Prussia!?"
"I know they are. But we need to help them so stop shouting, we don't know what exactly was hurting them."
Some humans took out their phones and recorded them and the surroundings LIVE to tell the governments where they are as the others went and helped the nations to their feet. The nations appreciated their help but they were mostly not paying attention to anything.
"T-The pain... it's gone?" Matthew whispered to himself.
"Big brother...!" Belarus managed to crawl and went to her brother's side.
"I-I thought that we were actually going to f-fade away at the same time..." Ukraine cried softly. Canada sent a reassuring smile to her and it made her at ease for a bit.
"I-I'm really g-glad we're fine." Ukraine shakily smiled.
"Y-Yeah..." Canada sighed before looking at his brother. "Hey Al, are you alright?" He called out but America didn't move. Canada was starting to get worried but he pushed that horrible dream away. "A-Al? Wake up now eh? We need to search for the others..." When his brother remained still, suddenly, he painfully went to his brother's side and shook him awake but America didn't budged. "A-America! P-Please wake up..!" He put his finger on his brother's pulse, trying to reassure himself that this is just temporary.
Russia and his sisters looked at him. "What's wrong, Matvey?" Russia asked as he frowned.
Canada panted and looked at them in fear, "I-I don't know! H-He's not waking up and I don't know what's wrong with him! H-He can't possibly be dead just from t-that!" He yelled as he pressed his head on America's chest but still... it's not beating.
"You don't mean that whoever was doing this wanted America out from the beginning?" Belarus asked, her fingers shakily taking America's sweaty bangs away from his already pale face.
"B-But he's still going to wake up in a few days, r-right? We a-are nations after all." Ukraine said.
"We don't know for certain but for now, let's take America to one of his mansions, it's the only thing I could think of. Ukraine, call every nations and tell them about this." Russia said, shakily getting up but after a few steps forward, he stumbled.
"I'm fine. We still have to t-take... A-America..." Russia sobbed and gripped on his chest as he stared at America's face, suddenly remembering his nightmare.
"Wh-Why did you jump, Alfred?" Russia whispered lowly, enough for only Canada and Belarus to hear.
"Y-You..." Canada was about to say something but Belarus suddenly hugged them all protectively.
"I-It's not real... it was just a dream." She said.
"B-But we all dreamt of the same thing-!"
"It was just a dream." She repeated as if she was reassuring everyone, mostly herself.
Canada stared sadly at her, then at Alfred who began to breath. He knew, however, that the American still needed a few more days to wake up. Canada wiped a tear from America's face and smiled softly, "Yeah....it was."
"It was just a dream..."
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