Chapter 17: Fears pt 1

I can't fit everyone's fears into one and I'm still deciding some of them...

So I'm gonna divide the chapter into two and do the ones I'm sure about.


Ty's POV

As I walked down the corridor, all I could see was darkness.

Then the world was bathed in a bright white light and I had to cover my eyes.

When I opened them again, I could see I was back by the lake where Adam and I had first met. I smiled, it was as perfect as the last time I saw it.

Then I felt a scorching heat and watched in horror as the lake began to dry up and the plants began to wither and die. The little paradise was turning into a barren wasteland.

Then I heard a voice behind me "Isn't it wonderful Ty?"

I turned to see Skybrine looking at me, smiling evilly.

I drew my sword and held it defensively, "I don't want to fight you Sky." I said firmly.

Skybrine chuckled and drew his sword "That's a pity, because I want to fight you" He said, then he lunged at me.

I blocked his strike and instinctively sliced at his arm.

Skybrine jumped back, just missing my sword and smiled "See? You do want to fight me."

"What I want is my best friend back!" I growled, taking a step away from him.

Then Skybrine gasped and dropped his sword, clutching his head in pain. When he looked back up at me, his eyes were hazel and full of tears. "Ty?" He asked weakly.

I faltered "Adam?"

"Please Ty," he cried "You have to kill me. Before he gets control again."

I shook my head "You can't ask me to do this! Your my best friend!"

Sky eyes then flicked back to a soulless white and him grinned, catching me off guard, he lunged at me, pinning me down and drawing a knife.

"Poor Ty..." Skybrine hissed "Too weak to fulfil his best friends last request."

I struggled to push him off me with no success.

He got ready to drive the knife into my heart when he shouted in pain again and his eyes became Adam's hazel.

"Ty do it." He practically yelled, tears falling down his face as he put the knife in my own hand and held the point over his heart "Please..."

"No!" I cried, tears of my own falling down my face now. "There has to be another way!!!"

"KILL ME!!" Sky screamed, his eyes glowing bright white.

Then they faded back to hazel and Adam spoke, his voice barely audible and he was trembling "Please Ty. I'm begging you."

'This can't be real...' I thought 'It can't! I can't do this to him'

But I looked right in Adam's eyes and I could see it was what he wanted. He wanted it to end.

So with tears blurring my vision and my heart feeling like it was rolling on broken glass. I thrusted the dagger into my best friend, "I'm so sorry!" I sobbed.

Sky gasped in pain before slumping onto me, not moving.

I stayed like that for Notch knows how long. Then I got up from under him and looked around at the barren wasteland and the body of my best friend.

Then I cried as darkness clouded my vision and I drifted into unconsciousness.

(Yeah..... I tried)

Jason's POV

I ran though the darkness, trying to find my way out, but failing miserably.

I then turned a saw a light, but it wasn't white like I'd expect, it was orange and flickering, like fire.

I ran towards it and as I did I felt the heat become stifling and my world became bathed in a blinding white light.

When my vision cleared I stared in horror at what I saw.

I was at the team crafted base, or what was left of it. The placed had almost completely fallen down, the sky was midnight black, without a star in the sky or moon, fire was burning everywhere and worst of all...

Bodies, there were bodies everywhere, bodies of recruits, of animals, of my friends.

I ran around trying to find a soul that was still alive. It hurt every time I saw someone. Tyler, Kyle, Dan, Bash, everyone, all dead.

I stumbled into a room I recognised as the meeting room of Team Crafted and I felt my heart falling into an abyss when I looked around.

Sky, Ty, Ian, Quentin, Seto, Mitch and Jerome were all lying dead. Multiple stab wounds in each of them.

I fell to my knees, taking off my helmet and letting tears fall down my face and onto the floor. 'This can't be real!' I thought 'I can't be all alone! I can't be!'

"You don't have to Jason..." A familiar voice spoke.

I looked around wildly to see who had spoken yet I couldn't see anyone.

Then I watched in amazement as ghostly figures appeared around me.

I recognised who they were as well, Sky, Ty, Ian, Quentin, Seto, Mitch and Jerome all smiling sadly.

"What?" I asked in amazement.

"You don't have to be all alone Jason." Sky said.

"What do you mean?" I said standing up, putting my helmet back on in the process.

"If you die, you can be with us in the Aether." Ty said nodding next to his body, where a sharp knife lay. "Then Team Crafted can all be together again..."

I looked at the knife "So... I just kill myself?"

"Yes," Mitch said "Just like that and we'll all be back together."

I took a step towards the knife, then froze.

I knew my friends and if there was one thing I knew about them, it's that they never give up or let their friends give up easily.

My hands balled into fists and I growled "Never."

The ghosts seem to freeze at that. "Excuse me?" Ian asked "Did you just say no?!"

"No, I just said never!" I shouted "My friends would never tell me to just give up! They'd tell me to keep on going, that things will get better!"

"But we are you friends." Seto cooed "It's ok to give up like this, we can all be together again, or would rather be alone?"

I clutched my head shutting my eyes "Stay away from me!" I shouted "Your not my friends! I won't listen to you! I will keep fighting!"

I heard the ghosts hiss in anger and then nothing.

I opened my eyes to find I was alone in the room, the fire, the ghosts, the bodies, everything was gone.

I then felt dizzy and I collapsed to the floor, slipping into unconsciousness.

(That one took a while to think of...)

Bella's POV

I walked though the darkness until it appeared to fade to a dull grey, so I was walking down a dull grey stone corridor.

"Well this seems a little too easy." I muttered, not that I wanted it to be any harder.

"I couldn't agree more..." A voice spoke behind me.

I froze and slowly turned to face the last person I wanted to see.


I pulled out my bow and notched an arrow, aiming it at his heart "Don't come any closer." I growled

Herobrine chuckled "You know why I'm here... Don't you?"

I said nothing, just kept my arrow aimed on him.

"Well, I'm here for my escaped lab experiment." He said walking towards me.

I fired the arrow, but like before he caught it. "Will you never learn?" He asked chucking the arrow behind himself. "You'd do much better with a sword."

I held onto my bow tightly, "I don't take advice from insane demonic gods."

"You really should dear." He hissed "I made you into a squid hybrid for the squids to use as a knew breed of powerful soldiers, surely you must feel some loyalty to them, to me."

I narrowed my eyes and said slowly "I only side with my friends."

"You have no idea what's coming do you?" He chuckled "Things beyond your power to stop, you'd be better off siding with me."

Hi eyes flashed bright white and I suddenly saw visions in front of me. A strange rune that glowed bright red, a person's light green eyes becoming dark purple, a wither bomb exploding and a person's insane demonic laugh.

I gaped and the visions vanished and Herobrine stood there smirking.

"Your- You're lying." I growled

"Am I?" He laughed "Are you willing to take that risk? You'd be better off coming with me."

I looked at him and thought for a moment 'Do I really want to stay? It would be easier to just go with him...'

I then remembered everything I'd been through so far; Seto helping me, Mitch saving me, the laughs I'd shared with everyone. If I went with Herobrine, I'd never be able to fight to get those back.

I looked at Herobrine and growled "I will never join you. I will always keep fighting!"

And I notched another arrow and fired at his head.

But as soon as the arrow left my bow, my world dissolved into blackness.

(I'm not entirely happy with that... But oh well...)

Seto's POV

I walked through the darkness, struggling to see which way I was going.

At least until I saw an old wooden door inscribed with purple runes that were glowing faintly in front of me, and the door was opened slightly.

I took a deep breath, trying to stay calm, I knew exactly where this door leads to. The archives.

I turned back, hoping I could go back the way I came, but something stopped me.

I felt something powerful behind the door, something evil.

'It must be my fear.' I thought 'Well... I need to get past it to advance.'

So I sighed and turned back to the door, pushing it open slowly.

I was greeted with the same dimly lit room that was the archives, although, it seemed much darker and more dangerous.

I felt a burning in my hand and looked at it. I groaned, the rune I'd gotten from the journal was on my hand again and it was glowing bright red.

I sighed "I have to keep going." I muttered, shove the hand into my pocket and setting out.

I walked between the shelves, hoping to find a way out of this hell hole.

I turned right and groaned, 'Of course I'd end up here...' I thought.

I was in the aisle lined with the journals, all glowing an incredibly bright red. My protective runes were all gone 'Not a good sign.'

I turned to leave only to hear a voice I hoped I'd never hear again. "The power is incredible, no?"

I froze at the voice, "Of course you'd be my fear." I muttered, summoning a bright purple fireball and turning to look at the person.

The person's face was obscured by a black cloak lined with blood red silk, but his eyes were as clear as day, bright red irises filled with evil.

My grandfather.

"Hello Seto, you've grown." He chuckled "You look just like your father."

"I have nothing to say to you." I growled the fireball in my hand glowing brighter.

"Oh really? Because I thought you'd have many questions for you dear old grandfather."

"My grandfather died long ago." I snarled "Your nothing but a shell of who he once was."

He laughed "Oh you have spirit, lad. Reminds me of myself when I was your age."

"I'm nothing like you." I growled "Now stand aside while I find my way out of here."

"Oh, don't worry boy, I'm just here to talk, not fight."

I narrowed my eyes at him and slowly extinguished my flame. "What do you want?" I asked.

"I'm here to show you something." He said gesturing me to come forward.

I stood where I was "Show me what?" I growled

He sighed and raised his arms around himself, gesturing to all the journals. "I wrote these so a powerful sorcerer may one day read them and use all the power and knowledge I've placed within their pages. And you're the most powerful sorcerer I've ever met. I want that sorcerer to be you."

"I know, that's the whole reason I put them down here." I said firmly.

"You've already had a taste of what the journals can do, finding your way to a silly temple is only scratching the surface of what my books can do, look at what your capable of if you read all of them." He said nodding to the shelf next to me.

I turned to the shelf and watched as a full length mirror materialised. I stared at my reflection in shock.

In the reflection, my cloak was like my grandfather's, black with red silk lining. My crown was made of obsidian as was my shoulder guards and the squares on my belt. My shirt was bright red with a black creeper face as was my belt and my pants were a darker shade of red with black shoes.

My reflection smiled evilly and its irises glowed a bright red. On both palms of its hands, glowed the same strange rune on my own hand.

I felt a firm hand on my shoulder and my grandfather said "See what you can be capable of if you keep reading? Light sorcery is nothing compared to this."

I shook my head "That's not me." I said, my voice shaking slightly.

"But it could be..." He said "What harm can come from reading just one? You already want to keep reading them. I can see it in your eyes."

I shook my head again "No, I never have been tempted by them until I got that stupid rune on my hand. You're just trying to manipulate me!"

"Stupid rune?" He asked before grabbing my hand and looking at the rune on it.

He chuckled "So it's already happening.... Seto, these books want you to read them, they're calling out to you. And you and I both know you want to listen to them desperately..."

I thought for a moment 'Do I? Do I really want to keep reading them?'

I knew deep down, he was right, part of me did want to keep reading them, the other part which I'm pretty sure was my common sense talking wanted to burn the books and dance on the ashes.

My hands curled into fists and I hissed again, my voice sounding deeper and angrier "I'm nothing like you!"

Then I turned and, summoning a bolt of purple lightning, hurled it at the mirror, shattering it on contact.

As soon as I heard the glass smash, darkness surrounded me once again.

Well that's the first four....

I swear it took forever to do Jason and Bella's fears.

My favourite is definitely Seto's

This is what happens when you listen to Imagine Dragon's song 'Warriors' the entire time writing this.

I seriously have been waiting to do this chapter for ages...

Comment and see if you can guess what Ian, Mitch, Jerome and Quentin's will be!!!

Anyways, thanks for reading and be sure to leave a comment or vote if you enjoyed it. :D

Or not, I don't really care.

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