Sleeping together
Kaminari yawned. It was getting late but he didn't want to go to bed. Snuggling with Shinsou was so sweet.
Kami peeked up at Shinsou and to his surprise Shinsou was asleep. He had never seen shin asleep before.
He looked so calm and peaceful. Kaminari smiled happily and snuggled more soon falling asleep too.
The next morning Shinsou woke first. He squinted at how bright the sunshine was. Wait sunshine...oh crap.
He was about to stand up and call his dad to apologize when he looked down. In his lap was the cutest sleeping blonde.
Shinsou smiled. Kaminari was holding the blanket close to his face and it made his cheeks smoosh. It was really cute.
He could just barely reach his phone and take a picture. That's not creepy right? He didn't care he couldn't pass it up.
He smiled alittle bigger as he petted kamis head. He kinda reminded Shinsou of a cat.
Shinsou looked around the house from where he was sitting. He could see on the table there was bags of groceries that hadn't been put away.
He assumed it was Kaminaris mother and that she had seen them asleep on the couch and went to bed. He was hoping she didn't think anything to bad.
His dad ughhh his dad's gonna be so mad. Or maybe he will understand? I mean Shinsou didn't actually do anything bad he just fell asleep.
Wait...asleep? Shinsou eyes widened when had he fallen asleep. He could remember about halfway through the movie,but that would mean he actually slept.
He looked down at Kaminari. He wondered if the blonde had slipped him something. Then shrugged that off assuming the blonde wouldn't do that and he might be smart enough to do so.
Maybe he's just... calming? No. This is Kaminari...although I no longer feel nervous. I just feel warm...and happy.
The blonde shifted moving slightly. Shinsou looked at the time. He had sat there for two was now noon.
He supposed that was early for the blonde but he really had to get home.
How should I wake him up? I could shake him. No that would probably scare him. Okay think romantic. Um...kiss him?
Is that weird? He is you no what just test it. Kaminari is weird maybe he will think it's cute.
Please don't freak out. Shinsou leaned in close to kamis face. He was just about to lean in and kiss him when the blondes eyes fluttered open.
"What are you doing?" " you true loves kiss?" Kaminari giggled. "Well then go ahead." "What?" "You heard me Toshi." Shinsou rolled his eyes and kissed the blonde who happily kissed back.
"Okay now off you pikachu." "Aww but your comfy." "And I have been sitting here way to long." "Finnne."
Kaminari was attempting to sit on the floor but he was tangled in the blanket so he instead tumbled off Shinsou on to the floor in a heap.
Shinsou started to laugh. "Well that didn't work." "Are you okay pikachu?" "Yes I'm fine. Although my prides alittle bruised."
Shinsou continued to laugh as he stood up stretching. Sitting there all night was really uncomfortable.
Kaminari peeked at Shinsou. His shirt had lifted up slightly from the stretching. Kami bit his lip slightly and tried to get a better look.
Not taking into any consideration the fact he was still tangled in the blanket. Let's just say there was a thud.
Shinsou turned. Kaminari was on the floor. Like even his face was on the floor. "Uh pikachu what are you...did you try to peek at me pervert."
"Your my boyfriend I get to peek. I hate this blanket though." Shinsou laughed again. He sat by the blonde and lifted up his face.
He had a red spot in the middle of his forehead. Shinsou chuckled. "That's gonna make a bump" "great..."
"Well that's why you shouldn't peek. Trust me one day you will get the whole view."
"Oh my should I go back into my room?" Kaminari and Shinsou looked up to see Kamis mother.
Kaminari was on the floor tangled in a blanket with a bump now growing on his forehead and Shinsou was holding Kamis chin. They both went pink realizing that his mother had definitely gotten the wrong idea.
"Mom it wasn't...we werent.-" "oh please honey I saw you two last night on the couch. No worries by now your old enough to make your own decisions. Besides...I don't mind if you hurry up and make everything official with this boy. He's a keeper."
Kaminari was now red. "Mom!" His mother just laughed as she walked into the kitchen to get dinner ready.
"Im a keeper Kami." "You shut up." "Whatever unicorn head" "aw come on. Is it that bad?" Shinsou smiled and kissed Kamis forehead avoiding the bump. "Nope." Kaminari smiled and hugged him.
Not my picture.
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