Part 2

a. Evil R's New Almekia Analysis [Evil_NA]-----------------------------------------Lance: Lv.30 KingHP: 833MP: 319RunePow: 425RuneArea: 5STR: 125INT: 106AGI: 107ATK: 330DEF: 141Spells: Heal, Flame, Geno-FlameRank: A++Comment: Lance is no doubt the best overall physical warrior of Forsena.While he doesn't have Kiloph's insane STR, his STR is still pretty highnonetheless. Not to mention he is very fast and really resistant to spells.High RunePow, high HP/MP, high stats makes him a Warrior both strong forphysical encounter and magic slaughtering.Lance: Lv.30 PrinceHP: 848MP: 309RunePow: 414RuneArea: 5STR: 110INT: 103AGI: 112ATK: 293DEF: 137Spells: Heal, FlameRank: AComment: When level up as a Prince, Lance doesn't have the strength of aKing, but he has more agility. Is it because he is still a young kid andlikes jumping around?Gereint: Lv.30 ShogunHP: 765MP: 164RunePow: 333RuneArea: 5STR: 111INT: 73AGI: 98ATK: 307DEF: 137Rank: AComment: While not very outstanding in any of his stats, Gereint started outwith high levels and high RunePow/RuneArea which makes him more useful thanknights like Loufal/Alsace whom had potential but start out at very lowlevels.Coel: Lv.30 Cardinal/Sorcerer or Wizard/BishopHP: 612MP: 384RunePow: 340RuneArea: 5STR: 78INT: 111AGI: 84ATK: 226DEF: 126Spells (Cardinal/Sorcerer): Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Halo, Divine Ray, HolyWord, Flame, Geno-Flame, Thunder, Exa-Blast, Power, Frost, Flight, Fog, CharmSpells (Wizard/Bishop): Lose Holy Word, gain Geno-Thunder,Geno-Frost andreactRank: A-Comment: Again, similar to Gereint, Coel's stats is not spectacular, but he'sgot lots of RunePow/Area to be useful than other Cardinal.Meleagant: Lv.30 AvengerHP: 791MP: 168RunePow: 266RuneArea: 4STR: 103INT: 68AGI: 88ATK: 289DEF: 134Spells: Curse, WeaknessRank: BComment: Meleagant got some very weak stats for an Avenger. His only savinggrace is his RuneArea 4 otherwise, he is completely useless.Halley Lv.30 ValkyrieHP: 732MP: 252RunePow: 341RuneArea: 4STR: 102INT: 76AGI: 110ATK: 311 +GungnirDEF: 141Spell: Heal, HolyWord, FogRank: B++Comment: Halley is the strongest Valkyrie on Forsena. Her stats is not muchhigher than standard Valkyrie compare to Iria/Mira/Adilicia, however,Halley's MP is greatly over any other Valkyrie which makes her better.Glauze: Lv.30 Paladin/ChampionHP: 803MP: 187 (+14 from Magic Potion)RunePow: 320RuneArea: 4STR: 112INT: 72AGI: 94ATK: 304DEF: 141Skills: Critical Hit +10%Spells: Heal, Cure, HolyWordRank: B+Comment: Glauze is a standard Paladin/Champion. Not major advantage orweakness.Brusom: Lv.30 Shogun/ChampionHP: 758MP: 123RunePow: 219RuneArea: 3STR: 107INT: 63AGI: 92ATK: 299DEF: 135Rank: C+ (for Dual Class only, otherwise C)Comment: Brusom Sucks. Low HP at start despise high levels, weak RunePow/Areaand average stats makes him the weakest Shogun in Forsena. Questing material.Loufal: Lv.30 Paladin/ChampionHP: 817MP: 190 (+20 from Mithril Sword)RunePow: 354RuneArea: 3STR: 125INT: 74 (+4 from Mithril Sword)AGI: 102ATK: 340 (+10 from Mithril Sword)DEF: 143Skill: Critical hit +10%Spells: Heal, Cure, HolyWordRank: B++Comment: Loufal is one of the strongest Paladin of Forsena (Yes, he isstronger than Dinadan). A very useful frontline warrior.Alsace: Lv.30 Avenger/ChampionHP: 886MP: 151RunePow: 385RuneArea: 4STR: 125INT: 74AGI: 105ATK: 335DEF: 156 (+16 from Aegis)Skills: Critical Hit +10%, HP Recovery +5%Spells: Curse, WeaknessRank: AComment: Alsace is the darkside of New Almekia. He got strength, he is smart,he's fast and he can control a wide range of monsters. With Aegis equiped, heis all holy units' predator.Liguel: Lv.30 ArtemisHP: 685MP: 230RunePow: 361RuneArea: 4STR: 89INT: 70AGI: 120ATK: 253DEF: 140Spells: Accel, Protect, Paralyze, Solid, React, SilentRank: B++Comment: Liguel is one promising Artemis. Aside from standard Artemis stats,she's got high RunePow/Area which makes her to be more usefull.Adilicia: Lv.30 ArtemisHP: 730MP: 218RunePow: 346RuneArea: 4STR: 105INT: 70AGI: 108ATK: 295DEF: 141Spells: Heal, HolyWord, FogRank: B++Comment: Adilicia is a powerful Valkyrie. Decent RunePow and wide RuneAreaplace her at Halley's level. If you want a Valkyrie after Halley left NewAlmekia, look no further.Gilsus: Lv.30 Cardinal/WizardHP: 563MP: 461RunePow: 269RuneArea: 3STR: 74INT: 96AGI: 86ATK: 218DEF: 123Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Divine Ray, HolyWord, Flame, Geno-Flame, Thunder,Geno-Thunder, Exa-Blast, Power, Frost, Geno-Frost, Flight, Fog, charm, ReactRank C+Comment: There is nothing interesting about Gilsus apart from hispersonality. None of his stats stands out and he got some weak RunePow/Area.However, he is still useful early on consider the lack of Mages in NewAlmekia.Batercus: Lv.30 Avenger/ChampionHP: 911MP: 120RunePow: 286RuneArea: 4STR: 120INT: 54AGI: 106ATK: 325DEF: 140Skill: Critical Hit +10%. HP recovery +5%Spells: Curse, WeaknessRank: B++Comment: Truly live up to his name as the "Ogre of Padstow". Batercus hasinsanely high HP (only next to Hyude), high STR/AGI that makes him a heavyhitter. He is fairly weak against spells however so watch out for DivineRays. Another downside is that he only got average RunePow.Aphelia: Lv.30 Saint/WitchHP: 622MP: 424RunePow: 312RuneArea: 3STR: 73INT: 104AGI: 87ATK: 216DEF: 124Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Halo, Divine Ray, Holyword, Venom, MeteorDoom, Curse, Dimension, Frost, Geno-Frost, Fall Berg, Flight, Fog, charmRank: B+Comment: Despite being a wolf in sheep's clothing, Aphelia is not a hungrywolf. She in standard at everything. Standard HP/MP, RunePow, and stats.Still, she can be useful consider New Almekia's lack of healers.Carlota: Lv.30 Saint/WitchHP: 548MP: 523RunePow: 311RuneArea: 4STR: 66INT: 100AGI: 92ATK: 202DEF: 125Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Halo, Divine Ray, Holyword, Venom, MeteorDoom, Curse, Dimension, Frost, Geno-Frost, Fall Berg, Flight, Fog, charmRank: B++Comment: Carlota is pretty good with magic. Her high MP will guarantee 2XMeteor Doom cast on the enemy which is very useful. Combine with decentRunePow/Area, she's New Almekia's best Magic user.-----------------------------------------b. Evil R's Caerleon Analysis [Evil_Caer]-----------------------------------------Cai: Lv.30 WarlockHP: 529MP: 589RunePow: 380RuneArea: 5STR: 67INT: 117AGI: 75ATK: 194DEF: 115Spells: Heal, Flame, Geno-Flame, Thunder, Geno-Thunder, Exa-Blast, Frost,Geno-Frost, Flight, SilentRank: A++Comment: Cai is one of the most powerful magician on the continent. Hisamount of MP rank only second in Forsena. With huge amount of MP combine withall the Geno-Spells, Cai can dish out fatal damage to the enemy before theycould heal. However, Cai is weak physically, so an Artemis and a couple ofhigh centaurs can take Cai out if not careful.Dinadan: Lv.30 PaladinHP: 764MP: 241RunePow: 366RuneArea: 5STR: 110INT: 75AGI: 96ATK: 300DEF: 142Spells: Heal, Cure, HolyWordRank: AComment: Dinadan has typical Paladin stats. However, he start out at highlevels and his high RunePow/Area is a big plus early in the game. SinceCaerleon severely lack physical knights in the beginning, Dinadan is a verynice Warrior/Shield to let other weak knights to gain levels.Merriot: Lv.30 ArtemisHP: 655MP: 238RunePow: 418RuneArea: 4STR: 91INT: 80AGI: 125ATK: 263 (+6 from Eleven Bow)DEF: 141Spells: Accel, Protect, Paralyze, Solid, React, SilentRank: A+Comment: Merriot is no doubt the most useful Artemis in the game. Her STR ispretty high and her AGI is amazing. However, her high RunePow blow everyother Artemis out of the water. Imagine her with 1 Salamender+5 highCentaurs. She is no doubt the "Mage Slayer" in Forsena.BeauArte: Lv.30 Cardinal/wizardHP: 638MP: 382RunePow: 337RuneArea: 4STR: 72INT: 105AGI: 72ATK: 212DEF: 119Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Divine Ray, HolyWord, Flame, Geno-Flame, Thunder,Geno-Thunder, Exa-Blast, Power, Frost, Geno-Frost, Flight, Fog, charm, ReactRank: B++Comment: Typical Cardinal with good RunePow/Area.Janfadar: Lv.30 Cardinal/NecromancerHP: 544MP: 474RunePow: 302RuneArea: 3STR: 63INT: 99AGI: 83ATK: 196DEF: 122Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Halo, Divine Ray, HolyWord, Venom, MeteorDoom, Curse, Dimension, Weakness, Necro Rebirth, Flame, Geno-Flame, Thunder,Power, Flight, CharmRank: BComment: For someone who devoted his entire life studying magic, Janfadardoesn't appear to be very brilliant. All his stats are mediocre.Cierra: LV.30 Saint/WitchHP: 553MP: 553RunePow: 273RuneArea: 3STR: 58INT: 110AGI: 90Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Halo, Divine Ray, Holyword, Venom, MeteorDoom, Curse, Dimension, Frost, Geno-Frost, Fall Berg, Flight, Fog, charmRank: B+Comment: She got high INT/MP which is very helpful for a magic user. However,her RunePow/Area is not very impressive. Still she can just sit back behindsome Golems and Meteor Doom all day.Bilcock: Lv.30 Cardinal/WizardHP: 665MP: 395RunePow: 259RuneArea: 3STR: 80 (+1 From destroying the Magical Knight)INT: 99AGI: 85ATK: 230DEF: 123Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Halo, Divine Ray, HolyWord, Venom, MeteorDoom, Curse, Dimension, Weakness, Necro Rebirth, Flame, Geno-Flame, Thunder,Power, Flight, CharmRank: BComment: Bilcock is not bad for a Lv.30 Cardinal. However, he start out atlow level and his RunePow/Area is below Average. He can still get the jobdone as a healer but for a magical country such as Caerleon, there are betterchoices out there.Shast: Lv.30 Avenger/ChampionHP: 881MP: 136RunePow: 295RuneArea: 4STR: 120INT: 61AGI: 110ATK: 325DEF: 141Skills: Critical Hit +10%, HP recovery +5%Spells: Curse, WeaknessRank: A-Comment: Shast is Caerleon's physical Juggernaut. He has high HP, high STR,and most importantly, he's very fast. He will hit his target fast and deadlyand nobody can hardly touch him. Even if someone actually does touch Shast,his regeneration will take care of the little scratch. If he had moreRunePow, he'll be even more powerful.Millia: Lv.30 Saint/WitchHP: 640MP: 541RunePow: 363RuneArea: 5STR: 63INT: 111AGI: 90ATK: 196DEF: 123Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Halo, Divine Ray, Holyword, Venom, MeteorDoom, Curse, Dimension, Frost, Geno-Frost, Fall Berg, Flight, Fog, charmRank: A+Comment: For a magic user, Millia got quite some HP. Also, she has high MP,high INT, combine with high RunePow/Area make her a better overall magicianin Forsena. On top of that, she just a painter and she's way more useful thansomeone who devoted all his life in magic...(Janfadar)Eloute: Lv.30 Avenger/ChampionHP: 842MP: 142RunePow: 338RuneArea: 4STR: 111INT: 82AGI: 95ATK: 307DEF: 136Skills: Critical Hit+10%, HP Recovery+5%Spells: Curse, WeaknessRank: B++Comment: Eloute has something that is over other Dual classedAvenger/Champion. He has way more INT than others. That makes him quite moreresistant to spells and makes his Curse more powerful.Gush: Lv.30 Avenger/GuardianHP: 758MP: 300RunePow: 242RuneArea: 3STR: 112INT: 86AGI: 97ATK: 309DEF: 137Skills: HP recovery +10%Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Halo, Curse, WeaknessRank: B-Comment: Gush is a man between light and darkness (in my case). SinceCaerleon already has plenty magicians, I decided to make Gush a physicalWarrior. If he staid on the Monk Path, he would have more HP/MP, but that hewouldn't last too long due to Guardian weak defense. So I decided to make himan Avenger/Guardian where he can heal and use the powerful Curse Spell. Hecan sit back and Curse his enemy all day and he could also take a few hits.If things aren't going too well, he can still Area Heal all friendly unitsnearby and continue the battle. His major weakness is his weak RunePow/Areawhich significantly reduces his rank.Lecarra: Lv30 SageHP: 558MP: 607RunePow: 302RuneArea: 4STR: 55INT: 120AGI: 88ATK: 180DEF: 112Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Halo, Exa-blast, Power, Frost, Geno-Frost, Flight,Fog, CharmRank A+: Just when you thought Cai can Geno-Thunder all day, Leccara canGeno-Frost/Exa-Blast all week. She is like a living Mana pool. Her insaneamount of MP will guarantee your troops to live 3X longer than usual andstill freeze all her opponents. Put 2 Fairies by her side, and she coulddestroy any red elemental creatures before they can take a second action. Sheis the reincarnation of the Snow Queen: Shiva. Actually, she's better thanShiva since she can also Exa-Blast all Blue elemental creatures.Caealeon is a very powerful country. It had some of the deadliest magicianson the continent. Contrary to New Almekia, who has some really strongphysical warriors. However, Mages is always better than Fighter which makesCaerleon a few steps higher then New Almekia.Overall Ranking: A+---------------------------------------c. Evil R's Leonia Analysis [Evil_Leon]---------------------------------------Lyonesse Lv. 30 QueenHP: 523MP: 552RunePow: 367RuneArea: 5STR: 49INT: 120AGI: 102ATK: 207DEF: 124Spell: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Divine Ray, Holu Word, Charm, ProtectRank A: Well, Gourry and others pretty said all about her and I agree withthem. Keep her in the back early and move to forward when she gain a fewlevels with more HP.Kiloph: Lv. 30 Avenger/ChampionHP: 898MP: 118RunePow: 426RuneArea: 4STR: 137INT: 62AGI: 96ATK: 359DEF: 137Spell: Curse, WeaknessSkills: HP recovery 5%, Critical Hit 10%Rank A++: Let him finish off dying monsters in order for him to level upquickly and you've got yourself a Dark God of destruction.Paternus Lv 30 Cardinal/SorcererHP: 664MP: 372RunePow: 335RuneArea: 5STR: 87INT: 106AGI: 84ATK: 244DEF: 123Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Halo, Divine Ray, Flame, Geno-Flame, Thunder,Exa-Blast, Power, Frost, FogWizard/BishopATK: 234DEF: 113Lose Holy Word, gain Geno-Thunder,Geno-Frost, Flame, Geno-Flame, Thunder,Exa-Blast and ReactRank B++: Here's a tough choice. If you change him to another class, he willlose all his Cardinal Spells. If you let him go only Cardinal path, then hewill have less MP and only a handful of spells. Anyway, in the end, I decideto level him up as on the Sorcerer path since Sorcerers have the more usefulspells then a Druid. In the End, I have either Cardinal/Sorcerer orWizard/Bishop.Isfas: Lv. 30 Guadian/GrapplerHP: 765MP: 307RunePow: 315RuneArea: 4STR: 110INT: 87AGI: 92ATK: 300Def: 130Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, HaloSkills: Critical Hit +5%Rank B+: I can either go with on the warrior path or mage path. Since I thinkthere is already enough Mage in Leonia, I have gone with the warrior path.And he proves to be a powerful Guardian in the end. He may hit for less, buthe can paralyze the enemies.Asmit Lv. 30 Cardinal/NecromancerHP: 646MP: 397RunePow: 316RuneArea: 4STR: 76INT: 111AGI: 85ATK: 222DEF: 123Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Halo, Divine Ray, HolyWord, Venom, MeteorDoom, Curse, Dimension, Weakness, Necro Rebirth, Flame, Geno-Flame, Thunder,Power, Flight, CharmRank B++: He lacks MP to be effective so a Necromancer or Wizard path for himis not a bad idea.Chantail Lv. 30 Wizard/CardinalHP: 571MP: 457RunePow: 271RuneArea: 4STR: 66INT: 99AGI: 80ATK: 192DEF: 111Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Divine Ray, HolyWord, Flame, Geno-Flame, Thunder,Geno-Thunder, Exa-Blast, Power, Frost, Geno-Frost, Flight, Fog, charm, ReactRank B-: Average Magician. He is average in terms of HP/MP, INT for a mage.Low Rune power.Sophia: Lv. 30 Saint/WitchHP: 600MP: 428RunePow: 313RuneArea: 4STR: 73INT: 112AGI: 85ATK: 216DEF: 123Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Halo, Divine Ray, HolyWord, Venom, MeteorDoom, Curse, Dimension, Frost, GEno-Frost, Fall Berg, Flight, FogFilo: Lv. 30 SageHP: 620MP: 445RunePow: 322RuneArea: 4STR: 78INT: 109AGI: 92ATK: 226DEF: 115Spells: Heal, Halo, Exa-blast, Power, Frost, Geno-Frost, Flight, Fog, CharmSophia/Filo: B+ They have almost identical stats so train them in Sage/Witchare recommended to gain more MP.Charlene: Lv. 30 Valkyrie/WitchHP: 667MP: 288RunePow: 296RuneArea: 4STR: 81INT: 90AGI: 102ATK: 247DEF: 139Spells: Heal, HolyWord, Venom, Meteor Doom, Curse, Dimension, Frost, Geno-Frost, Fall Berg, Flight, Fog, CharmRank B. Another difficult choice. I could let her go with to the Valkyrieclass but then she won't be too useful due to average STR. In the end, Idecided to go with Valkyrie/Witch. A meteor Doom spell is way more usefulthen Holy Word. And I equip her with Gungnir to make up for her lack of ATK.Langueborg: Lv. 30 Paladin/ChampionHP: 829MP: 194RunePow: 218RuneArea: 3STR: 110INT: 58AGI: 92ATK: 300DEF: 140Spells: Heal, Cure, HoluWordSkills: Critical Hit+10%Rank B-: He may start out really weak, but his STR/HP surpass Dinadan. Why isthe low score then? He is very weak in RunePower/Area. Which prevent him tobe more useful. (He could have gotten a B. He got his "-" for his personalityand weakness early on).Galonwand: Lv. 30 Shogun/ChampionHP: 872MP: 133RunePow: 277RuneArea: 3STR: 113INT: 69AGI: 96ATK: 311DEF: 137Skills: Hit +20%, Critical Hit +10%Rank B+: Just when you thought Kiloph have incredible HP, his friendGalonwand almost tied with him to be the walking tanks of Leonia. However,Galonwand is not as strong as Kiloph and with weaker STR (113). Galonwand'strue weakness is his RunePower and Area. 277 Runepower is only average andruneArea of 3 is pretty weak.Baleen: Lv. 30 ArtemisHP: 691MP: 236RunePow: 366RuneArea: 3STR: 81INT: 61AGI: 119ATK: 237DEF: 139Spells: Accel, Protect, Paralyze, Solid, React, SilentRank B+: She is almost opposite to Galonwand. She got average HP, but veryweak STR. She does have incredible AGI makes her very hard to hit and shealso got 366 RunePower. What she lose in STR balanced out with 1 or 2additional monsters for her to command.Georg: Lv. 30 Necromancer/CardinalHP: 640MP: 344RunePow: 262RuneArea: 3STR: 75INT: 97AGI: 74ATK: 210DEF: 109Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Halo, Divine Ray, HolyWord, Venom, MeteorDoom, Curse, Dimension, Weakness, Necro Rebirth, Flame, Geno-Flame, Thunder,Power, Flight, CharmRank C: George sucks. Weak Stats, weak HP, weak runepower/area makes him aweak Rune Knight.Raizen: Guardian/ChampionHP: 793MP: 269RunePow: 275RuneArea: 4STR: 109INT: 79AGI: 95ATK: 298DEF: 131Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, HaloSkill: Critical Hit +10%Rank B: He is used almost the same way as Isfas, only he lacks a bit in theRunePower department.----------------------------------------d. Evil R's Iscalio Analysis [Evil_Isca]----------------------------------------Dryst: Lv.30 Super TyrantHP: 750MP: 251RunePow: 380RuneArea: 5STR: 113INT: 78AGI: 108ATK: 304DEF: 141Spells: Meteor Doom, Curse, Weakness, Flame, PowerRank: AComment: Dryst is nothing more than a above average knight. All his stats aremediocre. However, being a ruler, his RunPow is high as usual and he has theMeteor Doom spell which is one step above normal knights.Iria: Lv.30 ValkyrieHP: 733MP: 213RunePow: 321RuneArea: 5STR: 98INT: 75AGI: 112ATK: 305 (+24 from Gungnir)DEF: 142Spells: Heal, HolyWord, FogRank: B++Comment: Iria is a weak Valkyrie in term of stats. However, since she startedon high levels, you'll find her more useful than those low level potentialpowerful knights. Her high RuneArea is another +.Camden: Lv.30 Cardinal/NecromancerHP: 571MP: 477RunePow: 312RuneArea: 4STR: 60INT: 105AGI: 85ATK: 190DEF: 123Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Halo, Divine Ray, Holy Word, Venom, MeteorDoom, Curse, Dimension, Weakness, Necro Rebirth, Flame, Geno-Flame, Thunder,PowerRank: B+Comment: Camden is nothing special in terms of stats or RunePow. He's justaverage.Ulster: Lv.30 Cardinal/WizardHP: 644MP: 381RunePow: 337RuneArea: 4STR: 75INT: 102AGI: 88ATK: 220DEF: 124Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Halo, Divine Ray, Holy Word, Flame, Geno-Flame, Thunder, Geno-Thunder, Exa-Blast, Power, Frost, Geno-Frost, Flight,Fog, Charm, ReactRank: B++Comment: Ulster has quite some MP despite start out as a Healer type knight.He is better than Camden not in terms of stats, but in terms of higherRunePow.Bagdemagus: Lv.30 AvengerHP: 874MP: 133RunePow: 313RuneArea: 4STR: 116INT: 49AGI: 86ATK: 317DEF: 133Skill: HP recovery+5%Spells: Curse, WeaknessRank: B+Comment: Bagdemagus is strong in offense and weak in defense. He is not veryfast and his INT is quite low making him very vulnerable to magic. Betterequip him with an Aegis Shield or he'll be in the red zone sooner than youexpected.Gallo: Lv.30 Avenger/ChampionHP: 887MP: 127RunePow: 328RuneArea: 4STR: 119INT: 60AGI: 102ATK: 323DEF: 139Skills: Critical Hit+10%, HP recovery+5%Spells: Curse, WeaknessRank: A-Comment: Gallo is Iscalio's strongest knight. He is better than Bagdemagus inevery aspect. Be sure to level him up for heavy damage.Daffy: Lv.30 Shogun/ChampionHP: 857MP: 115RunePow: 295RuneArea: 3STR: 116INT: 66AGI: 93ATK: 317DEF: 136Skill: Critical Hit +10%, Hit +20%Rank: B+Comment: Daffy is quite powerful for a Shogun. His other stats are not veryspectacular however.Miguel: Lv.30 Paladin/ChampionHP: 804MP: 193 (+14 from magic potion)RunePow: 301RuneArea: 4STR: 113INT: 70AGI: 100ATK: 306DEF: 143Skill: Critical Hit +10%Spells: Heal, Cure, HolyWordRank: B++Comment: Miguel is good Paladin. Not only he got strength, he also got speed.Good stats and decent RunePow made him a good frontier warrior.Teath: Lv.30 Avenger/ChampionHP: 841MP: 143RunePow: 328RuneArea: 3STR: 118INT: 63AGI: 97ATK: 321DEF: 137Skills: Critical Hit +10%, HP recovery +5%Spells: Curse, WeaknessRank: B++Comment: Teath has the potential to be the second strongest warrior inIscalio. He got good stats and good RunePow. If you have the patience tolevel him up, he'll prove his usefulness to you.Hula: Lv.30 Saint/WitchHP: 607MP: 421RunePow: 414RuneArea: 3STR: 69INT: 103AGI: 88ATK: 208DEF: 124Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Halo, Divine Ray, Holyword, Venom, MeteorDoom, Curse, Dimension, Frost, Geno-Frost, Fall Berg, Flight, Fog, charmRank: AComment: Hula is a Iscalio's version of RuneBank. Her insane RunePow willguarantee her an "A" rank whatever her stats might be. And it turn out thatshe is not bad in her stats as well.Victoria: Lv. 30 WitchHP: 547MP: 558RunePow: 215RuneArea: 3STR: 57INT: 104AGI: 84ATK: 174DEF: 113Spells: Venom, Meteor Doom, Curse, Dimension, Frost, Geno-Frost, Fall Berg,Flight, Fog, charmRank: B-Comment: Just when you thought you found an oasis of RunePow (Hula), youdiscovered at the same time a dried out RuneWell. Victoria's high MP is verydevastating when used properly. However, due to her low ability to controlmonsters, she might not be able to use all her MP before the enemies take herout first.Lucia: Lv.30 ArtemisHP: 666MP: 226RunPow: 342 (+20)RuneArea: 4STR: 100 (+5)INT: 75 (+5)AGI: 123 (+5)ATK: 275DEF: 141Spells: Accel, Protect, Paralyze, Solid, React, SilentStats up due to her Quest.Rank: AComment: Lucia is no doubt the strongest Artemis in term of pure strength.High attach power and high RunPow makes her all magician's nightmare.Summery: Iscalio is a balanced Country. It has some decent magic user, whilenot particular spectacular, they will get the job done. It also has goodphysical hitters with above average STR. (110 is average in my book for malewarriors, 90 for Artemis and 95 for Valkyries) And since Dryst can actuallychange class at level 30, he gets bonus marks. So instead of a A-, he got:Overall Ranking: A----------------------------------------e. Evil R's Norgard Analysis [Evil_Norg]----------------------------------------Vaynard: Lv.30 LordHP: 811MP: 337RunePow: 413RuneArea: 5STR: 125INT: 100AGI: 99ATK: 330DEF: 142Spells: Frost, Geno-Frost, FogRank: A++Comment: Lance may have the potential to be the most powerful Ruler inForsena, Vaynard is a powerful warlord from the start. Unlike Lance where hehas to become King to achieve his full potential, Vaynard can cast Geno-Frostright from the start and he is a deadly Dragon slayer. His only problem is hecan get damaged easily from the like of Salamender or Zameckis or redelemental spells. So better hide him behind monsters or equip him with a FireAmulet.Physical Warriors:Guinglain: Lv.30 PaladinHP: 780MP: 237RunePow: 370RuneArea: 5STR: 110INT: 91AGI: 91ATK: 300DEF: 140Spells: Heal, Cure, HolyWordRank: A+Comment: Guinglain is the most powerful single class Paladin in Forsena. Notonly he has high STR, he is also way smarter then average Paladins. Asconsequence, his HolyWord can be pretty devastating and he can heal for tonsof HP.Yvain: Lv.30 Paladin/ChampionHP: 802MP: 189RunePow: 335RuneArea: 4STR: 111INT: 82AGI: 100ATK: 302DEF: 143Spells: Heal, Cure, HolyWordRank: A-Comment: Like Guinglain, Yvain excels other dual class Paladin/Champion bysuperior INT. Fast, strong, and powerful spells (compare to other Paladin)makes Yvain the second best Paladin in Forsena.Brangien: Lv.30 ArtemisHP: 661MP: 243RunePow: 381RuneArea: 5STR: 92 (+2 from fighting with Vaynard. Cling! Clang!)INT: 80AGI: 123ATK: 274 (+15 Heaven Bow)DEF: 141Spells: Accel, Protect, Paralyze, Solid, React, SilentRank: AComment: Briangien is close behind Merriot in term of usefulness. Her RunePowis not as high, but she start out with a powerful weapon and decent levels.With her white elemental bow, Brangien is a born predator toNecromancers/Witches and all dark elemental monsters.Luintail: Lv.30 AvengerHP: 869MP: 138RunePow: 302RuneArea: 3STR: 120INT: 71AGI: 75ATK: 325DEF: 130Skill: HP recovery +5%Spells: Curse, WeaknessRank: B++Comment: Luintail is a very powerful Avenger. His STR is high and his INT ishigh as well meaning for more damaging Curse and better spell defense.However, his AGI sucked bad. This caused him to miss often his targets. Iguess he neglected his training while away from Norgard.Palomides: Lv.30 Avenger/ChampionHP: 907MP: 108RunePow: 315RuneArea: 4STR: 121INT: 54AGI: 89ATK: 327DEF: 134Skill: HP recovery+5%, Critical Hit+10%Spells: Curse, WeaknessRank: A-Comment: Why Palomides is better than Luintail? His higher AGI is good, buthis low INT balanced out that factor. He got better HP but lower MP. In theend, he only excels Luintail in his RunePow/Area department. Other than that,they are about equal.Dillard: Lv.30 Shogun/ChampionHP: 857MP: 136RunePow: 296RuneArea: 4STR: 115INT: 73AGI: 109ATK: 315DEF: 141Skills: Critical Hit+10%, Hit+20%Rank: B++Comment: Dillard is the fastest male Knight in Norgard. All his stats arevery good. His only draw back is his average RunePow.Ector: Lv.30 Shogun/ChampionHP: 830MP: 157RunePow: 355RuneArea: 4STR: 121INT: 71AGI: 100ATK: 327DEF: 138Skills: Critical Hit+10%, Hit+20%Rank: A-Comment: Ector is a very powerful warrior. He is strong, he is fast and hehas lots of RunePow. An overall worthy warrior of Norgard.Faticia: Lv.30 ValkyrieHP: 725MP: 209RunePow: 261runeArea: 3STR: 104INT: 81AGI: 110ATK: 293DEF: 141Spells: Heal, HolyWord, FogRank: BComment: Faticia has only two things above other Valkyries: slightly higherSTR and INT. However, her weak RunePow severely reduced her usefulness.Magic Users:Kirkmond: Lv.30 Cardinal/WizardHP: 562MP: 472RunePow: 272RuneArea: 3STR: 69INT: 100AGI: 85ATK: 208DEF: 123Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Divine Ray, HolyWord, Flame, Geno-Flame, Thunder,Geno-Thunder, Exa-Blast, Power, Frost, Geno-Frost, Flight, Fog, charm, ReactRank: B-Comment: Not too impressive stats combine with not too impressive RunPow/Areamakes kirkmond not too impressive as well.Morholt: Lv.30 NecromancerHP: 547MP: 511RunePow: 288RuneArea: 4STR: 59INT: 103AGI: 79ATK: 178DEF: 111Spells: Venom, Meteor Doom, Curse, Dimension, Weakness, Necro Rebirth, Flame,Geno-Flame, Thunder, Power, Flight, CharmRank: B+Comment: An average Necromancer. Even though none of Morholt's stats is veryimpressive, he does has enough MP to double cast Meteor Doom and that isenough for his role.Zerafin: Lv.30 Cardinal/NecromancerHP: 569MP: 480RunePow: 267RuneArea: 3STR: 64INT: 105AGI: 87ATK: 198DEF: 124Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Halo, Divine Ray, HolyWord, Venom, MeteorDoom, Curse, Dimension, Weakness, Necro Rebirth, Flame, Geno-Flame, Thunder,Power, Flight, CharmRank: B-Comment: Zerafin is an ok magician. All his stats are mediocre. however, hisRunePow/Area is very weak. Now we can really see the reason why he survivedthe battle of Fort Lidney (not worthy enough to be killed by the enemy) andhow he couldn't save the late king (too incompetent).Noie: Lv.30 Saint/WitchHP: 572MP: 443RunePow: 408RuneArea: 4STR: 54INT: 107AGI: 83ATK: 178DEF: 122Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Halo, Divine Ray, Holyword, Venom, MeteorDoom, Curse, Dimension, Frost, Geno-Frost, Fall Berg, Flight, Fog, charmRank: AComment: Noie is better suited as a healer instead of casting Meteor Doom onenemies. Her huge RunePow can let her bring a lot of monsters. And she canwin the battle by taking good care of her pets and let them do theslaughtering.Roadbull: Lv.30 Cardinal/WizardHP: 634MP: 395RunePow: 315RuneArea: 4STR: 80INT: 115AGI: 78ATK: 230DEF: 121Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Divine Ray, HolyWord, Flame, Geno-Flame, Thunder,Geno-Thunder, Exa-Blast, Power, Frost, Geno-Frost, Flight, Fog, charm, ReactRank: A-Comment: Roadbull is the most powerful Magician in Norgard (powerful in thesense of the smartest magician in Norgard). Very high INT and with goodRunePow/Area, he is a deadly Cardinal. I guess wisdom truly increase with age(He is 50 years old!).Elaine: Lv.30 Saint/WitchHP: 563MP: 539RunePow: 325RuneArea: 3STR: 60INT: 100AGI: 82ATK: 190DEF: 122Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Halo, Divine Ray, Holyword, Venom, MeteorDoom, Curse, Dimension, Frost, Geno-Frost, Fall Berg, Flight, Fog, charmRank: B++Comment: Elaine is Norgard's most powerful offensive magician. Not justbecause she can double cast Meteor Doom but also she can control a wide rangeof monster. She is just like Carlota of New Almekia.----------------------------------------------f. Evil R's Quest Knight Analysis [Evil_Quest]----------------------------------------------Cortina Lv 30 Saint/WitchHP: 567MP: 520RunePow: 380RuneArea: 4STR: 61INT: 104AGI: 98ATK: 192DEF: 127Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Halo, Divine Ray, Holyword, Venom, MeteorDoom, Curse, Dimension, Frost, Geno-Frost, Fall Berg, Flight, Fog, charmRank AComment: Cortina is quite powerful. Even though her INT is not very high, shemade up with her huge amount of MP. Not to mention her high Rune Power. Avery nice addition to some low magic user kingdom such as New Almekia.Hyude: Lv.30 Avenger/ChampionHP: 933MP: 130RunePow: 368RuneArea: 4STR: 117INT: 67AGI: 107ATK: 319DEF: 140Skills: Critical hit +10%, Recovery +5%Spells: Curse, WeaknessRank AComment: Hyude may start out like a wuss, but he turned out to be Forsana'smost resistant knight. With the highest HP rating among all knights, youdon't really any strategy with him. Equip him with an Aegis shield and he'llbecome Heaven's nightmare.Dogal: Lv30 Avenger/ChampionHP: 890MP: 115RunePow: 385RuneArea: 3STR: 130INT: 59AGI: 94ATK: 345DEF: 136Skills: Critical hit+10%, Recovery+5%Spells: Curse, WeaknessRank AComment: Just when you thought Hyude is strong enough, Dogal proves to be the"kiloph" among questing knights. Insane HP, STR, and RunePower makes him areally powerful warrior. However, he is a lot weaker against spells and haveclose range RuneArea.Limlight: Lv30 cardinal/WizardHP: 565MP: 503RunePow: 249RuneArea: 3STR: 68INT: 116AGI: 87ATK: 206DEF: 124Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Divine Ray, HolyWord, Flame, Geno-Flame, Thunder,Geno-Thunder, Exa-Blast, Power, Frost, Geno-Frost, Flight, Fog, charm, ReactRank B+Comment: He's got INT and MP which quite deadly. But he also sucked bad atthe RunePow department. A backup mage.Cathleen: Lv30 Saint/WitchHP: 584MP: 430RunePow: 279RuneArea: 3STR: 63INT: 106AGI: 92ATK: 196DEF: 125Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Halo, Dinine Ray, HolyWord, Venom, MeteorDoom, Curse, Dimension, Frost, Geno-Frost, Fall Berg, Flight, FogRank B+She's not that bad. She got decent MP compare to other Cleric type mages.However, she's not too hot on the INT and RunePower area as well. Not reallyworth the effort.Klauques: Lv.30 Cardinal/NecromancerHP: 656MP: 391RunePow: 313RuneArea: 3STR: 74INT: 112AGI: 85ATK: 218DEF: 123Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Halo, Divine Ray, HolyWord, Venom, MeteorDoom, Curse, Dimension, Weakness, Necro Rebirth, Flame, Geno-Flame, Thunder,Power, Flight, CharmRank B+Although not a big MP fan, Klauques does have decent INT and RunePower, thusmaking him better than his sister. Almost as good as Asmit.Carmine: Lv.30 Cardinal/WizardHP: 645MP: 351RunePow: 305RuneArea: 4STR: 80INT: 108AGI: 83ATK: 230DEF: 122Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Divine Ray, HolyWord, Flame, Geno-Flame, Thunder,Geno-Thunder, Exa-Blast, Power, Frost, Geno-Frost, Flight, Fog, charm, ReactRank B+Carmine is an average Cardinal. Compare to Klauques, he is a little weaker,but his 4 RuneArea still earns him a B+ ranking.Balder: Lv.30 Cardinal/WizardHP: 572MP: 480RunePow: 314RuneArea: 3STR: 68INT: 106AGI: 86ATK: 206DEF: 123Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Divine Ray, HolyWord, Flame, Geno-Flame, Thunder,Geno-Thunder, Exa-Blast, Power, Frost, Geno-Frost, Flight, Fog, charm, ReactRank: B+Comment: Balder is your typical useful wizard. However, by the time you gethim, you won't use him.Layoneil: Lv.30 ShogunHP: 751MP: 176RunePow: 240RuneArea: 3STR: 110INT: 74AGI: 104ATK: 305DEF: 139Skills: Hit +20%Rank: B-Comment: Typical Shogun in term of strength and AGI. However, his RunePow ispretty weak along with his RuneArea.Rain: Lv.30 Cardinal/WizardHP: 563MP: 474RunePow: 380RuneArea: 4STR: 65INT: 112AGI: 86ATK: 200DEF: 123Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Divine Ray, HolyWord, Flame, Geno-Flame, Thunder,Geno-Thunder, Exa-Blast, Power, Frost, Geno-Frost, Flight, Fog, charm, ReactRank: B+Comment: Rain is a powerful Wizard with good INT and high RunePow. He couldhave been more useful if he didn't start out at level 1.Schutleis: Lv. 30 Paladin/ChampionHP: 800MP: 185 (+14 from a magic potion)RunePow: 285RuneArea: 4STR: 111INT: 72AGI: 100ATK: 300DEF: 143Skill: Critical Hit+10%Spell: Heal, Cure, HolyWordRank: B+Comment: Schutleis is a decent knight. He's level is decent when he firstjoin you and his overall stats are pretty good. Of course, a magic potion isneeded for anyone going on the Paladin/Champion combination.Ex-Esgares KnightsSoleil: Lv.30 CardinalHP: 651MP: 370RunePow: 385RuneArea: 5STR: 90INT: 110AGI: 87ATK: 250DEF: 124Spell: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Halo, Divine Ray, HolyWord, Flight, CharmRank A+Comment: Soleil sure does live up to his name. His high RuneArea shines justlike the sun. Even though not one of the highest RunePow at level 30, hedefiantly has the highest RunePow before level 20. Also combine with highstats, Soleil is defiantly the strongest Cardinal in the game.Mira: Lv.30 ValkyrieHP: 791MP: 200RunePow: 366RuneArea: 4STR: 105INT: 77AGI: 108ATK: 317 (+24 from Gungnir)DEF: 141Spells: Heal, HolyWord, FogRank B+Comment: Mira is one of the best among Valkyries. If you are looking for anvalkyrie for your army, you've just found your target. Her high stats andhigh HP will be deadly against people like Dryst. However, her sister is evenbetter.Millet Lv.30 WitchHP: 684MP: 566RunePow: 356RuneArea: 4STR: 63INT: 113AGI: 96ATK: 184DEF: 114Spells: Venom, Meteor Doom, Curse, Dimension, Frost, Geno-Frost, Fall Berg,Flight, Fog, CharmRank: A+Comment: Millet is one of the best magic users in Forsena. High INT combinewith high MP make her extremely deadly. All you need is a fairy beside herand the enemy will be eating 2X Meteor Doom before they know what hit them.Ivan Lv.30 NecromancerHP: 573MP: 501RunePow: 243RuneArea: 3STR: 56INT: 103AGI: 81ATK: 172DEF: 112Spells: Venom, Meteor Doom, Curse, Dimension, Weakness, Necro Rebirth, Flame,Geno-Flame, Thunder, PowerRank C+Comment: Ivan is weak Necromancer. His stats are pretty low-average and hegot bad RunePow. Only useful for quest.Fiel: Lv30 Paladin/ChampionHP: 887MP: 132RunePow: 271RuneArea: 3STR: 113INT: 60AGI: 90ATK: 306DEF: 140Skills: Critical hit+10%Spells: Heal, Cure, HolywordRank C+Comment: Fiel start out with high HP but low MP. Since I want to see his HPpotential limit, I level him up on the Champion road. At the end, he provesto have huge HP, but not at the Hyude level. And his MP is extremly low sinceChampion has the worst MP bonus. I might level him up only on the paladin tocompare, but right now, he's got some pretty average STR/AGI even withChampions high bonus.Shiraha: Lv.30 Ninja Master/ChampionHP: 869MP: 142RunePow: 267RuneArea: 4STR: 112INT: 69AGI: 115ATK: 304DEF: 138Skills: Hit & Away, Critical hit+10%Spells: Dimension, Weakness, Accel, Protect, Paralyze, Solid, SilentRank: B++Comment: Shiraha is a very swift warrior. He can hit for good damage andreceive very little penalty due to the fact that nobody can touch him. Hisonly draw back is his weak RunePow.Castor: Lv.30 Avenger/ChampionHP: 848MP: 126RunePow: 305RuneArea: 4STR: 116INT: 61AGI: 101ATK: 317DEF: 138Skills: Critical Hit+10%, HP recovery+5%Spells: Curse, WeaknessRank: B++Comment: Like his brother Miguel, Castor is also a very useful knight. Hishigh stats and decent RunePow surely live up to the Rand family's name.Ranguinus: Lv.30 WizardHP: 551MP: 518RunePow: 295RuneArea: 4STR: 60INT: 110AGI: 84ATK: 180DEF: 113Spells: Flame, Geno-Flame, Thunder, Geno-Thunder, Exa-Blast, Power, Frost,Geno-Frost, Flight, Fog, Charm, ReactRank: B++Comment: Ranguinus is a good wizard. His MP is higher than most Wizards andhis INT is pretty high as well. Good stats with decent RunePow make him quiteuseful. Another big+ is that he starts at high levels.Aldis: Lv.30 Saint/WitchHP: 623MP: 425RunePow: 418RuneArea: 3STR: 73INT: 100AGI: 91ATK: 215DEF: 125Spells: Heal, Area Heal, Cure, Halo, Divine Ray, Holyword, Venom, MeteorDoom, Curse, Dimension, Frost, Geno-Frost, Fall Berg, Flight, Fog, CharmRank: A+Comment: Aldis is cute little dragon master of Forsena. In order to commanddragons, she possess huge amount of rune power. Even though her other statsis not very spectacular, her high RunePow make her a very useful rune knight.However, it is hard to get her to join you. In my game, I have my territorydown to 2 castles before she show up to offer her service.=======================I. Top Ten Knight Stats=======================This is the list of the best/worst Knights stat-wise. It's pretty self-explanatory. These are all level 30 stats, and they were taken from myvalues, not Evil R's.HP.1. Dillard (915)2. Hyude (912)3. Batercus, Shast (910)4. Gallo, Bagdemagus (900)5. Lance (895)6. Kiloph (889)7. Palomides (885)8. Galonwand (880)9. Luintail (876)10. Dogal (858)The Champion class generally has high HP. Then comes Avengers. Lance is aspecial case, as he gets good HP level ups and starts out on level 1. Isuppose Shred should be on here as well, but I don't have level 30 stats forhim.MP.1. Lecarra (611)2. Cai (585)3. Cierra (575)4. Millia (570)5. Millet (565)6. Elaine, Carlota (561, 591 w/ Ring of Sorcery)7. Cortina (560)8. Victoria (556)9. Lyonesse (554)10. Limlight (537)Lecarra rules over everyone else here. Ranguinus and Gish come in prettyclose, but they don't quite make it, with 531 MP each.Rune Power1. Lance (423)2. Kiloph (421)3. Vaynard (420)4. Merriot (407)5. Noie (405)6. Hula (401)7. Dryst (385)8. Rain (384)9. Soleil, Dogal (383)10. Esmeree (382)Aldis should probably be on this list, but I don't know her level 30 stats.Lance dominates here, by a small margin. Alsace (380), Brangien (378), Cai(375) and Millia (375) were pretty close.Worst Rune Power1. Victoria (216)2. Langueborg (218)3. Brusom (228)4. Helrato, Layoneil (230)5. Ivan (237)6. Esclados (241)7. Gush (244)8. Limlight (252)9. Faticia (254)10. Bilcock (257)Har har har. Most of these characters are worthless, except for Esclados,whose high initial level makes him worthwhile.STR.1. Kiloph (130)2. Batercus (126)3. Galonwand (122)4. Alsace (121)5. Bagdemagus, Dillard, Dogal (120)6. Shast (118)7. Vaynard, (117)8. Luintail, Lance, Palomides (116)9. Daffy, Hyude, Gallo, Helrato, Loufal (115)10. MelTorefas, Castor, Gereint, Gush, Isfas (112)As expected, Avengers and Champions dominate this category. Lance and Vaynardare there, too.INT.1. Lyonesse (120)2. Cai (119)3. Limlight, Roadbull (116)4. Elaine, Filo, Noie, Millia (114)5. Cortina, Cierra (113)6. Carmine, Coel (112)7. Rain, Asmit, Janfadar, Lecarra, Aphelia, Gish (110)8. Sophia, Esmeree, Millet (109)9. Ulster, Ranguinus, Hula, BeauArte (108)10. Paternus, Gilsus (107)It seems strange that Lyonesse is more intelligent than the "smartest man onthe continent." I guess Cai's title is still correct, because Lyonesse isn'ta man. I hope.AGI:1. Brangien (126)2. Merriot (125)3. Lucia, Baleen, Eniende (124)4. Shiraha (121)5. Gallo (118)6. Liguel (116)7. Shast, Mira (112)8. Lance, Dillard (111)9. Iria, Charlene (110)10. Hyude, Dryst (109)The Artemis and the Ninja classes have the highest AGI. Champions andValkyries tend to have high AGI as well. Then there's Lance and Dryst.============================J. Brigandine: Grand Edition============================With the help of a friend, Nephlite, I recently acquired a copy ofBrigandine's famed Japan only "expansion," Grand Edition. There are quite afew things added onto Grand Edition that were not present in the original,but listing all of these changes would be a Herculean task. Instead, I'lljust list the most noticeable and interesting gameplay changes.--------Gameplay--------There are no battle cutscenes for different attacks. Instead, all animationsare done on the map. The animations tend to be unspectacular, but some arepretty good looking, like Knight Genocide. They tend to be quick, and theydon't hinder battle progression.The game is two disks. The first disk ends shortly after defeating Esgares.I'm not quite sure if that's the trigger, but it's something like that. The2nd disk will take you do the end of the game. The first disk is required forthe different multiplayer modes.Esgares does not require a code to unlock anymore. It's one of the countriesthat are available from the start. It now has story scenes, which is nice ifyou're an Esgares fan. Unfortunately, Esgares is pretty difficult (moresothan before). It can't really get quest Knights, and it loses Eniende andMelTorefas for story purposes. This is a huge blow, especially for a countrythat needs all it can get. If that wasn't bad enough, it's possible to loseSoleil if he meets Schutleis in battle.There's a "Zone of Control" system in Grand Edition. If a unit is surroundedon two sides, any other unit attacking the surrounded unit will get a 30%accuracy boost. This is useful against Wyverns and Shiraha, who are prettyhard to hit otherwise.Black and White still oppose each other, but relationships between Red, Blue,and Green have completely changed. Red deals normal damage to Blue, but Redis weak to Blue attacks. Blue deals normal damage to Green, and Blue is weakto Green attacks. Green deals normal damage to Red, but Green is weak to Redattacks. This upsets the balance a bit, since the units that Dragonsterrorize are now things like Mandrakes and Centaurs instead of Hydras. TheGreen element gets its own attack magic (Thunder and Geno-Thunder), and itloses Solid to the Red element.The Fog spell has been replaced by Resist. Resist lowers all incoming magicdamage on a single unit for a few turns. This is a pretty useful spell whencast on Golem units, since they always take the full brunt of magic attacks.Fog was was also a rather unimpressive spell.Melee Knights have two types of attacks now. One is the normal physicalattack that Brigandine players are used to. The second is an attack that's40-50 points stronger, but with a 30% hit rate reduction. It's useful whenyou have someone in a Zone of Control or already have a 100% hit rate, butit's risky on more evasive opponents. This second attack doesn't replacecriticals, since you can critical using these attacks.ATK is now 1.5x STR + Base Knight ATK instead of 2x STR + Base Knight ATK.This means STR doesn't have as much of an impact as it did in the original.This may be a measure to keep things balanced after introducing the specialmelee attacks. Still, damage isn't lowered that much because the Base KnightATK is higher than it was before. Also, DEF is a set value depending on whichclass a unit is. AGI, which used to help increase defense, is now only usedfor accuracy and evasion rates.Levelling up gives minor HP and MP boosts, as well as ATK and DEF increases.The rulers/unique Knights have been changed around a bit. Lance will nolonger get 900 HP at level 30 like he used to. The Prince class is now aGreen element, and it now has Thunder instead of Flame. This is pretty handy,since Thunder's stronger than Flame is, which makes it easier to train him.Also, he retains the ability to kick Vaynard's ass at will. As a King, hegets a defense boost, as well as the Geno-Thunder spell. Dryst remainsunchanged, except he has a higher chance of getting criticals. Vaynard getsResist instead of Fog. Joy. Lyonesse loses the Charm spell, but little else.Cai gets Resist and Paralyze. Paralyze is particularly deadly in his handsbecause his INT is so high. Zemeckis gets kinda screwed. The almighty Powerspell adds only 50 ATK instead of 1.5x, so it got heavily watered down. Evenworse, Power is his only spell, because they took Geno-Thunder away. If thatwasn't bad enough, he loses the convenience that comes with his crossbow. Hecan still shoot from a long distance (4 hexes), but he can't shoot aftermoving (he can still hit someone with a melee hit, but it's not asconvenient). Cador has been given regeneration, but he remains mostlyunchanged.Dinadan and Iria have been given unique classes. Dinadan is a Knight Master(1 White, 1 Green), which is basically a Paladin that loses Holy Word inexchange for Thunder. He has a 50% chance of nullifying any arrow attackswith his Cut Down ability, and Deflect gives him a chance reduce melee damageto 1/3. This is a fairly good upgrade, since he becomes very tanky and gets apotent single target attack spell. Iria, on the other hand, loses herValkyrie spells in return for Curse and Resist. Curse gives her strongdamage, and Resist is a great replacement for Fog. She still has a spearthrow attack that's pretty much the same as a Valkyrie's. She's also 1 Blackand 1 Blue element. One downside of these unique classes is that they getLord-like equipment options, which means that Iria doesn't get to use anyother weapons.Most of the classes have some new quirks, even if they're things likeincreased hit rate. There are some interesting additions out there. Rangers,for example, get the Hellhound's Hit&Away ability, which is insanely useful(especially when you consider that it can be passed through dual-classing).Samurai lose excellent hit rates for magic resistance, which isn't a terribletradeoff. Knight classes have a small chance to halve oncoming physicaldamage. Grapplers have a decent chance of causing the stun status with theirnormal physical attacks. Samurai Masters get 20% magic resistance andDinadan's ability to cancel projectiles. Berserkers are now Red elementalKnights, and they get the Power spell. Ninjas get the Thunder spell, butNinja Masters get the insane ability to attack twice in a single turn. Thereare many more, but most of the classes received some sort of improvement.Monsters have unique items to equip now. For example, Jinns have a weaponthat adds 10 to ATK, and Hellhounds have a weapon that is +6 to ATK with a20% chance of poisoning. There are also universal monster items, such as onethat is +18 ATK (!), one that auto-revives the monster if it dies, andanother that reduces the monster's RuneCost (GHOULS CAN BE WORTH 5 RUEN,OMG!).There are a few new promotion items worth mentioning. The Golden Crown is apromotion for Lizard Guards (yes, they finally get a promotion) into LizardKings. Lizard Kings (3 Blue) are insanely useful creatures. They are able toattack twice in a single turn, they block oncoming physical damage likeCavalier/Paladins do, and they have high defenses. They simply murderDragons. The other item is the Missing Link, which makes it possible topromote a creature even if they don't have the levels for it. This means thatyou technically could have a level 1 Salamander if you had two Missing Links.Good stuff.Just for fun, here are the stats of a level 30 Lizard King raised from level1 with a Missing Link.Lv30 Lizard KingHP: 716MP: 0STR: 115INT: 74AGI: 109ATK: 297 [Base ATK: 125?]DEF: 135Acts twice a turnAs rumored, you are able to fight Bulnoil in this game. You don't have to doanything special. Just beat the game like you normally would, and the screenwill turn dark. You'll be sent to your capital, and injured Halley will joinyour ranks. You can use her if you want, but it doesn't matter.Here are the stats for Bulnoil and his two Guardians. I don't know what theirnames are, so I'll just call them Stab Guardian and Shoot Guardian.Lv?? BulnoilHP: 729MP: ?STR: 85INT: 108AGI: 73ATK: 237DEF: 120Spells: Venom, Meteor Doom, Curse, Dimension, Weakness, Necro Rebirth, Exa-Blast, Stone, Fall Berg, Charm, Thunder, Geno-ThunderSpecials: Has a shield that takes 1000-1500 damage for him.Lv30 Stab GuardianHP: 783MP: 212STR: 115INT: 74AGI: 99ATK: 307DEF: 135Rune: 376RuneArea: 4Spells: WeaknessMonsters: Lucifer, Salamander, TalosLv30 Shoot GuardianHP: 691MP: 309STR: 97INT: 75AGI: 106ATK: 265DEF: 130Rune: 368RuneArea: 4Spells: CurseMonsters: Talos, Lilith, BahamutAs you can probably tell from the monsters, you're in for a pretty hardfight. The Lilith and the Satan mean that you'll probably eat a few MeteorDoom spells. The Guardians themselves are tough, but they're easily killed ifyou need to get rid of their monsters. Bulnoil himself is a long fight, buthe's not particularly hard. His spells are high powered, but you should bringsome healers with you.-------------------GE Multiplayer Modes-------------------As far as I know, multiplayer mode is pretty much a "hotseat" deal, whichmeans that you would have to hand the controller off to one of your friendsif it were their turn. Maybe I haven't explored it enough. The game lets youchoose from three pre-set scenarios to play from.The first Multiplayer Mode is merely the original game, I think.--------------------2nd Multiplayer Mode--------------------Starts on the 10th month of the year 216.Caerleon, Norgard, Iscalio, and Esgares are still around.Esgares and Norgard have 13 cities each. Esgares is eating into Caerleon,which only has 6 cities. Iscalio has 9 cities, and it is bordering severalcities on the old Esgares border.1. Norgard has Vaynard, Guinglain, Luintail, Morholt, Layoneil, Yvain,Charlene, Palomides, Roadbull, Schutleis, Brangien, Kirkmond, Dillard,Clarence, Carlota, Zerafin, Ector, Chantail, Noie, and Elaine (20).Promoted Monsters: 2 White Dragons (Lv14 and 13), Lv13 Efreeti, Lv12 Phoenix,Lv10 Couatl, and Lv10 Pegasus.2. Caerleon has Dinadan, Cai, Gereint, Isfas, Lecarra, Cierra, Janfadar,Shast, BeauArte, Adilicia, Gush, Eloute, Lance (!), Millia, Bilcock, Merriot,and Sheluna (17).Promoted Monsters: Lv13 Nightmare, Lv13 Couatl, Lv12 High Centaur, Lv10ManEater, and Lv10 ArchAngel3. Iscalio has Dryst, Iria, Helrato, Bagdemagus, Camden, Daffy, Ulster,Victoria, Gallo, Langueborg, Miguel, Lucia, Sheridan, Cortina, Teath, Liguel,Dogal, Hula (18)Promoted Monsters: Lv22 Bahamut, Lv14 Gigas, Lv13 ArchDemon, 2 Fenrirs (Lv12and Lv11), Lv10 Death Needle, Lv10 Dao4. Esgares has Cador, Zemeckis, Gish, Esmeree, Ranguinus, Shiraha, Fiel,Millet, Roecod, Paradoll, Mira, Eniende, Soleil, Ivan, Rod, MelTorefas,Castor, and Irvin (18)Promoted Monsters: Lv22 Vampire Lord, Lv14 Lizard Guard, Lv12 Tiamat, Lv11Vampire, Lv10 Death Needle, Lv10 Green Dao, Lv10 Fenrir, Lv10 Nightmare, Lv10Red Dragon.--------------------3rd Multiplayer Mode--------------------This takes place in the 6th month of 218. There are 3 countries left:Caerleon, Norgard, and Iscalio.Norgard has taken most of the cities (22) in the continent, including themajority of Esgares and Leonia. Caerleon has all of the New Almekian citiesand all of its original territory (10). Iscalio has several non-Norgardcities, but it is split through the middle (9).1. Norgard has (in order of level) Vaynard, Guinglain, Layoneil, Luintail,Morholt, Yvain, Palomides, Charlene, Roadbull, Brangien, Schutleis, Fiel,Soleil, Kirkmond, Faticia, Dillard, Ivan, Vanessa, Clarence, Carlota, Ector,Zerafin, Chantail, and Elaine (24).Noie must have died of her disease in the meantime.Norgard's Promoted Monsters: Lv20 Fafnir, Lv17 White Dragon, Lv14 Phoenix,Lv13 Pegasus (taken from Leonia, no doubt), Lv11 ArchDemon, Lv10 Fenrir, Lv10Nightmare, Lv10 ManEater, and a Lv10 Titan.2. Caerleon has Dinadan, Cai, Gereint, Isfas, Lecarra, Cierra, Shast,Adilicia, Janfadar, BeauArte, Belgar, Lance, Gush, Eloute, Nevelle, Balder,Merriot, Millia, Bilcock, and Sheluna (20).Caerleon's Promoted Monsters: Lv18 ArchAngel, Lv16 Couatl, Lv15 Nightmare,Lv14 High Centaur, Lv12 Triton, Lv10 Gigas, Lv15 Red Dragon, Lv13 ManEater,Lv10 Pegasus, and a level 10 Marid.3. Iscalio has Dryst, Iria, Helrato, Shred, Bagdemagus, Camden, Daffy,Ulster, Victoria, Roecod, Gallo, Miguel, Cathleen, Lucia, Langueborg, Castor,Sheridan, Teath, Hula, Cortina, Liguel, Klaques, and Dogal (23).Iscalio's Promoted Monsters: Lv23 Bahamut, Lv20 Satan, Lv17 Vampire, Lv16Iron Golem, Lv16 Gigas, Lv14 Dao, 2 Lv13 Fenrirs, Lv10 Lizard Guard, Lv10Death Needle, Lv10 High Centaur, Lv10 Tiamat.Of these, I'd want to play Caerleon the most. I can't resist having twoleaders in the same country, especially when they're Cai and Lance. It'ssomewhat balanced, since Caerleon doesn't really have any strong monsters.One thing to note is that an angry level 20 Kiloph joined me when I invadedold Leonia territories. This made me very happy.----------------New Rune Knights----------------Most of these guys can simply be quested for. A few of them have some weirdconditions, but they're usually not too hard to fulfill. Most of them arerelatively useful, and a lot of them have decent potential because of goodgrowth.Clarence.Lv10 CavalierHP: 535MP: 136RunePow: 195RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 76INT: 55AGI: 66ATK: 224DEF: 125Lv30 PaladinHP: 763MP: 228STR: 108INT: 80AGI: 92ATK: 287DEF: 135RunePower: 317Comments: Clarence isn't bad at all. He has pretty good STR, and his Runestats are workable. His HP isn't special, but Cavaliers have pretty gooddurability because of their new shield blocking. 3 in Rune Power is a bitannoying, but it can be worked around.Rod.Lv10 MonkHP: 466MP: 248RunePow: 200RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 64INT: 68AGI: 65ATK: 206DEF: 115Lv30 GuardianHP: 762MP: 285RunePow: 320STR: 116INT: 87AGI: 94ATK: 299DEF: 125Comments: Rod's not bad, but Sheridan's better overall, and he's four levelsbelow him. Rod ends up with pretty high STR and Rune Power, and he's fairlydecent. He's a nice pickup for a country like Iscalio, which doesn't havevery many healing Knights. Even Leonia could use him, since he could work asbackup for Isfas.ShelunaLv3 ClericHP: 372MP: 265RunePow: 178RuneArea: 4RuneGrowth: High (6-8)STR: 54INT: 61AGI: 64Lv30 SaintHP: 629MP: 394STR: 83INT: 98AGI: 97ATK: 234DEF: 125Rune: 366Comments: Her stats are rather lackluster, but she's still fairly usefulbecause of good Rune. You could turn her into an enchantress if you wanted anoffensive mage, which probably isn't a bad idea since Clerics are so annoyingto train.SheridanLv6 RangerHP: 526MP: 104RunePow: 191RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: High (6-8)STR: 69INT: 45AGI: 73ATK: 198DEF: 105Lv30 ChampionHP: 902MP: 136RunePow: 357STR: 125INT: 55AGI: 111ATK: 308DEF: 125Comments: Sheridan becomes insane if you train him enough. He already hasgood Rune Power, but his growth is in the high range, making him an excellentperson to put time into. His level 30 stats rival Dillard's and Batercus's,which is quite a feat. He's a good pick up for any country.AuronLv14 SamuraiHP: 570MP: 135RunePow: 227 (197)RuneArea: 4Rune Growth: Low (3-5)STR: 81INT: 58AGI: 74ATK: 236 (252)DEF: 120Lv30 ShogunHP: 723MP: 163RunePow: 262 (292)STR: 109INT: 73AGI: 100ATK: 293 (309)DEF: 130Comments: He may be a decent Knight to use. 197 Rune Power isn't that good,but the bonus he gets in ATK may make it worthwhile. Without it, he has 227,which is more than passable. Only male Knights can recruit him, apparently.Leonia could probably use him.AlminaLv12 MysticHP: 366MP: 406RunePow: 182Rune Area: 4Rune Growth: Good (5-7)STR: 48INT: 76AGI: 71ATK: 152DEF: 100Lv30 SageHP: 514MP: 516RunePow: 291STR: 58INT: 105AGI: 81ATK: 172DEF: 110Comments: The Mystic class is pretty fun, but she doesn't have anything closeto the MP pool that Lecarra has. Still, she's still good for two Geno spellsa battle at first, and her Rune stats are alright. She's pretty unspectacularotherwise.VanessaLv11 LancerHP: 488MP: 142RunePow: 203RuneArea: 3RuneGrowth: Good (5-7)STR: 75INT: 54AGI: 76ATK: 227DEF: 120Lv30 ValkyrieHP: 684MP: 190Rune: 321STR: 105INT: 72AGI: 103ATK: 287DEF: 130Comments: Her STR is superb at level 30. Otherwise, she's fairly lackluster.200 Rune Power would be handy for Iscalio, a country that sorely needs RuneKnights. She's not bad, but there are quest Knights worth using over her(Sheridan, namely).BelgarLv14 BerserkerHP: 656MP: 87RunePow: 151RuneArea: 4RuneGrowth: Low (3-5)STR: 87INT: 45AGI: 57ATK: 250DEF: 115Lv30 AvengerHP: 866MP: 130Rune: 215STR: 133INT: 56AGI: 67ATK: 329DEF: 130Comments: Statistically, he's pretty impressive (133 STR is Kiloph-esque).However, he has some of the worst Rune stats in the game. His Rune Area isfine, but 151 Rune Power on a level 14 character just sucks (off the top ofmy head, only Shred's 160 at level 20 is worse). He has pitiable Rune growth,and he ends up with worse Rune Power than Victoria. VICTORIA. It's a pity,since he has pretty good stats.NevelleLv11 Druid.HP: 367MP: 342RunePow: 212RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: Low (3-5)STR: 52INT: 75AGI: 71ATK: 158DEF: 100Lv30 NecromancerHP: 525MP: 481RunePow: 296STR: 61INT: 108AGI: 82ATK: 176DEF: 110Comments: Nevelle isn't too bad, and he'd probably be pretty useful for NewAlmekia, which lacks magical Knights. He has low growth, but decent startingRune Power offsets that (I'm sick of saying that). He never does get to castMeteor Doom twice, which is a bit of a drag. Neph says that you can't be thestrongest country to get him. I suppose country strength is based on thenumber of cities you have, so don't have the most cities on the continent ifyou want to get him. This shouldn't be too hard if Esgares is still around.PerenyrLv1 Scout.HP: 304MP: 212 (+20 from Mithril Bow)STR: 57INT: 76 (+4 from Mithril Bow)AGI: 67ATK: 190 (+10 from Mithril Bow)DEF: 105Rune: 208RuneArea: 5RuneGrowth: Low (3-5)Comments: She has excellent INT for a level 1 character, but this is somewhatwasted because the Archer class doesn't use magic that much. In laterclasses, the INT may be useful for getting statuses to hit, I suppose. I'venever actually gotten her, but she seems like she could be decent.================================K. To do list/Stuff I still need================================Find out to get Shred.Levelling other Knights to Ninja Master.Experience levels for promotionsGE translation?Feel free to e-mail me any of this stuff at [email protected]. I'lladd you to my really small (as of yet) credits section (suckers). Seriously,any gripes, praises, suggestions, comments, or hate mail can be sent to my e-mail address.==========L. E-mails==========This section is made up of e-mails I received from some people regarding theFAQ. With their permission, I post e-mails that I think could be helpful toBrig players.From Bryan Chua ([email protected]) regarding Brigandine: Grand Edition, theremake of Brigandine that was only released into Japan."Unfortunately I did not keep track of Bulnoil's and his guardians' stats.And I've overwritten my saved game when I was about to fight the Snake ofChaos. If I too get Dryst to fight Bulnoil(I played Caerleon first) I willcertainly look their stats for you. But if you really, REALLY wanna know moreabout the last few battles in Brigandine GE, then read on :). I don't know ifyou'd like to post my info on your FAQ though, after all it is Brigandine GEinfo. Feel free to add it though. I will have to get back to you on the Snakeof Chaos battle. Not enough time for now. I have to warn you though, theseare real spoilers! I've left out some surprises for you to discover though,in case you get your hands on a copy. Bryan----------Bulnoil (can't remember his elemental orbs, probably none)HP: ???/???Mana: 900/900 (maybe more)Creatures: NoneSpells I've seen him use: Meteor Doom, Necro Rebirth, Geno-Thunder. I'mpretty sure he can throw other blue and red spells but he sure likes to useMeteor Doom and Geno-Thunder! His mana is recharged about 150-200 points perround. AND, (this is my favorite part), he's got an impenetrable shield on.So you won't even dent him until you knock his shield out.-------------------1st Guardian Lvl 30 2 BlackHP: around 700-800 i thinkMP: ??? (I don't think this guy knows any spells)Creatures: Lvl 30 Talos, Lvl 20(or 30, not sure) Lizard King (not LizardGuard), Lvl 20(or 30) Salamander, Lvl 20(or 30) Lucifer. Looking like anarmored man with a hardhat and a pitchfork, his attacks can take out around200 HP in a single poke. Most of the danger comes from his group of creaturesthough. The Lucifer likes to throw spells and the Lizard King can move andattack twice in a round. The Talos throws rocks when it's bored. And theSalamander's grand flame is deadly.-------------------2nd Guardian Lvl 30 (I think he also has 2 Black)HP: around 700-800 tooMP: ??? (doesn't know magic too, I think) Creatures: Lvl 30 Talos (2nd one),Lvl 20(or 30) Fairy, Lvl 20(or 30) Bahamut, Lvl 20(or 30) Lilith. An armoredwolfman with a rapid-fire crossbow arm, this guy shoots over his creatures totake pot shots at your knights. Damage is around 200 with his 3-hex (or maybe4-hex) weapon. The Talos and the Bahamut are his main grunts and the Liliththrows spells and charms creatures and knights(!) with her physical attacks.The fairy will call thunder occasionally."Snake of ChaosNo elementsHP ???/???MP ???/???Creatures: (new kind of ghoul) (new kind of creature)Does not have any physical attacks and cannot move either. Only has a breathweapon and a special area spell - much like Holy Word in size but gives someof your units random effects in addition to about 100+ damage each. Itbreaths 2 streams of some kind of energy bolt about 5-6 hex long and deals200+ damage to anyone caught in one of the streams. It has a tremendousamount of HP and can handle a lot of punishment. Each time its turn starts, 5random creatures of the ghoul or the new type appear around the battlefield.They move at the same round as they appeared, so they always have the firstattack.-----Ghoul CreatureNo elements(temporary)HP 300-400? (temporary)MP none (temporary)Looks like a grey coloured ghoul, this creature is a doppleganger. Althoughits first attack only deals less than 100 damage, it will instantly transformitself into the exact replica of the victim - down to the last mana, hitpoints, and abilities. It can transform only once though, so if it bit aunicorn first, its stuck as a unicorn. And it can miss its first bite.-----New CreatureNo elementsHP 300+MP noneAppears like a flying jellyfish, it can move and use its breath attack in thesame round. The damage from its 4-hex breath attack is about 150+ and theSnake of Chaos is immune to it. It does not have any physical attacks and ispretty helpless when your turn starts.Yes, I defeated Esgares last while playing Caerleon in Hard difficulty. And Istill have an alliance with New Almekia. Maybe this does not matter but Ibrought Merriot, Lvl 30 Cai and another knight to the last Esgares castle.After Zemeckis is defeated, Bulnoil pops up and there is a talking sequencebetween Bulnoil and Zemeckis and Cai and Merriot. Then Cai, Merriot, Dinadanand Beauarte goes back to the Caerleon capital for another talking sessionbefore you send them after Bulnoil. The hidden castle where Bulnoil and hisminions are found is right in the middle of the lake located besides Squestof Caerleon and Baydonhill of New Almekia. You can only reach it from any ofthese 2 castles. Halley(Lvl 22) joins Caerleon in the capital and is injuredfor 1 month(probably from fighting Bulnoil). I was given 3 months - 1 monthin moving my troops to Squest and 2 months of fighting - to defeat Bulnoil.Or maybe you can only attack him twice. I didn't know this and it was GAMEOVER after that, and you can only save game right at the start of the 1stmonth. After Bulnoil is defeated, the Snake of Chaos pops up in the samecastle. My knights are transported back to Squest. I reorganized and thenattacked the castle again in the same month. In Brigandine GE, there is onenew knight that I know of. Its a freelance Lvl 10 Cavalier, recognizablebecause the only freelance Cavalier that I know of is Schutleis, and Ialready recruited Schutleis. Besides, the new knight's portrait in the infosection is a little different from the usual drab coloring of the otherknights. The color is brighter and somewhat glossier. I didn't like this newaddition so I used him to pick up stray monsters :). I have played theoriginal Brigandine before, but it was a long time ago and from another partof the world. One of the differences in GE is the revamped music. I think itsounds much better, specially the battle music with the Snake of Chaos. Youhave probably heard of the anime scenes. Its cool. The promotional video andits theme is very nice. The opening sequence shows Halley picking up animbedded sword in a cliff overlooking the sea. Then grim Lance and smilingZemeckis duke it out. Then there's Mira showing off her staff skills, Milletpreparing a spell, Vaynard with his knights standing up to support him, Caicatching Merriot's fainting, sad-looking Esmeree alone with Vaynard, Kilophcarrying Lyonesse, Dryst posing with his scythe, Iria and Cador fighting andfinally Lance crowned as King. I will look up Bulnoil's info for you whenDryst meets him. I am currently trying to get all original Iscalio knights toreach at least Lvl 20. By then, I will also have a good supply of powerfulcreatures to fight Bulnoil and the Snake of Chaos.The parent company of the store where I bought GE from has a website, although they do not have Brigandine in their inventory ofgames. You can try emailing them about it. Hopefully they will have it instock somewhere. Halley joins your country. She even joined Iscalio. She isinjured for 1 month, then you can move her to Squest or BaydonHill in the 2ndmonth, and then she can be used to attack Bulnoil in the 3rd month (lastchance). You can also use her in the Snake of Chaos battle. I haven't seenany Meltorefas, Eniende or Shred scenes yet. I am currently playing asEsgares. As a test, I abandoned all castles except one but Cador who usuallyleaves after Esgares is down to one castle, didn't. Iria has her own icon,like Dryst and Lance. She has a curse spell and one other minor black spell.Her elemental orbs are blue and black. She has a special weapon that lookslike lances on both ends and she grips it one-handed in the middle. TheIscalio ending is very nice. It involves Camden and Bagdemagus getting Ulsterto drink alcohol! Iria even laughs, which stunned everyone but Dryst, who iscalmly relaxing in his throne drinking.Here are the stats:Bulnoil: Lv.??(no elements)HP: 729MP: ???RunPow: 0RuneArea: 0STR: 85INT: 108AGI: 73ATK: 237DEF: 120Bulnoil has an impenetrable shield that absorbs all magical and physicalattacks. Spells include Meteor Doom, Geno-Thunder, and Necro Rebirth.Correction: MP does not regenerate. He does have around 999 or so. Maybemore, but you can see it dry up after a couple of MP-intensive spells.Guardian 1: Lv.30 (B B)HP: 783 MP: 212RunPow: 376RuneArea: 4STR: 115INT: 74AGI: 99ATK: 307DEF: 135Spells: Weakness10% HP recovery5% criticalArmored guy with the pitchfork. His face looks like the skull of adinosaur... or that of a dog. Very strong.Brings with him a Lv.20 Salamander, a Lv.20 Lizard King, a Lv.30 Talos, and aLv.20 Lucifer.Guardian 2: Lv.30(B B)HP: 691MP: 309RunPow: 265RuneArea: 4STR: 97INT: 75AGI: 106ATK: 265DEF: 130Spells: Curse 10% HP recovery Female warrior with a crossbow arm. Face lookslike a fox. Her weapon has a 4-hex range. Likes to shoot from behind hertroop of Lv.20 Bahamut, Lv.20 Lilith, Lv.30 Talos and Lv.20 fairy.Lizard King: Lv.20(U U U)HP: 662MP: 0STR: 95INT: 50AGI: 87ATK: 267DEF: 135 Special: Move and attack twice per roundLilith: Lv.20(W B U)HP: 613MP: 419STR: 85INT: 90AGI: 87ATK: 257DEF: 130Special: Physical attack can charm victim.Lucifer: Lv.20(W B R)HP: 602MP: 424STR: 82INT: 91AGI: 86ATK: 253DEF: 130Snake of Chaos: Lv.??(no elements)HP: ???MP: ???RunPow: 0RuneArea: 0STR: 0INT: 0AGI: 0ATK: 355DEF: 125Special: 2 stream breath attack. Roar.Basically a large weapons platform, the Snake of Chaos cannot move and onlyhas two tricks in its arsenal. It does not have a physical attack and willjust sit there while you pound on it, waiting patiently for its turn. Itsbreath streams are 5-6 hex long and its roar covers an area with the size ofa Holy Word spell. Anyone caught within the area have a chance of getting arandom bad effect in addition to a 100+ damage. Correction: The number ofminions appearing seem to be random. Sometimes 6 will appear and on one turnonly 3 appeared. They move and attack before you do.Unnamed Ghoul Minion: Lv.??(no elements)HP: 203MP: 0STR: 69INT: 0AGI: 75ATK: 193DEF: 95Unnamed Squid Minion: Lv.??(no elements)HP: 369MP: ???STR: 62INT: 0AGI: 67ATK: 243DEF: 100From mackaysidney ([email protected])"Shred joins Esgares when Logres Castle falls to another country. Hisstarting stats are:Shred. Lv 20 Championno elementsHP: 703MP: 116RunePow: 160RuneArea: 3Rune Growth: ?Str: 94Int: 53Agi: 94Atk: 286 (With Ogre Knuckle equipped)Def: 131Starting Monsters: noneBackground: The only one of Zemeckis' troops who tried to stop therebellion. He was captured by Cador and was imprisoned in LogresCastle. He was released when the castle fell. He had no choice but to jointheEmpire. He is one of the four leaders of the Empire.You can add your own rank and class in your faq. I don't know how muchhis Ogre Knuckle increased his attack. He didn't gain any levels so I don'thave his Rune Growth or Level 30 stats.I hope this information helps you on your Brigandine Faq."From Yang'en Xu ([email protected])"Hi.I just looked through your FAQ on Brigandine today and well yah i was the onewho wrote the strategy guide so i guess we're fighting for the best FAQ =Phaven't played the game in 3 years sigh erm i'm talking rubbish.anyway if you want to know how to get Aldis... you have to lose cities untilyou're the weakest or second weakest country in terms of territory The bestempire to do this with is Esgares. Also that will mean that you lose Cadorbut no big deal really then keep questing all your knights sooner or lateryou should get a quest to one of those lonely islands and you'll end upplaying with a gold dragon and Aldis will appear unfortunately she doesn'tjoin you or anything she will however join you after a year if you're stillin that pathetic state together with her fafnir Puro the quest shouldprobably appear after a year or so after the game starts well that was all 3years ago so hope my memory serves me wellAlso, Shinraha is the only ninja who can become a ninja master all knightscan become ninjas if they are above level 10 and you have shinraha oh yeahlet me add that all this only applies to the english version but seriouslythe only good thing about a ninja master as far as i'm concerned is the spellknown as petrifyAbout knight dispersion:having saved and loaded about 25 times before the end of a fight, i figureknight dispersion works something like that. For this i will use Esgares,Carleon and Leonia as an example, and you are controlling Iscalio If youdestroy a country, the country's suckiest knights will go to you (ALWAYS) Ifonly Esgares Carleon and Iscalio(you) are left on the map and Esgaresdestroys Carleon, then you will get the next two sucky knights of Carleon(who are not so sucky) - Cierra and someone else If there are 4 countries onthe map (including yourself) and one of the CPUs destroy the other, there isa chance that the next two sucky knights will come to you. As to what thatchance is i dunno, but after 25 loads i figure its pretty much 50/50. Don'tquote me on that thoughOne more thing: (direct quote from your FAQ) "Try to take out as manymonsters as you can before you go for the leader. This injures that country'sMana source, as it has to make up for killed monsters. Also, I would ratherkill a level 20 Salamander than Lance. However, if your army can't afford towaste time killing monsters, kill the leaders instead. When you kill aleader, there is a good chance that one of his monsters will be left behind.If the castle the leader is in is surrounded, then retreating leaders willhave to initiate a Force Retreat. Force Retreats increase the chance ofabandoned monsters by a LOT."*I never kill when i can capture, and force retreat usually leaves only themonsters below level 10. If you're trying to catch a Salam1A you gotta do allthats recommended in my FAQ and more* One thing you can do to add replayvalue to the game (and i suggest you source around) is to get someone to hacka gameshark code for enemies cannot retreat that would make life a lot moreexciting wouldn't it? Well hope i helped have a great time playingYang'enp/s: i could be wrong here but i believe knights have different stats if youlevel them up in different classes. As far as i'm concerned, your characterratings are pretty much accurate but unfair as well. Take for example i turnPaternus into a Cardinal Samurai (Dual class, last form samurai). In terms ofstats he'll probably lose say level 30 necromancer. Any one of them. Butbeing a level 30 Cardinal Samurai will allow him to cast holy word in thefront line, as well as attack physically and take quite a bit of damage aswell. In short i think you should remember that numbers don't meaneverything."I think he may be right about Aldis. You have to get the quest first, reduceyour castles to 3, and quest again to get her. I haven't verified hisinformation about the Ninja, though. He's right about Knight Dispersion, butI've never personally gotten any of the Knights like Cierra or Bagdemagus.The next to last thing he says is pretty important. It may be best to capturea monster rather than killing it. I've gotten Leonia's Phoenix and HolyGriffby using status effects on them, and it crippled it for the rest of the game.

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