So far, the Gala was a success. Even the snobbiest of humans were enjoying themselves. While Cwryen Caster kept the entertainment going, Nichole Price and Alyssa were hanging with the orphans, who were eager to see them both.
"I wanna be just like you!" they kept saying to either one or the other.
"Aw, shucks," Alyssa blushed.
"Think big, kids," Nichole said. "With a lot of practice and guts, you can go anywhere!"
"Girls," Vahl interjected. "Have either of you seen Madisyn? It's almost time for her to go on."
"She wasn't in her room?" Alyssa asked.
"No, I've checked."
"She's probably in the garden. Ya know how she feels more comfortable with the critters."
"I'll go get her," Nichole volunteered.
Indeed, Madisyn was in the garden, warming up her voice. She was so nervous, she felt like it was going to crack.
"Oh, what am I doing?" she muttered to herself. "I can't go up in front of everybody and sing."
"Why not? We all know you're great."
She turned to see Nichole Price in her Marching band uniform. She embraced her with a smile.
"I'm happy to see you."
"Really?" Nichole asked. "Because the others told me that you haven't been very happy lately."
Madisyn glanced down at her hands. "Well, um..."
"They say it's because you keep having nightmares about Loki?"
She looked up at her with serious eyes. "It was different. In my dreams, he usually just holds me and laughs. That's what I dreamt he did last night, but this time, he was..." She shivered. "Stroking my hair and...I was letting him. I didn't even put up a fight. I..."
Nichole put her arm around her. "Hey, it was just a dream. You've got to hang loose. This is a party! That reminds me. It's time for your song."
"Oh, I don't really feel like singing..."
"Don't tell me you've still got stage fright! Come on, don't you remember how you helped us all with OMEA?"
"Singing's different from directing."
"You're a great singer! You were able to sing that pet song with me."
"That was when I was only around you and the critters. But there are hundreds of humans here, watching me and..."
"Don't worry. I'll be right there to support you. We all will."
Madisyn gulped. "Okay."
Loki was bored with the entire scene, though he had to admit this year's gala was much more interesting than last year's and the year before. Still, there just wasn't enough mischief! So to entertain himself, he pulled a few pranks on the posh humans, like making a hare appear in the punch bowl, but he could not draw attention to himself until the time was right.
He looked around the room and noticed that the little dog Boise was attempting to get a dance with Tatum. He rolled his eyes. Give it up, kid. It's never going to happen. Though he had to admire his persistence. Meanwhile, that party human Cwryen Caster was unknowingly making a fool of herself.
"I'm the C to the WRYEN to the CAS to TE to the ER," she sang. "And while I'm at it humans, WON'T YOU PLEASE BE FRIENDS WITH ME?! I'm Cwryenlicious!"
It was then that Vahl pulled the microphone away. Thank you! Loki silently said to himself. You finally do something right!
The princess tapped the mic, getting everybody's attention.
"Women and gentlemen," she addressed, "welcome to the Grand Marching Gala! I hope you are all enjoying yourselves."
A cheer erupted from the orphans. The God of Mischief grunted. Why in the world did they invite a bunch of annoying little brats?!
"Well, there's more to come," Vahl continued. "We have a wide range of entertainment planned for you tonight, including an marching show from the Pride of Newark."
The crowd stomped their feet and the Pride of Newark walked up and bowed slightly. Loki simply yawned. I might as well do it now, he thought, but the elf kept talking.
"But first, we're going to hear a song from a very good friend of mine. Women and gentlemen, the Element of Marching herself: Madisyn!"
Oh, goody! The little wimpy marcher is going to sing! This ought to be hilarious. Then he noticed the awestruck looks on the men. What are they staring at? Loki followed their gaze and dropped the glass of chocolate milk he had been drinking.
The tan marcher was walking nervously up to the mic. She wore a flowing, translucent blue dress with red roses braided in her smooth brown hair. It was the first time in years that Loki had seen the Element of Marching. His mirror did not count. And she was...she was...
He shook the thought out of his head. It was just a momentary lapse.
Madisyn looked out towards the audience and felt her knees buckling. Then she noticed her five best friends and the Cutie Mark Crusaders in the front row, giving her assuring smiles. She glanced over at the pianist, who nodded and played her starting note. Her voice was weak at first.
"Can...anybody..." she cleared her throat, "find me...somebody to...?"
She stopped in panic. Snow White saw her plight and sang, "Love!"
The marcher looked at her with thanks. Then the pianist started playing. As her cue approached, Madisyn grew more nervous, so Snow White leapt up onstage and nodded to her with assurance. This made her more confident and she sang a little louder.
"Each morning I get up I die a little
Can barely stand on my feet..."
The young princess sang backup, "Take a look at yourself!"
"Take a look in the mirror and cry
Lord what you're doing to me.
I have spent all my years in believing you
But I just can't get no relief, Lord!
Snow White urged the audience to join in. "Somebody!"
Madisyn started to smile. "Somebody..."
"Somebody!" sang her friends.
"Can anybody find me...somebody to love?"
The humans stomped their feet and cheered. Madisyn blushed.
"You're doing great," Snow White whispered. "Now sing louder, and with more feeling!"
She took a breath and did so.
"Got no feel, I got no rhythm
I just keep losing my beat..."
Others in the audience started singing. "She just keeps losing her beat!"
"I'm okay, I'm alright."
Regina Mills and Lydia joined them onstage. "She's alright, she's alright!"
"Ain't gonna face no defeat!
I just gotta get out of this prison cell!
One day I'm gonna be free, Lord!
"Can anybody find me...?" Madisyn pulled the mic off the stand. "Somebody to love?!"
A wide grin spread across her face as she continued singing. Soon the audience was nothing but background vocals and she was lost in a world of her own. In the spur of the moment, she jumped high into the air.
"She works hard!"
"Every day..."
"Every day!"
"I try and I try and I try!
But everybody wants to put me down
They say I'm going crazy
They say I got a lot of water in my brain
Got no common sense
I got nobody left to believe!
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!"
Loki watched her performance in astonishment. Was this the same marcher he had met in the labyrinth? Was this the same marcher who ran at the sight of ones? Who hardly ever uttered an audible word? Was this human singing in that strong, confident voice, spinning circles on the stage, shining in the spotlight, really the 'weak and helpless' Madisyn?
He watched as she danced during the interlude. Every move she made was delicate and graceful, not a single flaw present. It made him sick. I have to put a stop to this!
The three teens started singing again, "Find her somebody to love..."
The audience joined in, "Find her somebody to love..."
As they repeated the line, Madisyn kept twirling on the stage, forgetting all her troubles. For the first time in her life, she felt happy.
Then she felt something grab her arm and spin her around, but she was so lost she thought nothing of it. She did not even hear the screams from the humans. It was after her mysterious partner had dipped her that Madisyn opened her eyes and her smile disappeared.
Standing over her, holding her in his arms, was the very object of her nightmares.
"My dear Madisyn, I had no idea you had such a lovely voice!"
She was frozen in place and had lost all knowledge of speech. She could not even scream. A cry from a familiar voice broke her out of her trance.
"Get off of her!"
Nichole Price cut between them and protectively moved her friend behind her.
"What?" the Frost Giant shrugged innocently. "We were only dancing."
"Loki," Vahl growled between her teeth.
"Ah, Vahl Dragonborn. Or should I say your highness? Surprised to see me? Well, it certainly has been a while since last we met. Sorry I didn't send you a postcard." He glanced down at the children onstage. "Well, if it isn't my three little saviors!"
Regina Mills and Snow White hid behind their sisters, while Lydia sought protection from the closest adult, Cwryen.
"Stop stalling, Loki!" the princess bellowed. "Why are you here?"
"I thought it was obvious. I've come to take over Ohio!"
The crowd gasped. The orphans cowered in fear and huddled around Alyssa.
"Ha!" Vahl smirked. "You should have stayed in hiding, Loki! Now that you've revealed yourself, we can turn you to ice!"
"Oh, really?" Loki said. "As I recall, you need the Elements of Pride for that."
"Yes! Exact..." She then looked around at her friends and realized that they weren't wearing their gloves. Then she remembered that they had stopped wearing them after a year when they figured Loki was never returning. She felt foolish now.
But she stood defiantly. "We don't need the Elements of Pride to teach you a lesson!"
Light enveloped Vahl's hand as she prepared a spell. Loki raised an eyebrow.
"You're kidding, right?"
She shot a grey beam at him to show she wasn't kidding. He swatted it away as if it were a housefly.
"You really think that's going to stop me? Have you forgotten?"
He then snapped his hand and Vahl's magic disappeared.
"Hey!" she cried. "Give that back!"
"Really, Vahl Dragonborn? Are you as big a stick in the mud as Auer?"
He snapped his fingers again and a puddle of mud appeared beneath the elf's feet. Cwryen Caster snickered.
"Stick in the mud! That's funny!"
Vahl groaned and used her shout to pull herself out. "Just you wait until Prince Auer gets back! He'll give you your just desserts!"
Loki clutched his stomach as he laughed. "What's the matter, Vahl? Can't run a kingdom by yourself? You need Teacher Auer to come and make everything all better?"
"Hey!" Nichole Price shouted. "Nobody insults my friends and gets away with it!"
She charged toward him, but he only had to step off to the side to dodge her. Nichole hit a pillar, almost causing it to fall.
"Have you humans learnt nothing from our last encounter?" He cackled. "You even thought I was gone for good!" He looked towards Madisyn. "Except for you, my dear."
The marcher was stunned. " did you...?"
She tensed as he took her chin in his hand and said lowly, "I've been watching you."
Nichole regained consciousness and stood between them again. "You touch her one more time and you're gonna get it, Loki!"
He held up both hands. "Very well. I have other things to attend to anyway." He turned to Vahl. "I'm afraid Auer won't be able to help you, given his current predicament in," he used air quotes, "Cleveland."
The elf tilted her head in confusion. "What do you mean?"
He chuckled and snapped his fingers, causing an image to materialize. The crowd gasped as they saw Prince Auer, Princess Harley, and Princess Anna sitting in a cage, their magic missing from their hands. Mirrak Mora narrowed his eyes at Loki.
"What have you done with my wife?!"
"She's perfectly fine, I assure you. So is her daughter, by the way, though it would be a shame if something were to happen to her mother before her birth."
The prince's eyes widened. "Her?"
"Yes, you're having a girl! Congratulations and blah, blah, blah!"
"If you hurt Anna...!"
Loki snapped the image away. "Wouldn't dream of it, but if any of you humans even try to defeat me in any way, your prince and princesses get it! That includes the unborn one!"
In a flash, he was wearing a tie and standing in front of a map of Ohio.
"Now for the weather! Today's forecast is cotton candy cloudy with a chance of chocolate milk! You know what? Might even be raining cats and dogs! Hope everybody gets home safely!"
With a final triumphant laugh, the Frost Giant disappeared and lightening struck indoors. The crowd glanced outside as it started to rain chocolate cats and dogs. Everybody screamed and ran out of the ballroom in panic.
"Everybody!" Vahl commanded. "Calm down! Everything is under control!"
Nobody listened and they started flocking outside.
"Keep it together! Stay inside until further notice! I..."
But the crowd took their chances and hurried home through the chocolate storm. Even the Pride of Newark dashed out of there in fear. Only the orphans, Mirrak Mora, the palace guards, the princess and her friends remained.
"Alyssa, Nichole Price!" Vahl shouted. "Get the orphans down to the cellar! They can stay there until the storm blows over. It's not safe for them to return to the orphanage."
"Copy that," Nichole saluted as she and Alyssa began escorting the frightened girls and boys out.
"Madisyn, you keep an eye on Regina Mills, Snow White, and Lydia. Don't let them out of your sight."
The marcher nodded. She was scared out of her wits, but she was willing to protect those three at all costs.
"I'll round up the guards to help all the citizens of Columbus get inside," Mirrak Mora volunteered.
"Good idea, Mirrak Mora," Vahl said. "We'll rendezvous in the throne room in an hour! The most important thing to do now is to keep calm!"
As everybody set on their tasks, Vahl hung her head. How could she have let this happen? Ohio was in peril because she had not been prepared. Even if she did have the Elements of Pride, she could not power them without her magic. Some princess I've turned out to be.
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