The Confession
"No offense, Rarity," Fluttershy whispered. "This is a nice outfit and all, but it's not really appropriate for walking through the forest."
Rarity had dressed her in a long, flowing green gown and had curled her hair. The six of them were trudging through the Everfree Forest, Twilight lighting the way with her horn.
"So have you thought about what you are going to say?" Rarity asked Fluttershy, ignoring her comment.
"What do you mean?"
"Um, hello? You're about to confess to the one you love thatwell, that you love him! You have to do this by the book!"
"I was just going to apologize for everything I said first and then tell him."
"You sure it was wise not to wait until morning?" Applejack inquired. "This forest is even more dangerous after dark."
"The longer we wait, the lonelier he gets! I have to tell him now before something bad happens."
"Ooh, ooh!" Pinkie cried, bouncing up and down. "After you tell him, can we celebrate with a I-Found-My-True-Love Party?!"
Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "AJ's right. It's not safe out here. Who knows what could be lurking in those trees?"
"I don't care!" Fluttershy declared. "I need to see him! I will do whatever it takes!"
"Wow," Twilight marveled. "You've really changed, Fluttershy."
"How so?"
"For one thing, you're much braver. You haven't shuddered or squealed once since we entered the forest."
The pegasus pondered on this and realized that her friend was right. She had not even thought of the dangers in the woods until Applejack and Rainbow had brought them up. She concluded that after spending a month with Discord, who had been the object of her nightmares for a long time, she was not so afraid of other creatures anymore.
"By the way, Applejack," said Rarity, "at dinner, you said we 'didn't get it.' Did you know Fluttershy was in love?" The cowgirl nodded. "How?"
"It was pretty obvious. She showed all the signs."
"Maybe, butat the partyyou said I knew nothing about romance"
"Sorry, I just got upset, is all."
"Butyou do?"
Applejack blushed. "I, uh" She halted suddenly. "Y'all hear that?"
"Really, Applejack, if you don't want to answer the question"
"Shhh. Listen!"
Every pony stopped in their tracks and silenced. They heard a low growl behind them and then the snap of a twig. They spun around and saw a pair of yellow eyes glowing in the darkness of the trees. Applejack took a sniff of the air and gasped.
"Run," she muttered.
No pony thought twice. As soon as they took off, a pack of Timberwolves leapt out of the trees and pursued the group.
"Why is it always Timberwolves?!" Twilight shouted.
Applejack abruptly stopped. "Y'all go on ahead. I'll lead 'em off."
"You mean we'll lead 'em off!" Rainbow exclaimed, flying down to her side. "I'm not leaving you hanging."
The cowgirl grinned. "On my signal, you go right and I go left." She waved her hooves at the approaching pack. "Hey, ya big goons! Over here!"
"Yeah, you ain't so tough!" Rainbow taunted, blowing a raspberry at them.
The wooden beasts roared in anger and sped up.
"Now," Applejack muttered.
The two darted in opposite directions. A few followed after each of them, but three did not abandon their pursuit of the others. Rarity was the first to notice.
"How many of those things are there?!"
"I mean why couldn't it have been a manticore or an Ursa Minor?" Twilight raved. "At least those don't come in numbers!"
"Not to mention Fluttershy knows how to defeat a manticore," Pinkie pointed out. "Plus a dragon, a bear, Cerberus, a cockatrice"
"That's it! Fluttershy, have you ever tamed a Timberwolf?"
"You're kidding, right?!" the pegasus squeaked, the fear returning to her. "I doubt they're angry because they have thorns in their paws! They're made of thorns!"
"Twilight, can't you teleport us out of here?" Rarity demanded.
The alicorn stopped for a moment and gulped. "I'll try, but it takes a lot of work, plus AJ and Rainbow"
"We'll come back for them, but we need to save ourselves first!"
Twilight closed her eyes and concentrated. Her horn illuminated with light, but it dimmed when she saw that the Timberwolves were only a few feet away.
"No time! Run for it!"
Meanwhile, Applejack was attempting to shake off her third of the pack. She snapped a branch, shattering one of them and then got rid of another by ducking as it pounced. It fell apart as it hit the ground. The last wolf was still after her. Then she saw a pond of quicksand ahead. Thinking fast, she grabbed a vine in her mouth and swung to the other side. The Timberwolf noticed the sand too late and sank like a rock.
It did not take long for Rainbow to outrun, in her case out-fly, the wolves, as she was the fastest pegasus in all of Equestria. However, she was too busy taunting them that she did not pay attention to where she was going. She crashed into the side of a mountain, causing rocks to come tumbling down on herself and the Timberwolves. When she finally crawled out from the rubble, her wing was broken.
"Darn it!"
The last three Timberwolves were gaining on the four ponies.
"Hey, I can fly!" Twilight exclaimed, taking to the skies.
"But we can't!" Rarity complained.
The alicorn did not get high enough. One of the wolves jumped up and snapped at her wing. Twilight cried out as she plummeted to the ground. Pinkie broke her fall, but it made them both sitting ducks. Rarity and Fluttershy bolted in opposite directions.
The latter reached a dead end. She turned around to face the beast closing in on her. She was so terrified she could not open her wings, or use her Stare. She was frozen in place.
Discord was in the garden, plucking petals off a daisy.
"She loves me notstill not loving meand she still doesn't love meshe loves me not in a million years! Oh, and she loves me not, big surprise!"
His ears perked up as he heard a familiar high-pitched scream. "Fluttershy?"
He thought he was imagining things when he heard it again: "Help!"
It is common knowledge that for most creatures, when one's mate is threatened, they will go into full protective mode. That is exactly what happened to Discord as he dropped the flower and gritted his teeth in fury.
Fluttershy closed her eyes, waiting for the animal's jaws to sink into her skin. Suddenly, she heard a second growl and opened her eyes to see Discord down on all fours in front of her.
"Don't you dare touch her!"
The Timberwolf was surprised, but did not let his guard down and roared at the draconequus. He hissed in return.
"Hey, ugly! Why don't you go pick on someone your own size? Like a Chihuahua!"
He snapped his fingers, reducing the Timberwolf to the size of a puppy. The same happened to the other two as they were about to pounce on the ponies. They ran into the forest, yipping in panic. Fluttershy looked up at the draconequus in awe as he turned to her.
"What are you doing out here in the middle of the night?!" he demanded. "Do you have any idea what would have happened if I hadn't?"
"Yousaved me," she uttered.
"Well, of course I did! You think I would be able to live with myself if anything happened to?"
He was cut off as the pegasus flung her arms around his neck and burst into tears. He stared down at her in confusion.
"Fluttershy!" cried Applejack's voice. "Are you all?"
She paused when she saw the draconequus. Rarity appeared behind her and gawked. Discord rolled his eyes.
"I know, I know. I shouldn't be here and blah, blah, blah, and"
"You just saved our lives," Rarity marveled.
"Pardon?" Applejack uttered.
Rainbow Dash came panting out of the bushes. "I ran as fast as I could. My wing was broken and" She stopped at the sight of Fluttershy embracing Discord. "What are you doing out here?"
"He saved our lives!" Rarity declared.
"Say what now?"
"It's true! He shrank the Timberwolves to the size of Chihuahuas!"
"Well, I'll be darn," Applejack muttered in wonder.
"Hey, where are Twilight and Pinkie?" Rainbow Dash asked, looking frantically in all directions.
"They're injured!" exclaimed Rarity. "One of the Timberwolves snapped at Twilight's wing and she fell on top of Pinkie! They can't get up!"
Fluttershy pulled away from Discord as she heard this. "Oh, that's terrible! Discord, could you?"
"Anything for you," the draconequus said, snapping his fingers.
She was surprised that he did not roll his eyes or complain or anything.
Next thing they knew, they were in Fluttershy's old room at the castle. Twilight, Pinkie and Rainbow Dash found themselves sprawled on the bed, which had been made wider for their convenience.
"What the?" Twilight muttered in confusion. "Discord?"
"No time to explain," Fluttershy said before turning to the draconequus. "Can you fix them?"
"One second," Discord said, making a doctor's uniform appear on his body. "Now, let's see what the damage is, shall we?"
He summoned an x-ray machine and examined the bones of the three ponies.
"Uh huh," he muttered, stroking his beard. "Well, Rainbow Crash and Twilight Flopple each have a broken wing, Twilight has a sprained hoof and Pinkie has two broken ribs"
Pinkie laughed. "Ha-ha! Twilight Flopple! Ouch!"
"Don't laugh. It will only increase the pain." He pushed the x-ray away. "Now hold still. This won't hurt a bit."
He snapped his fingers and the three sat up. Rainbow lightly nudged her wing.
"Hey, you fixed it!"
"Amazing," Twilight marveled. "I can't even do healing spells!"
"Can I laugh now?" Pinkie asked. She did not wait for an answer and chortled. "Yeah, I think I'm good."
Rainbow Dash could not believe it. "What else can I say butthanks!"
"You're welcome," Discord said with a grin. "Now that that's all settled," he turned to Fluttershy, "explain to me what you were doing out there! You could have been killed! Why, if I hadn't heard you"
Fluttershy quickly replied. "I came to see you."
He blinked. "W-what?"
She looked at her friends as she took Discord by the paw. "There's, umsomething I need to tell you."
As soon as they were out of the room, the five rushed to the door. Pinkie won in the battle for the keyhole.
"You came back?" Discord uttered in disbelief. "To seeme?" Fluttershy nodded. "Why?"
"II wanted to apologize"
"Apologize? You? My dear, if anyone should be apologizing, it's me! I nearly forced you into doing something you didn't want to do andand I hurt you! Not to mention I've treated you likehow did you put it? Right, a 'caged bird!' There's nothing you need to apologize for."
"Oh, but there is. I said some awful things the other day, things I didn't mean. How could I say those things after all you did for me? I'm the monster, not you."
He huffed. "Yeah, right. Fluttershy, take a look at yourself and then at me. I think it's obvious who the monster is here. You should quit wasting your time with me and go home. No need to pity me."
"I do pity you, but that's not the reason I came. You seeI miss you."
He stared at her for a long time, still not believing this. "You miss being my prisoner?"
"I miss being your friend. AlthoughI take it you want it to be more than that" She suddenly grew very nervous. "B-butbefore I go onI must, um, ask you something."
She looked him directly in the eye. "Did you ever really love me?"
He choked up. "II"
"You kept asking me if I loved you. I want to know whether it was because you wanted me to love you back, or was it all a game. Was I just some trophy to you?"
"No, Fluttershy! You're more than that!"
"Well, did you?"
He turned his back to her, his brow sweating and his teeth grinding together. He pulled at his mane, trying to find the words.
"IIyes." He sighed. "I will admit. In the beginning, it was a game. I didn't expect you to come, but when you didI came up with a scheme. I was going to make you fall in love with me so you would not use your Element against me. I only thought of you as an incentive. Althoughyou were right. I was lonely. That's the reason I asked for a bride.
"I spent many years watching the happy couples walk off into the sunset. It made me gag, seeing them making kissy faces and holding hoovesbut I was only disgusted because I could never have what they had. I was tired of being alone. I denied this, even to myself, and invented that scheme as an excuse for acting all gaga over you.
"But thenyou started treating me differently, and I became so enthralled with you that I forgot the scheme entirely. I kept telling myself that it was just a slight attraction, butthe more time I spent with you, the better I felt. Sounds cheesy, I know."
He summoned a cheese plate for emphasis. "Want some?"
Fluttershy took a slice of cheddar as he continued.
"Whenever I was with you, I feltwell, wonderful. Soon I realized that I was not trying to please you because I wanted a queen, but I wanted to see you happy. Icared about you. A lot."
He chuckled. "Funny how love is quite similar to chaos. It drives you to do the craziest of things. The problem was I cared about you so much that I wanted you all to myself. That's why I did not let you visit your friends. I was afraid of losing you. Even if you would never love me, I wanted you with me always.
"You can guess how upset I was when I heard you say that you did not love me. II lost control. I toyed with your emotions in the end, tricked you into loving me. I just didn't want to lose you."
Discord then faced her.
"I didn't want to lose you," he repeated.
"But did you?" Fluttershy started to ask again.
He hung his head. "Not everything I said whilst corrupting you was a lie. II did love you." He looked up at her again. "I still do." He got down on his knees. "Oh, Fluttershy, I love you more than chaos itself! You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. You're precious to me, and I would rather die a thousand deaths than to see you miserable. So when I realized how much pain I had caused you, I had to release you."
Fluttershy was on the verge of tears. "Discord"
"Let me finish! I had to let you go. I can only bring misery to ponies, misery to you. I also know that even if you did marry me, you could never, ever love me. No matter what you think, no matter what you hope, I'm still a monster."
They locked gaze for a long while.
"Are you done?"
He looked away. "Yes."
She approached him and laid a sympathetic hoof on his shoulder. "Discord, don't you see? I'm miserable without you."
He turned to her skeptically. "You are?"
She nodded. "Why do you think I came back?"
"Out of pity?" he guessed.
She shook her head. "Now it's my turn. I thought you were a monster. I was more terrified of you than anything else, but that was before I got to know you. You may have done some horrible things, but we all make mistakes. Sure, sometimes I felt like a possession, but you were also kind and giving. You did your best to help me forget my imprisonmentand how you looked.
"I will admitit became harder for me to answer your question each night. I thought I might have feelings for you, but I was scared. See, I wasn't ready for marriage. I'm still not. But it hurt me to see you so disappointed.
"Like I said before, I miss you. I miss seeing you every morning, I miss hearing your voice and feeling your touch. And you've proved to me that you're not all bad, especially after saving me and my friends. Now that I've met you, II can't imagine a life without you. What I'm trying to say is"
She glanced away, her cheeks turning red. Discord's eyes widened in astonishment. Could this be it? Could this be the moment he had been waiting for? Then she looked into his eyes and gave a shy smile.
"I love you."
He said nothing for a while. Fluttershy rubbed her foreleg awkwardly.
"It's true. It's taken me a long time to realize it, but I love you."
Discord did not waste a moment. He grabbed the pony by the shoulders and fiercely, but tenderly, pressed his lips against hers. Fluttershy was shocked for a second, but then closed her eyes and returned the kiss as they both released all the passion they had been holding back for so long.
On the other side of the bedroom door, Pinkie gasped dramatically.
"They're kissing, they're kissing!"
"Gross," Rainbow muttered.
"Guess we'll have to get used to that," Rarity grumbled.
Fluttershy had never felt so happy. As Discord ran his fingers through her hair, she could have sworn she heard fireworks. She then broke the kiss and looked up to see stars exploding above them.
"What?" she started to say.
"Magical reaction," Discord explained quickly. "Don't ruin the moment."
He returned his lips to hers and bent over, caressing her small body. After a while, he pulled away again.
"Are you sure this is what you want?" he asked, moving a strand of hair away from her eye. "I'm not exactly Prince Charming, you know?"
Fluttershy nodded. "I'm sure. I don't care."
He grinned. "You must marry me then! You must be with me always! You must never leave my Oh, there I go again." He spoke in a gentler tone. "Would you marry me? I promise you can visit your friends whenever you like."
She smiled warmly and gently kissed his snout. "I appreciate it, but I told you. I'm not ready for marriage now."
"ButI love you and you love me. What are you waiting for?"
"I want you to make up with the ponies, all of them. That includes the princesses. Show them that you'll use your magic for good instead of evil. I want my friends to see that you make me happy."
"I thought you didn't care what they thought."
"I don't, but if they learn to appreciate you, then we can all be happy. I want things to be settled between you and Equestria before we take any big steps."
Discord sighed. "Well, if that's what you want, I just have one thing to ask you." The rest he said under his breath. "I can't believe I'm doing this."
"What's happening?" Rainbow Dash asked, trying to get a view through the keyhole.
Pinkie gasped. "He's kneeling down!"
"What?" Applejack uttered. "Already?"
"Hush," Twilight whispered, opening the door a crack so they could listen.
"Fluttershy," Discord said admiringly. "Will you?"
"Oh my stars," Rarity muttered. "He's actually doing it! I'm going to have to make a wedding dress!"
"Shhh!" Twilight said again.
"be my special some pony?"
"Oh, come on!" Pinkie Pie swung open the door, startling the couple. "You meanie! We thought you were proposing! I was going to throw an engagement party! I had already planned on the decorations, the cake, the number of guests"
"Ahem," Discord cleared his throat. "Do you mind?"
Pinkie giggled awkwardly. "Oops, sorry."
The draconequus turned back to his beloved. "Well?"
Fluttershy grinned. "What do you think?"
He cried out for joy as he took her into his arms.
"We'll just, um, leave you two alone then," Applejack said, heading for the exit.
"Yeah," Rainbow cringed. "We'll justwait. Are we really leaving them alone?!"
She yelped as the cowgirl grabbed her by the tail. "Come on, Rainbow."
The pegasus rolled her eyes. "Oh, fine! You better take care of her, you hear? Cuz if you don't" She waved her fist at the draconequus before following Applejack.
"You do realize I'll have to inform Celestia and Luna about this?" Twilight said as she passed the couple.
Discord waved her off. "Yeah, yeah. Just make sure they know that I didn't put her under a spell. Hold on. You're really okay with this?"
"Wellnot really. We just want our friend to be happy. Though Rainbow is right. If you don't keep your word, you'll have to answer to us."
"Yeah, whatever."
"And when you do get married," Pinkie chimed, "be sure to invite us to the wedding!"
"And let me make the dresses!" Rarity exclaimed.
"By the way," Twilight said, pausing at the doorway, "thank you for saving our lives. We owe you a debt of gratitude."
Once the ponies were gone, the couple sighed.
"Now, where were we?" Discord held up a finger. "Oh, I remember."
Fluttershy laughed as he dipped her to his side and welcomed him into another passionate kiss.
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