Chapter 8: The Visit

When Twilight woke up, she realized that today was her Birthday and that she was happy till Leo and his family and friends said Happy Birthday.

"Happy birthday Twilight." Said Leo and his family.

"Oh thank you guys that's very nice of you all." Said Twilight.

"Here you go." Said Raph as he gave Twilight a box. When Twilight open it it was a beautiful bracelet with purple gems and she puts it on.

"Oh thank you everyone this so thoughtful." Said Twilight.

"We love to stay but we got another demon problem, but happy birthday Twilight." Said Karai and Twilight said thanks and Karai, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, Casey, and April went to take care of the demon problem.

Meanwhile Leo knew that Twilight miss her family and had an idea.

"Hey Twilight I got another surprise for you." Said Leo." But you need to wait at the living room."

"Uh okay." Said Twilight and the Leo disappear and Twilight went to the living room but before left, she saw the Love Crystal (she doesn't know it is a Love Crystal) and she thought that no one uses it so she put it in her pocket and went to the living room.

Meanwhile at the Canterlot castle, the mane 6, Princess Cadence and Shining Armor that today is Twilights birthday and they were sad.Especially Pinkie Pie because she plan a very special party for her.

Applejack laid a hand on her shoulder. "We miss her too, Pinkie, but we just have to accept..."

"How can we accept that our best friend is gone for good? We're never gonna see her again! Worst of all, she's never gonna see her birthday present!" Said Pinkie.

Then all of a sudden the 8 of them were transported to the Demon World and they were shock and they saw a castle in front of them. And then Leo appeared in front of them.

"Demon king Leo, what do you want?" Asked Shining Armor.

"Don't worry, I brought you here for Twilights birthday, that's all." Said Leo.

"You mean...?" Pinkie glanced down at the present, which she was still holding. Her eyes grew big and then her hair inflated into its natural poofy style. "BIRTHDAY PARTY!"

As she screamed, she launched into the air and fireworks exploded behind her. Leo scratched his head. How does she do that? Pinkie then rushed to the front door, bursting it open.

"Hey!" Leo cried. "You can't just...!"

"Leo?" Twilight called as she entered the main hall. "Are they...?"


Pinkie tackled her into a hug, giving Twilight no chance to escape. The others trotted inside and gasped at the sight of their friend.

"Twilight!" Rarity exclaimed. "You're alright!"

They then all moved into a group hug.

"Girls! Shining Armor, Cadence!" Twilight said, tears coming into her eyes. "I missed you so much! I..." She choked as Pinkie squeezed tighter. "Can't...breathe..."

"Oops!" Pinkie blushed, backing away with the others. "Sorry, I just can't believe it's you! I thought I'd never see you again and that you'd never get to see what I got you for your birthday..." She gasped dramatically. "Your birthday! Quick, close your eyes!"

"Why do I have to...?" Said Twilight.

She was cut off as Pinkie tied a blindfold around her head. "One second!"

Twilight heard a few blasts before the cloth was removed. The room was now walled with balloons, streamers and other party decorations.

"How did you...?" Twilight started to ask, but she already knew the answer.

"I never go anywhere without my party cannon!" Pinkie chimed, bringing the object into view.

She strapped a birthday hat onto Twilights head and then started up the gramophone.

"Let's party!"

But instead of dancing, the ponies fed Fluttershy a million questions. But Twilight told them to calm down and said that Leo's sweet.

Cadence giggled, trying to lighten the mood. "What does it matter? It's Twilights birthday. We should be celebrating!"

And then everyone began to dance and have fun.

As the afternoon went on, Twilight enjoyed her family company as they played more games and caught up with one another. It was after the third round of Twister that she noticed Discord sitting in the corner with his head down. She suddenly felt guilty that she had ignored him all this time and had not even thanked him.

She excused herself from her friends and flew up to him.

"Thank you, Leo," she said with a smile, "for bringing my family here."

Leo's expression changed at the sight of her. "You're welcome."

Twilight was about to say something when he slid his arm around her. "Have you told them yet?"

Twilight blinked. "Told them what?"

Leo chuckled, playfully twirling the ring on her neck. "Have you really forgotten already?"

Twilight looked down at the ring and blushed. "Oh."

She had been so excited about seeing her friends, she had forgotten the reason they were here in the first place.

"N-no, I..." said Twilight.

"Well, you should, my dear. You wanted them to be here, right?" Asked Leo.

So Twilight began to tell the girls that she wanted them to be her bridesmaids. And said the wedding's tomorrow. Silence fell over the room and Twilight realized that she had shouted that last part.

"You're marrying him tomorrow?" Rarity uttered.

"Oh, so you've told them!" He teleported to his fiancé's side and threw his arm around her. "Yes, our big day is tomorrow and you're all invited! The four of you can be bridesmaids, the three little girls can be the flower girls, Shining Armor can be the best man, and Cadence will be the maid of honor.

"Um, Leo?" Twilight said softly. "Could you let me talk to them?"

"Oh, sure, go ahead!" Said Leo.

"Alone." Said Twilight.

His smile disappeared as he looked at the heated and shocked expressions on the ponies' faces. He threw up his hands.

"Fine! I can take a hint! Though really, I don't see what you're so upset about, you all knew this was coming!" Twilight cleared her throat. "Yes, yes, I'm going!"

Once he had vanished, Twilight went to her family.

"That was awfully rude of you." Said Twilight.

"Rude?!" everyone exclaimed.

"You're marrying that monster tomorrow!" Rarity cried. "How do you expect us to react?"

"But you know I'm engaged to him," Twilight pointed out.

"We didn't..." Rainbow stammered. "We didn't expect it to happen now! you want us to be a part of it?!"

"I thought you'd want to come to my wedding." Said Twilight.

"Not when it means watching you get married to a monster!" Said Rainbow Dash.

Twilight stomped her feet defensively. "He's not a monster!"

"He took you away from us!" Said Shining Armor.

"No, I chose to go with him! Guys, you have to believe me, it's not as bad as you think..." said Twilight.

"How can marrying the Demon King be good?" Rarity insisted.

"And Twilight," Shining Armor shuddered, "I can't be the one to tie you to that..."

"Don't say it!" Twilight shouted. "He's not a monster! In fact, he's been nothing but a gentleman since I got here and you should be grateful that he even let you come to my birthday!"

"What's gotten into you, Twilight?" Rainbow demanded. "Why do you keep defending him?"

"Because he's my friend! He may have done terrible things in the past, but that doesn't make him evil! He's just a lonely demon who wants nothing more than somebody to love him. After all, he's been asking me every single day if I..." said Twilight.

She trailed off and realized that she had already said too much. Cadence raised an eyebrow at her flushed cheeks, more flushed than usual. She knew that look.

"Are love with him?" Asked Princess Cadence.

Rarity huffed. "Don't be ridiculous, Cadence, how could Twilight love a demon like Leonardo?"

"Yeah," Rainbow laughed. "Especially one who keeps her locked up!"

"He's fun and all," Pinkie chimed, "but you can't really..."

Twilight had been silent as she listened to her friends in horror. " can you say such things?"

"We're just kidding around, Twi," Rainbow snickered. "I mean we all know you're not in love with him!" When her friend said nothing, Rainbow narrowed her eyes at her. "Right?"

She could barely utter a word. "I...I..."

"Twilight, you can't be serious! He tried to take over Equestria! Three times!" Said Rainbow.

"He practically keeps you prisoner!" Rarity insisted.

"How can you love such a monster?" Rainbow demanded.

"He's not a monster!" Twilight insisted. "He only wants me to love him!"

"Well, do you?"

She was on the verge of crying, her teeth grinding together. She had never felt so frustrated in all her life. She wanted to scream, to deny everything. But no, she could not.

"Well, Twilight? Do you love him?" Asked Shining Armor.

"What does it matter?!" Twilight snapped. "You're right! He does keep me prisoner, he did all those things you said! I don't want to marry him tomorrow, but do you think I have a choice?! It was the only way I could convince him to bring you here! And you know what? Who cares?! Who cares if the wedding is tomorrow or next year? I made a deal with him, and it's going to happen whether I like it or not!"

"So you don't...?" Said Shining Armor.

"No! I don't love him!" Said Twilight.

As her words echoed throughout the room, Twilight heart sank. Her friends lost their anger as tears streamed down her face. Shining Armor held out his hand.

"Twilight, we..." said Shining Armor.

She ran past them to her room, slamming the door behind her.

"Twilight, we didn't mean..." Sunset called, but Cadence pulled on her back and said they should leave Twilight alone.

Twilight sobbed into her pillow, angry at herself for all of the horrible things she had just said. She had not meant any of it, not even the last part. She did love Leo, in a way, but even she was not sure of her exact feelings. Still, how could she say that after he had tried so hard to be her family when he clearly wanted more? She just could not stand to admit it to the others that there was a slight possibility that she could return his feelings. Maybe not now, but in the future, she would be ready to say that she loved him, even if their wedding was tomorrow.

But part of what she had said was true, and this upset her more. She had no choice in the matter. She was bound to him, and there was nothing she could do about it. There was no use stalling anymore. Leo wanted her, and that's what he was going to get.

She heard a grunt and looked up to see the Demon Turtle standing over her. Despite the circumstances, she was happy to see him, for now he was here to comfort her. Her joy died, however, once she saw his face overwhelmed with hurt and anger. His hands were clenched into fists, and his eyes were glaring at her with disgust and his eyes were red.

"You know? You really had me fooled for a moment." Said Leo as his inner demon took over his body.

And Twilight got scared. And don't know what to do.

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