Chapter 12: The Wedding

One year went by and Twilight and Leo started dating. Leo's brothers were happy that they are back to their selfs and they spend time with Pinkie, Rarity and Sunset. Then one day Leo ask Twilight to marry him and Twilight said yes and they tell everyone and they were happy for them. It took a month to plan the wedding. It was even bigger than when Cadence and Shining Armor had gotten married. Nearly everybody in Canterlot came.

On the big day, the bridesmaids hastened to get Twilight ready. Rarity, obviously, had made dresses for all of them, including the flower girls: Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Princess Celestia was performing the ceremony.

"Oh, you look absolutely gorgeous, darling!" Rarity exclaimed once she had made the final adjustments to Twilights gown.

She directed her toward the mirror and Twilight thought she was looking at someone else but she smile.

"Rarity," Twilight marveled. "It's beautiful!"

"You're beautiful, Twilight!" Rarity hailed. "I only made you better!"

Rainbow Dash laughed. "I never thought you'd be the first of us to get married, Twilight."

Rarity sighed. "Yes. I thought it would be me, as I did catch Cadence's bouquet, but...oh, you really do look the part, sweetie!"

Applejack laid a hand on Twilights shoulder. "We're really happy for ya, Sugar Cube."

"Even if it is Leo?" Asked Twilight.

"Yes!" Rarity Said.

Fluttershy finished for her. "We're happy that you're happy."

Then a knock came and it was Raph." Hey Sunset, are you in there. Emergency."

Then Sunset though that I it might be important and as opened the door, she blushed when she saw the turtle in his tuxedo. He was still oblivious to her feelings, which had rapidly increased now that he was in formal attire.

"Thank goodness! I'm having a problem with..." Said Raph.

Raph froze when he caught sight of the mare in front of him. He hardly recognized her. She was dressed in an orange colored gown, her hair hanging loosely around her shoulders with a gentle curl to them, a wreath of rose sitting lightly on top. She looked ...well, like a girl. And she was not that bad. He could have sworn she was sparkling.

Sunset raised an eyebrow when she noticed him staring. "Is everything alright, Raph?"

Raph shook his head. "Yeah, I, uh...what was I saying?"

"You have a problem?" Said Sunset

"Oh, right! It's Leo. He's getting..." He peered over at Twilight and said the rest in a whisper. "Cold feet."

Sunset gasped and called to her friends. "I gotta go check on the groom. I'll meet y'all at the altar!"

Leo needed a best man or bride of honer, but unfortunately, he was still a rookie when it came to making friends, so Sunset had volunteered for the role. After all, she had been the first to support the match.

When Sunset and Raph entered the groom's dressing room, it was empty. They searched in all directions for Leo.

"Leonardo, get out here!" Sunset commanded. "You're gettin' married in thirty minutes!"

She then had a thought and see Leo sitting at a corner and he wave nervously at Sunset.

"Get over here!" Commanded Sunset

"Make me!" Leo taunted. "I can stay here all day!"

"But ya gotta get married!" Said Sunset.

"No! I can't go out there!" Said Leo.

"Oh, no you don't! You're not abandonin' Twilight at the altar!" Said Sunset.

"I'm sorry, Sunset, but this is the honest truth: I can't do it!" Said Leo

"Quit foolin' and get down! Twilight gonna be heartbroken!" Said Sunset.

"What makes you think she will be?" Said Leo as he look at a mirror."What makes you think she'll care if I leave her? She'll probably be relieved!"

"How can you say that?" Raph inquired.

"Well, just look at me! I don't know how I could possibly have thought I could be worthy of her! She's the most beautiful girl that ever lived and I'm just a lowly mutant turtle. Even if I'm not a demon anymore, that's never going to change."

"Listen Leo. You may be...different, but I've never seen Twilight so happy in my life. You may not be the same species, but love comes in all forms."My point is that I know what love looks like, and I've never seen two people more in love than you and Twilight. Unless I was mistaken and you don't love her..." Said Sunset.

"What are you talking about?" Leo snapped. "Of course, I love her! You think I would have asked her to marry me if I didn't love her? Well, let me tell you something, Sunset! I love that girl more than anything! You hear? More than anything!"

Sunset Shimmer smirked. "Whadya waiting for then?"

Leo blinked and then glanced in the mirror. He then started to wear a tuxedo so fast.

"Look out, baby! Your new hubby's coming!" Leo said to himself. "Oh yes, you handsome turtle! You can do this!"

"I can't do this!" Said Leo nervously.

He winced as Sunset nudged him in the side. "You better not bail!"

Everybody was in their positions at the altar. Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Pinkie Pie were lined up beside the bride's vacant space, Sunset stood alongside Leo, Raph ready with the rings. Princess Celestia stood in the middle, beneath the arch of roses. The guests had all arrived and the room was packed.

Princess Celestia noticed Leo's nervousness. "You're not getting cold feet, are you?"

"Of course not!" Leo choked. "In fact, it's quite hot in here, don't you think?"

Leo tugged on the collar of his suit and wiped the sweat from his brow. "You don't suppose she's changed her mind, do you?"

"She's not late," Rainbow Dash whispered. "The ceremony's not supposed to start until three."

"But everybody's already here! Shouldn't we start now? Ouch!" Said Leo.

"Pull yourself together!" Sunset hissed.

"Will you quit doing that?" Seriously can somebody open a window?" Said Leo as he got out a fan.

"Relax. We haven't been standing here that long." Said Sunset.

"You sure? This seems to be taking an eternity!" Said Leo.

"Put that fan away! It's startin'!" Said Sunset.

Sure enough, the bird choir began singing the bridal march, with Fluttershy directing them. The doors open as the flower girls hopped down the aisle, scattering their petals, Leo started panicking.

'What am I doing? I shouldn't be here! Why am I here?' Thought Leo.

Then he looked up and remembered why. Twilight entered the room with grace and elegance, causing everybody to gawk in awe. And Leo saw how beautiful Twilight is in her wedding dress.

A smile spread across Leo's face. "She's beautiful."

Applejack gave him a sly grin. "Easy, Sugar. Save it for the honeymoon."

Meanwhile, the others were tearing up including Master Splinter, Donnie, Mikey, Karai, Casey, and April.

Then Twilight turned her attention to Leo as she walked up the steps. Leo gently lifted her veil to reveal her beautiful face. After exchanging a loving look, they faced Princess Celestia.

"Dearly Beloved," the Princess announced. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Twilight and Leonardo. Never in the history of Equestria has there ever been a love so powerful, so strong, yet it started from the most unusual of circumstances. These two standing before you have proved that love surpasses all differences, all flaws, all faults."

She turned to the bride. "Do you, Twilight, take Leo to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, until death, do you part?"

Twilight looked up into Leo's adoring eyes. "I do."

"And do you, Leo, take Twilight to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, until death, do you part?" Asked Princess Celestia.

Leo was so lost in his bride's eyes that he did not hear her at first. "Huh? Oh, I do! Yes, I most definitely do!"

The princess chuckled. "In that case, may I have the rings?"

Raph presented the pillow and Princess Celestia used her magic to levitate the rings. One slid at Twilights finger. The other slid onto Leo's finger.

"By the power vested in me," the princess continued, "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss..."

Leo did not wait for her to finish and pulled his bride and pressing his lips against hers. Then the audience clap their hands in applause.

"BEST WEDDING EVER!" Pinkie and Mikey cried.

The reception was held in the garden. Vinyl Scratch played the song for the bride and groom's first dance: "Somebody to Love." Leo had selected it, considering it 'their song.' Afterwards, a slower song was played, drawing various couples onto the dance floor.

"May I have this dance Sunset Shimmer?" Asked Raph as held out his hand and Sunset blush.

"Sure." Said Sunset.

"Um miss Rarity, may I have this dance?" Ask Donnie as a gentleman.

"Why of course darling." Said Rarity.

"You wanna dance Pinkie?" Asked Mikey.

"Sure Mikey." Said Pinkie.

"You wanna dance Applejack?" Asked Casey.

"Sure, Sugarcube." Said Applejack.

Then everyone dance. Then the carriage was ready for the marry couple.

"Shall we be off, my dear?" Asked Leo as he opened the carriage door.

Twilight was about to step inside but paused. "Oh, I almost forgot!"

She picked up her bouquet of flowers and tossed it over her shoulder. All the single mares wrestled to catch it. But the bouquet went high above her head and the crowd parted to reveal that it had landed in Sunsets hands. She look at Raph then Raph blush and look at Leo. Then Leo wink at his brother and he hugged Sunset Shimmer and Sunset hugged him back.

Once the newlyweds were in the carriage, everybody's waved to them and they waved back, until they were a spot in the distance.

Leo sighed and glanced slyly at Twilight. "Alone at last." And he wrap his arms around Twilight and then they arrived at the castle that use to be dark but not anymore.

"Home sweet home," Leo mused. And they both went inside and Twilight look around and love it.

"Oh Leo I love it." Said Twilight.

Leo chuckled. "I thought you'd like it. Wait until you see the honeymoon suite."

Leo carried Twilight up to the honeymoon suite and Twilight gawked at the décor of the room. Everything was in the shape of a heart: the bed, the pillows, the windows, the chandelier, the candles in the chandelier, etc. She did not know what to say about it.

"It's, um...very..." said Twilight.

"Mushy, I know. Makes me want to gag too, but isn't this how most honeymoon suites look?" Said Leo.

"I wouldn't know." Said Twilight.

"Oh well, I'm too tired to change anything now." Said Leo.

The door shut behind them and a 'Do Not Disturb' sign appeared on the knob outside. Leo close the curtains and laid his bride on the bed.

"Now, we're alone," Leo whispered as he moved on top of her and pulled her in for a gentle kiss.

When Leo moved away to look at her, he caressed her beautiful face. At long last, he had his prize, his true love. What made this moment even better was that she had married him willingly with no strings attached. He never thought he would be married, let alone to the girl of his dreams. Who knew what future lay ahead of them? Maybe one day they would have a baby and become family. To him, that sounded a lot more promising than anything.

Twilight suddenly broke his eye contact and looked off to the side.

"What's wrong, my love?" Leo inquired.

"Nothing," Twilight murmured. "I just...I'm just a little nervous. This is a big step, you know?"

Leo smirked. "Don't be. If I do anything you don't like, just say so."

Twilight gazed back up at him and a small smile appeared on her lips. "I love you."

Leo's heart thumped wildly. "I love you too, my beauteous bride."

Then he clapped his hands and killed the lights.

And so Leo and Twilight got married and they both were really happy and they all lived happily ever after.

The End!💍💖

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