Chapter 11: The Confesion/Back to Normal

As Twilight, Shining Armor, Princess Cadence, and the mane 6 were at the Everfree Forest Shining Armor lean against to Cadence and whisper her something to her ear.

"Cadence, did you know that Twilight really loves the Demon King?" Whisper Shining Armor.

"Well yes, apparently I can feel it in my heart and Twilight did fell in love and that makes me happy for her, which means is that our Twilight has grown up and find her true love." Whisper Princess Cadence and Shining Armor smile.

Just the Twilight heard something and stop.

"Twilight what's wrong darling?" Asked Rarity.

"I heard something." Said Twilight.

"Well well well, hello Twilight long time no see." Twilight and the rest of the gang turn around and gasp. Their outside the bushes was Flash Sentry and the foot bots. (Oh there's something you should: after Flash escape from the dungeon of Canterlot, he went back where the Foot Clan is and was about to talk to Shredder till he heard that Shredder was using him to take over Equestria. And so Flash killed Shredder and his minions: Razhar, Fishface, Bebop, Rocksteady, and Tigerclaw and now he is the new leader of the foot clan.)

"Oh no." Said Twilight in fear and then Shining Armor have yelled run and they ran and Flash and the Foot ninjas chase after them.

"What do we do?" Asked Sunset as she still run." They're gaining on us."

"I got an idea." Said Shining Armor." On 3 we go to separate ways. 1, 2, 3!

And so everyone went in separate way but Flash was after Twilight and she tried to get away from him as fast as she could. The latter reached a dead end. Twilight turned around to face Flash as smirk evilly and Twilight didn't know what to do.

Meanwhile at the garden Leo was still sad till his siblings and friends came to him.

"Hey Leo are you okay?" Asked Casey.

"No, no I'm not." Said Leo sadly.

"Dude come on, if love Twilight so much why did you let her go?" Asked Raph.

Leo was about to answer Raphs question till he heard a familiar high-pitched scream. "Twilight?"

He thought he was imagining things when Leo heard it again: "Help!"

It is common knowledge that for most creatures, when one's mate is threatened, they will go into full protective mode. That is exactly what happened to Leo as he got up and gritted his teeth in fury. And so Leo went to save Twilight and his siblings and friends were about to follow till they heard others screaming and realize that Leo will be fine and they went to help the other people who cried for help.

Twilight closed her eyes, waiting for Flash to knock her out and take her. Suddenly, she heard a second growl and opened her eyes to see Leo in front of her protecting her.

"Don't you dare touch her!" Growl Leo.

And so Leo and Flash were fighting till Flash have swung his sword too much that it flew up to the air and stab him and he died and that was the end of Flash Sentry. Leo look at Flash and growl and then he turn to Twilight to make sure she's okay.

"Twilight are you alright?" Asked Leo very worried.

"Yes." Said Twilight.

"What are you doing out here in the middle of the night?!" Leo demanded. "Do you have any idea what would have happened if I hadn't...?"

"You...saved me," Twilight uttered.

"Well, of course I did! You think I would be able to live with myself if anything happened to...?" Said Leo.

Leo was cut off as Twilight flung her arms around his neck and burst into tears. He stared down at her in confusion. Then Shining Armor and Princess Cadence came and gasp and then Leo knew were about that he shouldn't till Shining Armor said to Leo that he save her. Then they both explain that Pinkie, Rarity, and Sunset were injured and then Leo said that his siblings have them and so they went back to the castle. And so Leo use his healing hands to cure them and then they got better.

"Hey I feel better." Said Rarity.

"Can I laugh now?" Pinkie asked. She did not wait for an answer and chortled. "Yeah, I think I'm good."

Sunset could not believe it. "What else can I say but...thanks!"

"You're welcome," Leo said with a grin and Raph help Sunset, Donnie help Rarity, Mikey help pinkie pie up and when they look at each other's eyes they all blush and Karai smirk and Master Splinter, April, and Casey smile but when Casey and Applejack look at each other they both blush too till Leo spoke.

"Now that that's all settled," Leo turned to Twilight, "explain to me what you were doing out there! You could have been killed! Why, if I hadn't heard you..."

Twilight quickly replied. "I came to see you."

Leo blinked. "W-what?"

Twilight looked at her family as she took Leo by the hand. "There's, um...something I need to tell you."

As soon as Twilight and Leo were out at the garden out of the room, Twilights sister look at the keyhole to see what's going on and the rest of the gang were waiting to know what's happening.

"You came back?" Leo uttered in disbelief. "To" Twilight nodded. "Why?"

"I...I wanted to apologize..." Said Twilight.

"Apologize? You? My dear, if anyone should be apologizing, it's me! I nearly forced you into doing something you didn't want to do and...and I hurt you! Not to mention I've treated you did you put it? Right, a prisoner! There's nothing you need to apologize for." Said Leo.

"Oh, but there is. I said some awful things the other day, things I didn't mean. How could I say those things after all you did for me? I'm the monster, not you." Said Twilight.

Leo huffed. "Yeah, right. Twilight, take a look at yourself and then at me. I think it's obvious who the monster is here. You should quit wasting your time with me and go home. No need to pity me."

"I do pity you, but that's not the reason I came. You see...I miss you." Said Twilight.

Leo stared at her for a long time, still not believing this. "You miss being my prisoner?"

"I miss being your friend. Although...I take it you want it to be more than that..." Twilight suddenly grew very nervous. "B-but...before I go on...I must, um, ask you something."

"Yes?" Said Leo.

"Do you love me?" Asked Twilight as she look at Leo.

Leo choked up. "I...I..."

"You kept asking me if I loved you. I want to know whether it was because you wanted me to love you back, or was it all a game. Was I just some trophy to you?" Asked Twilight.

"What?! No, no no no, Twilight! You're more than that!" Said Leo.

"Well, did you?" Asked Twilight.

Leo turned his back to her, his brow sweating and his teeth grinding together, trying to find the words.

"I...I...yes." Leo sighed. "The day you said that the reason I wanted a bride because I was lonely, you were right.

"I spent many years watching the happy couples walk off into the sunset. It made me gag, seeing them making kissy faces and holding hands...but I was only disgusted because I could never have what they had. I was tired of being alone. I denied this, even to myself, and invented that scheme as an excuse for acting all gaga over you." Said Leo."But started treating me differently, and I became so enthralled with you that I forgot the scheme entirely. I kept telling myself that it was just a slight attraction, but...the more time I spent with you, the better I felt. Whenever I was with you, I felt...well, wonderful. Soon I realized that I was not trying to please you because I wanted a queen, but I wanted to see you happy. I...cared about you. A lot. That's why I didn't want you to see your family because I cared about you so much that I wanted you all to myself, I didn't want to lose you."

"But did you...?" Twilight started to ask again.

Leo hung his head. "Not everything I said whilst corrupting you was a lie. I...I did love you." Leo looked up at her again. "I still do." Leo got down on his knees. "Oh, Twilight, I love you more than ever! You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. You're precious to me, and I would rather die a thousand deaths than to see you miserable. So when I realized how much pain I had caused you, I had to release you."

Twilight was on the verge of tears. "Leo..."

"No please, let me finish! I had to let you go. I'm only a demon and a monster. I also know that even if you did marry me, you could never, ever love me. No matter what you think, no matter what you hope, I'm still a monster." Said Leo.

"Are you done?" Asked Twilight.

Leo looked away. "Yes."

Twilight approached to Leo and laid a hand on his shoulder. "Leo, don't you see? I'm miserable without you."

Leo turned to her skeptically. "You are?"

Twilight nodded her head. "Now it's my turn. When I first saw you and you rescue me from Flash Sentry I was surprised and shock that you save me and I was scared that I had to be you bride and be prison in your castle. But you did your best to help me forget my imprisonment...and how you looked. I will became harder for me to answer your question that night when we look at the stars. I thought I might have feelings for you, but I was scared. See, I wasn't ready for marriage. I'm still not. But it hurt me to see you so disappointed. Like I said before, I miss you. I miss seeing you every morning, I miss hearing your voice and feeling your touch. And you've proved to me that you're not all bad, especially after saving me and my family. Now that I've met you, I...I can't imagine a life without you. What I'm trying to say is..."

She glanced away, her cheeks turning red. Leo's eyes widened in astonishment. Could this be it? Could this be the moment he had been waiting for? Then Twilight looked into his eyes and gave a shy smile.

"I love you." Said Twilight.

He said nothing for a while. Twilight rubbed her foreleg awkwardly.

"It's true. It's taken me a long time to realize it, but I love you." Said Twilight.

"You, you mean it?" Said Leo as he wrap his arms around Twilight.

"Of course." Said Twilight.

"But how, I'm not exactly print charming." Said Leo.

"I don't care, you're a prince in my eyes." Said Twilight. And so Leo and Twilight kiss and hugged each other. Then princess Cadence came to them and say she was happy for them. Then the mane 6, Leo's siblings, Shining Armor, Master Splinter, April and Casey all came out and were happy for them. Then all of a sudden Mikey saw something glowing at Twilights pocket.

"Twilight something is glowing at your pocket." Said Mikey.

Then Twilight took out the Love Crystal and glows so bright that it start to float and everyone gasp. And the the Crystals magic have lift Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey and then the Crystal glows so bright that the four of them went back to their turtle mutant selfs.

"I don't believe it." Said Leo as he look at himself." Were back to normal."

"Leo." Said Twilight as she hug him and Master splinter hug his 3 other sons and everyone is happy. Then the Crystals magic began to spread and then the demon world began to turn back into a beautiful valley and Cadence realize something and gasp getting everyone's attention.

"Now I understand, it's a Love Crystal." Said Princess Cadence." It use to be a beautiful valley here till shredder came and turn it into a demon world. Leonardo all you need is someone to love and now you do."

Leo smile then the Crystal begin to glow in sparkles and spins around Twilight till it turn into a necklace around her neck.

"Wow that suits you Twilight." Said Leo and Twilight hug him. And everyone wonder when will be the day they will get married.

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