
Welcome to the Epilogue! I'd like to start off with a massive thank you for everyone who has ever glanced at this fic, from reading, voting and especially commenting, it has made writing this so enjoyable and worthwhile. Also, I want to say well done if you actually did make it this far? Wtf? You stuck around?

I hope this is a satisfying enough ending to a book that is so close to my heart, and I really hope that you'll take the dedication you all brought to this book for the sequel!

Dallon. will be published shortly after Epilogue and I'll notify you all when it's published!


"Brendon..."Dallon huffs out an amused puff of breath as he plucks up the paper origami crane that he has just found nestled on top of the freshly pressed towels in the bathroom hot press. He recognises it instantly because since Ryan S had came to his house, the house was beginning to become covered in the colourful paper birds, from little to small, white to blue and it seems like it has became a game for Dallon to collect them all.

As much as things had kicked off to a bad start at the beginning of the afternoon, Dallon thanked whoever was looking over him for how smoothly the rest of the afternoon had continued to go, with Brendon thankfully distracted by colourful pieces of paper and skilful hands that was teaching him on how to make origami paper cranes. It was a skill that Brendon had yet to master but by the end, he has proudly made five ("Daddy! Look! Look! Five!") perfect paper cranes that sat on a special place in Dallons music studio until he can give them as presents.

Dallon wouldn't go as far as saying that they hit it off like a house on fire, but Brendon was interested in Ryan, from his stunning blue hair that little Brendon curiously touched every second that he got to the fascinating skills and tricks that he has picked up all over the world while touring. Ryan S certainly had Brendon's curiosity and it was the best outcome that Dallon could hope for after a rough start.

That was a week ago, and still, Dallon is finding countless numbers of four full paper birds across the house, hidden in the oddest of places in Mugs, on top of the television, the back of the radiator and now, in the hot press among the piles of fluffy, fresh towels.

"You found it! O-only 10 more, Daddy!"Brendon is squealing from the bath, lavender scented bubble bath bubbles slowly beginning to fade around Brendon's squeaky clean body, curtesy of Dallon Weekes ( who battled washing Brendon and escaping with only soaked jeans! Success! ).

"How many did yous make?"He blows out an incredibly amused but bewildered huff of breath as he sets the lime green paper Crane onto the bathroom sink counter and unfolds the white fluffy towel.

"Well I made five, I-I'm not good at it but I'm better! A-and Ryan made like a million!"

"A million!"Dallon gasps, astonished at the amount of paper origami cranes that Ryan had supposedly made."What did you do with them all, peanut?"

"We hid them! An' then Ryan took some home cus' he needed company."

"Well that's very kind that you allowed Ryan to take home some birds, baby."Dallon has an extremely fond smile on his face as he comes towards the little with the specially soft and fluffy towel to wrap the shivering little in. It drowns Brendon, making him look so incredibly small and adorable as the towel comes to drape over his shoulders and form a makeshift hood over his head.

"They're Cranes, Daddy!"He huffs as he's helped out of the bathtub and onto the bathroom mat as Dallon makes a weak attempt of drying Brendon off with the towel."But Ryan says he'll show me how to make other animals like-like a swan an' a Butterfly!"

"Does that mean that you want to invite Ryan over to play?"

"No,"Brendon puffs out his cheeks in glowing embarrassment, because he's still not sure how he overall feels about Ryan. Sure, he's pretty cool and interesting ( and did Brendon mention that he has awesome blue hair? ) but Brendon having another friend is just so overwhelming to the hybrid who started off with none."B-but if you wanna invite him over, you can..."

"Well thanks for your blessing, Brendon."Dallon can't help but to laugh at the coy blessing that Brendon has just gave him on inviting Ryan S back to the house. It's not only adorable for that reason, but also because Brendon so desperately wants Ryan S to come over too."Jammies or-?"

"Daddy's shirt! Daddy's shirt!"Brendon is bouncing up and down on the bed, the towel pooling at his hips and exposing the little in his full nakedness as he chants and bounces so that he's defiantly heard by his Daddy.

"Are you sure? Because I think you have some perfectly good Jammies that need to be worn too..."Dallon trails off teasingly, pulling out a spotted onesie from one of Brendon's little drawers that's blue and purple, very similar to the fur of Sully from Monsters Inc. He can practically see the moment that Brendon dwells on the thought of changing his mind to the onside before he's chanting and bouncing again.

"Daddy's shirt! Please!"He tacks on pleadingly, big brown eyes and a pouty bottom lip that makes Dallon groan.

"Fine, fine, but you really have to start wearing your own clothes, Brendon. I'm running out on things to wear!"He grumbles, searching through his drawers and pulling out a faded light blue, very soft looking long-sleeved t-shirt.

"Be naked."Brendon suggests, a cheeky grin on his lips and kitten ears twitching in his mess of drying hair.

"Wear your own clothes."Dallon suggests in the same manner.

"That's not gonna happen, Daddy. Don't be silly."Brendon shakes his head with a giggle that brightens his entire face up with a smile, crinkling the corners of his eyes as he holds his arms up high for one of Dallons long-sleeved t-shirts to be put onto him. It's not that much big on him, but from years of being thrown into the wash and dryer, it's unbelievably worn and soft with age and smells just like Dallon.

"I'm going to leave you with the responsibly of putting on pyjama bottoms or pants while I get drinks for our movie."

"Yes sir!"Brendon is jumping up from the bed and kneeling down to find a suitable pair of bottoms to wear to bed, his long kitten tail swaying behind him peacefully as he does so.

Dallon leaves him to it, knowing rightly by the time he comes back up to bed that Brendon will have himself sorted and cuddled within their thick blankets and mountains of pillows that Brendon insists that they keep. It's not as if Dallon gets any of those blankets or pillows anyway, he's lucky to even get a pillow and a corner of a blanket.

It's been so long that Brendon has stayed in his little headspace for more than a weekend, teetering onto nearly a week being fully engrossed into his little headspace and Dallon secretly loves it. Not only for the fact that little Brendon is adorable ( and Sassy, and loud, and demanding... ) but because when he comes out, he'll hopefully be a lot calmer and happier.

Which will be soon, Dallon knows that by tomorrow morning he'll be back to his hopefully happier but probably usual grumpy self ( which isn't all that different from little Brendon but that's another topic ) and Dallon is going to take full advantage of having Brendon be his little baby boy for the last couple of hours of the evening.

"Okay, I've got juice, chewy candy and popcorn, sweet and salty because I wasn't making two batches of popcorn."Dallon announces as he returns to the bedroom, balancing everything on a make shift tray that he made with a table place mat after he overestimated his carrying skills and nearly spilt the bowl of popcorn across the kitchen

"An' we're watching The Lion King."The little hybrid declares from under all of the blankets and duvets on the bed, looking so small under the thick sheets as his kitten ears twitch in his hair and smiles brightly at his Daddy, hugging Sinatra and Freddie to his chest to keep their safe and warm.


"Again!"Brendon confirms happily, not even fazed at the sour attitude towards the movie. Brendon will never be sick of watching the same Disney Film on repeat, Dallon knows this. Dallon also knows that by the half an hour mark through the film that Brendon will be asleep so he only has to endure the first 30 minutes of torture before he can watch what he wants.


"Fine, but I'm picking tomorrow nights film."

"Okay,"Brendon smiles smugly because deep down, Brendon knows that that isn't going to happen and he'll get his way into watching whatever he wants to watch. As soon as Dallon is settled, handing off the popcorn and drinks to Brendon, the little is curling up close to his Daddy, snuggled in close and stealing body heat with his sippy of juice cupped in one hand and a handful of popcorn already in his mouth."Star' t'e mov'ee!"

"Sharing is caring."

"Yeah well Popcorn is...mine."Brendon concludes when he can't come up with a clever rhyme like Dallon, but he deems it good enough."Now shush!"

"Sorry,"Dallon whispers into himself, rolling his blue eyes up to the ceiling and only paying attention back to the screen as The Circle Of Life starts through the television speakers and feeling Brendon practically vibrate with excitement as he mumbles his attempts of 'singing along' to the song which Dallon found adorable.

Without hesitation and with ease, Dallon is wrapping his arm around Brendon's waist and hugging the hybrid close into his side as he watches the film on their bedroom television, just happy to be in the moment rather than the enjoyment of the Disney film. Brendon's body reacts to Dallons, curling in closer, leaning his head on his shoulder, purring softly at the way that Dallon runs his fingers through his hair and it's just wonderful.

By the morning, Dallon is waking up to a particularly uncomfortable bed, not only because for once in his life he has managed to get more than the corner of a flimsy blanket but the entire mountain of duvets, but also the remains of their movie drinks and snacks remain on the bed, spilled onto the mattress and staining into sheets that now smell like Apple juice and salt.

Brendon is there, of course, sprawled out on his stomach and the blankets kicked off him onto Dallons side of the bed and the pillows thrown to the floor, substituting for poor Freddie the fat blue birds belly instead. His mouth is hung open in mid-sleep, the hint of quiet snores from the back of his throat as his kitten ears twitch every so often in his hair. It's the true side of Brendon, asleep first thing in the morning, dead to the world and goddamnit, Dallon still thinks he looks ridiculously beautiful.

It's astonishing, really, of how much that love can make you see the beauty of someone in every situation, of how that even in moments of a deep slumber or pale with sickness that Dallon is not fazed, without a care of what he looks like, that all he sees is the Brendon, he full nakedness of his humanity.

Of how Dallon will still sweep in and steal a kiss towards those pouty pink lips even when they're arguing, seconds ago screaming at each other over something wonderfully stupid, because he still undyingly loves him. Or how Dallon will sit, in all his quietness and the patience of a damn saint in a filled bathtub to calm Brendon's jitter fear of water to make him feel safe because his arms are around his waist holding him.

It's a love that he didn't have with Breezy, or anyone in that matter, and it makes him fearful, excited, nervous, jittery, ecstatic all at the same time because he truly fucking loves this man, whether big or little, happy or sassy and he knows that Brendon loves him, just as much or maybe even more, and he can't wait to drag him along into the path of his music fame with him, into their future.

This is a lot shorter of an Epilogue that I intended on writing, and truthfully, this is now how I expected to end this book seeing as I had something completely different at Mind but I instead rewrote it and I am working it into the beginning of the second book (Dallon.) as we speak!

I would just like to Thank everyone again for all of your motivation that you've inspired me with and making writing Brendon. so damn enjoyable and I cannot wait to begin writing Dallon.!

I would like your final opinions on this Epilogue!

What was your favourite moment in this fic?

What did you think of the Epilogue?

What would you like to see happen in Dallon.?

And how would you sum up Brendon.?

Thank you everyone (and look out for the Dallon. notification chapter very very shortly!)


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