56. #NotMyRyan

My baby, Pete Wentz, is having a baby girl and I'm so ducking happy guys

Also I said I'd have this finished by the end of winter break and I went back on Friday so if I can push that to around next week that would be great. Thanks.

Are people still interested in this? Because I really do need to know, I feel like I've dragged it out too much but it's just with the plot.

Long ass chapter at 3800+ words. Please comment!


"Brendon, don't touch."

"But you said for me to help! I'm helping!"

"When I mean 'help', I mean for you to sit nicely at the breakfast table and stay away from the knives- put it down!"Dallon is quick with grabbing the knife just as Brendon drops it back into the counter, brown eyes wide and kitten ears pressed back into his hair at his Daddy's loud and frantic voice. Brendon seems to visibly sink at the stare that Dallon gives him when he turns, bottom lip jotting out and wobbling.

"Jus' wanna help, Daddy."His bottom lip is wobbling dangerously, big brown eyes wide and threatening to wet and Dallons entire body is screaming for him to hug his little boy to his chest and kiss him all over and tell him that it's okay. Dallon sighs, setting down the knife he was using himself and pulling the little in for a mug, resting his chin on the top of Brendon's soft dark hair.

"I know, baby, you just need to be careful. Alright?"The Daddy sighs, rocking them side to side in the hug and never more glad to know that they didn't result into tears this time, which is an achievement in both ends. The least that Dallon wants is a crying Brendon in the must of preparing lunch and Ryan-not-Ryan coming over. That would be disastrous."How about you get the plates and cups from the cupboard and set them nicely on the table for me. 3 plates, 2 glasses and your special cup."

"What about Sinatra?"The little is holding up the stuffed giraffe, lips pursed and kitten tail swishing the air behind him.

"Oh gosh, how could I even forget about him! He's the most important of us all!"Dallon is taking the stuffed giraffe out of Brendon's our stretched arms and holding him up to his face, voice silly and friendly."Do forgive me, Sir Sinatra."Before planting a kiss to the stuffed giraffes face.

"I want kisses! I want kisses!"Brendon is jumping up and down on the spot, arms out and lips forming a kissy face.

"Then my baby gets all of the kisses! C'mere, you!"Dallon is grabbing Brendon by the waist and hoisting him up onto the clear space of the kitchen counter, lips attaching every piece of skin that Dallon can find with over dramatic, wet kisses that has Brendon squealing and laughing.

"Dadd-ee!"Brendon is squealing with laughter, loud and wiggling as Dallon peppering fast kisses up his neck, over his cheeks, at his nose, chin, forehead and eventually his lips, planting three consecutive kisses in a row onto those pouty, adorable lips."More lip kisses."

"One more and then you and Sinatra can set out the plates and cups."He bargains, his lips breaking out into the biggest of grins when Brendon is nodding rapidly, pecking his lips in a gentle, platonic kiss.

"Love you, Daddy."

"And I love you too, Peanut."Dallon pats the hybrids thigh before helping him off the counter."Now go and set Sinatra down into his seat and then carefully take the plates to and from the table, one at a time."

"Yes Sir!"Brendon playfully salutes with a following giggle before running off to the direction of the kitchen table to set Sinatra into his usual seat, gently prompting him upright.

It's just as Brendon is setting down the 2nd cup at his Daddy's seat at the kitchen table that the kitten ears that were nestled in his ears perk up in alert at a car door slamming shut.

"Ryan! It's Ryan! Take this!"Brendon is shoving the glass cup into Dallons fumbling hands, juggling the knife and glass cup in between his hands all while Brendon is sprinting through the House, kitten tail swishing through the air.

It was only just last night that he had seen Ryan but last night feels like so many days ago. He doesn't suspect that Pete will turn up but Brendon can still have a lot of fun with Ryan, the man is so fun to watch cartoons with, especially because he isn't so noisy with asking questions and poking at his side to get his attention. Ryan just sits there and acts like the good pillow that he is.

"Ryan! Daddy got this new movie and I dunno what you call it but it has kitties on it and I'm a kitty and we reallllly need to watch it 'cus Daddy is really bad at watching films and I love watching films-"Brendon has the door swung wide open before the words has even tumbled out of his mouth, stopping at a halt as his eyes land on the man that is standing on the front step of his and Dallons house.

"Hey brend-"Brendon is slamming the door shut in Ryan's face.

"Brendon! We don't slam doors in this house, and we defiantly don't slam them in guests faces."Dallon has lowered his voice when the little flinches and jumps on the spot at Dallons loud voice, his voice remaining stern but it doesn't even make Brendon's angry mood flatter one bit.

"You said Ryan was coming! That's not Ryan!"He points accusingly at the front door, looking venously at the blue haired figure man that he can see through the window of the front door before turning back to his Daddy."You lied to me!"

"It's a Ryan."Dallon says calmly.

"It's not my Ryan!"

"Lower your voice right now, Brendon Boyd, I'm warning you."

"I don' wan' him here, you lied to me."Brendon's voice has lowered but his eyes are still dangerously into slits, the brown of is eyes suddenly bright in contrast to the dark slits of his pupils, but despite that, his voice has become more childish, on purpose and Dallon knows it.

"I said Ryan was coming, I didn't say which."Dallon runs a hand through his messy brown hair, wanting so desperately to have his hands on a time turner so that he can restart the day so that he can avoid chaos like this, but he doesn't, and he's only human and can only do so much."Now please just be good, alright? He's my friend and he wants to get to know my boyfriend, is that too much to ask?"

Brendon's entire face falls into a flicker of emotion before stone coldness settles in, squaring his shoulders to try and make himself seem bigger than he is in defence but still feeling so tiny when he has to look up at Dallon. Dallon returns the stare, just as determined and full of his own stubbornness.

"Fine."The hybrid seethes eventually, low and hiss like before stalking into the kitchen with his tail held up high in defence and back stiff straight in anger and frustration. Dallon rubs a hand down his face in fatigue, cursing whatever bad hand that has been handed to him in the last 24 hours and wondering what he as he done in a past life to deserve this.

He doesn't have time to dwell on his bastard of a past life as Ryan is ringing the door bell of the front door, causing the man to whip around and stare wide eyed through the glass at the blue haired man. He's as casually dressed as Dallon and Brendon, a hoodie and jeans and baring bags of food, Dallon immediately leaping forward to open the door.

"First, allow me to apologise for...that."Dallon waves his hand in the direction that Brendon has stormed off in, cheeks burning in embarrassment.

"I didn't see a thing."Ryan holds his hands out and shrugs his shoulders, an attempt to try and make his bandmate feel better about the whole situation. Truth be told, he'd seen the entire thing from start to finish, even after the initial shock of having a door slammed in his face and having his nose nearly broken.

"Thanks,"Dallon smiles in gratitude, motioning for Ryan to come into the house and closing the door behind him."Trust me, he isn't always like this."

"I'll take your word for it."He snorts, handing the bags that he brought with him to Dallon, containing food for dessert and stuff to snack on while he and Dallon are practicing music up in Dallon's studio."There's stuff in there, for him."Ryan waves awkwardly at the bag, clearing his throat."To do with that Daddy stuff that you do."

"Ryan,"Dallon sighs once he has taken a look inside of the bag, looking at the man with a slight amount of pity because it does mean a lot to Dallon especially that Brendon likes Ryan, especially with the possibility of a tour."You didn't need to."

"Yeah, I know, but I wanted to."He shrugs, following Dallon down the hallway and to the kitchen."Is there anything I can do?"

"Pretend he doesn't exist?"Dallon blows out a sigh because he truly does hate how Brendon acts sometimes, and a lot of the time, it's Dallons own fault with how spoilt that he's made Brendon but it's not his fault that he can't say no to Brendon when the hybrid gives him those big brown eyes and cuddles close to him with all of his warmth and affection.

"Hi Blue Haired Ryan."Brendon comes bouncing forward with a cup in his hand, a strange, luring type of smile on his face that even makes Dallon's blood run a little cold, especially as 5 minutes ago they had been near enough screaming at one another in the hallway.

"Hey brown haired Brendon?"Ryan answers back awkward enough, eyebrow raised in curiosity and wondering internally how much of this is a trick.

"I'm Dallon's boyfriend."

"I know that,"He laughs awkwardly, turning his body to look at Dallon for some sort of help and then back to the beaming hybrid whose Tail swishes the air so sharply that Dallon can sweat he hears the swish sound."He talks about you all of the time."

"Good."Brendon's reply is curt and blunt.


"Dallon, we don't need to keep saying names, everyone knows each other."He smiles sweetly at Dallon with so much sass and full of sauciness that it actually makes Ryan S snort our a laughter at, not expecting such an answer.

"Go and get drinks for everyone."He directs.

"Okay, here you go."Brendon thrusts the glass that he was holding into Ryan's hands before stalking over to the fridge and throwing the door open in an action that should send the fridge door off of its hinges. Ryan looks down into the glass, curious of the weird coloured contents of the glass only for it to be snatched out of his hands.

"Brendon, Ryan wants water and I swear to god, clean water."Dallon is dumping the contents of the glass down the sink, washing it out throughout."Go sit down, lunch is going to be a while longer."

"Milk for Dallon, Apple Juice for me and clean water for Blue Haired Ryan."Brendon sets each glass down by their spot on the table as Dallon finishes up lunch. Brendon purposely makes sure to draw out each word slowly before sitting down in his usual seat, glaring at Ryan who hesitantly takes a sip of water.

"Don't you like my hair?"He asks, setting the glass down onto the table and looking across at Brendon, the hybrid's eyes narrowed and kitten ears plastered into his hair. He's the first hybrid that Ryan has been near in a long time, not since he was out on tour in Japan and the place was flooded with them.

Brendon is so much different from the hybrids out in Japan, with vibrant emotions and a personality that isn't locked away with the fear of a beating or a punishment. He knows very little of what life that Brendon lived before Dallon, but what he does know is that for a long time, Brendon wasn't all that different from the slaved hybrids in Japan.

"I don't like anything."

"Well that's not true, you have to like something."

"I like Dallon."Brendon answers as if to prove a point, sitting up straighter in his chair with his hands cupped around his glass protectively, tail wrapped around his stomach.

"And?"Ryan raises an eyebrow, trying to encourage Brendon to continue on with his list of likes, wanting desperately to get to know Brendon. He wants to know the Brendon that Dallon always blabbers on about, the one that has Dallon in a bubbling, bouncing mood with the greatest smile on his face because Brendon had did something adorably funny that morning.

"I like him more than you."


"And he likes me more than what he likes you because I'm his boyfriend and I love him and he loves me and not you."There's an emotion behind Brendon's eyes, twisted with his frustration is Jealousy and part of Ryan really wants to laugh at the mer thought that Brendon is jealous because it's just so adorable.

"Look, why don't we talk about something else? Like who's this?"Ryan is trying to distract from the confusing conversation, picking up the stuffed giraffe by one of its legs and dangling it into the air for Brendon to see. A look of horror washes over Brendon's face at the way that Ryan holds Sinatra, jumping up from his seat and nearly leaping across the table.

"Don't touch him! You're hurting him!"Brendon is snatching Sinatra out of Ryan's hands, cuddling the stuffed giraffe to his chest, whispering reassurances to his stuffed giraffe friend and kissing him on the top of the head before looking at Ryan with dangerous eyes."Don't you ever touch him. Ever!"

Before either Ryan or Dallon can open their mouths to either apologise or shout, Brendon is storming out of the kitchen with heavy stomps and dramatic huffs with every movement.

"Is he like this with everyone?"Ryan asks in all seriousness, leaning his face into the open palm of his hand as he looks towards Dallon who is drying his hands with a dish cloth.

"No?"Because all of his introductions were while Brendon was little, or teetering on the edge of little space. He had met Ryan Ross the first time he ever sank into little space in the house, and Pete the first time at Ryan's house and Josh and Tyler there as well, when he was all soft and shy and just wanting to make everyone happy.

Ryan S is just so out of sorts for Brendon, and maybe that's because it's not his little side that met him first, it's his defensive big side that fears anyone and everyone that comes close to him or to Dallon, the side of Brendon who doesn't like new people or noisy atsmophere or people with bright hair and personalities and acting different.

"I'm going to talk to him, wait right here."Dallon instructs before he's out of the kitchen, following in the direction that he heard the sound of stomping feet race in. He finds himself in the livingroom, with Brendon sprawled out on the carpet with his face to the floor, Sinatra is tucked under an arm."What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing."His voice is muffled against carpet.

"Because Nothing is screaming at my friend and then storming off, Yeah?"Dallon is already sitting on the floor before he knows it, a common reaction for him to take in times of tantrums and sulks.

"You have friends!"

"Brendon, I have loads of friends."

"Y-you don't need anymore friends, you have me!"The hybrid has bounced up onto his knees, pointing at himself in a dramatic gesture with wide brown eyes as if he's pointing out the obvious of the situation. The feeling of dread has settled back into his stomach, sitting there heavy and making Brendon feel so sick and dizzy with emotion.

"Are you jealous? Is this what this is about?"

"No."Brendon turns, his back facing Dallon and arms crossing over his chest in defence, kitten tail wrapped around his stomach.

"I think you are,"Dallon sing-songs, a grin breaking out onto his face as all of the pieces start to climb together in his mind."Aw, baby, come here and talk to me, no need to be shy."

"I am not jealous! I-I don't have to sorry 'cus I'm cute and Ryan-"Brendon purses his lips together and frowns his brow as he glares into open space."- has been in hands before and traveled the world and probably is super rich and he's attractive and has cool hair and he knows you so well, it's not fair."

"Sweetheart,"Dallon pulls Brendon into his chest, resting his face on his shoulder."Why would I go after someone like Ryan when I have you? You're far more better than cool, you're adorable, and sweet and funny and beautiful and you have the best laugh in the entire universe. You do my head in, of course, but I wouldn't change you for the entire world and I'd fight anyone that tries to come between us."

"If you say so..."He huffs not unlikely, playing with Dallons fingers to try and distract himself from the empty feeling that is left in his stomach as the jealousy uncoils.

"You weren't like this with Pete and RyRy though."Dallon voices after a couple of moments, brow creased in thought."And they've known me even longer than what Ryan has, I'm a lot closer to them."

"That's 'cus they love each other."Brendon shrugs his shoulders in obviousness,"And I didn't have to worry of them trying to steal you from me."

"They do, don't they."Dallon can't help but to laugh just a little bit at the small reminder of Ryan and Pete's love for one another because it has always been there, even during the years of their high school friendship where Pete was chasing after guys who think with their dicks and Ryan was chasing after Pete to pick up their broken heart to put it back together again."And you know what, I love you, and you know that."

"And I'm the only one?"He whispers softly, looking at Dallon through think dark eyelashes.

"You're the only one that I love."Dallon seals the confession with a peck to the lips, rubbing his nose sweetly against Brendon's own as they remain sitting on the floor for a couple more moments before the older man regretfully speaks up again."Now, I want you to go and apologise to Ryan, not only for today but for yesterday too. And you're also, on top of your previous punishments, now during the dishes for the next week and Josh and Pete aren't allowed over."

"That's not fair!"

"March yourself into the kitchen now and apologise."Dallon is physically pulling the hybrid into as a stand, waiting with his arms crossed over his chest until Brendon huffs our a breath and proceeds to head into the kitchen, Dallon close on his tail to make sure.

When Brendon enters the kitchen, Ryan is folding pieces of paper that he has taken out of one of the bags he brought, hunched over the kitchen table and Brendon's mind itches with curiosity on what he is up to, venturing further into the kitchen and towards the kitchen table until he's standing right in front of Ryan.

"Ryan, I'm sorry for how I behaved last night at a party, and I'm sorry for how I acted today towards you too. I know that you're a good person, you have to be if Dallon trusts you enough to be his friend, and I'll try and be more civil- what are you doing?"His curiosity gets the best of him and Ryan lifts his head up from where he's focusing on the paper to look at Brendon.

"Oh! This is Origami, I picked it up a little when I was in Japan."He holds up the nearly finished paper animal for Brendon to look at before he goes back to finishing it, completing perfect folds and crosses like an expert until it's finished, picking it up and gently placing it in the palm of his hand for Brendon to look at."This is a Crane, it's a type of bird."

"That's so cool..."Brendon whispers, brown eyes wide as he looks at the shaped piece of paper that sits on the palm of Ryan's hands, shaped like a bird with a long neck and Brendon is in complete awe at the skill. His fingers itch to touch the paper girl, flickering his eyes from the bird to Ryan."C-can 'ou teach me? Please?"

"Yeah, sure."Ryan nods, a smile on his lips as he reaches forward and grabs the colourful sheets of paper from the bag that he brought with him, spreading the colourful sheets out onto the kitchen table."Pick a colour, any colour."He says in a dramatically funny voice which makes Brendon laugh.

"Purple."He says out loud, sliding the piece of paper out from the stack of sheets.

"Well I'm going to take blue."

"Just like your hair!"Brendon points childishly, jumping up and down slightly in his seat."Is it your favourite colour? Because I love all of the colours."

"It is, Yeah."Ryan laughs, a warm smile on his face as he takes his piece of paper and starts the introductions of folds, teaching Brendon on the basics of Origami first before the move onto creating paper cranes. There ends up being a pile of crumpled paper on the kitchen floor from failed attempts but it's worth it when the house is littered in colourful paper cranes by the end of the evening.

Wow okay it took me so much longer to write this chapter than I thought it would and mostly because I just couldn't write it out, I had hit a major writers wall and it was driving me around the bend, and even know this isn't all that good.

Please tell me what you thought of this long long long chapter!

Your opinion on jealous Brendon with Ryan?

Do you like that Brendon warmed up a little to Ryan?

Epilogue is next! How would you like the ending of this book to be settled? Do you want fluff?



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