54. Grumpy, Sleepy and all the other seven personalities

I have to say when there's a promise of a quicker update, y'all are dedicated. And as I say, it's WITHIN TWO WEEKS.

It's the start of October at this point in the fic, which means that Brendon and Dallon have been living together for 10 months. And damn, it feels so much longer than that but it's just because I've been writing this like day by day or week by week.

30 comments for the next chapter and I'll update within 2 weeks again!

I am working on the epilogue at the moment, I had a plan on how to end this book which would connect to the second book, but I realise that it would be rushing through so I need to think of something else. Ahhhh keep your eyes open!!

This is a bit slow and sad but please keep with me!

When Dallon returns home that night, the house is weirdly quiet. Not that that's the weird thing, seeing as it is closing in to 1 in the morning by the time that Dallon had left the slowly thinning crowd of a fine mixture from admires to his manger to his back up group. It's the fact that the house is never quiet is the unnerving part of walking into a quiet house, because it could be 1 in the morning or 1 in the afternoon but there is always some type of noise is their tiny little home.

It wouldn't be the first time that Dallon has walked in after a long shift at the music store to find Brendon curled up on the sofa with the television still on, blasting sounds at a high volume because the hybrid always seems to fall asleep on the remote but never wake up from the noise. Or for Brendon to be sprawled out in their bed with a CD playing softly from Dallons old CD player because sometimes Brendon can't sleep without noise.

And it's true, to a point, because Brendon has gotten use to Dallons uneven snoring and the way that when he turns from his back to the side that he sometimes lets out a grunt in his sleep. As much as Brendon had loathed the noises that Dallon made in his sleep at the start, it's what helped him sleep now because it was always a reassurance that he was still there, octopus limbs and sleeping snorts, protecting him from the big bad world.

Locking the door behind him, Dallon shrugs off his coat and blazer, hanging it up in the hallway before walking down the hall, peering his head around the corner into the living room in case Brendon fell asleep there whenever he came in. He puts away the celebratory cake that he got for Brendon in he fridge before heading upstairs.

"Brendon, Baby?"Dallon calls, opening their bedroom door and fully excepting to see his boyfriend curled in their bed with the covers wrapped tightly around him because everyone knows that Brendon is a blanket hog. But instead, the bed remains as untouched as it was that evening when they left for the Release Party, the only thing that has changed is that Sinatra is no longer sitting in the centre of the bed.

Just as he's about to enter the bedroom, he freezes in his tracks as the events of that night retake him, of how they argued, of the way that Brendon looked out of his depth, tense, scared, the way that he had flinched when Dallon had went to grab his arm, the way a fear that Dallon dreads to see in those big brown eyes has been there all night. And how Dallon had just ignored it, brushed it off his shoulders with his attention focused on the night itself, how everyone else was doing and how they were feeling but not about the person who mattered most to him.

Turning quick on his heels, Dallon heads for the spare bedroom, a bedroom that had once been Brendon's and what had slowly transitioned into a storage room slash play room of his because god knows that Brendon had enough clothes and toys as it is and he's as spoilt as they come.

The bedroom has been repainted a dark purple since the last time, mostly because the paint had been peeling and Dallon was willing to do anything to keep Brendon happy. No matter how many times that Dallon tidies up, or how abandoned the room supposedly is, there are always clothes and toys sprawled out on the floor, art supplies and crayons still left where Brendon had last left them and the bed, usually with the covers thrown to the floor and a blanket fort in action, now occupant with the hybrid in question.

"Go away,"Is the grumble that Dallon is met just as he takes a step into the bedroom, creaking the floorboards under his new and expensive looking shoes. He deserves them, no doubt about it, after spending all the money he earned at the Music Store on Brendon, it was about time he spent some money on himself."I don't want to see you."

"Then let yourself hear me."

"I don't want to do that either, now piss off."Brendon's kitten ears twitch from under the blankets, the ball seemingly getting tighter as he shuffled deeper underneath them in a true huffy Brendon fashion.

"You don't want me to do that."Dallon tries to sound assuring of the words coming out of his mouth but they seem to fall flat, watching the way that Brendon turns so that his back is to him now.

"You wouldn't know what I want if it hit you up the fucking face, Dallon."The hybrid grumbles bitterly into the thick covers, almost shaking with a mixture of anger and disappearing fear that still withers through his body.

"And what is that supposed to mean?"The older man is suddenly getting defensive, stalking further into the bedroom with long, quick strides.

"Forget about it."Brendon grumbles, pulling the covers up to his chin.

"No, tell me what you mean, Brendon."Dallons voice holds a tone of I want to know, a tone of voice only used in the most serious of moments when Brendon had once swallowed a penny and wouldn't tell Dallon why his stomach was so sore, or when Brendon had been in a mood all day because Dallon had forgotten to make him waffles for breakfast and he was too salty to tell him.

"I said forget about it."

His words are followed by a stretch of silence, only broken by a heavy sigh that escapes Dallons lips before he's on the bed, dipping the small bed with the little extra weight but Brendon doesn't fall into the trap of rolling into the warm body, standing his ground.

"What am I doing wrong?"

It's those words that seem to catch Brendon off guard, the way that they come out so unsure and fearful, heavy on the tongue and forced out of the lips. It's the way that Dallon just seems to lost as he stares up at the ceiling, half dressed in his new and impressive clothes which he had looked so smart in that evening, so handsome and elegant in a way that had Brendon bouncing on the balls of his feet with proudness at how well his boyfriend is doing in the world that he's been fighting against for as long a battle as Brendon.

And it's that, the battles, the fights, the secrets, the confessions that has yet to pass those lips, that was all weighing heavily down on Brendon's chest, pressing him down to the ground, was what the problem was. It wasn't Dallon, it wasn't anything that the man has done, or said but it's Brendon and he doesn't know how to express that because he's scared.

He's scared that he'll open his mouth and never shut up, that he'll admit his deepest secret or his biggest nightmare and Dallon won't believe him, that he won't care.

"You wouldn't listen to me,"Brendon finally mutters into the covers that he has pulled up past his head, curled around Sinatra. His voice comes out quieter than he thought and with that, he hopes that Dallon hasn't heard him but unlucky enough, Dallon has wonderful hearing when it comes to Brendon's mumblings.

"Brendon, I was listening as best as I could, I was busy."Comes the loud I've already told you sigh which seems to make Brendon flare up all over again because Dallon isn't listening, again!

"But it's your job to listen to me when I need your help. It's one of our rules. You're supposed to be patient with me, not snap at me and tell me to grow up and stop ruining your night."

"I didn't say that-"

"You didn't need to, I heard it in your voice."His voice trails off into a pained whimper, tail curled around his stomach and ears flat against his head as he scoots to the furtherest edge of the bed without falling off, pulling the covers with him. It sounds stupid and selfish and Brendon knows that it does, but that doesn't mean that he isn't any less hurt about it.

Dallon had promised him that he'd keep an eye out for him that night, even if he had dozens of people trying to chat in his ear or pose for a photograph or take part in a snapchat story. A promise was a promise, a pinky promise at that. Brendon should get Joshua to bite off Dallons pinky finger for that.

"Baby, come here."Dallon sighs, patting the space between him and Brendon in an attempt to bring the hybrid closer to him. When that doesn't work, the older man resorts in trying to get under the covers, something that doesn't sit well with Brendon.

"No."Is the blunt reply, followed by a yank of the covers to bring them all over him, an action that fails whenever Dallon grabs onto them and seems to pull the covers towards him and the Brendon Burrito as well.

"Hey there,"And Brendon can practically feel the smirk on Dallons lips from where they're pressed to the back of his head, voice like butter.

"Dallon let go of me!"Brendon lets out a shriek as Dallons arms are snaked around his waist and his cold hands are set on his tummy, followed by how Dallon so easily moves them closer together, a leg over hooked around Brendon's hips and it's an action that has him locked in Dallons octopus limbs, something that should be fearing but Brendon finds it a wonderful comfort instead.

"I don't think you want that."

"You're freezing!"Brendon whines, trying to squirm out of his boyfriends hold but fails to even move an inch in his hold, kitten tail flicking under the covers and letting out desperate annoyed whines.

"That's because you deprived me of cuddles."

"I see a flaw in that statement,"He scoffs, rolling his brown eyes.

"Hmm, now shush and let me apologise, or better yet, let me speak and for you to apologise."

"For what?!"

"Shut up and let me talk."Dallon flicks Brendon's side before talking."I'm sorry, I hadn't expected the night to turn out so hectic like it had, and I defiantly hadn't thought of how you'd feel of the night either. I expected you to be fine, you've been in crowds before, you've been around people and you weren't alone. But you weren't, and I forgot, because that's what I do, and I seem to be doing a terrible job of keeping you safe and happy and feeling comfortable."Dallons sigh this time isn't full of annoyance, but of sadness and disappointment that has Brendon feeling guilty.

"It's hard, Brendon, not just looking after you but trying to balance a career that I've been dreaming of since I was a little kid and you cannot say I haven't been trying because I am, but that doesn't make it any less hard."

"I'm sorry for ruining your night..."Brendon whispers, trying to fight back sniffles as he doesn't dare look at Dallon as he speaks."I know how important this night was for you, that's why I didn't want to tell you how I felt, it was only after so much that I had to and then you, then you snapped at me."

"I only snapped at you because I was stressed out, Brendon. I wasn't just trying to look out for you, but for Ryan, Pete, my band, management, guests, everyone. I was main sure that everything was running smoothly, that everyone was having a good time."Dallon tries to stress out the fact that it wasn't like he had a lot of free time that evening. He'd been on the tips of his toes all night, running from room to room, meeting people to people.

"Not everyone, obviously."

"That's another thing."Dallon continues,"We need to talk more about your attitude, not just with me, but with everyone because the way you had spoken to Ryan tonight was beyond rude and embarrassing. You're an adult, and I try and treat you like one when you're not in your little space but if you keep this up, I'll start setting rules for Big you as well."

"You can't do that."Brendon protests, squirming around in Dallons hold until he's facing his boyfriend, pout slash scowl in place on his face which doesn't do nothing at all to change Dallons own attitude of the situation.

"Can I not? I'm your Daddy and if you need rules, you'll get rules, and if you don't behave then you get punished."He uses his I am the Daddy and this is final voice."Tomorrow morning, you're ringing Ryan - the new Ryan - and you're apologising to him, then you're going to do chores for me all day, starting with washing dishes."

"But we're supposed to go to the cinema tomorrow!"He sits up, brown eyes wide and round.

"You should've thought of that before."

"This is ridiculous, I'm a grown man!"Brendon shouts in disbelief, kicking the bundle of covers off of his body and making a move to get out of the bed in an act of anger.

"Then act like it."Dallon emphases, grabbing the back of Brendon's t-shirt and forcefully yanking the lighter man down onto the bed again, pinning the sulking and flabbergasted hybrid with a look."If you don't want to be treated like a child when you're not little, then act like a damn adult, Brendon. Talk to me, be respectful, polite, don't be a brat about things just because you're not getting your own way."

"I do not act like a brat."Brendon huffs, proceeding to fold his arms over his chest and look away from Dallon.

"Oh, sure you don't."Dallon can't help but to roll his eyes, getting off of the bed and standing up. Stretching his long limbs, the older man looks down at Brendon who has failed to move from his sulking place on the bed."Are you coming to bed or what?"

"I am in bed."He grumbles, still not looking over at Dallon and processing his huff.

"Suit yourself, but it's going to get cold and I'm not turning the heating on."And Dallon purposely leaves the bedroom with that, a shrugs of his shoulders and a knowing smirk on his lips because he knows better than anyone that his plan is going to work.

And sure enough, the minute that Dallon has turned the bedroom lights off and he's nestled himself under the covers of their shared bed, the bedroom door is creaking open, followed by the patter of foot steps that try to be discreet but there's nothing discreet about hie Brendon. There's a rustling at the end of the bed before there's a lump coming from the end of the bed to the top, face pressed against his chest and tail wrapped around his arm.

"I'm still not talking to you."Brendon mumbles into the material of Dallons t-shirt, pressing himself closer to the man and his hands gripping tightly to him with no intentions of moving.

"Hmm, okay Baby."Dallon laughs, wrapping his arm around Brendon and pressing a goodnight kiss on his boyfriends forehead."

Okay I really didn't like how this cheater came out bc I had it perfectly planned out in my head but it came out so much worse but I have produced a chapter in a 2 week mark and I shall do it again if I reach 30 comments!

I also cannot write arguments for the life of me, so if this isn't as emotional as it's supposed to be I'm really sorry.

Please tell me what you thought of this chapter?

How do you think Brendon is going to make it up to Dallon?

Does anyone want to see more Ryan and Brendon in the future of this series?

Who wants to see little Brendon before the second book?

Are you more of a hugging or kissing person?


Peace ✌🏼

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