53. Release Party Delimas
It's been a while since I've touched this. I've been beyond stressed and busy with school work and also with trying to update fics that I have t touched in months, but here I am, and I'm trying to work myself around an update schedule so that I can meet the needs of all of my current fics (:
Here, I am alive, a month after an update which is a SHOCKER because I normallly update this a lot better than that, but I hit a massive stump where I couldn't produce anything good for a while, or I could bring out good in one chapter but not in another but I'm okay now!
I improvised, okay guys, needed something to kick up a fuss about and to lead us on to the next book. NO HATE ON THE ACTUAL IRL PEOPLE, ONLY THE CHARACTERS I CHOOSE FOR THEM TO ACT!!!
"Brendon! I have someone I want you to meet!"Is the common phrase that Brendon keeps on hearing this evening, being called from one side of the totally very beautiful and luxurious house to the other other to meet some member of Dallons new management team that Brendon can't remember the name of. It's a constant circle of being introduced, making small talk with Dallons arm wrapped around his waist before he can sink back into the background.
It's not that Brendon isn't enjoying himself, because in some way, the music is pretty good and the endless catering is an extra bonus to having to tag along to Dallons Album Release Party but the environment, the people, not so much. Don't get him wrong, from who Brendon has met or what he's heard of anyway, they all seem to be nice enough people to not point out his deformities or corner him in a hallway to ask him endless questions of the fabulous Dallon Weekes, but there's just so many of them.
From music executives to the back up band that helped contribute to Dallons album, it seemed like there was an endless amount of people that kept flowing into the house ( which Brendon only found out an hour or so ago belonged to Petes parents ) which Dallon wants Brendon to be introduced to. He's lost track of the amount of times that he's heard his name, having to smile achingly for hours as he listens to people talk about things that he truly doesn't understand.
It's frightening, suffocating to think of how many people that there is surrounding him, the amount of hands that could grab him, the amount of faces that he can't recognise, the heaviness of bodies that can keep him trapped under them. It's scary, frightening, and Brendon has an itch under his skin every time someone raises their voice or a bottle of champagne pops open.
It's so outside of Brendon's comfort zone because this isn't like the Basement club where Brendon was so full of adrenaline and nerves mixed with the numbness of alcohol, or the times that they've went to the mall or the park. It's so much more different. Being around his friends - his family - makes him feel safe, being around strangers makes him feel so exposed, vulnerable and at every chance he gets, Brendon is slipping away from the noise and chaos.
And he has to stop himself from doing that on numerous occasions because this night isn't about him, it's about Dallon, it's about Dallons career, his interest, his music and it's so important to Dallon that a small voice in Brendon's head is just telling him to stop being such a pussy and be enough of a man to support his boyfriend on this massive album release party.
Even if that does result in panic attack's in the bathroom, it's not that it matters.
"Brendon! Dallon is looking everywhere for you!"Ryan is grabbing at his arm as he finally emerges from the downstairs bathroom, face flushed from his attempts of throwing water onto is face to calm him down - an act that only resulted in fearing him even more - and hair matted down and flat from the amount of times he had ran his hand through it out of unease.
"I-I was only in the bathroom."The hybrid tries to squeak out, voice quiet and a little shaky because he hadn't had enough time to prepare himself of an interaction. Ryan is already speaking on top of him as he begins to speak anyway.
"- if I hear Dallon try and explain to me about what the importance of having a PR team is one more time, I swear I'm going to scream. I think he forgets that I've been on a PR team for a lot fucking longer than he has known about them."Ryan is grumbling, a guest list tucked under his arm and his usually calm and collected manner ruined by his agitation.
"When do we finish?"Brendon is asking, eyes scanning the crowds of people, his cheeks heated in a sort of shame whenever he notices how people are staring at him, being dragged around like a toddler by Ryan.
"An hour after the album is released, which should at my calculations be at around 1 in the morning."Ryan informs, looking tired. Ryan curses the fact that Dallon had dragged his sorry ass onto his Public Relations team years earlier when The Brobecks was still a band and never really took him off it since. Don't get him wrong, the reason why he's on the PR team is because he's amazing at his job, but god does he hate it.
"I've been here for hours!"Brendon whines because it's a true fact, he'd been here since the early hours of the morning, sent as a help and turning out to be more of a hinderance. He was very eager on helping set out the house for the album release party because not only did he want everything to be perfect, he wanted to make Dallon happy.
The evening had been dreaded since the day that Dallon had been informed that with an album came a release party, especially for the sake of getting his name out there with the top executives . Not to forget to mention that it was a brilliant chance of a social media frenzy; Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat. And it had made Dallon unbelievably nerve withered with fear and anxiety as everything that could possible go wrong began to flash up in his head.
So Brendon, like the loving Boyfriend and Baby that he is, had put himself on the line not for the first time for Dallon, reassuring the man that he loved that all of the wacky ideas floating around in his head would not happen at one of the most important nights of his career. That doesn't mean to say that Brendon hasn't got pissed off with his boyfriend though.
("Dallon, I'm pretty fucking sure a skydiving killer clown is not going to kill all of your guests.")
("Is pizza poisonous to people who make more than 100K a year? Yes, probably, how should I know?")
("No, your red tie does not look ridiculous, Dallon. What looks ridiculous is the fact you're wearing frog underwear.")
So making this night perfect, and making Dallon happy was the two key elements of this night, nothing else mattered.
"I promise you, if this thing drags out any longer than that, I'll get you home and tucked into your bed."Ryan throws a reassuring smile over his shoulder at the younger male before continuing to lead him through the magnificently beautiful house that they are using for the purpose of the importance of this night.
"Promise?"Brendon whispers a couple of moments later, feeling the nerves build up in his tummy as they start to approach Dallon, the tiredness in his eyes and the sense of heaviness on his chest of everything that Brendon has supposed to have told Dallon by now but he hasn't. It's getting too much for him to handle, but a promise of returning home to his bed is enough to keep him going.
"I promise."
Being part of an Album release party has never felt more exhausting in all of Dallons life, and maybe that's because the first times around, with The Brobecks, their album release party had consisted of the group and friends hanging out in the kitchen of his house as they dropped their first album on a random Tuesday night celebrating with beer and Pizza until the early hours of the morning. This. This is different.
Instead of a kitchen, it's a house to start off with, one of the most beautifully magnificent houses that Dallon has ever had the gratitude to step into. The 'party' does not only include of 10 or so people, but of a massive crowd of men, women, admires, public relations, his back up band, his manger, of everyone that had helped put this album together and anyone who was lucky enough to snag themselves the prize of being able to attend.
It's brilliant, it's a massive glow up from his first shot of fame and fortune and despite all of the nerves and the fear that Dallon had been feeling the weeks coming up to this date, nothing bad has seemed to happen. There hadn't been some sort of massive hurricane, or a mass killer and nobody has died yet so Dallon counts the night as a win.
Well, almost.
"Where have you been?"
"I was in the bathroom,"Brendon grumbles, grimacing whenever Dallon is pulling him towards him by the waist, large hands settling on his hips.
"That was an hour ago,"Dallon deadpans with a frown, the frown only deepening whenever he notices Brendon's fiat hair and the way that his eyes still hold a tinge of red to them, usually evident of his crying. He's about to say more, but Brendon beats him to it.
"What can I tell you, I needed to go."He huffs out a breath, chest rising and nose flaming as he does so, in a true about-to-start-a-tantrum form that Dallon is well aware of. The older of the two has to resist the urge to roll his eyes, settling for a sigh as he ducks his head for only Brendon to hear.
"Let's save your bodily functions for another day-"
"You started it,"Brendon cuts him off, trying to wiggle away, looking agitated with being in his company which only results in Dallon tightening his hold on Brendon's hips to keep him still, an action that causes the little hybrid to tense.
"And I'm ending it, also. Now if you're done being a smart ass, I have someone that I want you to meet."Dallon almost says through clenched teeth, turning Brendon and himself so that they are facing their awaiting guest."Ryan, this is my Brendon. Brendon, this is Ryan Seaman, he use to help me out with The Brobecks and he's going to help me out on tour as well."
"Dallon has told me a lot about you,"Ryan smiles not unpolietly but Brendon meets the smile with a stone cold expression, eyeing the hand outstretched for him to shake before looking at the man himself. Brendon has to admit, this new Ryan guy has some awesome blue hair, but that does not mean that the guy himself is awesome.
"Funny, he hasn't mentioned a word about you."Brendon grins all the way to his eyes in true bitchy fashion that Ryan chokes out a laugh about, dropping the hand that had been ignored as he looks between a glooming Dallon and a bitchy looking Brendon.
"You've got yourself a feisty guy, Dal."He cackles, eyes bright as he looks at Dallon in a way that makes Brendon's whole body tense up, scooting himself into Dallons personal space with a quiet hiss that he doesn't even know that he's letting out until it's too late. Nobody seems to notice thankfully and Dallons grip on his hip begins to loosen as Brendon nuzzles closer, taking the affection as love and not for the fact that Brendon is trying to scent mark him.
"It didn't start like that, I always wonder where that coyness went."Brendon frowns, burying his face in embarrassment because he truly does wonder what this Ryan guy does know of him from what Dallon has told him and he really does hope that it's nothing embarrassing because god knows he's done from embarrassing stuff in Dallons company.
"Truly, man, he sounds like a sound guy and I can't wait until we get to know each other ."Blue haired Ryan has turned his attention back to Brendon who only glares at the man further, shoulders squared and nose almost turned up proudly as he says loudly and directly.
"I already know a Ryan, I don't need to know another one."And the smile on Blue Haired Ryan's face seems to tighten uncomfortably in a way that makes Brendon feel extremely proud.
"Brendon,"Dallon snaps in his infamous Daddy Tone.
"That's my name,"Brendon's head is tipped backwards, big brown eyes suddenly changed from their jealous slits to innocent doe, blinking them up at Dallon with a pretty sort of grin on his lips to match.
"Don't be so rude,"He hisses quietly, head ducked for only Brendon to hear.
"Oh, says the one that hasn't talked to me all night."The hybrid turns so that he's now facing Dallon, back to Blue Haired Ryan who seems to be trying to sink into the background and out of the upcoming argument that's arising.
"I have been talking to you all night!"Dallon argues.
"No, you were talking through me, or about me, or using me as a decoy for you to introduce to."Brendon snaps, eyes dangerously narrow and tail flicking harshly behind him because as well as his hidden nerves and sickness that he's felt all evening, there's anger bubbling under the surface to, and it's not just tonight's cause.
It's not just how he's been used all night as a means of making Dallon look loving and caring ( and my god, he the most loving and gentle and caring person on the planet but that's not the point ) but everything else that's been building up inside of Brendon for the last couple of weeks. The anger at himself for not being brave enough, at Dallon for always being so busy lately, at Spencer for making him feel so disgusting, at Sarah for starting this mean and vicious life he had fallen into.
"Brendon, I haven't been-"And even Dallon has to cut himself off of his own attempt of covering up the truth, biting his bottom lip hard as he realises that Brendon is speaking somewhat the truth, but not it all. Dallon is a proud man that he has someone as beautiful and brilliant like Brendon on his arm, not only as a boyfriend, but as a Daddy as well and he can't help but to show him off a little.
"I want to go home, take me home, please."Brendon resorts to instead, looking pleadingly ya his boyfriend, trying not to flinch whenever somebody knocks into him.
"Brendon, we can't just leave. This is my party."He tries to show his desperation because Dallon has never had anything that's belonged to him in his life, and tonight is a night about him, about his music, his accomplishment. Something he's worked his socks off doing and is incredibly proud of.
"Dallon, I-"
"Brendon, I'm telling you this, no. I am not leaving my own party, this is an important night for me."His voice suddenly turns a shade darker and it frightens Brendon at the erupt tone of the voice, the darkness in his expression.
"I- fine. You don't have to leave, but I am."Brendon sucks in a sharp breath because he can't stay here any longer, the music is getting louder, the bodies are getting closer, the rooms feel like they're getting smaller and he just can't breathe. He just can't handle it and he wants to go home, he wants to go to his safe place under the covers of his and Dallons bed in his favourite jumper and next to Dallons coffee scented pillow. Not here.
"Baby, don't-"He sighs loudly, grabbing for Brendon's wrist as the hybrid tries to slip away and recoiling back just as fast whenever Brendon flinches at the touch. At his touch.
"Enjoy your fucking party, Dallon."
I have a part 2 that I'm going to begin working on tomorrow whenever I get home but this is where I shall leave you all my pretty readers.
I am trying to get to 30 comments so I can reach 4.3K comments now if you could make that happen that would be fucking magical and I will update within a period of 2 weeks. Only if I get 30 comments!
Please tell me your thoughts on the chapter!
On Ryan Seaman? Do you think he's going to be a shit stirrer to the plot in the second fic?
Whose side are you more on; Dallons or Brendon's?
Your opinion on how Dallon was acting and of Brendon's slight jealousy?
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