52. Somebody Get Brendon A McDonalds (Goddamnit)
I'm counting about 3 or 4 more chapters until I'm starting the second book, so be sure to look out for those notifications when the time comes! I have the ending planned and I cannot wait to write the second book!
Where is all my voters and commenters going? Don't lose interest my guys!
I'm so sorry this took so long to write, A-levels are already being a kick in the ass and I'm trying to get on top of my work and coursework bc these are important years for me, but please enjoy this chapter!
This is a filler chapter btw
"Brendon, baby, time to wake up."
"No, go away."Brendon's face is buried into a pillow that isn't even his because as soon as Dallon has gotten out of the bed, Brendon has used that as the opportunity to roll into the warmth that Dallon left behind in the bed and burry his face into the older mans pillow. It's his morning routine because the strong linger of coffee and washed out cologne is the best antidote to sleep that anyone could ask for in Brendon's case.
And talking about sleeping, what's the deal with trying to wake him up this early? It should be considered blasphemy to be woken up this early on a weekday because while people use their weekends in sleep in late, Brendon is smart and has 5 days of sleeping till noon instead of 2 so suck on that everyone else.
"Peanut, you told me you'll come to the studio with me today. C'mon, up you get."Dallons voice is always so soft when he's waking Brendon up and honestly, it just makes him want to go back to sleep, not wake up. There's hands rubbing up his back and down his sides, and just as Brendon begins to purr and arch into the magical touch, he's being forcefully pushed onto his back.
"That doesn't sound like me."Brendon's brow is creased in confusion.
"Well, actually, I pitched the idea to you last night but you fell asleep before I could tell you what time so I took it as a yes."Dallon shrugs, letting out a groan whenever he finds himself physically lifting Brendon into a sitting position, strong hands catching the sleepy hybrid from falling back into the incredibly comfortable mattress and keeping him upright."Also because Pete is in Chicago and Ryan and Tyler are working all day so you have to come with me."
"It's too early!"Brendon whines as Dallon uses his wonderful strength to pull Brendon's deadweight up onto his feet. Brendon's body slumps heavily against Dallons, letting out a tired purr as he nuzzles his face into the soft material of Dallons dreadfully ugly sweater.
As much as Brendon adores sweater season, he hates that all of Dallons sweaters are in dreadfully ugly patterns and shapes that should be worn to church, not on a day out. Don't get him wrong, they're very soft and warm for Brendon to cuddle up with but it makes Dallon look like an actual dad, not his daddy.
"You woke me up at 4am once because you were scared of your own shadow, Brendon."
"It's not funny!"Brendon begins to whine, plonking himself down onto the floor in a heap in protest. He's crossing his arms across his chest in protest, a pout already formed on his lips in his signature pose that makes Dallon sigh and roll his eyes."It was very scary! I thought I was going to die!"
"It was your shadow!"
"It was a monster!"Brendon insists because he's pretty sure if he hasn't ran from the bathroom to the bedroom and gotten under the covers, he would've been eaten and that wouldn't have been a good thing.
"Okay, it was a monster, now get up or you're not getting breakfast."Dallon chuckles in amusement, watching how Brendon's eyes shoot open wide, tilting his head to the side as he blinks up at Dallon.
"No."Is the reply that he's met with.
"Then I'm not getting up."Brendon dramatically slumps back onto the floor, letting out a painfully loud mewl whenever Dallon starts dragging him from the bedroom to the bathroom by his ankles.
"Take a piss, brush your teeth, get changed and I'll take you to McDonald's-"
"Yay! Thank you Dallon! I love yooooou."Brendon jumps up into his feet immediately before Dallon has even finished his sentence, planting a kiss to Dallons still moving lips as he mumbles the rest of his sentence.
"- for lunch if you're good."He finishes, watching the way that Brendon's mood seems to drastically fall.
"I love you a little less but okay, good enough."Brendon's kitten ears fall into his hair in disappointment, reluctantly grabbing his toothbrush from his special holder as he glares at the back of Dallons head as the older man leaves the bathroom.
His brain is a tired, foggy haze as he does his morning routine, grumbling the entire time as he pulls up his way too tight of jeans and finds himself rummaging through the laundry hamper in search for a jumper he saw Dallon throw in there a week ago. Satisfied, Brendon grabs Sinatra who sits lonely on the bed and stuffs him into a bag before heading down stairs to meet Dallon in the kitchen.
"You do know, when someone puts something into the laundry hamper it's because it needs to be washed, right?"Dallon raises his eyebrow at his staggering boyfriend who seems to slump against the fridge dramatically.
"There's nothing wrong with it."He pouts, tail wrapped around his thigh and eyebrows creased in confusion.
"Sure because all jumpers are made to have coffee stains down the front of them."Dallon runs his finger from half way down the front of the jumper to the collar, flicking the hybrid's chin and nose as he does so which makes Brendon scrunch up his entire face."Take it off and wear something clean for once, please."
"You always tell me to dress how I feel. I feel tried so imma dress tired."Brendon stands his ground, pointing a finger to the massive coffee stain that's down the front of the jumper."Exhibit A, coffee stain, a beverage drank by tired adults who don't sleep at night and think that their boyfriend doesn't notice."
"Just get in the car, Brendon."Dallon's face seems to fall as he points for Brendon to go and wait in the car. It wasn't like Dallon didn't expect Brendon not to know that he want sleeping, he just didn't think so so soon. It's embarrassing, mostly because he doesn't like the idea of looking weak in the eyes of the people he loves.
"But I haven't had breakfast!"Brendon fumes, stomping his foot on the ground in a way of trying to show of how angry and determined that he is. He was promised food and he will get his food!
"I'll buy you cereal at the studio, go."
"Ugh!"Brendon groans and grumbles, picking up his dropped backpack and storming out of the kitchen, kitten tail held up high to show his distaste of how Dallon is acting. The car has already warmed up and Brendon finds himself curled up in the passenger seat pouting in the warmth of the car as he waits for Dallon to appear.
When he finally does, the journey from their home to the studio seems to take forever, and maybe that's an exaggeration on Brendon's part because Dallon doesn't talk the entire ride and the radio is turned off but trust him, it took like a year. The studio is somewhere in downtown and Dallon parks in a reasonably busy parking lot for his time of the morning, shutting off the car and turning his attention to Brendon.
"Now, I want you to be on your best behaviour here, please."
"Are you trying to say that I'm normally not?"Brendon's head immediately whips round to look at the man, his eyes in dangerous sort of kitten like slits that would make anyone else shiver in discomfort but Dallon only rolls his eyes.
"No, no I'm not. I'm simply trying to say to be on an even better behaviour than normal, if that's possible."He grumbles delayed, distractedly looking at the time on his phone as he speaks to Brendon. He's late, saying he'd be here for a little past half 7 and arriving nearing 8.
"It's very possible actually."
"Brendon, stop this."Dallon sighs, rubbing a hand tiredly over his eyes and down his face before letting his eyes fall back onto Brendon who remains siting in the passenger seat.
"Stop what?"Brendon blinks innocently, fluttering his eyelashes with a little pout.
"Being in a mood."
"Oh, I'm not the one that's in a mood. Okay, but I'm not the one that woke you up at some godly hour of the morning and then proceeded to not give you any breakfast and give the silent treatment all the way here."
"I don't have time for this,"Dallon pinches the bridge of his nose, staying in that position for no longer than a minute before he's getting out of the car, slamming the car door shut behind him. It takes Brendon a couple of minutes to realise that Dallon isn't waiting for him, instead walking towards the studio building, and it's only then does he get out of the car and sulkily follow with his backpack in tow.
Inside of the studio building is pretty modern and pretty in Brendon's opinion, with decorative art work on the hallway walls and memorable signed photographs and golden disks that are proudly displayed for everyone to see. Brendon doesn't know half of the names or faces but they must be famous and important enough to make it onto the wall.
"I'm just touching up a couple of the tracks for the album, go sit on the sofa."Dallon directs once they've entered the studio that Dallons manager had booked for him to use this morning. Brendon is about to open his mouth to protest against the fact he hasn't had breakfast yet but Dallon is already engaged in the weird board of lights and buttons that Brendon has no understanding of the usage of.
"This is really unfair,"Brendon mutters to himself once he has thrown himself onto the sofa in the far corner of the studio, pulling out a blanket from his backpack and Sinatra because he might not be little but he sure does need a cuddle after the already rough morning that he has had. First waking up early, then no breakfast and then Dallon is in a mood with him.
Brendon has turned himself into the sofa, fingers rubbing softly at Sinatra the Giraffes soft fur as he lays there, too awake to sleep but too sleepy to talk. He nervously nibbles on his bottom lip as he thinks back at this morning because maybe Dallons bad mood is because of him, of how he wouldn't wake up this morning or the way he demanded McDonalds.
But he was tired, and hungry! He can't be blamed for that! But when he thinks about it, Dallon must be far more tired than what he is because Brendon might not be the smartest kitty but he does know when someone isn't getting sleep and that someone is Dallon. If it wasn't evident from the bags under his eyes, it is with the fact he seems to always be awake ahead of Brendon, even on the weekends! That's Dallons lie in days!
So maybe he's in a bad mood because of that, that Brendon is too lazy around the house and spends the week sleeping in bed until noon and laying around the house in his Pj's until somebody comes over and feeds him and pays him attention. Maybe Dallon's finally sick and tired of his attitude.
"Dallon?"Because maybe Brendon should apologise for his behaviour. He knows how passionate that Dallon is about his music career and as much as Dallon hasn't let Brendon hear the new songs yet, he knows how hard that he has worked on them.
"Dallon?"He calls louder, sitting up on the sofa and allowing the blanket he had wrapped around himself to pool by his hips. The studio is empty and Brendon hadn't even notice until now that he's all alone, eyes wide and kitten ears flat into his hair as he urgently looks around."Daddy?"
Maybe, he left. Saw that Brendon was asleep and decided to take that opportunity to flee, leave Brendon behind in the dust as he starts off his new life.Dallon after all, didn't give Brendon his good morning kiss and never returned his I Love You that morning either.
Brendon's mine hits into overdrive at the mer thought, breath hitching his his throat and tears building up in his eyes as he hugs Sinatra close to his chest. Being left on his own terrifies Brendon because Spence might be locked up, but there's plenty of people that want him, there's plenty of people that have done him wrong and want to shut him up before he squawks.
"Brendon, I brought you- oh baby, why are you crying?" And it seems to be a common phrase that comes out of Dallons mouth every now and again as he sets the food on a passing table and reaches Brendon, the hybrid making desperate grabby hands at the man. As he sits down on the sofa beside Brendon, the little is climbing his way into Dallons lap, arms tight around his neck and face hidden into his collar."Baby, what's wrong, did you have a bad dream while you were napping?"
"Thought 'ou left."
"Oh peanut, I thought you were napping, I didn't think you'd have noticed."Dallon sympathises, shushing the Little and rocking them side to side as he runs his fingers through Brendon's dark hair, scratching behind a kitten ear. "I'm sorry, sweetheart, I've been an awful Daddy lately, haven't I?"
"Nu-uh, you've been a great Daddy, Daddy."Brendon shakes his head rapidly, looking at Dallon with big brown watery eyes and tears running down his cheeks."I've been an annoying little, m'sorry."
"Hey,"Dallon chucks at Brendon's chin, forcing the little to look at him in the eyes, all open soft features and body relaxed as he talks to his beloved."You could talk my ear off about quantum physics and I will still listen to you with my full interest because you the single most important person to me on his planet. You will never annoy me, you just make me love you even more every day."
"Then why didn't you say it this morning? Or give me a good morning kiss?"
"I didn't?"Dallon hates the look of hurt that washes all over Brendon's innocent face. Very gently, Dallon is placing a loving and passionate kiss to Brendon's pretty pink lips, and again, and then again until it ends up with ridiculous little pecks around Brendon's face and it leaves the little in fits of giggles and squeals.
"Daddy! Stop it!"He squeals, trying to squirm away and his laughter getting louder whenever Dallon blows a raspberry under his jaw, nearly falling off the mans lap with laughter if it wasn't for the strong hold that Dallon had of him. Out of breath and red with laughter, Dallon is pulling Brendon forward until he's rubbing their noses together, a smile etched onto his lips.
"I love you, peanut."
"I know,"Brendon giggles, rubbing his nose against Dallons with a loud purr, a playful smile on his pretty pink lips."Now, McDonalds?"
"Are you ever not hungry?"
I know it took for ages for me to write this, and for me to even get anywhere near publishing but here is your update and I hope that you enjoyed, even tho it was mostly a filler but vital for the next chapter build up that I'm doing for the end of the book (;
Please tell me your opinions!
Who is excited for Dallons music career?
Should more drama happen between Brendon and Dallon? What do you want to happen between them?
Are you more of a morning person or a night owl?
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