5. Dallon Weekes; First Aider and Good Samaritan
Honest to god I cooed so much while writing some parts of this. I loved writing this ahhhhhhhhh
Thank you all for the comments! 15 comments please?
"How did you even manage to hurt your cheek?"Dallon ponders as he cleans up Brendons hands gently with some anti bacterial wipes, apologising every time that Brendon lets out a small hiss of pain. It wasn't a deep cut into his hand but he knew how much it could hurt, especially from where it's placed down the crease of his hand so that the cut opens whenever Brendon would move his hand.
The Hybrid sits on top of the bathroom counter, trying his hardest not to pay an attention to what Dallon is doing although it really does hurt, and now that he thinks of it, his cheek hurts an awful lot too. It was only when Dallon had cleaned it throughout with an alcohol wipe that he realised he had a gash on his cheek, hissing in pain as a couple of tears slid down his cheeks.
Brendon pays attention to his bare feet as they swing from where he sits, wiping away any falling tears whenever the wipe stings and causes him to flinch, a tight grip on his wrist in attempt to stop him from moving.
"I can't place a plaster on your cut because of where it is but I'm going to place a gauze and bandage around your hand, is that alright?"Dallon asks, throwing away the used wipes into the bathroom bin. Brendon nods."Use your words, please."
"Yes, Sir."Brendon answers timidly, letting his eyes flicker back over to Dallon, watching as the man gently bandages his hand up, taping it with some medical tape to make sure the bandage stays in place. Dallon offers the Hybrid a small smile whenever he looks up to make sure that Brendon is okay.
"Are you okay?"Dallon asks softly whenever he realises that Brendon looks like he's about to say something before he stops, looking away from Dallon out of shyness."Brendon, what is it?"
"Can you kiss it better?"He asks in a shy whisper, his tail self consciously wrapping around his mid section and ears lowering into his hair. Dallon is a little startled at what is being asked, looking between Brendon and the Hybrids still out stretched hand. In thought, Dallon bites his bottom lip.
"Uh..."Dallon trails off, causing Brendon to look over at Dallon hopefully."Yeah, okay. I-I'll kiss your hand better."He agrees eventually, not missing the smile that graces Brendons pretty plump lips whenever Dallon gently grabs the Hybrids wrist and presses his lips softly onto the bandaged hand to give it a kiss.
"Thank you."Brendon blushes with a shy smile, his kitten ears twitching in happiness as he smiles at Dallon how tries for a smile back. He can't ignore the warm, bubbling feeling inside of his stomach with the way that Brendon is looking at him, a large change from the frightened look of horror on the Hybrids face just the night before.
"Uh- you're welcome."Dallon coughs awkwardly, turning away from Brendon to pack away the first aid kit."You can use the bathroom if you need to, I'll go check if your clothes is dry and clean up your mess."
"I'm sorry, Sir."Brendon apologises, suddenly remembering the mess he had made in the kitchen. He cradles his hand to his chest, legs continuing to dangle.
"It's fine, no use crying over spilt milk."Dallon reassures before he leave the bathroom to give Brendon some Privacy. He works with setting out Brendons now dried T-shirt and ripped black jeans in front of the bathroom door for Brendon, leaving the worn out converse by the front door.
He's quick with cleaning up the mess, throwing away the shards before anyone else gets hurt and cleaning up the milk and cereal that has been spilt. He works on making himself his eventually cup of coffee, never more glad to taste the delicious bitterness that he has grown to love, already beginning to wake up and feel less groggy.
"What do cats eat? Fish? I don't have any fish, I think I might have tuna though, or salmon but salmon is expensive."He ponders as he looks around in the cupboards, now on his second cup of coffee. He guesses he needs to feed Brendon before Hybrid Protection Services turn up, it'd make him look like a good person.
"Why do you keep calling me that?"Dallon jumps at the new voice in the room, turning to look at Brendon who is seated on the floor of the kitchen with his legs crossed and his head tilted to the side in question. His silky dark tail sways across the tiled flooring calmly, now dressed in his clothing from the previous night.
"Why are you sitting on the floor?"
"Because you never said I could sit on a seat, sir."
"Because I never said- Of course you can sit on a damn seat! You're not an animal!"
"Then why do you keep calling me a cat?"Brendon asks quietly, looking innocently at Dallon who stutters for a response, staring down into his coffee cup as if it's going to scream the answer to him.
"Because you're part Cat."
"But also part Human."Brendon replies sharply, still somehow remaining the whole innocent persona as he pouts out his bottom lip at the human who in return reddens in embarrassment of being told by a Hybrid."So please don't call me a cat, I don't like it."He mumbles, emotion thick in his voice.
"Okay, I'm sorry. I didn't know that it hurt you when I called you a cat."Dallon admits carefully, earning a nod from Brendon who remains sitting on the floor, playing with the rips of his black jeans."I'm not well educated on Hybrids, you're the first I've ever came in contact with."
Dallon respectfully leaves out his dislikes for them. Smart.
"I can see that."Brendon lets out a small Laugh, the corners of his mouth turning up into a smile.
"Yeah?"Dallon questions, shaking his head a little."Anyway, sit up by the table and I'll make you breakfast. You need some food in you before the HPS come."
"You called them?"The Hybrid asks in a shocked voice, standing up onto his own too feet shakily. At his full height, Brendon reaches just above Dallons shoulders which the human shouldn't really be surprised off before hybrids are relatively small and Dallon is taller than a good percentage of the worlds population.
Brendon is far more use to crawling, his owner doesn't allow him to walk nor does Brendon go far anyway. He's always close to his owner, he just happened to let his curiosity get the best of him and then poof, he was lost and left confused on the side walk.
"I haven't yet, but I will after you eat."Dallon informs, turning back to the cupboards."Now what do you want to eat?"
"Brendon, you're going to have to eat something. I bet you're starving."
"I'm not hungry, sir."Brendon lies as he sits on one of the chairs by the small kitchen table, whimpering whenever his stomach decides to let out a loud grumble which makes him blush in embarrassment whenever Dallon looks over his shoulder at him."That wasn't me."
"Why are you refusing food?"The human sighs in slight annoyance, a nagging voice in the back of his head telling him to find out the problem instead of just straight up ignoring the Hybrid and letting him starve.
"Because If I eat food then you'll phone HPS and they'll take me home but I don't want to go home, sir! Please don't let them take me away! I-I'll be good, you won't even know that I'm here. I don't wanna go back there, I like it here. You feed me and it's warm and I don' like the cold."Brendon starts to blubber on, his tail moving frantically behind him as he speaks in desperation, unshed tears in his eyes.
"Brendon, I'm not an owner. I don't know Hybrids, I don't even like hybrids that much."Dallon tells him the truth, watching whenever Brendons ears flatten into his hair out of sadness.
"Please don't let them take me back. I'll be really good! C-can I just stay here until I find somewhere else to stay? Please sir?"He pleads, pulling the pouty lips and big brown eyes on the human who looks like he's having a battling fight inside of his head on what to do.
"You can stay-"
"Yay! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much sir!"
"- for a little while. Only until we can find you a new owner and a new home."Dallon sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose as he feels another migraine build up. Brendon is nodding his head frantically from where he sits, grinning from ear to ear at the news of not going home."Do you understand me?"
"I do, Sir. Thank you, Sir."
I'm making gradual progress yay!
Please tell me your opinions! I love to write for this!
Your opinion on Dallon allowing Brendon to stay?
Do you think Dallon should learn more about hybrids?
What's everyone's opinion on DD/LB? I've mentioned it in the prologue but I'd like to know
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