47. How To Be A Little Shit; By Brendon Urie

Shopping trip part 1 because I got so much fluff and banter to be writing from both Dallon, Ryan and Tyler as well as Brendon, Pete and Josh. This is gonna be a good two chapters and I'm really excited to write these (;

"PETE! JOSHUA!"Heads are turning to the source of the very loud noise, a parting forming in the crowd rather quickly as Brendon pushes himself through the thick crowd of shoppers that crowd the shopping centre to get to his very best friends who turn their heads at the sound of their names. There's a sort of screaming, excited noise that echoes through the shopping centre as Brendon collides into their arms with as much grace as an elephant on ice skates.

Running behind him is a very frantic Dallon who holds the sleeve of a very puffy looking parka that was bound to have been put onto Brendon if the little hadn't ran off the minute he knew that Josh and Pete were waiting for them inside. They'd pulled up into a parking space late as usual ( because there's always set backs of some sort, this mornings being Brendon's punishment and the loss of his sparkly red converse ) and it hadn't even been 3 minutes until Brendon had sprinted off with the new knowledge that his best friends were waiting for him.

A shopping trip usually isn't fun, for Dallons case anyway seeing as Brendon seems to have a keen interest in spending money so Dallon had called the rest of their group of friend to accompany them. Having not only 1 little but 2 and a puppy hybrid was going to be one hell of a fun experience and will probably cost a lot in broken expenses, but it'll keep everyone happy which is all that matters.

"We've been waiting here for hours!"Josh is exclaiming loudly, throwing his arms around Brendon's shoulders, careful of the cast.

"No we haven't. It's been 10 minutes."Pete is frowning in confusion, Velveteen Noodle tucked under their left arm protectively and outfit incredibly little, adorable and colourful. Brendon is immediately jealous of the pastel purple dungarees that Pete has, accompanied by a pair of white converse and a white zip up hoodie as they're cold.

"Dog time moves differently than human time."

"You're only part dog. Ryry says so."Pete pouts, still very confused and feeling very little, something that makes Brendon giggle and pat Petes shoulder in mock sympathy before addressing them both with his dilemma that morning.

"I hadda spend time on the naughty step cus' I was bad."He follows up with a shrug of his shoulders, nose scrunched up. It's not as bad as he puts it out to be of course, but when you're little and stubborn, it's the worse thing in the world.

"Not the naughty step!"Pete gasps, eyes wide in horror.

"What's so bad about a step?"

"Y'know like when you're bad you get tied up outside? It's like that."Brendon tells him, something that makes Josh make a very sad noise in the back of his throat, a mixture of a whimper and a whine because being tied up in the back garden is the worse punishment, especially if it's raining.

"Brendon Boyd We-"Dallon is storming up to the small gathering group, flared up in anger.

"Oh lighten up, dal. The babe is excited."Tyler is rolling his eyes, cutting the man off from his angry shouts and rants about how Brendon had ran away from him in search for Pete and Josh. Dallon looks rilled up, ready to snap something more until Ryan butts in.

"Dallon, he's happy. Look at the smile on his face."Ryan says more gently, hands resting upon Dallons arms and directing his point of view where Brendon is basically radiating happiness, smiles and giggles like the little ball of sunshine that he is. The knitted anger and worry that had been evident in Dallons face visibly melts away at the sight of his baby, grinning and giggling as Josh nuzzles against him.

"That doesn't change the fact that he ran away from me."

"I'd run away from you too if I got the chance."Tyler snorts, letting out a highly offended squawk whenever Dallon is shoving him into the nearest wall for that comment.

"Tyler!"Brendon squeals as if only noticing the man now, pushing past Josh to get to him, haven missed the man and his hugs. Tyler always lets him get away with anything, and mostly for the fact that Tyler is really gullible as well.

"Hey, Buddy!"Tyler is being ever so gently as he wraps Brendon up into a warm hug, loving how affectionate that the little kitten hybrid always is. He fully expects the nuzzle against his neck and the purr before pulling away."Have you been good for your Daddy?"

"M'always good."Brendon's lips form his infamous pout.

"Well I don't doubt that."Tyler rolls his eyes just a little at the little in front of him who flutters his eyelashes innocently and rocks back and forth on his sparkly red converse.

"I love your shoes, Bee."Ryan chimes, one of his arms draped around Petes shoulders as the little huddles into him, waiting so that they can get to the toy store already because that's what Pete had been promised for their good behaviour all week. It's hard being good all of the time.

"You're not getting them."Brendon declares.

"Brendon! Don't be so rude."His daddy is butting in, face set with disappointment with how Brendon is acting today, especially with how rude he's being to Ryan, someone who he usually is so nice with.

"I'm not! They're my shoes!"

"He didn't say he wanted your shoes, he said that he likes them."Dallon stresses, hating the way that Brendon's pupils seem to turn into slits, kitten ears plastered into his longing hair.


"Don't you 'kay me."Dallon almost wants to scream.

"Stop making a scene."The little is rolling his eyes at how moody that Dallon seems to be, attempting to cross his arms at his chest but being unsuccessful with the bulky cast on his arm. Dallon is opening his mouth to scowled some more but he doesn't get the chance as Josh comes out of nowhere, circling his arms around Brendon's waist and nuzzling his face into the side of his neck.

"He's such a little savage. I love it."Josh chuckles against Brendons neck lovingly, in a way that months ago Dallon would've flared up with jealousy over but has now gotten use with the way that everyone is somewhat close with Brendon. The kitten hybrid loves the attention and he equally loves affection."Deal with your shit later. Right now, shopping!"

"Toy store!"

"Candy store!"

"How about we leave the best for last, yeah? I'm thinking, book store?"Ryan suggests, earning disgusted noises and faces from the Littles and Josh who stare at him as if he's suggested taking a bath in a puddle of muddy water.

"Nobody likes books, Ry. They're for nerds."Brendon scrunches up his face, shaking his head in which Josh mirrors him.

"I like books."He defends himself innocently.

"Exactly, Ryry."Pete giggles quietly, something that causes Ryan to grumble something about how unfair that everyone is and that nobody ever wants to go where he wants to go.

"Clothes store?"Dallon suggests in which everyone murmurs agreements, some hesitant but are later enthusiastic as Josh has the honours of grabbing onto Brendon and Petes hands and dragging them to the nearest clothes store.

Thrusting the responsibility onto Josh is the quickest decision that Dallon, Ryan and Tyler have made because it means that they don't have to deal with all three of them and it allows them all to get their own sense of fresh air. It's suffocating to always be around one another and Dallon suspects maybe that's his and Brendon's problem.

"Josh, please don't lose them. As much as Brendon is a pain in the ass, I really do care about Petes safety."

"I can hear you, y'know!"Brendon shouts, assaulted at Dallons words, kitten tail puffed up.

"Yes, and you're being a massive pain in my ass right now."Dallon repeats, matching Brendon's mirrored glare."Don't run away from Josh and don't break anything. I want all three of you to meet us here in 2 hours. Got it?"


"I need alcohol."Dallon pinches the bridge of his nose, the urge to scream right in his throats as he closes his eyes and sighs heavily."Or something strong that will knock me out for a day or something. I'm unable to deal with this."

"He's a little."Ryan shrugs, holding up clothes in front of Dallons stiff, tired body that he thinks will good on the man, throwing it into the clothes trolley that Tyler is pushing about. They are all in need for new clothes and if Dallon isn't going to look for clothes himself, Ryan will make it his mission to pick out clothes for his 6'4 frame.

"Yeah, a little shit."

"I think he's doing it on purpose."Tyler says, leaning over the handlebar of the shopping trolley and making a face at one of the Hawaiian t-shirts that Ryan throws in."Seriously?"

"What? He's a Daddy, he needs quality dad clothes."

"Why do you think he's misbehaving on purpose?"

"Well, whenever I first got Josh, he was so timid and scared of everything. He wouldn't allow himself on the sofa, on the bed without my permission and wouldn't even use the bathroom, saying how he wasn't allowed to use 'human toilets' as he had called it. It was really upsetting."A flash of hurt goes through Tyler's soft brown eyes, a vivid memory of all those years ago when a skinny, timid Josh had nearly cried the first time that Tyler gave him a drink of water out of a glass cup and not a bowl.

"Anyway. Whenever he realised that I wasn't like any of his last owners, he went through this type of phase, I guess you could call it, where he misbehaved, a lot. Breaking things, making a mess of the house, stealing my shoes, holes in my socks. Anything. The source of the problem? He was testing me. He wanted to see what he could get away with, he wanted to see how far he could go before I snapped, before I either hit him or sent him back onto the streets."

"You don't...you don't think that's what Brendon is doing, do you?"Dallon is almost scared to know if yes, Brendon is misbehaving because he wants to know just how much he can get away with, how much wrong he can do before Dallon completely snaps just like Spencer.

"It's hard to tell, but it seems like it."Tyler says gently, looking off in the direction that the three of them had ran off in, probably going to reappear with three trolleys of clothes and begging for them all."Whatever it is on his mind, you have to talk to him. You won't get anywhere if all you two do is insult one another and cry."

"I dread the day that Pete lashes out. Again."Ryan visibly shivers from head to toe at the reminder of the time he and Pete had a full blown argument right after after Pete ran away from their last daddy and it was the first time they were in their headspace without them. It hadn't been pretty, and Ryan doesn't want a repeat of the tears and the shouting.

"It'll happen and you'll be glad to get it over with. Trust me. Pete is a breeze compared to Brendon."

"You try and look after Pete whenever they're in headspace. It's like trying to get blood out of a fucking stone."Ryan loves Pete, a whole fucking lot but they're a right handful whenever Pete decides to shut down half way through the day because something is bothering them but they won't speak out loud about it. It's upsetting and it hurts Ryan whenever he can't do anything about it.

"Everyone has their baggage, some people just handle it differently than others."Tyler sighs, pushing the trolley along and rolling his shoulders back with a sigh."But I agree with Dallon. I could use some alcohol, a good night out is very much needed."

"Yes, and who'll look after the terrible three?"

"You can. They all like you the most."

"Oh fuck off, I'm not giving up my night off to look after all three of them while you two get pissed."

"Then they can come with."Dallon suggests halfheartedly, trying to think on his feet of a situation for them all to be happy. It wasn't like they knew anyone else that could possibly look after them but at the same time, it's not like Pete and josh aren't capable of looking after themselves, it's more Brendon that he's worried about.

Pete and Josh can control themselves a lot better than Brendon. Pete has two jobs, they've had years of experience of keeping their little self at bay and separate from their social life. Josh himself is not only part dog, but after all part human who has has years of experience of acting as human and has responsible as he can while out in public.

"Oh yes, I can see Brendon, Pete and Josh in a club. That would be a ducking riot."Ryan cackles,  half bent over the trolley in a laugh that surely sounds very demonic to everyone's ears but not his own."Pete is a borderline alcoholic, for a start."

"I mean..."Dallon trails off hesitantly, biting his bottom lip in thought as some ideas come to mind, an almost light bulb moment happening over his head. Frantically, Dallon is filling Ryan and Tyler in on the latest album news, something in which both men are incredibly excited and proud of."If I get in contact with my manager and PR, maybe I could hold some type of gig? Like a test run in a local bar or club?"

"Yes! Get some recognition as well as a night out for us all! At least in that type of setting, everyone will be safe."Ryan grins at the idea because he not only eats a night out, but one that they will all enjoy. It's also beneficial for Dallon and his up and coming music career, something Ryan is incredibly proud of of his best friend.

"I'll get in contact as soon as we get home."And it's all feeling a lot more surreal and a lot more real the more that the minutes tick by and it sinks into Dallons head that this is happening. That he's getting somewhere with his life, he's kicking back a life that he thought was once dead, with the help of Brendon, of Ryan, of Pete, of everyone who believed in him when he didn't believe in himself.

And look at this. The outcome. The chance of not only a single deal, but an album deal. A record label deal. Everything was being pieced together perfectly, the way that Dallon has been dreaming of for so long.

2600 + words which is getting longer and longer because I haven't had time to write super long chapters lately but finishing up fics is gonna be giving me a lot more time to write!!

Please tell me your opinions on the chapter?

Of sassy Brendon?

Of how cute that Josh, Brendon and Pete are when together?

What's your favourite store?

If I ever got the chance, is anyone up for a Tyler/Josh origin one shot?



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