46. Cups Of Coffee (because alliteration is Key)
The new goal for this fic is to reach 4.5K comments and from what I can see, I'm defiantly sure that we can reach that from the amount of comments that keep on flooding in from you all. So lets have at it then!!
Also, I'm now officially home! I have a month still before I have further education in September which I will be taking very very seriously ( as well with the seed of doubt in my mind that as well as my A-levels, I will have to be repeating GCSE maths but that's not a big problem ) but updates will happen so don't worry!
Dallon receives the news on a Monday morning, a slow moving Monday morning where Brendon is refusing to get out of bed - oddly enough, seeing as Brendon is usually the first one out of bed - and Dallon is dragging his own ass out of bed as well as Brendon's as they've got so many things to be doing today.
It also doesn't help matters that Brendon dropped into his headspace half way through the night ( after forcing himself out of it after an hour of cuddling with Dallon, something that had upset the daddy gratefully ), woken by a nightmare that left him kicking and screaming. He'd been shaking and crying so hard that nothing could subside the tears, leaving the Daddy the only solution of help to have him gathered in his arms until he cried himself back to another rough nights sleep.
No wonder Brendon was so tired. But not just Brendon, but Dallon as well. He hadn't left the bedroom, hell, he didn't even leave the bed since the moment Brendon woke up crying and shaking till the sun came up. His eyes had darted, once, twice, to the neglected pill container of sleeping pills that Doctor Harris had subscribed for him but never once did he come close to touching the cylinder container.
He wasn't backtracking down that rabbit hole again. Never.
It's when Dallon is forcing - because yes, opening Brendon's mouth and shoving a spoonful of cereal down his throat is the only way Dallon was going to get Brendon to even touch his food - down his throat when Dallon gets the phone call.
"Hello-Holy Shit, holy shit. Seriously?"
"What? What is it? Daddy, what is it?"Brendon gasps in curiosity, tugging at the sleeve of Dallons jumper to try and gain the mans attention."Daddy! I wanna hear!"The little is whining, trying to reach up and grab Dallons phone, smithing that makes the man switch ears and bat away Brendon's clingy hands.
"Wait a second- Give me 5 minutes, babe. This is very important."Dallon is informing Brendon gently, running a hand through soft brown hair before he makes his leave of the kitchen, walking out into the hallway to talk more clearly with the person on the other side of the phone, voice frantic and excited.
Brendon lets out an unsatisfied huff, going to cross his arms over his chest but forgetting of his unfortunate injury on his arm. His bottom lip is jotted out in a dangerously infamous Brendon pout and brown eyes glaring at the space where Dallon disappeared to leave the room. All he wanted was to know what was going on! Why is he always kept out of important things!
He's grumpy, tired and he hates being left out of things and Daddy knows that! Little or big, he likes to be involved on what's going on and Daddy knows that. In anger, Brendon is kicking out his feet, hitting the under bottom of the kitchen table pretty hard and making it rattle and shake, his bowl of cereal over turning, spilling the milk and cereal onto the table and his Daddy's mug of coffee falling onto the kitchen tiles with a shatter.
"Oh no."The little is whispering in panic, brown eyes wide as he looks down at where the shattered shards are laying on the floor, in a puddle of black liquid because Daddy doesn't like milk in his coffee. A sense of dread and upset starts to settle in Brendon's chest because that was one of Daddy's favourite mugs! Daddy is going to be so upset with Brendon!
It doesn't help matters either that he really really hurt his foot whenever he kicked the table because he hadn't been wearing shoes. His bottom lip is wobbling dangerously, brown eyes brimming with tears at both the pain in his foot and the fact that he was naughty and broke his Daddy's favourite coffee mug.
"Brendon you won't believe- hey, what's wrong, why are you crying?"Dallons voice starts off so excited and wonderful as he rushes back into the kitchen, trailing off into worry at the sight of big fat tears rolling down Brendon's soft red cheeks.
"I'm sorry!"Brendon sobs, reaching out with his good hand and making a grabby hand action for his Daddy, tears rolling down his cheeks and foot brought up to the edge of the chair to state where his pain is at. The daddy makes no hesitation to rush over to where Brendon is still at the kitchen table, scared to move incase he stands on a shard.
"Oh baby, what for?"He asks softly, haven stepped over the shattered coffee mug without knowing he had so he can comfort his baby, pulling Brendon's body forward where the hybrids face is smushed against the Daddy's stomach.
"I got mad a-and kicked the table an' broke your fav' mug an' got an ouch."Brendon cries into Dallons jumper, feeling himself burn with shame and guilt for being so grumpy just for not being told what Dallon was so excited about on the phone. Dallon gives out a heavy sigh, something that makes the Littles stomach drop and his kitten ears to lower into his dark hair.
"You shouldn't have done that, Brendon. That's very naughty. You know that we don't kick things, and we especially don't break things either. Even if we are mad or upset."And it's when Dallon speaks so softly, even when he's telling him off is the worse feeling in the world. Brendon would rather be screamed at, because then he knows how bad his punishment is going to be.
"I didn' mean it-"
"Yes you did, if you didn't mean to, you wouldn't have done it in the first place, Brendon."Brendon's lip wobbles sadly, looking up at Dallon with wide sad eyes that usually makes anyone and everyone melt in the palm of his hand but Dallon is immune to Brendon's sad, pity looks.
"No, daddy. No punishment please, no punishment."
"10 minutes on the naughty step-"
"Daddy, no!"
"- and privileges are being revoked. We're not going to the park today and when we go to the mall, you're not allowed to ask for anything."Which is going to be harder done than said because Brendon has the tendency to point at everything pretty or soft or shiny that he just has to have and Dallon may or may not have a problem with buying Brendon things that he doesn't need and that he can't even afford.
"It was only a mug! I-I'll tidy it up, Daddy, an' imma make you a new one! I dunno how but I will."Brendon is determined, trying to scramble out of his Daddy's arms that have him in a tight hug so that he can tidy up the shards of the coffee mug that's been left on the kitchen floor.
"Brendon, stop it right now."Dallons voice is so firm but he's not raising his voice. The little continues to try and squirm out of his arms because it's his job to tidy up the mess, he made the mess and he tidies up and he gets the punishment.
"Daddy, I-"
"I am not mad at you for breaking the mug, okay? I don't give a flip about the mug. What I'm mad about is that you deliberately kicked the table when you knew it would cause some type of damage, you deliberately hurt yourself."Dallon pulls Brendon away so that he's holding the little at arms length, looking at him in the eyes as he speaks to him.
Without warming, he's forcing Brendon up from the kitchen chair and to the refrigerator on the other side of the kitchen. On the fridge is a large sheet of paper, stuck up by a Mickey Mouse Magnet and decorated with a purple and light blue boarder of random shapes obviously done by Brendon, thick block letters saying RULES in black printer ink. Dallon is pointing at number 7.
"Go on, read it out."He orders halfheartedly, feeling Brendon's shoulders shake with quiet sobs."Brendon. I'm telling you to do something. Read out the rule."
"B-Brendon must resp'cted his Body an' h-himself. He mustn't hurt himself. No b-belittling self."He reads out shakily, trying to blink away his tears hit only making them spill down his cheeks faster like a waterfall.
"And what did you do?"
"H-hurt my foot cus' I gots mad."He sniffles loudly, his kitten tail coming to wrap around his middle as he's huddled out of the kitchen and to the dreaded naughty step, something that makes his face scrunch up.
"10 minutes and then- Brendon!"Dallon groans, grabbing at the little around the waist whenever he tries to duck underneath his arm and hobble away with a sore foot and busted arm. He's being shoved onto the fourth stair with a thud as his bottom hits the stair, glaring up at Dallon with a pout and tears."It didn't work last time so why did you think I'd work a second?"
The little shrugs his shoulders with a loud sniffle, looking at Dallon and hoping for sympathy with his big brown eyes and cute little face.
"10 minutes."
"Daddy! Please no! No naughty step!"
"Brendon, if you'd just complied with me, your punishment would already be over."Dallon tells him truthfully, pressing a kiss to the Littles dark hair."10 minutes."He repeats a third and final time before he goes back into the kitchen to tidy up Brendon's mess and leave him to his punishment.
It drags out so much longer when you're left to on your own, with nothing but your own thoughts and guilt to bubble over as you wait for the punishment to end. He hates it whenever Daddy is mad, and it's an even worse feeling whenever he's mad because Brendon did something naughty. It's a terrible terrible feeling and Brendon was being a terrible terrible little.
At least when Daddy gives him a punishment, he keeps the light on and his clothes on. He's told what punishment he's getting and why he's getting it. But it still doesn't calm his nerves as he's let alone on the naughty step, tears rolling down his cheeks and dripping from his chin into his lap. He hates punishments, he hates making his Daddy mad and his foot really really hurts!
"Dadd-ee!"Brendon sobs, vision blurred with tears and head banging with cries as he holds out a hand for his Daddy to hug him and make him feel better."I'm sorry!"
"Alright, alright. Daddy is sorry too."Dallon is rushing over and easily swooping him up into his arms, replacing the Brendon's spot on the naughty step with his own bottom, Brendon on his lap. The little is clinging onto him with his good hand, tail coming to wrap around one of Dallons arms.
"No more punishment. Brendon loves Daddy."The little is leaning forward and pressing a sloppy, disgusting kiss to the mans lips, filled with tears and snot and Dallon would be
revolted if he wasn't use to it. It's the role of being a daddy, he supposes.
"You sneaky little shit."Dallon laughs, wiping away the tears and snot disgustingly with the sleeve of his jumper from Brendon's face and his own lips from where Brendon kissed him."You know how much I melt when you talk like that."
"Dunno what 'ou mean, daddy."
"Uh-huh, sure you don't."He rolls his eyes, pecking Brendon's pouty lips with a smile."Just like you don't know how adorable that you are sometimes."
"Sometimes? I'm always adorable!"The little protests with an extra loud huff as he makes a bounce on Dallons lap, bottom lip jotted out.
"Okay, okay, yes you are. Always adorable."Dallon agrees, peppering Brendon's face with a bunch of cute little kisses which never fails to make him squeal with giggles and snorts of laughter that Dallon finds is the best sound in the world.
"Dadddddy, stop!"He giggles loudly, letting out a loud squeal whenever Dallon blows a raspberry in the crook of his neck.
"Just needed to make sure that you're happy now."Dallon gives the little on his lap the type of smile that he only has reserved for Brendon, one that he hasn't smiled in so long and he wasn't even sure if he would again."I have news."
"What type of news?"
"Very very good news, baby."The smile is back, it's bigger and brighter and so full of excitement as Brendon tips his head to the side in confusion and wonder."Remember how I gave in a demo to a music agency and they loved it? They want me to make an album! They're signing me on!"
"What?! Really?!"All Dallon can do is nod as Brendon is crashing his lips against Dallons again, in a kiss that's so meaningful and loving and leaves them both completely breathless."That's brilliant! I'm so proud of you!"
"Thank you."He whispers against pretty plump lips, arms around his waist in a hug that keeps them both close."I'm getting there, baby. Slowly but surely, but soon enough I'll be able to buy you everything and anything you want."
"You don't need to get me anything. You're enough for me."
"I want to be enough for you and more. I'll be good to you. I promise."Because that's all he wants to be. He wants to be enough, he wants to be more than enough and be able to give Brendon everyone that he's ever wanted in this world and more. He doesn't want to worry about money problems or storage space.
"Does that mean my punishment is lifted?"
"Don't push your luck, Brendon."Dallon pats the hybrids bottom with a laugh,"Now got get shoes on. I think we should do some celebration eating. Don't you?"
"This is why I love you."Brendon is planting one last kiss to his lovers lips before he's jumping Dallons lap and making a run ( or a hobble more like ) down the hall to fetch his shoes. And Dallon watches with a smile creeping on his lips and his heart beating incredibly loud and incredibly fast in his chest because he's truly, amazingly and wonderfully the luckiest guy in the world.
Look who's like a week late with an update because I all is sleep and watch tv and sleep as well and just generally does not have the effort to write atm because some of my fics is giving me writers block which is rubbing off onto me and my other fics.
Anyway! Please tell me your opinions on the chapter!
On Dallon and his music career taking off?
On Brendon having to be punished again? Do you think he's doing it on purpose?
Gotta ask: Smut? Yes or No? (If yes, I have a scene planned )
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