45. Rubber Duckies

For a sequel, I have the idea of Dallon getting pretty famous with his music career and basically the effect that it has on Brendon and Dallon and their DD/LB relationship as well as their normal intimate relationship. Another idea is of like MPreg, and Brendon getting pregnant (as he's a kitten hybrid who can have heats etc) but I'm not sure.

The idea of a sequel is THERE but it all depends how I want to end this fic. I have more planned for THIS book, so hang in there (;

Also! I'm so so sorry for lack of updates! I've been trying to finish Gentleman and Quiet and I'm just so damn tired!

Maybe this is a little boring at the start but it gets better! I'm just so off track with my writing at the mien time because of holidays but whenever I get home my writing will be a lot more frequent and better, I promise!

To say that Brendon's arrival home has been difficult was an understatement, a lot of the progress that Dallon and Brendon has made in their relationship had went down the drain through Spencer's torture that Brendon had to endure. Therefore, it had seemed like they were starting at square one, with Dallon taking great caution to be just be around Brendon as if he was a ticking time bomb ready to go off, dancing around him as if he was made of fire.

Brendon had started flinching at every weird click or bump in the house, cowering with fright whenever somebody on the television would raise their voice, and it gotten so bad that Dallon had to go to great lengths to censorship his own television to make sure that Brendon didn't come across something that would trigger a bad reaction out of him.

He's doing his best and nobody can knock Dallon for that. The man is going twice the leaps and bounds to make sure that Brendon is comfortable, from carding his fingers through Brendon's hair during the nights when Brendon can't sleep, in hopes that it'll help or sitting in the bath with the hybrid as he washes himself as Brendon was too afraid to be in the bath on his own.

There's been problems from both ends as Dallon isn't made of steal and Brendon hasn't been the only one suffering from the turn of events that had been thrown their way. There's been nights that Dallon has found himself awake in all hours of the morning, too afraid to shut his eyes incase he opens them to find out that Brendon is no longer laying in his arms. There's been breakfasts, lunches, dinners where Dallon takes a glance at Brendon's skin and bones attire and piles his own food onto Brendon's plate for him to eat.

It's not good, it's not healthy, but Dallon only wants what's best for Brendon, his Brendon, his baby. And if that means he misses out on food for a day or sleep for a week then so be it.

But Dallon has been working his way through every fault and flaw that's been thrown at him so far , from both his way and Brendon's as he's done it once before and he's willing to put all his effort and more to build up Brendon's trust, his love and relationship all over again.

"His arm is going to take a while longer to heal completely, I can't possibly say on the progress as I have no access to an x-day machine here, but it's healing which is a start. His stitches are starting to fall out which is also a good sign, keep an eye on them and clean them if you can the same way with the cuts and scars on his back and thighs."Doctor Harris is informing Dallon as he scribbles something onto a note pad.

As much as Doctor Harris doesn't usually do house visits, he's made expeditions for Brendon and Brendon only after hearing the news of his injuries and furthermore. In a way, it's easier for them all, it lowers Brendon's risks of infection and it means that Dallon doesn't have the struggle of taking Brendon out of his safe environment.

"Is there anything else I can give him?"Dallon asks desperately, his voice lowered incase Brendon can hear from the next room over. As much as this is Brendon's own business, knowing that more medication and painkillers would be piling onto his list would not make him a happy kitty at all.

"As he's both a little and a hybrid, his choice on painkillers are very limited, but I'll prescribe you with some ibuprofen , hopefully that will ease his pain."He tuts in sympathy, adding that to the list of things that Dallon will need to pick up from the pharmacy, along with soothing and healing cream and multivitamins.

"I hate to see him like this."Dallon takes the list, folding it up into his shirt pocket. He looks terrible and tired, and nobody is telling him otherwise of his appearance."For him to be in pain and I'm unable to do anything about it, it makes me feel like he worse person in the world, and it hurts so much."

"Well, How long has it been since he's been little?"

"Sorry, what?"

"Little. How long as it been since Brendon has had access to his little space?"Doctor Harris repeats himself, looking sternly at Dallon.

"T-that- there hasn't been enough time. It's not appropriate."

"Dallon,"Doctor Harris gives the man a look, one that Dallon has been given so many times before from Ryan whenever he's been late to work or hasn't gotten something knocked into his oblivious brain of his."I'm a doctor, as you know, and as a doctor I can sense in anyway as you can as a Daddy when a little needs to be put into their little space."

"I think I would know when my little needs time in his little headspace."Dallon seems to immediately puff out his chest in defence, feeling a tiny bit embarrassed that he's being told what to do as a Daddy and further more furious that Doctor Harris would even try and ask or tell him what to do.

A little part of him seems to flatter the pride within him, mostly because a bigger part of him knows that it's been weeks since Brendon has even came close to teetering on the edge of his little headspace and it's not only effecting Brendon, but Dallon as well. When Brendon is little, it not only relaxes him but it makes Dallon feel more useful and relaxed too, and without it, Brendon's moods have sky rocketed badly.

"Dallon, I'm not trying to insult you."Doctor Harris almost laughs, packing up his remaining medical equipment that was used on Brendon's check up into his bag."What I'm trying to say is that what Brendon had endured on, lets out it as his time away, didn't do well on his mental health. Of course, I'm not fully equipped to be questioning his mental health as a doctor, but as a human being I know that it's a lot of Panic and strain on the mind."

"Time in his little headspace will help him, it'll help him not just cope but it also heal as well."He says as gently as possible, looking at Dallon with all sincereness and sympathy that he could possibly muster. Just seeing Brendon's injuries, healing as they are, makes Kenny's chest pang with hurt for poor Brendon.

"Okay, okay. You're right."Dallon gives out a heavy sort of sigh, his bound sagging a little because he is right. Brendon has used his little space to cope with problems before, but this is a lot bigger problem and further more, it would result in a lot littler Brendon.

"Ease him into it, make it seem like it's his decision."Kenny gives Dallon a sort of half smile, taking another look at the man before he's scribbling at his note book again."I'm also prescribing you with sleeping tablets. You need sleep, and you'll be no use to Brendon if you've ran yourself into an early grave."


"Dallon, no, please no."Brendon is shaking as he's seated on the closed toilet lid of their bathroom, watching with wide brown eyes as Dallon tests the temperature of the water, the sleeves of his jumper rolled up to his elbows.

"Brendon, baby, I know it's scary but we made a deal. You have to get a bath every other evening until we get back into our routine. Look, I even put in your favourite bubbles and lavender oil!"Because Dallon has been trying everything and anything to make having a bath enjoyable to Brendon again.

"Frank Sinatra himself could be in that bath and I would not go in! You can't make me. I'd rather stink!"Brendon turns up his nose and huffs loudly, looking away from Dallon who sits down onto his knees and gives the Daddy look.

"And I'd rather you not, I do after all have to endure your stench of stale pizza and chocolate milk on a daily basis."He scrunches up his own nose, running his hand in the warm water, just as Brendon likes it.

"Well you fart in your sleep but you don't hear me complaining."

"Brendon."Dallons cheeks heat pink in embarrassment and annoyance at the comment that Brendon has made.

"And another thing! Did you know that you're more likely to drown in a bath than any other body of water?"

"Did you know you're most likely to starve than drown in the bath?"

"You wouldn't do that to me."Brendon narrows his eyes at Dallon, the black of his pupils shown more than the brown of his eyes, threatening to turn into slits. As much as Dallon has been over sympathetic for his baby Brendon, it didn't mean that he wasn't tired of Brendon's growing cranky attitude.

"Well if you don't hurry for a bath, I won't have enough time to make you dinner so maybe."Dallon is threatening, watching at the way that Brendon puffs out his cheeks, disapproving of what could happen because having a bath is bad, not having food is even worse.

In the end, Brendon is sulkily agreeing to having a bath and that's only because he doesn't want not to have food tonight as he's extra hungry. He's helped out of his clothes,  a plastic bag and sticky tape around Brendon's cast to stop it from getting wet and helped into the bath by Dallon. The bubbles some up further than the water, something which is a bit of a reassurance to Brendon and the aura of lavender is blissful.

"Where are you going?"He panics whenever he notices Dallon moving to reach for something away from the tub, his hand frantically coming to grab at the front of Dallons jumper in fear that the man is about to leave. His eyes are wide, kitten ears lowered into his messy hair.

"Nowhere. I'm going nowhere."Dallon soothes gently, settling back onto his knees whenever he's grabbed the items he was reaching for."I was just grabbing these for you."

"Rubber duckies?"Brendon's eyebrows come together in confusion as he looks at the cute yellow rubber ducks that Dallon is showing to him. Sure, he's played with toys in the bath before but that had always been whenever he was little, right now, he's defiantly not little. Dallon is plopping them into the bubble water without a further comment.

Dallons attempts of luring Brendon into his little headpace are slow, mostly because Brendon has a resisting urge and Dallon isn't exactly a pusher, but there's a noticeable change from the Brendon that entered the bathtub and the one that comes out, which is a good sign at least.

" A onesie? But I'm not little."Brendon is making a firm point as he sits on their bed, a soft and fluffy towel wrapped around his shoulders as he narrows his eyes at Dallon who holds up the space themed onesie, new and made with a hole in the back of it for his tail to slip through.

"You're not, no..."Dallon trails off, because he can already see the signs appearing, from the way that Brendon bites his bottom lip in that urge to suck on something or his hands play with his soft kitten tail. It was al signs of teetering on the edge of his little space."But it's comfy and incredibly soft."

" But I'm not little."

"Yes, but-"Dallon tries to explain because the least he wants in some sort of argument to blow up over a onesie.



"No!"The hybrid is raising is voice, cutting off Dallons own. Stunned at Brendon raising his voice at him - mostly for the fact that for the last 2 weeks nobody has spoken over a normal level of talking and it's one of their rules - Dallon is looking at Brendon in shock and it's then that Brendon realises he shouldn't have raised his voice.

"Fine, fine, whatever. I'm just trying to help."Dallon gives up, throwing the onesie onto the bed beside where Brendon is sitting, wrapped up in his towel."Just, I know that you want to be little and I know it's difficult but I'm just trying to give you a little he of release, to let you relax but fine, it's fine."

"Dallon, I-"

"I'll go and finish dinner, you don't need my help to get changed anyway."Dallon hesitates, as if he does want to stay and help Brendon into a pair of comfy clothing or maybe some pyjamas, but he stops himself and leaves the bedroom, not meeting Brendon's eyes.

A pang of hurt rushes through Brendon's chest at the way that Dallon seems to disappear out of the room, an evident sound of hurt and embarrassment in his voice at his failed attempt of trying to make him feel more relaxed. He knows that Dallons means well, of course he does, but the urge to be little hasn't been there.

Of course it has been, he wants to just slip into his little space and let all of his worries melt away along with his responsibilities, but he's scared. There had been so many times that Brendon had nearly been scared into his little space while chained in the Spencer's basement, and it had frightened him at the mer thought of being little around a man like him.

Brendon looks at the onesie, letting his finger tips rub against the soft material longingly.

But Dallon isn't Spencer. Dallon is his Daddy, a man that has put his own life on hold just to take care of Brendon and all of his injuries. A man who keeps thinning of ways to make Brendon more comfortable now that he's back home. A man that Brendon had shouted at when he was only being helpful and thoughtful.

Downstairs, Dallon is busying himself with making food, something quick and simple like grilled cheeses is good, they had a big lunch after Tyler and Josh bought over some food that afternoon. He's so lost in his self-hatred thoughts and making sure that he doesn't burn the cheese to a black mess that he doesn't even hear the shuffling of feet come down the stairs or into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry,"Brendon's voice wavers in the kitchen, followed by a familiar sound of a sniffle which makes Dallon look over his shoulders at where Brendon is in the doorframe. His heart immediately aches at the sight, of Brendon in the onesie that had been thrown onto the bed, Sinatra hugged in his good arm."You're right, I do need this."

"I do too."Dallon admits softly, taking his attention off of the stove."I need this, just as much as you do."

"Can I have a hug?"

"You don't need to ask, peanut."Dallon is easily taking the strides over to where Brendon stands, doing his best to make grabby hands when he has a broken arm and the other is holding tightly onto Sinatra. Carefully, Dallon is brining Brendon into Hug, his arms around his shoulders and burying his face into Brendon's sweet smelling hair.

"I just want to be better, daddy."The little is confessing, sniffling into Dallons jumper.

"You're getting there, baby."Dallon whispers, kissing inbetween Brendon's kitten ears which give a twitch that tickles Dallons nose."It's all going to be okay in the end, and if it's not okay, then it's not the end yet."

As much as there's so many more chapters to go and progress to do, I'm in the progress of figuring out how to end this book. I'm usually not very good at finishing and wrapping up a booklet so if anyone has any opinions that would be great!

Please tell me what your opinions on the chapter are!

On Dallon looking after Brendon and not himself?

Do you think Dallon was in the right with trying to make Brendon little?

Is there anything that you'd like to see me to write for Dallon and Brendon?

What is everyone's opinion on MPreg?



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