43. Dallon Weekes Needs A Hug
I'm 50 comments away from 4K comments and that's such a good step! To have more comments than votes is actually strangely satisfying to see as it shows how many people are committed not just to read, but to also comment and I thank you all!
I also posted the first chapter of the spin-off 'Pete.' And I'd be great if you checked it out and have it a couple of comments. Thank you to all who has already, it means the world to me (:
I thought this chapter was rather bad in writing, it's rather wordy and sad
Get ready for tears
When Brendon first came into Dallons life, Dallon hadn't wanted anything to do with the pestering hybrid that seemed to follow him around like a second shadow. His life was already still a mess, picking up the pieces of a broken relationship, a broken life, a broken person and for somebody new, somebody so needy and clingy to come into Dallons life was not an option at that time.
But he was a good person, he had a heart under the layers and layers of self pity and sour moods and he wasn't going to let the hybrid freeze outside. So he has let him in and so the story had went on. Brendon showed Dallon how to feel again, how to be okay with himself again whenever he had once thought that his life was over at 25. Brendon showed Dallon that yeah, it's okay to be scared, to cry, to be sad but that doesn't make you any less of who you are.
When Brendon didn't return from the bathroom on their date, Dallons mind had raced to the worse scenarios. They all scared Dallon to the bone because each and every one of his running wild thoughts ended with Brendon not coming back, with him being hurt, tortured, beaten, chained up and it was thoughts like that that made Dallons heart break all over again.
After Dallon had came to his senses, the police being rang and Ryan and Pete coming to the scene to aid Dallon, it hadn't taken long for him to pull the pieces together on who was behind Brendon's disappearance. It was just the matter of finding out where he was and how long it would take for the police to find them both and charge Spencer for hybrid abuse, something that should've been done years ago.
"They'll find him."Ryan had told Dallon that night, shuffling the towering man into the house that had long gone cold since the two left for their date. The house had already seemed to fall so eerily quiet without Brendon's presence, one that was usually filled with some type of chatter or loud slurred mumbling if he was being carried off to bed.
Ryan and Pete themselves had sorted out the information regarding the police and the search for Brendon with what little information that Dallon could give them both. Turns out, Spencer Smith isn't always that much of a common name, especially when there's one involved in Hybrid capture, selling and breeding across the west coast.
Pete also had connections with the police and detective force which also helped a boost in their mission to find Spencer Smiths location and further more, Brendon's. It had proven to be more difficult than intending but progress was encouraged.
"Just try and get some sleep."Ryan had tried to tell him, even offering to stay the night with Dallon if the man hadn't wanted to be alone. He had kissed Dallon on the forehead and told him he'd call in the morning, leaving the man alone in his own aura of sadness and fear that he Hadn't been able to sleep, not on his own, not when he's spent so many months sleeping beside a warm body that he was supposed to protect.
So he hadn't went to sleep, instead, Dallon had found himself in bed, with Sinatra the Giraffe tucked under his chin and the jar that Brendon had given him on his birthday on his lap. He couldn't sleep, not when his mind was running so wild with thoughts, so many terrible, bad thoughts that made it unbearable to sleep.
His mind never shut off during that week, finding different ways to blame himself. Like what if they hadn't went out on that date? What if Dallon went with Brendon to the bathroom? What if they went to a different restaurant? What if Dallon had decided to stay at home? Would Brendon still be taken, would be still be here? If he safe? Does he miss him? Will he ever see him again? And worse of all; Does he blame me?
"This is not your fault, Dallon."
Ryan's voice continued to ring in his ears, an echo in his head as he stared down at the little sheets of colourful card that he had shook out of the jar. He had thought the present was beautiful, thoughtful whenever Brendon had gave it to him on his birthday, but it's only this past week that Dallon has really looked at what each one of them say;
Your Smile
That you are able to make me Mac 'n Cheese
Your laugh
Whenever you're not grumpy ( and even when you are )
That you treat me like an equal
That you show me love in ways nobody else has
Your cuddles
Your kisses
That you let me wear your clothes
That you carry me all of the time ( because I'm extra lazy )
And the list went on, an endless supply of little notes, of little messages of all of the reasons why that Brendon loved Dallon, from the simplest of things like cutting up his pancakes at breakfast time to looking after him whenever he's extra little, it was all there, all in scribbly messy handwriting in this little jar for Dallon.
Dallon just wishes he told Brendon more, how much that he loved him.
Brendon's memory begins to get hazy after Andy gets involved, it's not that he doesn't remember what happens, because he does, he just can't picture it as clearly as he wishes that he could, and maybe that's because of the amount of times that his head has been slammed against concert flooring or bricked walls but he thinks it's for the best that he doesn't remember everything that happens after being taken out of the basement.
The hybrid clings to Andy like a koala bear whenever it comes to bring moved from his place on the floor, and his touches are so soft, so gentle as if this scary tattooed looking police officer is afraid to hurt someone so delicate like Brendon in this state. Brendon would've mocked him for it if it wasn't for the fact that he felt so dizzy and all he wanted was to he held in arms that weren't going to hurt him.
Everything after leaving the basement was sort of fuzzy, in that way that everything seems so hazy and blurred that Brendon wasn't even sure if it was real or not, sinking in and out of consciousness as he was carried away and into an ambulance. There was one thing that Brendon could say, he did not like the ambulance at all.
By the time that Brendon is waking up again, there's another pain in the side of his head, a dull ache and pain that travels all the way to the front and forms a migraine. The pain is unbearable, followed by the recognisable stinging of cuts and scars, bruises and gashes that he knows litter his pale skin from head to toe. It's a pain that Brendon was once use to, now it's all coming back to him at once.
There's an annoying beeping sound that echoes in the room, off of the walls of Brendon's fuzzy mind and back out his ears again, the kitten ears twitching in his hair at the beeping sound. It's annoying and Brendon wishes that it would shut up because this is the best sleep that he's gotten in weeks.
Forcefully, Brendon's eyes are fluttering open, eyelids heavy with clingy sleep and stiff from being closed for so long. The room is too bright and immediately, Brendon knows that he's no longer in the basement with his bright that the lights in the room are, hurting his eyes enough that it makes him flinch.
"Dallon?"And his own voice seems to foreign to his own ears, mouth feeling like it's stuffed with cotton wool and maybe also, his eyes are playing tricks on him. Dallon is slumped over the hospital bed, his head resting on Brendon's legs and arms protector draped over his lap fast asleep, his face turned towards Brendon. He looks exhausted, bags under his eyes and hair greasy, but he's here with Brendon, he's real.
And maybe that's what makes Brendon start to cry, all of these emotions crashing down on him at once, all those nights that Brendon spent laying alone in the cold, a new bruise on his cheek or new whip marks up his back, had all piled up onto him until now. Now. Where he's with Dallon, physically here, and it's not some sort of fucked up hallucination that's been inflicted by a trauma to the head and that's what makes Brendon cry.
"Brendon? Hey, shh, what's with the tears?"Dallon is being wakened up by a familiar sound of sobbing, a type of sobbing that usually happened in the middle of the night whenever Brendon had a nightmare or if he was woken up by sickness. He's up like a flash, panic sinking into his chest as he looks up.
"Y-you're here, you're here and I- I never thought I'd s-see you again but you're here, physically here and I'm-"There's tears running down Brendon's cheeks, over healing cuts and paper stitches as he sobs his heart out for the man that's in front of him and it breaks Dallons heart all over again and again.
"Oh, Brendon."Dallon is quick with gathering Brendon in his arms, sliding into what little space there is in the single hospital bed and pulling Brendon carefully close to him, mindful of the wires and the hybrids injuries. Brendon's hands are curling into the material of Dallons jumper that smells so much like Dallon, so much like home that it makes Brendon's entire body shake with harder cries.
"I'm here, baby. I'm here and I'm never letting you go again, I'm so so sorry."Dallon whispers, tightening his arms around Brendon, burying his face into the hybrids neck as he lets a couple of tears slide down his face."I was so scared, I feared that I'd never see you again, never reach out to you again, never touch you again and I'm so so sorry."
"You didn't do anything wrong."Brendon hiccups, pulling his face away from Dallons jumper so that he can look at the man that he loves in the eyes, those beautiful crystal blue eyes that hold so much more story that is told, so much emotion and so much love.
"I failed to look after you, I failed to protect you."I failed at being a Daddy, are left unsaid but Brendon hears it loud and clear. It's an unspoken subject about how insecure that Dallon truly is, about his body, his appearance, his personality, as a boyfriend. Brendon can sense it, he knows it, and the biggest issue is how insecure that he is as a Daddy.
There's tears sliding down Dallons face, dripping off of his chin and it's only when Brendon is bringing a hand up to wipe them away that he notices how his right arm is in a cast, broken in 2 places at his arm and at his wrist.
"You didn't fail at anything. It was not your fault, it wasn't either of our faults, okay?"Brendon tells him firmly, his voice forcing to be strong and determined to tell Dallon off."You couldn't have done a thing to prevent this and I couldn't have done a thing to get out of the situation. I got taken away, I got hurt and that is not your fault. That does not make you a bad person, a bad boyfriend or a bad Daddy "
"Why is it in times like these where I should be comforting you, that you're comforting me?"Dallon is wiping at his own tears with the sleeve of his jumper, feeling his heart swell in his chest.
"Because you spend so much time comforting me that you never look after yourself."Brendon lets a small smirk twitch at his lips, sniffling away fast running tears."Thank you for being here."
"I'll always be here, I'll always be looking for you."Dallon whispers truthfully, pressing his lips against Brendon's forehead with a kiss, the hybrids lips still healing with stitches that Dallon doesn't want to disrupt the healing. The list goes on too long of injuries that Brendon has gained while in Spencer's hands, and right now, neither of them are in the right mind to go over them.
"I'm just so tired, Dallon. I'm so tired of being hurt, is being tortured, of being sad and in pain. I'm just so tired."Brendon is sobbing again, feeling emotional all over again as he reaches out for Dallons comfort that is gratefully received.
"Then go to sleep, baby. I'll be right here when you wake up, I promise you."
"And then we'll go home?"
"Yes, we'll go home."Dallon confirms, helping Brendon to lay down in a more comfortable position for the hybrid and so that he isn't in as much pain, something that's hard to do whenever you're covered in so many injuries."I love you so much, Brendon. I know I don't say it enough, but I really do."
"I know,"Brendon gives him this small, sleepy smile and it's just so Brendon, just so cheeky and so beautiful despite the cuts and stitches on his lips, with the way that he blinks up at Dallon."And I love you too."
They are reunited! I wanted to have an entire chapter of them getting together, not just skipping over it to being all happy and stuff. But soon, and in soon I mean next chapter, we will get back onto a happier, character developing note and I have an important question to ask in the next chapter (;
Please tell me your opinions!
On the jar and what was inside it?
On the entire chapter? How much did it make you upset?
On Brendon and Dallons reunion?
What do you think is next instore for our characters? What is it that you'd like to see before this book ends?
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