42. Sometimes Angels Come In The Form of Uniform And Tattoos

I've just realised that I've made Spencer the dick in this and TUGGC lmao oops. I actually do love the bean so much, I just don't know how I always end up making him the bad guy in my fics.

'I'll update on the 17th' a week later and all I've done is sleep and watch tv shows. Sorry aha. But I'm sorta caught up on sleep and therefore here is an update and thank you all for waiting that week that I did not even touch this at all lmao

I love it when you all comment and let me just say that whenever this gets 4K comments I'm gonna have a party

This hurts so much to write holy shit

When Brendon had first arrived at Spencer's home, he can been given his own room. It had been somewhat of an agreement between Sarah and Spencer at the time, that Brendon had learnt, to treat him to his own room, where he could feel protected and could spend his own time in whenever he needed to be alone and to wait on Sarah to come back for him. Back then, Brendon had thought that was generous and sweet at the time, it was only when he found out that Sarah was never coming back for him that the idea was no longer so sweet.

It hadn't been large, but it was surely bigger than the room that he and Sarah had shared at her dingy small little flat. With walls coated a beautiful shade of blue and carpets so soft that Brendon - and his kitten like instincts - could've slept on it if need be, which unfortunately became a thing whenever Spencer had removed his bed after Brendon had swiped at him one night after a beating.

Now, Brendon has lost that kind of small luxury, to have the protection of his own room and the freedom to roam around the home, to sleep on soft carpet or have a window to look out of into the world. Now, he's trapped, chained up like the animal that Spencer keeps slurring that he is and kicked to sleep every night on a hard, cold surface that leaves Brendon's already aching body in so much more pain.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I won't do it again!"Brendon's body is racked with sobs as he tries to curl in on himself, his vision a blur between his own tears and blood as another kick is landed by his head, causing him to scream out in pain.

"How dare you swipe at me."He growls, grabbing Brendon by his hair and forcing the crying hybrid to lift his head off the ground, vision blurred and face a mess with tears, blood, cuts and bruises that have formed over the last week.

"I'm sorry, master. I will make it up to you."Brendon sobs before he's being thrown back down to the ground by Spencer.

"You will, or next time your Dallon won't have a chance compared to me. You know exactly how powerful I am, Brendon. You know exactly what I'm capable of doing. Are you sure that you want me to test my limit against your lover?"He threatens, voice so cold, so harsh and full of venom with every word that he slurs past his lips.

"P-please, don't. I'm sorry, please don't hurt Dallon."

"You fucking animal. Next time, I'll have you declawed."Spencer spits, landing another kick to Brendon's stomach, making the hybrid let out another sob of pain as he curls more into himself to reduce the pain. The thought of being declawed terrifies Brendon, an act of removing all of Brendon's nails makes the hybrid cringe and tear up at the thought.

"There won't be a next time, master."Brendon promises with a tremble of his voice and body, heaving heavily from the kick to his stomach. He can hear Spencer's foot steps get further and further away, leaving him alone on the floor of Spencer's master bedroom in a pool of his own blood and tears.

The time that Brendon has been here hasn't been pleasant, and neither should it be with past experience of having Spencer as a master. There's not a day that goes by that Brendon doesn't cry himself to sleep at night, curled in on himself with warmth as he thinks of how he could've avoided this, avoided being kidnapped and dragged back into the hard, old hands of Spencer. He wishes he hadn't even went to that bathroom on that date.

And the date. Brendon can only imagine Dallons own upset, his own confusion and worry and anger, and all of that makes Brendon's heart hurt. He wonders what Dallon had done whenever Brendon failed to come back from the bathroom, did he go looking for him? Phone the police? Send out a notice that he was lost? And what was Pete feeling, or Ryan, or Josh and Tyler? Did they miss him? We're they looking for him?

Those were the kind of thoughts that kept Brendon up at night, when he was too afraid to sleep incase Spencer came down for another go at his pretty little mouth to suck more cock, or because the new whip marks on his back and thighs stung with every move that he made.

"I want all of this cleaned up, you here me? If there's one speck of blood remaining you won't be sitting for the next week."Spencer is demanding as he reenters the master bedroom, dressed in a new attire as his previous clothing has been strained with blood."And stop these crocodile tears. You and I both know how much of a slut that you are for pain."

"Yes, Master."Brendon chokes down his own tears and sobs as he pulls together some sort of strength and energy to get up onto his knees, wiping away his dripping tears and drying blood with his back of his hand.

"Also,"Spencer straightens his tie and turns to look over at a staggering Brendon who gets up onto his feet, completely naked, so vulnerable and exposed to the monster before him. The sight makes Spencer smirk, the trembling naked hybrid in front of him."Wash yourself. I don't want to come back to fuck a blood covered hybrid."

Brendon nods his head, obeying to Spencers orders avoid getting a second beating for not obeying because as much as Brendon is trying to power himself through a free speech action plan, having a second beating following another is not what Brendon wants right now, especially since his body feels terrible and he hurts all over.

He manages to clean up enough that the blood and tears that were staining the bedroom floor is barely noticeable, what cleaning equipment he had been left to use only able to take off so much of the blood. Stumbling into the bathroom, Brendon catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror, something that makes the hybrid stop and stare.

"Ow,"He hisses, fingers gracing over a fresh yellow bruise that has formed on his cheek. His face is swollen from bruising and deepening cuts and gashes, ones that match the rest that scatter his bruising, untreated cuts ready to join his older scars that have been let behind from years of abuse.

He's a far cry from perfect health now that he looks at himself. He had been doing so well, his appearance had been approving so well that he could actually get to the point that he could look at himself in the mirror without cringing. Now, he's bruised up, ugly and beaten. A sight that he knows that Dallon won't want to see or will ever love.

"Why am I such a fuck up?"Brendon whispers to himself, his kitten tail wrapping around his bare stomach, the tears running down his cheeks as he tears his view away from his image in the mirror, a sight that he doesn't want to look at.


The amount of times that Brendon had complained to his inner self of the pain that he's in is unbelievable. His thoughts are going to an empty place, a place where nobody can help him but himself because that's who he's talking to, himself. A coward. An animal. A slut. A whore. All of the words that spencer used to describe him are starting to sink in, starting to be engraved into his head, into his skull, echoing into his ears along with every punch and kick and crack of a whip.

Spencer has just left, chained him up by a metal anklet around his ankle that's chained to the wall after Brendon had first tried to escape. He knows that he shouldn't have even thought about escaping, Spencer would be smarter this time. It's been going on for so long that Brendon can't even remember what has been done with him this time, what he had done to deserve such a punishment that left his bum hurt so badly that it hurts to move, his back and shoulders stinging like a hundred of bee stings at the same time.

Brendon whimpers into himself as he can hear the door of the basement being kicked open, his kitten ears twitching in his greasy longing hair. He squeezes his eyes shut, not enough energy in him to fight back at Spencer this time, not this early, not right now. If he lays still, it's over quicker, that's something that Brendon had learned over the past weeks.

The footsteps are getting heavier as they come down the stairs, almost more frantic as there's a light being shone Brendon's direction, something that makes the hybrid flinch and try and hide his face into the concrete that he lays on. There's muffled shouting, of loud words that Brendon can't understand.

"Hey there."A new voice is calling, so soft and sincere as they speak to Brendon likes he's the most delicate thing on earth. But Brendon isn't that stupid, he knows of how a voice can turn so venom.

"Please don't hurt me."Brendon hates how weak that he feels, that his voice sounds to his ears but it's just how he feels. He's so sick and tired so being used and abused, being passed around like a shore without a name and beaten black and blue for the smallest of slip ups. He just wants it to stop, he just wants to go home.

"I'm not here to hurt you, I promise you that. I need you to open your eyes for me, please. I'm here to get you out of here."

"And what type of promise is that? A pretty fucking pathetic one if you think that I'm going to trust you enough to help me get out of here."Brendon snaps, his voice scrunched up with a cringe at how hoarse and dry that his voice sounds.

"You could trust my word as a Police officer."They suggest not unkindly, sitting back onto their feet as he continues to shine the torch into Brendon's body, covered with only a pair of understand that's ripped and stained."And with the reassurance that I'm a friend of Petes."

"Pete Wentz?"Brendon's eyes shoot open at the mention of Petes name, a name that he hasn't heard of in so long, of his best friend. His body goes to shoot up despite the pain, an action that makes him cry out in pain and for hands to land softly on his shoulders.

"Whoa, calm down there. You're not in the right condition for fast movements, buddy."There's a sound of mild panic in the police officers voice, slowly lowering Brendon back onto the ground and wincing every time that the hybrid lets out a hiss of pain."But yes, I'm Pete Wentz friend. My name's Andy, I'm here to take you home."

"Back to Dallon?"

"Back to Dallon."Andy confirms, taking off his own jacket and draping it over Brendon's trembling body in a gesture to keep his safe and warm.

"I miss him so much."Brendon sobs into the ground because he feels like this is all just some sort of taunting dream, that Andy isn't actually here to save him or take him home and he's just so tried. And he feels like he's been fighting this battle for so long, of being beaten and used, of a longing to be in Dallons arms for so long."I love him so much and I-I was so scared I'd never see him again."

"It's okay, it's going to be okay."Andy tries to reassure, trying his hardest to comfort but without touching the hybrid.

"You're not the one that's had to endure what I've had for so many years, for weeks and days. You don't know what I've been through, you don't know that it's going to be okay because you might get me out of here, but he'll come back."And that's what Brendon fears the most. He'll come back, and he won't go after Brendon this time, but Dallon.

"You don't gave to worry about Spencer Smith anymore, Brendon. We're taking care of it."

"You should kill him before Dallon does."

"I don't think we'll do that, but we'll do something."Andy reassures, dismissing the fact that Dallon would offer to kill Spencer. He gets it, he would kill he man that hurt his lover as well if he had the chance.

"Thank you,"Brendon whispers, feeling some of the tears leaking den his cheeks from his eyes, dealing incredibly emotional right now that somebody, a stranger no matter at that, is doing something to get rid of an awful monster like Spencer Smith."I would like to go home, please. I'd like to see my Dallon."

"And I'll take you to him."Andy reassures, grabbing onto Brendon's hand whenever the hybrid reaches out for it, his hand trembling with tears and pain and tiredness."I promise."

And Brendon is being saved! In a kind of twist that I will explain further in the next chapter, I promise! I just don't have enough time to continue to be writing rn.

But please give me your opinions on the entire chapter!

On Police Officer Andy saving Brendon?

What do you think Brendon and Dallons reunion will be like?

What is going to happen with Spencer?

How much did these past chapters make you emotional?



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