40. darling, you look perfect tonight

Gotten to the stage where I don't give a fuck of what people think of this fic or my attitude towards people who diss this fic, or any of my other fics to be honest. If you isn't like it, fair enough, but making indecent comments about the DDLB/LG etc is unacceptable and people can fuck off if their going to diss without doing their research 🖕🏼

For everyone that reads, comments, votes and loves this book. Thank you so much and I love you all so much ❤️

Favourite Twenty One Pilot songs: Taxi Cab, oh ms believer, Johnny Boy, (honestly all of the Self titled album tbh), Lovely and The Judge

A shameless self promo: but I published a new Ryden fic if you'd check it out! It's called 'Attention Seeker' and I'd be great if you guys got me to 10 votes and have a look at it!

"Hey, Dallon."Brendon sings from one side of the sofa, poking Dallon in the ribs with his pointed foot in an attempt to grab at the mans attention. They opted for a lazy afternoon, with Brendon sprawled out on one side of the sofa with what was once a ball of yarn - which is no just a tangled mess of string - in his hands and Dallon with his laptop on his lap being very antisocial.

It's been a good couple of days at home, with Brendon and Dallon being left to do their own thing - in which both consisted on working on music related projects - before coming together and spending the evening with one another. Brendon liked it, because as much as he loves to spend time with his human, he likes to be left to do his own things when he's big as well.

Brendon had been ecstatic to hear of Dallons new music news, haven jumped on the man in excitement and proudness which had lead to the two of the, heavily making out on the piano in the music room until Brendon was a panting mess. It was amazing news and Brendon was all for Dallon achieving his dreams and willing to support the man through all of his decisions and their make our session was a perfect way to celebrate.

It's the furthest that the two have gotten and Dallon isn't really sure how far they will get when it comes to anything remotely sexual or intimate. They haven't had that talk yet, of hoe far they'll take it or when they will, and it's not like Dallon doesn't want to have sex - because my god, he hadn't had sex in years - but he doesn't want to do anything that makes Brendon uncomfortable. From what Dallon has heard, he hasn't had the best experience in that department either and it just makes Dallons blood boil.

"Hmm?"Dallons attention is focused on the email that he's typing, trying to swat away the foot that continues to nudge and poke him."Brendon, stop it."

"Pay attention to me."He meows, purposely stretching out on the sofa with a loud, satisfying groan followed by Brendon's feet being prompted onto the older mans lap.

"I'm a bit busy right now."

"But you're always busy. You can't just be busy all of the time, you're getting old, you gotta start having some fun and pay more attention to me because without attention I'll die."The kitten hybrid says in all seriousness.

"I'm not old, and you won't die. I think we've had this conversation before."

"Yeah well now you're 28. You're not a spring chicken anymore. Death is around every corner."

"Brendon, stop it."Dallon laughs whenever Brendon goes to over dramatically drape himself over Dallon, a look of mock horror all over his face."You're only 20, you're only 7 years younger than me and I'm not prancing around telling you that you're going to fucking die."

"21 actually."Brendon corrects quietly bur because he's so close to Dallon, the man picks up what was mumbled.


"I'm 21. Well I am now. I wasn't, and then my birthday passed and so that makes me legal I guess. Is that how it works? I'm not sure, nobody has ever really told me but I guess that means I can drink alcohol now without you and Pete telling me that I'm too young to."Brendon begins to ramble, sitting up onto his knees on the sofa beside Dallon.

"Wait, what, hold up."Dallon pauses, holding up his hands to indicate a pause. Turning to look at the hybrid on the sofa, Brendon is tilting his head to the side in confusion."When did you turn 21? When was your birthday?"

"12th of April."The hybrid informs guilty whenever Dallons face falls from confusion into sadness at realising that Brendon's birthday has gone and passed and he didn't even know. He didn't even try to know, and the guesses that's what makes Dallons chest tighten in hurt even more so.

"I didn't even know..."Dallon trails off, feeling guilty that he hadn't even known."Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't think it was important,"Brendon shrugs his shoulders, his kitten ears lowering into his hair."It was never important before so I didn't think I'd be important now. Sarah didn't have a lot of money to celebrate and Spencer didn't care, so I just thought my birthday wasn't important..."

"Of course it's important!"Dallon is setting his laptop onto the ground."You should've told me, babe. We could've celebrated, have a party, get you cake and come gifts-"

"But you do so much already, I didn't want you to go out of your way and do more stuff for me. T-that's why I wanted to do something for you on your birthday because you do so much for me and I don't do anything back in return and I feel bad about that."Brendon admits because if he could have it his way, he'd give Dallon so much if he could.

"Brendon, come here."Dallon motions and Brendon is quick to crawling across the sofa to sit himself comfortably on Dallons lap with a leg on each side of his lap and his arms looped around Dallons neck."You don't have to give me anything in return for what I give to you. What I do for you is because you mean so much to me, and as long as you're there for me after a hard day at work with open arms for cuddles and a film, that's all I ask for."


"Really, baby."He confirms, leaning in to press a kiss or Brendon's pretty plump lips. Brendon lets out a sound of surprise before melting into the loving kiss, moving his lips against Dallons. The kiss is short lived, with Dallon pulling away to rub his nose against Brendon's in a cute Eskimo kiss."Will you go on a date with me?"

"A date?"

"Yeah. I want to officially seal our relationship and show you off."And Dallon knows that's he's blushing like crazy, mirroring Brendon who's a bright red with all of the attention being drawn onto him and his answer."So will you? Go out on a date with me?"

"I mean, yeah. Yeah, of course! I-I just, what do people do on dates? I don't know how to act, how to dress- what do I wear? I don't own any fancy clothing, Dallon!"

"Wear whatever you're most comfortable in."

"But you always tell me I can't go out places in my underwear."

"Okay let me rephrase. Wear whatever clothes you're most comfortable in."Because the least the Dallon wants is to be fined for having the hybrid bring indecent in public."I won't take you out anywhere fancy, I can't afford that yet, but it's not going to be to McDonalds."

"There's nothing wrong with McDonalds."Brendon pouts because he loves McDonalds and all types of greasy, unhealthy fast food that Dallon doesn't like him eating.

"It's greasy and It isn't exactly Date material. I want what's best for my beautiful boyfriend."

"I'm your boyfriend?"

"Do you want to be my boyfriend?"And there's so much recognisable fear in Dallons voice as he asks that question quietly, because Brendon isn't the only one that has a problem with trust and letting people in. Because as much as he sees Dallon as this alrighty powerful man, who would put his entire life on hold for him, Dallon is just as broken and scared as he is.

"Of course I do!"Brendon throws himself at the man with a loud, happy squeal and it's all worth it whenever he sees the grin that breaks out onto Dallons lips, because all Brendon wants to do is to make Dallon happy.

Somehow, their lips meet once again, in a kiss that starts off so slow and meaningful and ends with Brendon sprawled on his back on the sofa, limps hooked around Dallons over hovering body. Dallons lips melt with Brendon's with a perfect fit, like some type of wonky jigsaw because that's what they are; a wonky jigsaw that only fit perfectly together.

With heavy lips, the kiss is getting heated and fast paced and it makes Brendon's head swim to all types of thoughts as he tries to keep up with Dallons heavy, fast pace, completely complaint to allowing Dallon to do whatever he wants to him. And Dallons knows this, he knows that Brendon lays so much trust on him and with that, he slows the kiss down to a lazy, gentle drawl.

"Dallon?"Brendon pants against Dallons lips, fingers locked around Dallons neck, keeping them touch, lips a ghostly touch.


"I love you."And Dallons heart soars, just like it always does because Brendon is so open, so willing to show Dallon all these different sides to him that somehow makes the older man nervous and frightened and ready all at the same time.

"I love you too, Brendon."And it feels so right, because it is so right. And it's all worth it when Dallon can feel the grin that breaks out onto Brendon's pretty plump lips and their lips meet in the middle once more.

Despite Dallons rules of them getting ready separately for their date - because he wants to make it as first date worthy as possible - Dallon still agrees on showering with Brendon that afternoon, because as much as the hybrid has taken that step to actually get in the shower with Dallon, he hasn't gotten as far as showering alone. But Dallon doesn't mind, he'll do anything for Brendon.

"Is this okay?"Brendon asks to nobody in particular seeing as he's the only one in the bedroom. He had shoved Dallon out of their own bedroom so he could get changed in privacy, haven tried on half his wardrobe and still struggling to settle on an outfit.

He's never been more grateful for the full length mirror in the bedroom, looking at his current chosen outfit in all sorts of angles as he twists and turns to see how perfect it looks on him. It's nothing spectacular, snug fitting black trousers - that may or may not hug his perfect little bum perfectly - a white long sleeved shirt and a cute bow tie that he had found in the back of Dallons wardrobe, accompanied by a pair of old braces.

It was smart, but casual, and Brendon will admit that he looks darn well cute.

"I like it, yeah, I can go out like this."Brendon nods at himself in approval, his kitten tail wrapping around his left pant leg as he takes one more look at himself in the mirror kjst to make sure he looks as perfect as he can for Dallon. Once he's satisfied with his hair, his outfit, his face - because thank god for Pete Wentz and eyeliner - Brendon is leaving the bedroom to meet Dallon down in the livingroom.

A date

His first date

And my god, there's dolphins doing backflips in his stomach as he emerges down the stairs and heads for the livingroom, because what if so many things go wrong? What if he messes something up? Spills his drink? Drops food on his shirt? There's so many what ifs flying through  his head that he doesn't even realise that Dallon is already speaking to him.


"Sorry, what?"

"I said,"Dallon takes a step closer, and it's only now that Brendon can see that Dallon is now dished out in his own equally as handsome outfit of black dress pants and a long sleeved grey shirt. So simple, but so beautiful on him."That you look beautiful."

"You don't look so bad yourself, Dal."

"Thanks, babe."Dallon laughs at the small compliment, bringing up his fingers to poke at the bow tie that Brendon has somehow perfectly tied."This is very cute."

"Are we actually going to go on this date or are you just gonna critic my outfit?"

"This is the date. You stand there and look pretty, and I comment on your outfit."Dallon smirks down at the smaller hybrid, watching the way that Brendon bites his bottom lip with sharp feline teeth, almost teasingly."C'mon, your carriage awaits."

"You mean your beat up Ford Focus?"

"Lets use our imagination and pretend it's a carriage for my Prince."

"You're too cheesy,"

"Only for you."

Brendon can feel himself settle down on his nerves and butterflies in his stomach on the drive to the restaurant. They fall into their usual, normal conversation that never fails to make Brendon feel relaxed as they enjoy the short drive. It helps that the restaurant isn't fancy either and the atmosphere upon walking through the doors is family run and very cozy and quaint.

In true gentleman fashion, Dallon is pulling out Brendon's chair for the hybrid which causes Brendon to blush as he gladly accepts. Guiltily, he loves the way that Dallon so easily takes charge of the entire situation.

"So, are we going to do all of the cheesy first date clichés, tonight?"Brendon can't help but to tease whenever Dallon points out a desert on a separate menu that he thinks looks good enough for the two of them do share.

"I mean, would is truly be a first date if we didn't do all of the clichés?"

"I suppose not,"Brendon shrugs, directing his eyes onto the menu in front of him, kitten ears twitching in his hair."Does that mean we'll stare some spaghetti until our lips meet in the middle?"

"This isn't lady and the tramp."

"Well it is a date cliché."

"We're not doing every cliché, just a few. We have far more dates to come."

They fall into a lighthearted and comfortable conversation for the rest of the evening, their main course coming and going and their teasing and banter continuing. Dallon loves it. He loves to see this side of Brendon, where he's happy and carefree and will say whatever comes to his mind  and he doesn't want the night to end.

"Which is more romantic, The chocolate moose or the cheesecake?"

"Which is the nicest?"

"Both are moderately good."Dallon shrugs, looking over with those bright, blue eyes that Brendon can't help but to love again and again. With a shrug, Brendon speaks.

"Surprise me. I gotta pee."Brendon leaves it up to Dallon to choose their shared dessert, delicately getting up from his chair after an approving nod and gentle smile from Dallon. Finding the bathroom is more difficult than it seems to be but he eventually finds it and relieves his bladder.

The date us going incredibly well, and really, Brendon didn't suspect it not to go well with how much that the two of them already know one another, but there was still this luring fear in the back of his mind. He hasn't spilt his drink, he hasn't ruined his shirt and nobody has made any comments on how he has dressed or the fact that he's a hybrid.

It's been perfect

It's when he's coming back from the bathroom, all too happy and carefree, that he doesn't notice the luring figure watching his every moves as he takes his time going back to his table. And it's all too late to react before there's a blunt object hitting the back of his head.

Don't kill me!! This had been anticipated for awhile now!! But all wil be good, we just gotta get through the bad first.

Please tell me your opinions on this chapter!

On Brendon and Dallon being boyfriends?

Who do you think is behind hitting Brendon with a blunt object?

What do you think will be next to come in the book?

What are your favourite bands?



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