39. The 4th Of May: A Religious Holiday.

Sorry!! I've been so busy with my exams (11 more to go!!) and I've been trying to finish one of my older books and in the process of finishing three more as well. With that, I haven't even thought or touched this or TSUGGC or any of my other fics in well over a week, but here you go, an update!

Gotta say congratulations to our boy Brendon Urie on his first successful night on Broadway. I would like to say that I'm the proudest but we all know that Sarah Urie is the proudest of us all

Favourite FOB songs gotta be Our Lawyer Made Us Change The Name Of The Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued, Nobody Puts Baby In the Corner, Dance Dance, I'm Like A Lawyer and "From Now On we are Enemies..."

When you're writing and you let your Ryden heart take over for a small bit oops

My goals it to honestly get to 4K comments by the end of this book, it's a stretch, but I think we can do it (;

"Daddy, no."Brendon sobs as his hands are firmly locked around Dallons neck, legs hooked around his hips and holding onto the man for dear life. He was tired and sleepy - which are two completely different things by the way incase you didn't know that - and he really doesn't want to be up right now because it's way too early, even for Brendon.

Usually, Brendon is the first to be up in the house, bouncing on the bed and eagerly trying to wake up Dallon in which would end up with him being batted away and a television remote thrown at him to keep him occupied so Dallon can get more sleep. But today is different, today, Brendon is being forced awake far too early even for him by an overly awake Dallon who's in a rush to get out of the house.

He doesn't like it one bit

It's not like Dallon is any bigger of a fan of the situation, the news had been sprung on him so unexpectedly and at such an odd hour of time - because who the fuck phones at 6 in the morning to tell you you're wanted for a meeting with a music agency in LA that day?- that even Dallon was just as confused and tired as Brendon.

But it was an opportunity that he just couldn't refuse, even if it was such short notice and he thanks whoever is looking over him that Ryan was willing enough to let Brendon stay for the day while Dallon traveled down to LA for the day, which luckily isn't all that much of a journey thankfully.

And so, Dallon finds himself in Ryan's hallway at 6:30am with a sobbing, tired and confused little in his arms. It's terrible, because it breaks Dallons heart that he's springing this onto Brendon in such short time and he wishes he could bring him with him, but he knows that Brendon will be more of a hinderance than a help.

"Daddy, no. No leave."And god, it's so much worse whenever Brendon is this little in his arms, sobbing. Dallons arms tighten around Brendon, pressing is lips against Brendon's sweaty forehead.

"I'll be back, I swear. I'm only going to be gone until dinner time and then I'll be back, okay? This is really really important to Daddy."

"I'll go with."

"You can't come with me, baby. Daddy has to go on his own, it's too scary for you."Dallon gulps down the lump in his throat whenever Brendon looks at him with pathetically wide, wet eyes and big fat tears running down his cheeks. Bracketing one arm around Brendon's ass, he's bringing his other hand up to wipe away at the tears."I won't be long, and besides, you love spending time with Ryan!"

"Y-you'll come back?"

"I'm coming back, peanut."Dallon whispers his promise, pressing his lips against Brendon's in a sweet and loving kiss that has Brendon relaxing with reassurance that his Daddy will be coming back for him. Dallon is noticing Ryan lingering by the doorframe, making him realise that he's stalling."You'll be a good boy for Ryan, won't you?"

"Uh-Huh, always good for Ryry."Brendon sniffles, his kitten tail swishing the air behind him as he lunges forward and presses another sloppy kiss to Dallons lips, mumbling."Love you."

"Thanks, baby."And this time, Dallon doesn't miss the way that Brendon frowns and his kitten ears lower into his messy, sleep tossed hair. Hesitantly, Brendon is allowing Dallon to put him onto his own two feet, letting out a distressed mewl."Okay, I really gotta go now, Brendon."

"You gotta text ryry every hour."Brendon narrows his eyes at Dallon as he shuffles into Ryan's awaiting arms, snuggling into the mans side as he looks over at his Daddy sleepily, his light blue paci popped into his mouth. Ryan always smells so nice, like vanilla.

"I will."Dallon chuckles, pressing a kiss to Brendon's forehead, making a mental note to buy Brendon a phone sometime soon. He's exchanging a couple of words and reminders with Ryan before he's leaving, not missing the way that Brendon sadly waves at him from the door frame as he's backing out of the drive way.

"Lets get you back to bed, yeah?"

"Ups?"Brendon asks around his paci, looking up at him with wide brown eyes, making grabby hands for the honey eyed man because he's too tired and sleepy to walk ( and he's also incredibly lazy as well ).

"I'm sorry, babe. I can't carry you like your daddy can."Ryan apologises, running his fingers through Brendon's messy dark hair whenever the little gives him a sad frown and a sniffle. It's the same look that Pete gives him whenever he's sleepy and wants to be carried and it really hurts Ryan's heart.

"Cuddles?"Brendon tries as yes lead up the stairs, content with sleeping in Ryan's bed because as much as he won't say it out loud, but Ryan and Pete are up high on the list of Brendon's comfort smells, and of course his Daddy is at the very top.

"I'm always up for cuddles with my favourite kitten."

It's obvious how exhausted that the kitten hybrid is whenever Brendon immediately curls into Ryan and falls straight to sleep, something Ryan is glad of because he didn't have the energy to try and wrestle Brendon to go to sleep for awhile longer. They sleep until the sun is shining through the curtains and it's no longer dark outside, a more suiting and reasonable time to get up at.

Ryan has had to deal with a sleepy and whiney Brendon before, but one that's also missing his Daddy is one that's somehow 10 times more difficult than a usual Brendon. He's not as bothered as he should be because he's use to looking after Brendon - even though he's been bumped down to third on the list of people that look after Brendon when Dallon works - and Brendon isn't as difficult as people put him out to be.

Okay that's a lie, but Pete is way more clingier than Brendon.

"Ryannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn."Brendon lets out a very sleepy and very loud meow from where he's slumped over the kitchen table in very large pink jumper and a pair of comfy black leggings. It's weird being in Ryan's house without his Daddy or Pete being here, Ryan is usually at his house, not the other way round."M'hungry."

"So am I, that's why I'm making pancakes."Ryan says from the stove, getting the pancake mixture ready for the pan. He's not use to cooking breakfast, he mostly lives on his own - unless Pete is around - and a poptart does for his breakfast every morning.

"With blue berries?"

"Yes, Brendon."

"A-and into smiley faces?"

"I'll try my best but if they come out grumpy looking, I'm sorry."Because honestly, Ryan isn't the best cook in the world and there's a reason that he failed home ec in high school and barely passed anything else but Music and English Lit.

"It's okay, I'll still love 'em 'cus I love Daddy and he's always grumpy."Brendon drags out, nuzzling his face tiredly against the table, kitten tail swaying calmly behind him. He's teetering on the verge of his little headspace."But he's not as grumpy anymore which I think is realllly good 'cus it means he's happier and I hope he'll stay happy cus' I love to see him happy."

"You make him very happy, Brendon. Trust me, I hadn't seen him happy for along time until you came along, even if you bugged the crap out of him at first, he's grown so smitten for you."Ryan says in all fondness as he flips a pancake.

"I really love him, Ryan. I just wish he'd love me back..."Brendon's mood suddenly changes into sadness, a frown tracing his pretty plump lips. Dallon does so many things for Brendon that proves of his love, but he's failed to say it back to Brendon no matter how many times that the hybrid has sang it. And it hurts. It really really does.

"Of course he does, Brendon! Dallon is just...complicated. He's not good with his feelings, nevermind his emotions, and he might not say the magic word but trust me, Brendon, you're the most important person in his life."Ryan says in full sincereness, flipping the pancake onto one of the plates.

"Really?"Brendon can't help but to smile shyly at the idea of being the most important person in Dallons life, even if he hasn't been in it as long as Ryan or Pete. The little giggles, a blush coating his cheeks whenever Ryan nods his head.

"Now sit up so you don't get maple syrup in your face. I don't think you're daddy would appreciate being handed a sticky kitten hybrid on his birthday."Ryan chuckles as he nudges Brendon up into a sitting position with his elbow, holding a stack of pancakes.

"Birthday? It's Daddy's birthday?"Brendon finds himself frowning in confusion once again whenever he sits up, the plate of pancakes set down in front of him. The pancakes are swimming in maple syrup, just how Brendon likes it.

"It is, yeah."

"I didn't know that..."Brendon's kitten ears disappear into his hair as his eyes start to water up in realisation."I didn't get daddy a gift! O-or a cake! I-I didn't even know! Ryry, I'm a terrible little!"

"You're not, hey, shh, don't cry."Ryan panics, abandoning his own plate of pancakes as he rushes back over to the table where Brendon is sat, tears already running down his cheeks. Without hesitation, Ryan is pulling Brendon in for a hug, the hybrids head resting on his stomach from his lower position."You're not a bad little for not knowing, Dallon didn't tell you, he doesn't tell anyone."

"I-I wanna make him happy on his birthday."Brendon whines, sniffling into Ryan's t-shirt that is already dampening with tears. He keeps quiet on his own side of things, Brendon has never celebrated a birthday before and he won't be starting now, but that doesn't mean he can't celebrate his Daddy's birthday.

"How about after lunch, you and I can bake him a cake, yeah? I get your Daddy would love that."Ryan tries to lighten things up, his hands rubbing soothing circles in Brendon's back. The kitten hybrid perks up.

"Really? A-and could we have a surprise for him? L-like with balloons a-and banners and Pete and Joshua and Ty could come over! And I could make Daddy a gift!"The little is suddenly bouncing in his seat ecstatically, a grin breaking out onto his face as Ryan bites his bottom lip.

"Yeah, okay, I'll see what I can do, buddy."

Brendon is by far the worse help that Ryan has ever came across, because honestly, the little had gained way too much energy from is breakfast and kept knocking over the flour and sugar bags for the cake with his kitten tail and accidentally ripping the Happy Birthday Banners that Pete had brought over ( in which Tyler and Josh can to bring more, thank god ). 

But somehow, they manage to get atleast livingroom looking like it's ready for a surprise birthday party with their attempt of decorations and way too many balloons ( that were disappearing at an alarming rate because of Brendon and Josh leaping on them and popping them ) but it's good. There's food and drink in the kitchen, a homemade cake waiting in the fridge and Brendon has his gift somewhat ready.

"What if he doesn't like it?"Brendon whimpers nervously, Sinatra tucked under his arm and his gift for his Daddy hugged to his chest. It isn't the best gift in the world, especially when he knows that his Daddy buys him so much but Brendon doesn't have any money to spend on his Daddy.

"He will, he'll love anything you give him."Tyler reassures with a kind smile that has Brendon nervously nodding his head, huddling more into Pete for comfort and reassurance.

"Pete, 'ou gotta look after Sinatra for me, please?"He asks quietly, holding the stuffed giraffe out to Pete."Don' wanna get him hurt."

"I'll make sure he's safe,"Pete accepts the stuffed giraffe with care and ease, something that Brendon likes to see. He knows that Pete appreciates stuffies like he does, he knows that they know that stuffed toys have feelings, unlike Joshua who chews everything.

"Okay he's coming, everyone get in your places "Ryan is whisper yelling in a way that makes Brendon giggle nervously, jumping up and down on the spot excitedly with nervous butterflies. The kitten hybrids ears twitch in his hair whenever he hears the front door open and close, followed by the sound of Dallon calling out.

"Ryan? Brendon? I'm back!"He shouts into the way to quiet house, a small frown on his lips. The journey to and from LA was exhausting but well worth the trip with what news and information he now has on where his music career could be heading.

When he isn't met with the usual armful of Brendon, Dallon frowns, dumping his car keys in a bowl beside the front door as he ventures closer to the livingroom, fully expecting Brendon to be laying on his stomach, fully engrossed on a film.

"Surprise!"Dallon is taken back by the shouts and screams of his small gather of friends, Brendon standing in the middle of them all, jumping excitedly up and down on the spot. He'd been hoping that Ryan wouldn't tell Brendon that it was his birthday, but now, he's sort of glad if this is the adorable outcome.

"What is going on?"Dallon asks more out of nervousness, laughing a little whenever Brendon is running towards him and wrapping his arms around him in a massive hug. He looks over at Ryan, just in time to see the man mouth the words 'Brendon's idea'.

"It's a surprise party!"Brendon shouts excitedly, Dallon controlling his flinch at the loudness."Cus' it's you're birthday! Happy Birthday!"

"Just for me?"

"Uh-huh! Cus' you do so much for me, I wanna show you how much you mean to me. I-I'm sorry it's not a lot b-but it's the best I could do."Brendon says more quietly, his eyes lowering tone floor as he holds out his gift for Dallon to take.

"Hey,"Dallon lifts in Brendon's chin so that Brown eyes are meeting blue."You don't owe me anything, baby. As long as you're there for me after a long day at work for cuddles and a film, that's all that matters."

Dallon waits until he gets a nod and a smile out of Brendon before he's unwrapping the body wrapped gift - the wrapping paper is left over Christmas wrapping paper but Dallon only laughs - and revealing a jam jar. It's cleaned out and covered in shiny stickers around the glass and lid, filled with little sheets of paper and a colourful piece of card stuck to the front of it in messy handwriting;

What I love about you

"I-I didn't have alotta' time so it's not the best but I-I don' think you were told enough before why people love you and, um, I wanted something to show how much I love you an' to make 'ou happy when you're sad."Brendon moves awkwardly from foot to foot, suddenly feeling so much smaller.

"Brendon..."And really, Dallon is lost for words, because he's an emotional wreck, don't get him wrong, but he's never been given something so thoughtful and so personal in all his life and it makes him feel like crying. His chest feels right and he curses himself for being an emotional wreck, but he doesn't care as he pulls the hybrid into his chest, whispering."I love it so much."

"You do?"Brendon says in surprise, voice so small and unsure.

"I do. I love it so very much."Dallon whispers into Brendon's hair and it's in that moment that the feeling seems to hit Dallon in a way that he's never been hit before in his life as he holds Brendon close, surrounded by their friends. He lowers his voice to a whisper and murmurs just for Brendon to hear for the very first time.

"And I love you too."

Ahhhhh Dallon said it back bitches! I was gonna have it dragged out for way longer but I'm a cruel bitch already and I thought that it would make a perfect ending to his chapter before shit starts to go down dundundunnnnnn

Anyway! Please tell me your opinions on the chapter and lets hope that these comments keep on coming in!

Your opinion in Brendon's little birthday gift for Dallon?

Do you think Dallon will get famous in the music career?

Your favourite Twenty One Pilots Song(s)?



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