38. The Sass Is Real With This One
Love At First Sight is going to be my wedding song. It's one of my favourite songs in the entire world.
Thank you for 100 comments on the last chapter! You guys never fail to amaze me with the comments!
Enjoy some more fluff with little Pete, little Brendon and Josh because goddamnit I need some happiness in my life at the moment because I can already feel the agony of my pours because of exam stress and I'm probably not belong but updating and writing when I really fucking shouldn't but oh fucking well!
This is really fillerish and some bonding/character development but I liked writing this
Pete Wentz with a Puppy, can my life get any purer?😭❤️
"M'not tired."Pete whines as Ryan is leading them up the stairs, a firm but gentle hand on their shoulder as they guide them up the stairs and makes sure that Pete doesn't fall flat on their face and bust their nose as they sleepily shuffle their feet against the carpet. Honestly, Pete wasn't fooling anyone with trying to act like they weren't tired, it was obvious by the continuing yawns and sleepy eyes that they keep giving Ryan every time that Ryan asks them a question.
"Of course you're not."Ryan rolls his eyes fondly as they reach the top stair, directing Pete to take the last step before they reach the landing. He has Petes backpack filled with all of their little stuff on his back, including softer articles of clothing that Ryan bought for Pete to take a nap in if need to.
It surprises even Ryan how prepared that he is for Pete while they're little, going as far as brining items such as Paci's and pull ups because he had remembered just how young that Pete can be whenever they are in their little space. It makes him feel all warm and helpful that they're helping their best friend with something they find so difficult and insecure about.
"M'not..."Pete mumbles, rubbing tiredly at their eyes as a pout begins to settle on their lips, hugging Velveteen Noodle Wentz protectively to their chest. There's crying tears on their cheeks, and as much as Pete is very very sleepy, they don't want to be excluded from all of the fun that they're leaving behind for Brendon and Josh to enjoy."Wanna play."
"You can play after, Bubba. But wouldn't you rather have a nap and be happy and energised than cranky and grumpy without one?"He's leading Pete into the spare bedroom that Tyler had set out for Pete in mind that morning. A nap in the livingroom would've been alright if it hadn't been for Josh and Brendon still having energy to spare, so Tyler had made up the spare bed for Pete to take a nap in without being disturbed.
"But they play without me."
"They won't. You've both worn Josh out. The poor pup isn't going to want to even look at a red marker again, he's been tortured by you both."Ryan can't help but to laugh, completely amused with the way that two Littles has completely taken the energy out of an energetic puppy hybrid.
Josh has been climbed on, pulled at, wiped on, drawn on and everything else under the sun that you can call Little based torture. And yet, Josh was completely willing to let the Littles do whatever they wanted to him, even if it did result to him being used as a climbing frame or a skin canvas as Brendon and Pete scribbled all over his face and arms.
"And Brendon...his Daddy is putting on a movie for him."Ryan continues, pulling a face of fondness for the little kitten hybrid. It was ridiculous the amount of energy that Brendon still had in him but Dallon was telling Ryan that it wouldn't be long until Brendon conked out too."Come on, lets get you changed into some sleeping clothes, yeah?"
"Help, please."Pete whispers as they enter the room and Ryan is setting the bag onto the bed. They're too tired to put their arms through the holes of their t-shirt right now, not to mention that Pete feels way too little as well. Self consciously, Pete is rubbing the top of Velveteens head against their face.
Ryan complies, helping Pete out of the denim shorts and soft black jumper and into something more comfortable and soft to sleep in. Ryan can't help but to coo at how adorable that Pete looks before him as they stand in their soft baby blue sleeping shorts and a matching soft t-shirt with a yellow animated star on the stomach.
"Don't make that type of face, you can't always just wear black."Ryan notices the way that Petes nose scrunches up at the choice of colour to their outfit.
"Can."Pete has resulted to one word answers as Ryan rolls his eyes and helps the Little into the bed, making sure that Pete has Velveteen tucked under their arm and clips a Paci ribbon onto the collar of their t-shirt.
"I'll be here when you wake up,"Ryan reassures as he tucks Pete under the covers, running his hand through Petes dark hair with a soft smile. Nodding weakly, Petes eyes are already fluttering closed with tiredness as Ryan watches on, feeling even more protective of the little now and waits until he's sure that Pete has fallen asleep before getting up to leave the room.
Before he leaves, Ryan is pressing a soft kiss to Petes forehead, his chest feeling a stretch of warmness whenever Pete noticeably smiles behind the Paci in their sleep and turns to snuggle more info Velveteen.
"I'm bored!"Brendon whines as he slumps over Josh's body on the livingroom floor, letting out a mewl of discomfort whenever the puppy hybrid below him is purposely moving onto his stomach which causes Brendon to move with him."Joshua, wake up and play with me!"
The puppy hybrid lets out a low whine from his place under the little, hiking a leg up as he sleeps with half of his face smushed into the carpet. The damn puppy hybrid can sleep anywhere and no matter the noise, he was a terrible guard dog if you asked Brendon.
"You're both so boring! Taking naps. Ew."The kitten hybrid whines, laying across Josh's body as he looks up at the ceiling with a scrunched up nose. His Daddy had wanted to put him down for a nap as well but that wasn't happening! Brendon has enough energy to run a marathon.
"I know! I'll go and wake Pete up, and then we can play!"He says as if it's the most logical solution to his problems, but for Brendon, it's the smartest idea that he's ever came up with. Josh whines and rolls onto his back whenever the hybrid is getting off of him, unaware of the kitten hybrids dangerous plan.
Pulling down the back of his skirt that has rolled up, Brendon huffs as he bends down to grab Sinatra to bring the stuffed giraffe on his journey. Making sure that he's extra quiet, Brendon is crawling his way up the flight of stares, continuously looking back to make sure that his Daddy hadn't heard him going upstairs.
Brushing off the front of his skirt, Brendon is standing up and quietly making his way to the spare bedroom door, left open ajar in which Brendon can spot Pete sleeping in the bed. He doe admit that Pete looks very comfy and relaxed, not all stressed out and icky like they have been looking the past couple of weeks leading up to this moment.
Brendon is about to push open the bedroom door when he feels a pair of arms snake around his waist and pulling him away from the door. Before Brendon can let out a scream of protect, a hand is coming up to clasp around his mouth, muffling his screams as he trashes in the familiar arms.
"Unhand me!"Brendon's screams are muffled as he's half carried and half dragged down the stairs by his Daddy which just seems to make his mood even worse because his Daddy is such a spoilsport! In an act or annoyance, Brendon is licking at the palm of Dallons hand.
"Brendon, what the fuck."The Daddy is wiping his hand down the front of his t-shirt as he's setting the kitten hybrid down onto the bottom step of the stairs. Immediately, Brendon is making a run for it but Dallon is too fast as he grabs at Brendon's arm and pulls him back."What did we talk about?"
"Be specific cus' you talk to me about a lot of things, Daddy"
"Stop this sass, Brendon or you'll be finding yourself on the naughty step."
"Tyler doesn't have a naughty step."
"I'll make one."Dallon threatens which only causes Brendon to huffily cross his arms over his chest with a massive infamous Brendon Urie pout on his pretty plump lips. Letting out a sigh, Dallon continues."Now, what did I tell you before Pete went for their nap?"
"Not to wake the baby. But I'm bored! I wanna play!"Brendon beings to whine, stomping his foot in true toddler fashion that has Dallon rolling his eyes at the behaviour.
"If you can't be trusted to play by yourself, then you're coming with me and coming to listen to grown ups conversation."Dallon declares after hesitation, already starting to half drag half carry the Little towards the kitchen.
"Noooooo!"Brendon is purposely making himself a deadweight, forcing Dallon to drag his body into the kitchen much to Dallons annoyance that it's making Brendon's outfit dirty.
"Stop being so melodramatic."
"You're being a marshmallow!"
"I said Melodramatic, not a- look, whatever. You're being ridiculous. You love Tyler and Ryan."
"But they're so boring!"Brendon continues with his whines as he's dragged into the kitchen and dumped on the floor by Dallon with a soft oof as he glares up at his Daddy.
"Well that isn't very nice,"Tyler comments from his place drying the dishes from their lunch. They had been banished into the kitchen by the two Littles and Josh but they don't mind, they've seen the outcome of what it's like to play with two Littles and they have no regret with leaving Josh with the brunt of it all.
They were having conversations that they didn't want Brendon to hear about anyway, most of if consisting of Dallons current problems with Spencer actually looking for Brendon now. It was a scary situation and Dallon is taking it worse than he'd letting it out to be.
"Well it's true!"The little slumps on the kitchen tiles, his kitten tail flickering against the tiles."All'a do is talk about work and taxes an' boring grown up things like the weather!"
"And what do you say we talk about then?"Ryan raises his eyebrow at the little who flickers his eyes over at Ryan.
"Dinosaurs! Or monsters and princess! Cool things!"
"Well how about, you get off the floor and I'll make you some hot milk and we'll talk about whatever you like after we've finished our chat, okay?"Tyler offers with a kind smile that holds his promise. Brendon likes the sound of that, nodding his head slowly at the prospect of getting what he wants.
"Daddy, I wanna sit on your lap."Brendon is grabbing Sinatra from where he dropped him off of the floor, making his way over to Dallon, Ryan and Tyler already quickly going back to their previous conversation.
"Of course, baby. C'mere."He slides his chair out and holds his arms open for Brendon to climb into his lap, pressing a welcoming kiss to the side of Brendon's head as the little snuggles into him with a soft purr.
"M'sorry for being a brat."
"You're just being cranky because you haven't had a nap today."
"Don' need'a nap."Brendon huffs into Dallons neck, content with spending the rest of the day just snuggled into Dallons warm embrace, purring louder as his Daddy rubs his hands up and down his back just the way that Brendon likes it.
"Tell you what, if you can stay awake until we go home, I'll let you stay up past your bedtime. How about that?"Giving his Daddy a sceptical look, Brendon thinks the prospect over in his head because it sounds like a too good to be true opportunity that his Daddy is giving him here.
"Deal."He's agreeing, puckering his lips for a kiss to seal the deal which Dallon is complying to, pressing a warm and loving kiss to Brendon's puckered pink lips in a perfect little kiss.
Brendon doesn't even last 10 minutes
This was pretty short compared to all of my other chapters but it's just a little filler at over 2200 words and I actually liked this bc I love how I'm shaping their characters and personalities a lot more and I can start moving onto the rest of the plot Now. Dun dun dunnnnnnnn, drama is abrewing!!
Please tell me your opinions on the chapter!
Do you think Spencer is going to be making an appearance?
But the real question: Who loves taking naps?
Who do you prefer in the fic: Brendon or Pete?
What's your favourite Fall Out Boy song?
Peace ✌🏼
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