37. 2 Littles and a puppy have a playdate. Fluff? Fluff.
3400+ words
Holy shit the amount of fluff that I'm pouring into this chapter is gonna be so sweet that it'll probably give y'all a cavity and I swear it was the best to fucking write bc it made me so happy and giddy to write!
And I'm over 3.07K comments! How fucking great is that? I lobe you guys and keep it up because reading all of your comments make me so fucking happy!!
My favourite P!ATD songs are: Impossible Year, Camisado, The Green Gentleman, Northern Downpour, Behind The Sea, When The Day Met The Night, Nicotine, Trade Mistakes, Memories and The Calendar (basically all of V&V tbh)
So everyone who wanted that little!pete fic, it's out now! It's called 'Pete.' (Ha original) and it's a spin-off/prequel and it'd be fucking amazing if you'd all check it out and give it so much love with votes and comments!
The friendship that Pete and Brendon have in this fic and the one that Brendon and josh have and it hurts my heart and I love it so much so like enjoy the fluff
"Lets go over this again. What did we talk about before we left the house?"Brendon is sitting on the floor of Tyler and Josh's living room, mindlessly petting at Josh's velvety soft puppy dog ears as he listens to what his Daddy has to say. Despite arriving late, Ryan and Pete still hadn't appeared and lucky enough that gave Dallon more time to talk to Brendon about how to act around Pete.
It's not like he doesn't expect his baby boy to be any different than what he is - because then again, he might be cheeky but he has a heart of gold and loves his friends a lot - but Dallon just wants to make sure that Brendon understands that little Pete isn't as outgoing and forward as big Pete is, the Pete that Brendon is more informed and used to.
When Dallon had first found out about Petes own little side, it had taken ages for him to get use to the difference between their two personalities. The Pete that Dallon had known since high school was so outgoing, so flamboyant - in personality, not clothing - and uncaring of what people thought of them. But as a little, Pete was everything the opposite and as much as Dallon found it adorable, it hurt his heart that somebody could exploit somebody so vulnerable.
"To remember to bring Daddy's beer?"The Little tilts his head to the side, kitten ears twitching in his soft dark hair as he looks up at his Daddy.
"No, not that."Dallon sighs, crouching down in front of the two hybrids and giving Josh a pet on the ribs as a sign that he knows that he's there. He finds josh being so relaxed adorable, especially with how energetic that the puppy Hybris usually is, that he's willing to calm down just for Brendon."About Pete. What did we talk about about Pete?"
"To be friendly an' kind to Pete cus' they're shy a-and little little."Brendon Recites what he was told before they left the house after Dallon had helped him to get dress.
He was feeling a lot more feminine today and had blushed throughout whenever his Daddy got him dressed in one of his pastel pink skirts with a soft white t-shirt, decorated with different Disney princesses. He has already kicked off his white converse, leaving him with just his ruffled socks on and his paci that's clipped to his t-shirt.
"And?"Dallon prompts.
"And to m-make sure they're included! Cus' little Pete might like little little things an' I don' wanna leave 'em out!"Brendon explains loudly, alerting Josh who nudges at his arm and lets out a low woof sound that makes Brendon gasp with realisation."We don't wanna leave Pete out."He corrects.
"Thank you,"Dallon says softly, because as much as this means a lot to Brendon to have somebody little to play with, it means an awful lot to Dallon. Leaning forward, Dallon is pressing a chaste kiss to Brendon's pretty plump lips."You're doing me a massive favour, baby."
"Hey! Don't I get kisses too?"Josh sits up from where his head was resting on Brendon's lap, brown eyes wide as he looks pathetically up at Brendon to get his attention.
"Fine,"Dallon rolls his eyes and presses a kiss to Josh' forehead which causes the puppy hybrid to let out an excited and happy woof, his tail wagging heavily behind him in happiness."Right, I'll leave you both to...whatever you two do. I'll just be next door with Tyler, alright?"
"Okay, Daddy."Brendon grins with a nod, puckering his lips for another kiss on the lips before his Daddy leaves. Now that Dallon seemed more comfortable with kissing, Brendon was going to be taking every opportunity that he could get. Without complaint, Dallon is complying with another kiss to Brendon's lips, followed by one on the nose which makes the little giggle.
"Holler if you need me, alright?"And with that, Dallon is giving josh a quick pet on his soft puppy dog ears before he's leaving the Little and the puppy dog hybrid to their own devices in the living room. It was better not to get involved, Dallon and Tyler both know the pain of being excluded when it comes to the connect between a little and a puppy, but they get it over it for the sake of their loved one.
"Joshua! We gotta do something for Pete! To make them welcomed!"Brendon is jumping up onto his knees to mimic Josh, flattening out his skirt to make sure that there's no crinkles or creases, kitten tail swaying slowly behind him.
"Like what?"Josh tilts his head to side in question.
"I dunno..."Brendon frowns, nibbling on his bottom lip with his feline sharp teeth. He gasps loudly, patting Josh's arm excitedly."We could bake a cake!"
"Wait. Is Pete still a-a vegetable-"
"-when they're little? Are cakes okay? Can Pete eat cakes? Cus I don' wanna make sum'thing Pete can't eat. Oh! I know! We could make them a carrot cake cus' that's a vegetable!"Brendon is vibrating with energy and excitement at the prospect of making something for their friend to make them happy and comfortable.
"Baby, I don't think we have enough time to make Pete a cake."Josh says softly and calmly, hating the way that Brendon's massive smile immediately falls into a frown, his kitten ears lowering into his messy dark hair."But you draw them a picture! They'll like that, you know how much Big Pete loves all of the drawings you make for them."
"Yeah?"Brendon's frown disappears into a widening shy smile as Josh nods his head. Brendon shouldn't really be surprised, Pete is head over heels in adoration with Brendon and has every single one of Brendon's drawings and coloured in pictures hung up on their fridge at home, proudly on display for everyone to see.
Brendon gets half way through his drawing when Josh sits up abruptly from his place lying on the floor and immediately makes a leap for the nearby sofa and lets out a woof towards the window. It scares the living hell out of the little, causing Brendon to jump from where he's lying on his stomach drawing Petes picture.
"Noooooo, I'm not done my picture!"Brendon whines worriedly, jumping up so that he's kneeling on the sofa just like the puppy hybrid, his face pressed against the glass of the window to spot Ryan and Pete getting out of the car that's parked in the drive way."They're too early!"
"They're too late, actually."Josh deadpans, face pressed to the glass in a way that's going to leave a face stain and get himself time with the cone of shame but he doesn't care.
"But my picture isn't finished!"Brendon whines again, his kitten ears flattening into his hair as he watches Ryan and Pete with true frustration but eagerness. He hasn't seen the two of them in ages - a whole week! - and he's missed them incredibly. The Little lets out an agitated sound whenever Josh's heavy dog tail whacks him on the butt in happiness."Control your tail!"
"Control your attitude."Josh is letting out a yelp whenever Brendon is shoving him to the other side of the sofa with an attitude filled hiss at the puppy hybrid as he turns proudly back to what he was doing with a swish of his long kitten tail.
"Brat."Josh grumbles with a low whine as he goes back to his position on stalking Ryan and Pete out the window.
Outside, Pete is even more nervous than before because despite all of Ryan's reassurance that today is going to be a good and fun day, it doesn't settle the bundle of nerves that has settled deep inside of Petes stomach. It's been an uncomfortable feeling since Ryan brought up the play date to them a couple of days prior and it hadn't went away since.
And don't get them wrong, Pete is excited to see Brendon and Josh but at the same time they're incredibly scared of the outcome because it's been so long since they've allowed themselves to truly be who they've been repressing for years and that's the scary part. It's even scarier coming to realisation that not only is Brendon and Josh going to see them like this, but Dallon and Tyler as well which is what makes the tears brim at Petes hazel eyes in fear.
It's one thing letting Ryan see them like this - which was a massive milestone if you ask them - but Dallon was a whole different story. In the past, he's seen Pete Little only a handful of times and Pete can never get over the feeling of fear and worrisome that settled in their stomach during those moments that their best friend looked at them like they wanted to help them but couldn't.
"Hey, what's with the sad face?"Ryan worries whenever they stop at the front step of Tyler and Josh's house, a hand cupping up to wipe at the falling tear that's sliding down Petes face.
"I'm scared..."Pete whispers, trying to dodge Ryan's concerned gaze because all that they're getting from Ryan is sad faces and confused pouts whenever Pete even shows the hint of a frown on their face."I-I wanna go home, Ry."
"Pete, there's nothing to be scared about buddy."Ryan says softly, a finger underneath Petes chin as he tips of their face to look at him. He can see how much that Pete has regressed during their car ride and Ryan is never more glad to bring the emergency backpack of Little items."Brendon and Josh is beyond excited to see you, look, they're watching out the window right now."
And Ryan really can't contain his laugh of fondness whenever both Ryan and Pete turn to look at the front window and they spot Josh and Brendon gasping at being caught, immediately ducking behind the sofa in hopes that they're hidden, Brendon's kitten tail giving them away.
Pete lets out a small laugh at their friends antics, covering their mouth with their hand in hopes that Ryan didn't hear. The laugh alone makes Ryan's chest spread with warmth and fondness, smiling wide whenever Pete turns to look at him with redden cheeks and a smile in their eyes.
"See? They're waiting on you!"
"B-but Imma little little..."Pete whispers and it's then that Ryan sees the much bigger problem because as much as Pete acts like the biggest person in the universe when their big, when their little, they're little space falls lower on the scale than Brendon usually falls.
"And that's nothing to be ashamed about, babe. You can still join in on the games and the fun, and I'm sure that nobody cares whether you're littler than them because they like you just the way that you are, sunshine."Ryan is pulling Pete into their arms for a reassuring hug, pressing kisses to Petes soft dark hair in a way that makes Pete blush at all the affection.
Being lead into the house, Pete can barely contain the sound of surprise whenever Brendon and Josh are leading upon them the minute that the Little enters the living room, falling to the flood on their bottom with a soft thud as Brendon scrambles to give Pete the biggest hug that he can manage and Josh licks a wet strip up the side of their face.
"Ewwwww Josh!"Pete whines with the faintest of the giggle as they wipe at their assaulted cheek with the back of their hand, already out of their shock of being pushed to the ground by two extra weights.
"Pete! Pete! Pete! I made you a picture cus' Josh was being a meanie and said that we couldn't make 'ou a cake so I done a picture! It's not finished though cus' you and RyRy came early but that's okay!"Brendon is vibrating with excitement on where he ended up on Petes lap on the ground, clutching the picture in his hand.
"Y-ou did?"Pete whispers in shock as Brendon is nodding his head, kitten tail swishing in the back as Josh pushes excitedly at Petes side for attention.
"Yeah! Look! I-it's of you and me and Joshua and you're a carrot cus' you remind me a bunny rabbit and bunnies eat carrots and Joshua is a puppy and I'm a prince. See!"Brendon is excitedly showing Pete, a mile wide grin on his face as he forces the picture into Petes trembling hands."D-do you like it?"
"I-"Pete feels so overwhelmed at the small gift that Brendon has give them, and they really shouldn't because it's only a drawing and Pete has loads of them on their fridge at home but it's the fact that it's made for them, to make them feel welcomed."You're too kind to me."
"Why wouldn't we be? You're our friend, Pete! Little or not."Josh chimes in, followed by Brendon's aggressive headnod, nuzzling his nose against Petes in a show of affection, a low purr coming out of him.
"Thank you..."Pete sniffles.
"No tears! No tears! Happy! See!"Brendon is gasping his worries, brining up his hands so that he can place his index fingers on the corners of Petes mouth and pressing their lips into a forced smile which honestly makes the little ridiculous looking."Smile!"
"You're silly, Bren."Pete lets out a giggle, a proper smile breaking out onto their face at Brendon's attempts of making them smile.
"I know. Now lets play before Josh starts to get flees again."
"I didn't have flees!"
"Yes you did, Daddy told me so and Tyler confirmed."
"Squealers."Josh grumbles, flopping over onto his side in a huff, heavy dog tail laying limp behind him in a huff that makes both Brendon and Pete giggle quietly at the dramatic huff that the puppy hybrid is having.
The afternoon goes off without a hitch, and although it takes Pete awhile to get use to playing with another little - and an energetic puppy hybrid that keeps stealing all of their stuffies - they get the hang of it eventually, and it also helps matters that Brendon is extremely patient with them as well.
They eat cut up sandwiches and drink juice inbetween playing with the toys that Dallon had packed for them to play with and Ryan, Dallon and Tyler all make frequent checks to make sure that everyone is okay and that if they need to use the potty or the toilet - in which earned a lot of squirming and a lot of annoyed whines from all three.
"Noooo you gotta save Sinatra from the terrible doggy, Pete!"Brendon gasps, head in full play mode as he looks frantically between Pete and to where Josh is guarding Sinatra the giraffe like some type of dangerous dragon."You gotta save him Pete!"
"I-I dunno how-"
"It's okay! Freddie will help you!"Brendon is jumping up onto his knees, holding the big blue bird proudly in his hands, moving him in the air to show that he's flying and ready for action."I-I'll distract the terrible doggy an' you and..."
"Velveteen."Pete fills in softly, holding the bear that Brendon has gave them in their arms gently. It hadn't left Petes side since then."Velveteen Noodle Wentz."
"You and Velveteen Noodle Wentz will save Sinatra!"Brendon doesn't leave any room for negotiation as he charges towards Josh with a playful war cry, making Freddie the blue bird fly on the air.
Josh gets terribly distracted easily so it's not all that much of a difficult task as Brendon throws Freddie across the room and Josh lets out a playful bark and runs after it with his tail wagging heavily behind him.
"Save Sinatra, Pete and Velveteen!"Brendon is shouting, causing Pete to charge with action with crawling across the floor as quick as they can and reaching Sinatra before Josh can come back and take the Giraffe again. The kitten hybrid lets out a loud joyful sound."You did it! You're a hero Pete!"
"That's not fair you cheated, Brendon!"Josh calls grumpily from where he's plonked himself sulkily on the floor with part of Freddie the blue birds food in his mouth because hey, he's part dog, he eats things that he shouldn't.
"Stop ruining the moment, Joshua!"
"I-Imma hero?"Pete can feel themselves getting all emotional again and curse that fact that they feel so little right now, and as much as they've had an amazing day, Pete just wants to lay down and watch a movie now and take a nap.
"You're a hero Pete!"Brendon is giggling, bouncing over to his friend and wrapping his arms around Pete in a massive hug."You saved Sinatra from the terrible mean doggy,"Brendon makes sure that he sticks his tongue out at Josh who in return sticks his tongue out at Brendon,"And saved the day!"
"I-"Pete sniffles, a tear escaping down their cheek as they hug Velveteen the bear closer to them and burry their face in the velvet soft material.
"No crying! It's okay Pete! 'Ou don' needa cry it's okay!"Brendon starts to panic whenever hi friend starts to cry because why are they sad? They were just playing a game and Brendon thought Pete would be happy that they're the hero that saved Sinatra!
"Ryan! Pete is crying!"Josh is shouting as they make their way over to the crying Little and starts to nudge at their side, whining because they hate how sad that Pete sounds right now. It doesn't take long for Ryan to be stumbling into the living room, followed by Tyler and Dallon.
"What's going on? What did you do?"Tyler is immediately asking as Ryan rushes over to Pete, his gaze pointed at Josh who lets out an annoyed whine.
"Why do you always think I did something? If I started crying, who would you blame? Me?"Josh glares at Tyler because for once it wasn't him that did anything wrong! He was just acting pretend just like Brendon and Pete!
"D-did I give Pete a sad?"Brendon worries with a wobbling bottom lip as he looks over at his Daddy who lets out a sympathetic sound and shakes his head.
"Of course not, peanut. Pete is just tired, isn't that right, Ryan?"Dallon looks over at Ryan who has Pete gathered in for a hug to their chest, allowing the Little to cry into them.
"Yeah, they're just tired. I think a nap will solve this problem."
"But I don't want a nap!"Brendon starts to whine.
"Me either!"Josh chimes in.
"Right, fine. But Pete is going for a nap, whether you two fall asleep is up to you both."
I ended this rather rushed but I was in desperate need of updating this bc I got an exam tomorrow morning and I'm like low-key not ready but I'll do fine cus I did a mock listening today and got full marks so tomorrow will be a piece of cake (AND ILL NEVER HAVE TO DO FRENCH AGAIN FUCK YES)
Please tell me your opinions!
On the entire chapter?
On Brendon, Josh and Pete fluff?
Should Ryan being Petes Daddy?
How'd you like your wonderful chapter of fluff?
What's your favourite Brobecks song?
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