36. The Naughty Step
Okay holy shit, the amount of comments that keep flooding into this fic has me doing fucking backflips with happiness! I'm nearing 3K comments and that's a fucking lot for me, especially for a smaller scale fic like this! And I can't thank you all enough!
I'm so fucking pumped for Kinky boots, I shit you not. I cannot wait for it, and I can't wait for all of the HQ pics of Brendon in heels.
I'm around 100 comments off of 3K and like what the fuck??? I hit 2K like 4 chapters ago holy fucking shit you guys bless me so much
Told myself I'd come upstairs and finish off a science paper and an English essay but in reality I'm writing this for you so u better all love me ((((:
"Daddddddddddddy!"Brendon is calling from one side of the house, stripped himself of his clothes and remains in a pair of his favourite cotton soft underwear and one of Dallons shirts, the exact same shirt that he had been wearing the day before. It was common for Dallon to wake up in the morning and find that clothes he had thrown in the hamper the day before sprawled out onto the floor because Brendon wanted to wear his shirt. He found it endearing.
Dallon adores it whenever Brendon wears his clothes, he finds it adorable the way that Brendon is too small to be wearing his shirts or jumpers and how it drowns him, falling over his thighs and even sometimes to his knees. As much as Dallon found it weird at the start - because nobody ever wore his clothes before Brendon came along - now it was normal and he wouldn't change it in the world to have Brendon wear his clothes.
Wearing Dallons clothes is what Brendon loves to do too, especially whenever Dallon hasn't washed them yet because it still smells like him - and c'mon, he's part cat, he likes to have a comfort smell! It's comforting, especially during those days that Dallon - whether as Dallon or as his Daddy - is away at work and Brendon can't be close to him.
Big Brendon had lasted for a while and it was a good change in the house to have normal conversations - which often or not ended up with childish bickering between the pair - and to have intimate moments together. Dallon cherishes those times where he and Brendon can make out on the touch or have stupid conversations at 3am about which Animal they'd likely want to be.
"Daddy? Where are 'ou?"Brendon calls out, clutching the picture he had drew for his Daddy in his hands as he starts to climb the stairs in search for his Daddy. They were supposed to be going to Tyler and Josh's house for a play date along with Ryan and Pete, but Dallon had gotten a phone call and told Brendon to occupy himself for awhile until he was done.
That was almost an hour ago.
Still holding onto the picture as carefully as possible, Brendon's kitten tail sways behind him with every step that he takes towards down the hallway and to Dallons music studio. He's almost never allowed in here whenever he's Little, mostly because his Daddy is afraid he'll break something or hurt himself.
"Daddy! I draw'ed you a picture! Look! Look!"Brendon is excitedly shouting whenever he pushes the Music Studio door open, holding the photo out for his Daddy to see it because he worked really hard on it! He'd tried to stay in the lines and get the colours perfect just for his Daddy (and to hopefully get some recognition by having it be put on the fridge).
"-wait one second."Dallon is saying into his phone, placing his hand over the phone to look over at Brendon, a tired look on his face as he tries for a smile."Baby, just give me a couple of minutes. I'm really busy right now."
"But Daddy, I want 'ou to see it now!"
"Brendon, I'm having a very important conversation right now, sweetheart."Dallon tries to get across, coming closer to the door with his phone still partially covered to try and muffle their conversation."I'll see your little picture in a second."
"But Daddy-"Is all that Brendon can get out before Dallon is closing the music studio door and locking it after the close. Sadly, the little is lowering his coloured in picture so that he's looking down at it, plump lips fallen into a sad frown as he looks at the picture that his Daddy had just ignored.
The Little had worked really hard on it, even if he had scribbled outside the lines whenever he got too excited while colouring. Brendon had made sure to get the colours right whenever he was colouring in the outline of the Heffalump because he knew that his Daddy thought that oddly cute creature was adorable whenever they watched Winnie The Pooh.
"I'm still here, yeah? Right, I'm getting the papers now..."For his Daddy to just shut the door on him had really really hurt, especially when all Brendon wanted to do was show his Daddy of the pretty picture he coloured in just for him. It made the little feel really insecure about his colouring because maybe it's not good enough? Maybe his Daddy doesn't like his colouring because it's too childish and messy?
Tears start to pool in Brendon's soft brown eyes as he drops the coloured in picture to the floor just outside the door of Dallons music studio, making sure to stomp on it angrily before he's marching down the hallway. If his Daddy isn't going to pay attention to his 'little picture' - as Dallon had so kindly called it - then Brendon is going to get Dallons attention with something more Magnificently larger.
Throwing himself down onto his knees on the carpet in the living room, Brendon is rummaging through his bag of colouring in markers, looking for the correct colours to find for his new drawing. He lays them out on the floor before he turns his attention to Sinatra and Freddie who he has prompted up against the sofa.
"You gotta look out for me. Tell me if Daddy is coming."He orders them both very seriously, his voice quiet as he speaks so that his Daddy can't hear. He's reaching over, making both the stuffed animals nod before he settles back on his knees."Good, cus' I trust 'ou both."
Deep down, Brendon knows that he's going to get himself punished for this but there's a sort of naughty side of him that's telling him to do it anyway. That it serves his Daddy right for ignoring his drawing and hurting Brendon's feelings by not telling him now pretty that it was.
So he grabs the dark purple marker and starts to draw on the free space on the living room wall. His hand is shaky as he starts to draw on the wall, trying to master the outline of the memorised picture of a Heffalump from his head onto the wall, muttering replacements of swears - "Fudge"..."Sugar"..."Oopsie"...- whenever he colours outside of the squiggly lines that he's drawn on the white wall.
With his tongue darted out between his kitten sharp teeth, Brendon can't help but to smile just slightly at the sight on the wall. The drawing isn't as good as the one in his colouring book - because Brendon's hand eye coordination isn't exactly the best but he's a little! Give him credit! - but it's a perfect attempt.
Brendon is too lost in his own thoughts to realise that Dallon was coming down the stairs, reaching for the lighter shade of pink for inside the heffalumps ears.
"Brendon Boyd Weekes!"The little is immediately flinching at the use of his full name and of his Loud and angry that Dallons voice sounds, dropping the pink marker onto the carpet as he turns to look at his Daddy who's standing angrily at the door frame.
He's never seen his Daddy look so mad before and it's not an expression that Brendon likes, especially whenever the anger is directly towards him. The Little feels his stomach drop in realisation of what he's just done, looking between his Daddy and to the drawing on the wall that he's done in marker.
"What on earth do you think you're doing?"Because as much as Dallon is mad - beyond mad - he has to refrain himself from swearing, despite how loud and angry that his voice is. Brendon's kitten ears lower into his messy dark hair, looking at Dallon with wide brown, watery eyes.
"D'awing a picture..."
"On the wall?"Dallon stresses, trying to lower his voice whenever he sees the tears and fear building up in the little eyes, soft brown kitten still coming around to wrap around his middle as he starts to shake with threatening tears.
"Well 'ou wouldn't look at my drawing so I hadda get your 'tension somehow!"
"Lower your voice right now, Brendon, Or you'll be in even more trouble than you already are."He says lowly, walking further into the room whenever Brendon continues to glare, a remark ready on the tip of his tongue
"That's not fair! You getta' shout but I don't!"Brendon doesn't make any attempt to lower his voice, showing how angry and frustrated that he is as he hits his clenched fists on his naked thighs.
"I get to shout because I'm a Daddy and you misbehaved Brendon. Now I'm giving you 3 seconds to apologies for shouting before I increase your punishment."He informs, holding up his hand to count and to show Brendon that he's serious."1..."Brendon makes no move to apologies, continuing to glare grumpily at his Daddy."...2..."Dallon has to suppress a sigh whenever Brendon makes matters work and hisses at Dallon from across the room."That's it. Naughty step, now."
"Did it sound like I was asking?"Dallon almost growls his anger as he grabs Brendon by his elbow and pulls him to his feet, making sure that he's not hurting the Little but it's a difficult task whenever Brendon doesn't stop moving and thrashing in his hold.
"No! Daddy! Please, I'm sorry!"Tears have started to run down the littles smooth cheeks as he starts to panic because he doesn't want to be punished, and he especially doesn't want to have to spend time on the naughty step on his own! He doesn't like to be left on his own!
"No you're not, you're only sorry that you got caught."Dallon sighs, pushing Brendon lightly to sit on the naughty step, the step that's 3 steps from the bottom. The hybrid makes a move to scamper up the stairs in an escape, mewling whenever Dallon grabs at the back of the large t-shirt that Brendon is swearing and causing Brendon to fall back onto his butt on the stairs."Oh no you don't. You're staying on this naughty step."
"B-but I said sorry!"Brendon starts to cry as he looks up at Dallon from where he's being forced to sit on the stairs, his soft cheeks stained with tears and brown eyes red rimmed. It hurts Dallons heart.
"You had the opportunity to say sorry before you hissed at Daddy. Now you have to pay the consequences for not only drawing on the wall, but also for shouting at Daddy whenever you know the rules are that you're not allowed to and for hissing at Daddy. You broke 2 rules and you're going to stay on this naughty step for 10 minutes and think about what you've done."
And goddamnit, it took all Dallons willpower not to cry.
"A-and 'ou come back?"Brendon's chest hitches with a sob as Dallons heart breaks just that little bit more, leaning down to press his lips to Brendon's sweaty forehead.
"And I'll be right back. 10 minutes and then we'll talk."He whispers against Brendon's forehead before he's leaving the upset and frustrated little on the naughty step, going to look up how to get marker off of his walls as he lets Brendon think of what he has done.
Dallon has been dreading punishing Brendon since the moment that they discussed the rules, and as much as they've came close to it a couple of times - because Dallon would be lying if he said that Brendon didn't have a sharp tongue - the older man has always hoped that it doesn't happen because Dallon always hates himself for giving out punishments.
And he knows that this is partly his fault - or maybe he's just self-blaming - that he hadn't payed attention to Brendon's drawing and belittling it as if it wasn't a big deal for the Little to be drawing him a picture. He should've payed attention, even if he was in the middle of an important phone call about his music career.
The 10 minutes tick by agonisingly slow, even for Dallon who sat staring at the clock as he waited for the 10 minute mark to tick by. And when it does, Dallon has to compose himself from running out the kitchen door to go no collect his little boy from the naughty step. He manages. Barely.
"D-daddy!"Brendon hand stopped sobbing, a mixture between sobs and mewls leaving him as he spots Dallon. He's making grabby hands for his Daddy, being a good enough boy not to leave the naughty step because he doesn't want to get punished again."I-I'm sorry!"
"Okay, it's alright."Dallon is rushing over and gathering Brendon up into his arms in that familiar embrace, letting out a sound of surprise whenever Brendon is wrapping his legs around his hips, shaky causing the man to stumble forward into the stairs. Dallon braces himself against the banister, an arm hooked around Brendon's back as he turns them so that he's the one now sitting on the step with Brendon on his lap.
"I'm sorry, Daddy."Brendon continues to apologise and it breaks Dallons heart as he just kisses between Brendon's kitten ears and whispers soft words to him."I-I was being a Bad boy an' I'm sorry."
"Hey, you weren't a bad boy. You are never a bad boy, you were just being naughty."Dallon tries to explain softly, keeping his voice soft and sweet as he talks over Brendon's crying that's starting to quieten down."But I forgive you and it's over. You know that you're sorry and we can clean it all up."
"And I'm sorry as well. I shouldn't have been so rude to you earlier about your drawing but I did tell you that I was very busy."He apologises himself, feeling tears well up in his own eyes because Dallon is an emotional wreck okay.
"Brendon loves Daddy."Brendon hiccups, falling more into his headspace as he's pulling away from Dallon's shoulder so that he can look at his Daddy. He leans forward and presses a loving, platonic kiss to Dallons lips, pulling away with a sniffle.
"Thank you for your snottery kiss, peanut."Dallon chuckles light-heartedly as he starts to wipe away Brendon's drying tears from his cheeks with the sleeves of his jumper."Now, lets get you changed and how about we head over to Tyler and Josh's for your play date, hmm?"
"We still going?"Brendon asks timidly, wanting Dallon to confirm. He'd thought his Daddy would've banned him from going to Tyler and Josh's for being a bad- naughty boy.
"Of course we are, baby!"
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"Brendon lets out a happy sound that makes Dallons heart skip a beat in his chest, pressing another kiss to his Daddy's lips before he's jumping from the mans lap and running up the stairs to get some clothes on."Gonna play with my bestest friends!"
I needs to end this chapter on a good note, and I promise you all hat I have some warm hearted and tooth rottening fluff in the next chapter with Brendon, Pete and Josh so get ready for some squealing fluff!!
Please tell me what you thought of the chapter!
Do you think that Dallon handled his first punishment for Brendon correctly?
What do you think Dallons phone call was about?
What would you like to happen in the next chapter?
QOTC: What's your favourite P!ATD song?
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