35. Some Character Develop and Relationship Building Fluff

To make up to you all for the last 3 chapters being emotional little rollercoasters of tears and emotions, here's some beautiful, adorable and wonderful Brallon fluff (and other stuff as well that doesn't invoke tears...probably)

Thank you for everyone that followed me on Instagram! I've gotten 25 followers (and I know that isn't a lot but progress!!) and I can't thank you all enough!

And!!!!! I've already started to think up of a plot for my Little!Pete spin off, and if things work out as planned I could have it out as my summer writing project!

Dallon still isn't use to waking up with a warm body curled up to his chest or have the soft purrs of Brendon sleeping next to him, even after all of these months of Brendon sharing a bed with him - despite the hybrid promising that he'll go back to his own bed soon but never does - and to be honest, Dallon isn't sure if he ever will get use to it either.

But it's not a bad thing, because Dallon finds his own comfort in having Brendon in his arms or curled up against his chest, to have the warm body curled next to him whenever Dallon can't sleep or have the soft, comforting rhythm of Brendon's soft purrs fill the room from its silence. Having Brendon sleep next to him also makes Dallon feel less worried, because goddamnit, Dallon worries about Brendon every fucking second that the hybrid isn't with him.

And why shouldn't he not? As much as Brendon can make up for his small size - "I'm 5 foot 9, Dallon!" - with his sharp tongue and fast sassy replies, it still doesn't stop Dallon from worrying what other type of trouble that Brendon can get up to. He's vulnerable, a walking target, in so many different ways, for being a little and for being a hybrid.

Turning into his side, Dallon tightens his hold around Brendon's middle, a hand firmly being grasped by Brendon underneath the sheets as the hybrid sleeps with his back to Dallons chest. Brendon's kitten tail is wrapped around the hybrids naked thigh like it is always in sleep. It's a comfortable position, Dallon enjoys being the bigger spoon.

It's the weekend, something that Dallon out of all people is glad of because he's in no mood or rush to be getting out of bed this morning, especially nor after the day that he and Brendon had before. It was another emotional step that Dallon had been dreading, but they came to a some sort of truce sometime late last night which is all that Dallon is glad for.

"You breathe really heavily when you're thinking too hard."Brendon grumbles into his pillow, a velvet kitten ear twitching in his messy dark hair against the soft white pillow. It shouldn't really be a surprise that Brendon is awake, he prefers naps over a proper nights sleep and tends to wake up early.

"Sorry,"Dallon mumbles, pulling himself closer to the smaller in the bed, burying his face into the dip of Brendon's shoulder and neck."I was just thinking."

"Don't, you might hurt yourself."The hybrid mutters, a smile twitching at his lips whenever he hears Dallon huff out a sarcastic laugh.

"Haha,"Dallon laughs sarcastically into Brendon's neck, tightening his hold around Brendon's waist not that the hybrid minds, and in turn, Brendon allows his kitten tail to rest over Dallons hip, flickering every so often under the covers."If you're gonna act like that, then I might just go to work instead of spending the day with you."

"Okay."Brendon shrugs, burying his nose deeper into the pillow, ready to head back to sleep."Jus' make me Mac n' Cheese before you go."

"Is my only use to you to make you food?"

"And other things. But food, mostly."Brendon smirks, turning so that he's now looking at Dallon, giving the man a sleepy smirk, beautiful brown eyes half lidded with clinging sleep and his hair a messily tossed  from sleep and sweeping over Brendon's forehead. He looks beautiful in the morning light that shines in through the bedroom window and Dallon can't help himself but to lean down in their position and press a kiss to his pretty plump lips.

The kiss catches a sleep Brendon off guard but it's gladly welcomed. The kiss is shortly lived, with Brendon pulling away from Dallon's lips with a smile, rubbing his nose against Dallons in an adorable Eskimo Kiss that has Dallons heart skipping a beat in his chest.

"So, about that Mac n Cheese..."Brendon starts off with a teasing smile."I'm really craving it right now."

"It's like 7am."Dallon points out, rubbing his thumbs into Brendon's hip bones as they lay in bed and talk. It's a nice change, instead of getting up right away and having to get stuck into work or music, it's also good just to talk. Just the two of them.

"So? You drink coffee at 3 in the morning sometimes and you never hear me complain."

"You're spoilt."He says not unkindly because there's doubt that Dallon is the reason why Brendon is so spoilt and he has no regrets on that. If Dallon had the money, he'd buy Brendon everything and anything that the hybrid wanted.

"I know, but you love me."Brendon's smile flatters just a little at his own words, but he covers it up with a quick peck to Dallons lips before he throws the covers off of his body with an announcement."Gotta pee."

Dallon watches as Brendon pulls himself out of bed, the cotton soft t-shirt he had fell asleep in the night before tucked into the back of his boxers messily. The scars on the back of his thighs have healed up nicely, barely noticeable unless you were looking out for them. As much as it tug on Dallons heart strings that they were there in the first place, to be the one that was gradually making them better settled a nice warmth in his chest.

Grabbing his phone from the nightstand, Dallon scrolls through his Facebook to past the time. He doesn't use it that often, and frankly, the last time he properly used it was to post that 'Missing Hybrid' post whenever Brendon followed him home, and after that it was only to post adorable photographs of Brendon (and sometimes a photo of the two of them, it all depended what mood that he was in).

He's just about exit off when sometime catches his eye. It's one of those Facebook pages that broadcast disappearances, one that's been shared by a friend of a friend that Dallon only knows by face and not by name. It's not a thing that he would usually be concerned about, if it's not affecting him then it's none of his business.

But no. This does concern him. A lot.

It's of Brendon.

It's a photograph that Dallon wouldn't even recognise if it wasn't for those familiar soft brown eyes, the eyes of a teenager that's still hot so much ahead of him in life waiting for him. He's young in the photograph, an obvious one taken before all of the beatings and the abuse, with rounded cheeks and a dazzling smile, a caption tagged along with the photo of his missing and contact details for a Spencer Smith.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck-"Dallons mind starts to race with a panic that settles in, his hands shaking as he looks over and over at the photograph and then to the caption. He shouldn't be frightened, there's nothing to worry about. He hadn't stolen Brendon because if he had, that would've been an entirely different matter. And the names tagged is Brendon Urie, not by his changed name of Brendon Weekes.

"Dallon?"Brendon calls from the bathroom door frame, his voice knocking the man out of his rumbling and panicking thought. His voice alone is making Dallon through his phone down onto the bed in the most unsubtle manner, hoping to a god that Brendon doesn't notice his sudden movements and strangeness.

Calm down, his mind screams at him.

"Yeah?"And damn, he's proud of himself for keeping his voice so straight and calm as he looks over at Brendon. The hybrid scratches tiredly at his head, kitten tail swaying behind him in comfort and calm.

"I gotta get a wash."Because as my much as Brendon hates the idea of getting washed, he hates not being washed. It came with being a cat and if he was allowed to, he'd lick himself clean (but last time Dallon had caught him and gotten mad and made him wash his tongue with soap because it was unhygienic).

"Oh right, yeah, you want me to run you a bath?"Dallon is already making a move to get out of bed, the Facebook post and his worries now pushed to the back of his mind.

"I was thinking that uh- that maybe I-I could try the shower?"Brendon's voice sounds so small and vulnerable, switching from foot to foot in the door frame. It's a scary idea, because Brendon had only used the shower once and that was the first time he was in the house, it's always been baths.

"Really?"Dallons voice is full of surprise, quickly trying to cover it up."I mean, that's great! Progress! I'll show you how the shower works, yeah?"

"Could you maybe, I dunno, um..."Brendon's face starts to heat up, a beautiful embarrassing shade of red going all the way up his cheeks in a way that makes Dallons chest tighten with fondness because fuck, he's fallen so hard for Brendon."Join me in the shower?"


"Not in the sexual way! God no! Like never! Just, um, I'm scared and I trust you? No, that came our like a question, let me start again."Brendon takes in a deep breath, chest stuttering."I trust you. And I know that you'll keep me safe and keep guard so that-"He twitches in a way that Dallon would call a flinch but he keeps quiet,"-I'm not attacked or something."

"Hey,"Dallon says softly, rounding the bed so that he can get to Brendon. Slowly so that Brendon can see his actions, Dallon is bringing his hand up to cup Brendon's cheek, thumb soothing over his soft cheek."I've seen you naked so many times that I can't eve count, and not once did I think anything sexual about it."

"That's different..."Brendon mutters, his cheeks tinting a beautiful shade of pink as he averts his gaze."That's when I'm little."

"Brendon, you prance around the house naked every opportunity that you get. And I sit on the toilet lid whenever you're having a bath, whether you're Little or big. And if you want to try out showering and you want me to shower with you, I will."Dallon says in all fondness and sincereness.

It's scary how much Dallon has changed since Brendon has been apart of his life, a good change but a scary one nevertheless. Before Brendon, to even think about being around somebody that was naked was an uncomfortable thought for Dallon, and going as far as showering with someone else platonically was something that Dallon would never do before in the past.

Showering with Brendon proves to be more difficult than awkward, taking a lot of coaxing for Brendon to step into the shower and all of that process going out the window whenever Dallon had turned the water on and the hybrid had jumped straight out the shower again with a sad and frightened mewl.

But they manage, and Dallon is slow and careful as he helps Brendon wash his hair and body, careful that the water spray doesn't go into the face or hurt his sensitive kitten ears. The proudness that Dallon feels for the hybrid in that moment is unreal, and he makes it known as he presses a bunch of kisses all over Brendon's face whenever they finish with the shower and are getting changed.

"Do you ever wear your own clothes?"Dallon raises his eyebrow at the hybrid whenever Brendon is coming down the stairs in one of Dallons jumpers, one that's so big on the small hybrid that it falls over his Knees, a soft pink in colour.


"I wasted perfectly good money on your nice and clean wardrobe but you decide that wearing my week old jumper with pizza grease stains is more suitable."He grumbles a little sourly, as much as he loves it that Brendon wears his clothes.

"I still wear them! I mean, I gotta, cus' you make me wear pants whenever we go out places."Brendon pouts, slumping in his usual seat at the kitchen table.

"Look, it's okay to be naked in the house, but not out in public."

"By why?"

"Because I say so, Brendon."

"If that saying doesn't work on me whenever I'm little, there's no chance it's gonna work for me whenever I'm big, Dallon."Brendon deadpans, glaring daggers at the man who's taking a plastic jug out of the microwave and pouring it's contents into Brendon's favourite mug.

"Just drink your milk and shut up."Dallon grumbles, carrying the mug of warm milk over to the hybrid who makes grabby hands for the mug. Big or little, it was routine that Brendon got his mug of warm milk in the morning, with a dash of vanilla flavouring.

"Are you still making me Mac N' Cheese?"

"I'm trying, but I'm only good with foods that come out of a tin or a packet."Which is mostly the truth, because he can make a good Bolognese if he tries or cookies - as long as Brendon isn't around to distract him - but other than that, his cooing skills is pretty basic.

"Better than me."Brendon shrugs, causing Dallons jumper to slip off of his left shoulder as he takes a sip of his mug of milk. He's drowning in the jumper, and along with his messy drying hair and kitten tail swaying behind him, it all adds to Brendon's adorable persona.

"That isn't hard to beat."

"Hey! That wasn't my fault!"

"Brendon, you got scared of the kettle."

"I'd never seen a kettle before! You'd be scared too!"Brendon's tail puffs up defensively because it's true. He was only doing what he can witnessed Dallon do the previous night when making himself a coffee, and before that, he'd never seen somebody use a kettle before in his life.

And sometimes Dallon forgets about that. That before Brendon came into his life that the hybrid had been shut out from the world, never watched TV or listened to music, or slept in a bed for that matter. It was heartbreaking to think, because Dallon might not have been close with his parents when he was growing up, and especially not now, but he at least had a bed to sleep in every night.

"Hey, enough of looking like a kicked puppy. I'm fine now! Cus' I got you!"Brendon is immediately looking on the bright side of things, with a grin that reaches all the way to his soft brown eyes. And that smile, it reminds Dallon of the one in the photograph he had seen on Facebook.

"Yeah, cus' you got me."Dallon says softly in return, flashing Brendon the smallest of smiles before he turns back to make the Mac N' Cheese for himself and Brendon, trying to oust the negativity to the back of his mind.

Brendon is safe with him.

Turning to look at Brendon over his shoulder, his heart does a skip in his chest as he's met with the beautiful sight that is Brendon, with soft drying hair, twitching kitten ears and a massively huge jumper that's sliding off of his shoulder. He looks so at peace, so natural in his surrounding and Dallon can't help but to smile whenever Brendon catches him starring, a blush coating Brendon's cheeks as he waves shyly.

And that's all that matters.

Annnnnnnd I just wanted to add some much needed fluff, character development and relationship building to the chapter.  Not a lot going on in the chapter but oh well!

Please tell me your much wanted opinions!

Who likes the new cover?

Who's excited for my new Little!Pete fic? (;

What do you think is going to happen now that Spencer seems to be looking for Brendon?




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