33. So many tears, everyone is dehydrated.
Holy shit! Again in under 24 hours I got over 100 comments on the previous chapter and that's so fucking amazing! I have the most fantastic commenters that I could ask for and I love you all so much! I am now over 2.1K comments and I hope they keep on coming eBay so I love reading them all!
Also! Thank you all for getting me over 2K votes! It means so much!
I love how you have the people who are like 'how dare you make me choose who's my favourite from Fall Out Boy' and then you got the ones that are so blunt with 'Pete' lmao same, but Andy is a close second.
So many people commented the rest of the title xD but @Bellabe_08 was the first one!
I didn't really like how this chapter came out but holy shit Pete breaks my heart in this chapter.
Pete has never ran after in all their life, stumbling out of Brendon's bedroom as fast as their short legs could carry them and down the hall. They hadn't even ran this fast whenever the local Hot Topic was having a closing down sale - because apparently Pete, Ryan and Dallom spending 20 dollars each there every Saturday was not enough to keep them in business - and Pete had to travel 10 blocks to get the last Blink-182 t-shirt in their size before somebody else did.
There's a terrible feeling sinking all the way into their chest, because as much as Petes mind is telling them what they did wasn't a bad thing - and it wasn't, not in Pete's mind anyway - the littler side of them, the more scared and insecure side of Pete is telling them what they did was bad. Very bad indeed. And that doesn't calm Petes panicked breathing as they rush down the stairs.
It's not as if Pete meant it like that, because they didn't, as far as Pete was aware, they didn't even have that type of attraction towards Brendon, or to anyone really. What Pete had meant for it to be was friendly, a thank you type of kiss because it's been so long since Pete has found the courage to allow themselves to be so little around someone, and it's been even longer to have someone treat them so acceptingly like Brendon has.
Because Brendon didn't ask, and he didn't push Pete into being little, he didn't pry into their life and force it upon them like Ryan tries to do whenever he thinks he's doing the right thing - and bless Ryan Ross, he tries so hard. Brendon just lets Pete be Pete, he accepts them, he enjoys their company and goes out of his way to make sure that Petes needs are met first - and to be given Brendon's Teddy bear is the most loved Pete has left in all their life.
And that's all that Pete wants. Pete just wants to have a friend that isn't all that different from themselves, a friend that's stuck in the same situation as them and understands. The kiss wasn't meant to be with feelings, it was meant as a Thank you in the only way that Pete knew how and now they've gone and fucked it all up.
"Pete!"Ryan is shouting after them whenever he's nearly knocked aside by a fast moving Pete who is making their way down the hall and towards the front door as fast as they can. Ryan would deem it a hilarious sight if it wasn't for the tears running down their cheeks, especially with how Pete is still covered in all of the make up that Brendon obviously put on them.
"I-I gotta go."
"-my own way."Ryan has always been a sucker for high school musical, and so is Pete.
"Leave me alone, Ryan."Pete is trying to get their coat on, failing whenever they're unable to get their arm into the arm over the jacket due to the teddy bear that they refuse to let go of. It breaks Ryan's heart to watch, because the harder that Pete tries to get the jacket on, the more frustrated that they seem to get.
"Let me help you-"
"I don't need your help!"Pete snaps
"You obviously do if you can't put your fucking coat on, Pete."Ryan points out the obvious not unkindly, despite his tone of voice. He hates the way that Pete visibly flinches at Ryan's tone of voice, trying to cover it up by throwing their coat to the ground and deciding not to
"Piss off,"They grumble and the swears taste for bitter and sour in their mouth, as if they don't fit and they don't. Still holding onto the teddy bear, Pete is going to grab for the car keys when a hand beats them to it, swiping the car keys before Pete can grab them. Turning on the spot, Pete sees Ryan with the keys."G-give me my keys, Ryan."
"Not until you tell me what the fuck is wrong."Because Ryan is so confused right now. Dallon had only went upstairs to go and tell Brendon and Pete that their late lunch was ready and that it was time to come downstairs. Now Ryan is facing a desperately wanting to leave dragqueen Pete.
"Nothing is wrong."
"You're crying."
"I'm not. I'm peeing from my eyes."Pete is wiping furiously with the sleeve of their hoodie to get rid of the fast falling tears that run down their cheeks, causing the make up on their face to leave a make up stain all the way down the sleeve."Now give me keys."
"Tell me what is wrong. Now."
"Fine. Fuck you. I'll walk home then."And there's something not right about their voice as they turns on the spot and starts storming their way towards the front door with full intention of leaving because they'd rather be on their own then to have to face up to how much that they've fucked up one of the best friendships they've gained. Because Pete knows that now they've hurt Brendon, Dallon isn't going to want to see them either.
And maybe that's the worse part.
"You're acting like such a child, Pete."And Pete isn't sure what does it. Maybe it's the way that Ryan says it, with full annoyance in his voice of how Pete is acting, or maybe it's how he's finally acknowledging the real problem at hand. But whatever one it is, it causes Pete to finally collapse in one themselves, allowing the tears and sobs to take over their body.
And it feels good to cry. Because Pete never cries, not even during those times that they can't sleep and need a warm body to cuddle up to, or when there's a thunderstorm outside and Pete is left shaking under the covers of their bed in their lonely apartment just wishing that somebody was there to cuddle them.
"Oh- oh fuck."Ryan swears, panic in his voice whenever he notices the smallers shoulders start the shake, accompanied by the obvious crying sounds that just seems to get louder and louder. And it hurts Ryan's heart so much, because this is his best friend in front of him in their most vulnerable state.
Ryan is hesitant at first to reach out towards Pete - because the last time Pete had ventured this far into their headspace it had ended so badly - but when Pete turns and flings themselves at Ryan, Ryan has no choice but to hug onto his best friend as tightly as he can as he lets Pete cry.
"What's gotten you so upset, buddy?"Ryan whispers, knowing that what he has asked won't be heard over Petes loud crying, looking up at the ceiling whenever he starts to hear a commotion from upstairs also. He feels so left out. He doesn't know what's going on at all.
With a low sigh, Ryan is resting his chin on the top of Petes head, rocking the two of them side to side like he's done whenever Brendon is crying, rubbing his hands up and down Petes back in an attempt to soothe them. It hurts to see his best friend so upset and so broken, their tears soaking right through his shirt and a dampness forming on his skin under.
"I-I didn' m-mean it!"Pete sobs into the material of Ryan's shirt, desperately clutching onto his shirt and not wanting to let go. Ryan's never more glad to not have chest hair in all his life.
"You didn't mean what? What happened, Pete?"Ryan prompts gently, still holding onto them as they rock. Pete is shaking their head, smearing the cake batter like make up all over the front of Ryan's shirt much to Ryan's sadness because this is his favourite shirt!
"I-I-"Pete is attempting to try and speak, but their mind is so muddled up now and there's too many things going on and all Pete wants to do is hold onto Ryan as tight as they can and cry because Ryan always smells so nice and warm.
And it's been so long since they've been like this, to be feeling so little and so insecure and it's so scary, because being little never ends well and it doesn't start off well either. It's so sad to think that to be Little for the first time in 3 years only because they've been scared into it.
"Can somebody tell me what the fuck has just happened?"Dallon is demanding as they run down the stairs, bumping into Ryan and Pete who remain in the hallway. Calming down Brendon had been easier said than done, and even after that, the little refused to speak proper sentences and only motioned for Pete which Dallon wasn't allowing.
"I don't even know what happened!"
"Pete kissed Brendon."
"So? They shouldn't have!"Dallon shouts his own anger and frustration, motioning with his hands up the stairs."They scared Brendon."
"And you're scaring them!"Ryan snaps, his protective best friend side flaring up as he tightens his hold on Pete. As much as Ryan doesn't agree with Pete kissing Brendon while the hybrid is in his little space, Ryan would fight Petes battle even if they bunched a fucking baby in the face.
"I'm scarin-"
"Stop shouting at Pete!"Brendon is running down the stairs as quickly as his legs will carry them, bypassing his daddy and running straight into Ryan and Pete. Surprising everyone, Brendon is Hissing at Ryan to get off of Pete so that he can take over the hugging duty.
"Brendon! Don't you dare hiss at Ryan."Dallon scowls but doesn't dare raise his voice because he remembers their rules. It's a massive rule between them that shouting isn't allowed in the house because it brings up very bad memories for Brendon.
"Then don't hurt my friend."The hybrid puffs up in his own anger, because he might've freaked out at first out of confusion and fear, but he knows that what Pete did wasn't a bad thing. It was an innocent gesture and if somebody would just let Pete explain then maybe everyone would stop shouting!
"I told you to stay in your room."
"And I told you no."
"B-Brendon I'm sorry."Pete sniffles now further into their headspace than expected, now supporting a very vulnerable appearance as they hug themselves around their middle now that Ryan has stepped back."I-I only kissed you to say thank you."
"I know."Brendon gives is friend a reassuring smile, kitten ears plastered down into his hair out of sadness."Daddy jus' ov'a reacted and we were both scared."
"I didn't over react-"Dallon starts, getting interrupted by Ryan.
"Shut up, Dallon."
"I-I ruined you're make up."Pete sniffles pathetically, haven already wanting to move on from this terrible and fearful moment.
"It's okay! I-I'll do it again another time."Brendon reassures, leaping forward to gather their sniffly sad friend into a hug. When pulling away, Brendon is pressing a loving kiss to Petes cheek, nuzzling his nose there with a soft purr of affection, getting make up on his nose which causes Pete to let out a small laugh."You wanna watch a movie?"
"How about I clean up your face first and then we can have lunch and then we can all watch a movie, yeah?"Ryan suggests, letting out a laugh at the two little' annoyed pouts.
"There's nothin' wrong with my face!"
"Babe, you look like a Picasso painting."He laughs, already taking ahold of Petes hand and dragging the sulking little to the bathroom to clean them up, also to maybe leave Brendon and Dallon to sort out their own problems as well.
"Cuddles?"Brendon pouts pitifully at his Daddy, using his infamous puppy dog eyes and pouty lips as he makes grabby hands at his Daddy to come to him and cuddle him. He looks adorable, his nose and cheeks tinted red from his previous crying and brown eyes glossy.
"You should've done what you were told."
"And 'ou should'a been nice to our friends."Brendon shoots back just as quick, the argument on the tip of his tongue because his Daddy always tells him that he has to be nice to his friends but what Brendon witnessed and heard - and blast his sensitive kitten hearing - his Daddy was not being nice to Pete at all.
"You sound like a Sesame Street episode."Dallon huffs whenever he takes the long strides over to his baby and wraps him up in a massive hug. The hybrids body seems to melt into the hug, nuzzling his face into Dallons warm chest with a purr.
"Well you do look like big bird."
"I do not."
"Y'ah do!"
"Whatever, Peanut. I'm sorry for shouting at Pete, and I'm sorry for misjudging too quickly."He sighs, nose twitching whenever Brendon's kitten ears twitch in his hair and tickle his nose just like always. Lowering his voice is a whisper, Dallon continues."I'm just very protective of you, you're my baby."
"And you're my Daddy,"Brendon mumbles back, nuzzling his face against the soft warm material of Dallons jumper and it smells so much like him. That warm, calming smell of Dallon that's always able to calm Brendon down on those stormy nights or when he's hyperventilating in panic."And I love you."
You're all gonna kill me with another cliffhanger but I needed to update and I thought this would've been a good place to!
It's a bit shorter at 2400+ words but it's an update and I hope that you all liked it, even though it isn't my best of work!
Please tell me your opinions!
How do you think Dallon will react to Brendon saying 'I love you'?
Who liked the snippet of little Pete? Do you want to see more of Little Pete? And what should I do with Ryan?
Who's your favourite member of My Chemical Romance?
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