32. Makeup Is Fucking Great For A Guy
Continue the title and you get a shout out (; .
I'm over 2K comments that's so unbelievable! And I'm also like 80 votes til 2K and that's another milestone! You all make it so worthwhile writing for this and I'm going to be so sad whenever this will come to be end, but it's nowhere near the end yet! I still have plenty to write and I cannot wait for you all to read it!
This is honestly my main priority, even tho it should be fics that I'm need of finishing and updating, this is my main priority.
Lmao I will never tone down with the cute. My goal is to kill you all with cute and fluff.
"You have a lot of makeup."Brendon comments as he sits up on his knees on his Bedroom floor, a box of make up that Pete had brought over sitting in front of him. He had expected Pete to be into make up, mostly because every time that he sees Pete they're wearing a different type of eyeliner or their lips are a different shade. Brendon likes it though, he thinks Pete looks pretty whenever they wear make up.
Brendon had dragged Pete up the stairs the moment that they had walked through the door, make up box as well, leaving Ryan stranded at the doorway looking somewhat upset that he had been ignored by the little. It was clear that Brendon favoured Pete out of them all, even Dallon felt a little left out sometimes whenever Brendon would ignore him for Pete instead.
It was friendship though, one that Dallon can't blame the two of them for. Brendon brought out a different side of Pete, a happier side, even if Pete is being dragged up the stairs to play with toy cars or being forced into being made as a pillow to watch some stupid Disney film that Brendon just has to show them. And even know, with Brendon wanting to experiment with make up on Pete.
This is going to be a disaster, Pete can already tell that it will be. Somewhere down the line, Pete is going to end up looking like a clown, or maybe a drag queen if Brendon is the one that putting the make up on them. It'll be fun though, Pete might be very independent but they like to be pampered and they enjoy spending time with Brendon a lot.
"Well I have a lot of face to put make up on,"
"No need to be so sarcastic,"Brendon rolls his eyes, lips pursed into a pout that Pete finds ridiculously adorable. They are sat on the floor of Brendon's bedroom - even though he doesn't sleep in here, it's still Brendon's room no matter what - the make up box sat in between them as Brendon snoops through it. He's never seen so much make up before, but then again, he has only explored make up for as long as he has been living with his daddy.
"No need to be so obvious,"
"What's wrong?"Brendon frowns at his friends sour mood, his head tilt in full action as his kitten ears twitch in his hair. Of course Pete is snarky and sometimes rude, but that's in his nature, but he's extra snarky and rude today which makes Brendon worry.
"I'm just tired, Brendon."Pete sighs, rubbing a hand tiredly down their face. Brendon's room makes Pete feel so incredibly little, with all of the stuffed toys and pastel colours throughout the bedroom. It's like an itching feeling under their skin that they can't scratch and it's so irritating.
"You're tired a lot, maybe 'ou should get a better bed to sleep in."Brendon suggests innocently, his long kitten tail sweeping against the polished bedroom floor as he continues to look at Pete with wide brown eyes."Or a Teddy bear."
"You can have one'a mine!"The little gasps, suddenly deeper in his headspace than before. He had been teetering between the two headspace all day, wanting to be big enough to experiment with make up on Pete but also wanting to be as little as possible. Brendon is already scrambling up to rush over to the neatly made bed, grabbing one of the teddy bears that his Daddy had won him.
It's a light brown teddy bear, one that his Daddy had one in one of those claw machines the last time that they were at the mall, velvet soft with a white tummy and a light pink bow rapped around its neck. As much as Brendon liked it, he didn't have enough love to give it the bear unlike Sinatra and Freddie - which he had proudly called the Stuffed Blue Bird that Pete bought for him, proudly named after Freddie Mercury from Queen - so it only makes sense right give the bear to someone who can love them.
"You can have this one, they don' have'a name so you gotta name 'em."Brendon tells Pete, practically shoving the teddy bear at them without a second thought."They'll protect 'ou from nightmares jus' like Sinatra an' Freddie protect me! So you can sleep good!"
"Thank you Brendon..."Pete breathes out, a small smile tugging at their lips as they take the stuffed bear into their arms and gives it a look. They're a cute bear, stuffed fat and soft to touch. Pete hasn't help a Teddy bear like this in so long and it's a good feeling that rumbles through their chest as they hug it into their chest, smiling warmly at Brendon.
"Can I do your make up now?"Brendon asks excitedly, reassured that his best friend is happy now that Brendon has given them a teddy bear to look after them while they sleep. Brendon wouldn't know what he'd do without his sleep, he treasures it too much, even if he does put up a fight whenever his Daddy tries to put him down for a nap.
Nodding their head, Brendon is letting out an excited sound as they plop back down onto their knees on the floor, immediately digging through the make up box to start doing Petes make up. He'll try his best not to get too carried away, but of course it's going to happen because Pete has given themselves as Brendon's make up doll for the afternoon.
"Nobody has given me a Teddy bear before,"Pete says distractedly, rubbing the Teddy Bears velvety soft ear between their thumb and Index finger.
"Really?"Brendon looks shocked at Petes confession, his brown eyes wide as he holds one of many bottles of nail polish in his hands. When Pete shrugs their shoulders, Brendon looks sympathetically at his best friend."Well, 'ou got me a stuffie whenever I was icky so you deserve a stuffie as well."
"Pink? Really?"Pete scrunches up their face at Brendon's choice of colour, a look on determination on the Littles face that this is the colour that he's going to paint Petes nails. If they doesn't like the colour, then why do they have the colour in their make up box?
"Uh-huh! You always wear black, you need'a be more colourful."It's not as if Brendon has a problem black, but he is a colourful individual and black sometimes is too bleak for him. His wardrobe is filled with all of the colours, from black to white and to all the pastel colours that money could buy.
"Bright Colours aren't really my thing,"
"Daddy says it's 'cus you're an elmo."
"Emo."Pete corrects with a fond laugh, continuing to hug the teddy bear with one arm as Brendon takes the other and starts to paint their nails.
"I said that."Brendon pouts defensively, kitten ears twitching and tongue darting out as he pays attention on painting Petes nails so that he doesn't mess them up. It's a really pretty colour of pink and Brendon hopes that maybe he can steal it off Pete so that he can get his Daddy to paint his nails sometime.
Brendon enjoys painting Petes nails, and it's even better whenever the kitten Hybrid notices the way that Pete is grinning as they watch Brendon. As much as Brendon loves to spend time with his Daddy, sometimes he needs to spend time with his friends as well, just like his Daddy needs his own time with Ryan and Tyler or his old band buddies.
Time seems to fly in quickly as Brendon moves on to Petes face, tongue darted out in concentration and muttering unintelligent words to himself whenever he messes up on the make up. It's a difficult procedure, especially when Brendon has no idea where half of this make up does or goes and has to rely on Pete to direct him.
"Pete?"Brendon is trying his hardest apply blusher correctly without it making Pete look incredibly flushed. The two of them have been left to their own devices, only being interrupted whenever his Daddy came upstairs to give them cookies and juice, quickly shooed out of the room by Brendon before he could reveal the final creation of Pete.
"Are you an' Ryro cuddle buddies?"
"Cuddle buddies?"Pete raises their eyebrow in question, earning themselves a slap on the shoulder for moving their face. It was hard not to move their face, especially when Brendon keeps talking to them and asking questions, as well as his damn annoying cat tail ticking their face whenever Brendon turned around to get something out of the make up box.
"Yeah, like do 'ou cuddle with him and give him kisses on the lips. Stuff like that."He asks innocently, kind of frowning at his attempt to blusher Pete but shrugging and reaching for some eyeliner.
"Why would you ask that for?"Pete is blushing furiously under all of the make up, but it's layered on like cake batter so luckily Brendon isn't aware. It's not all that of a weird question, people have asked them both before if they're dating and the answer has always been no. Because they weren't.
Highschool was a messy subject on both of their parts, they had their own boyfriends and girlfriends and knew each others history too much because at one point, they were each other's history. It had even a drunken fling, a distant hazy memory that deep down, Pete wishes never had happened because it brought upon all these types of feelings, all these types of emotions that they weren't familiar with at the time.
There was also the subject of what Pete and Ryan have been up to behind closed doors, things that Pete swore would take to their grave and never look back on again. That was until Brendon came along, and all of those feelings and craving and want was starting to resurface again.
"'Cus you're really close."
"You and Dallon are really close but that doesn't mean you're 'cuddle buddies', as you put it."Pete air quotes, stopping the Hybrid from trying to apply eyeliner on them."Whoa, I'll do that. The least I want is for you blinding me."
"I'm very careful."Brendon pouts, his kitten ears flattening in is hair and his tail curling around his stomach whenever Pete takes the eyeliner away from him.
"I hardly doubt that, but I've seen you colour and you're not very good at staying between the lines."Brendon huffs as he holds the hand mirror up for Pete to see what they're doing, watching in fascination as Pete expertly does the eyeliner."So about you and Dallon."
"Well that's different 'cus he's my daddy and, um, Dallon doesn' wanna be my cuddle buddy 'cus imma little an' Daddy is too sad to have a cuddle buddy..."Brendon frowns, hating that now he has said it out loud that it's so true. He knew that Dallon didn't want to be kissing him because he's a little - even though most of the reason behind it is that Dallon has never had a good experience with dating - and to say it outloud hurt even more."And 'cus Imma kitty."
"There's nothing wrong with you being a little or a kitty, Brendon."Pete says firmly, putting the eyeliner down so that they can look directly at a frowning Brendon."And besides, just because you're a little it does not mean you can't have a normal functioning life. You could always date Dallon when you're big."
"I dunno..."Brendon nibbles on his bottom lip with feline sharp teeth, worried about this conversation. It's a subject that has been worrying away at the back of his head for days and weeks now, ever since he and Dallon made out in the livingroom and Dallon had told him about what has happened."Maybe I'm jus' not good enough."
Because maybe that's it. That Brendon isn't good enough, that he was too needy or shiny or annoying to be a boyfriend and that Dallon had only used him being a little as some type of excuse. He knows that that can't be all true because Dallon can stick him enough to be his daddy, so dating him wouldn't be all that much extra work. But it still doesn't calm Brendon's nerves.
"Nonsense! You're wonderful, kind and beautiful and anyone would be lucky to have you as their boyfriend."Pete says in all sincereness as they watch Brendon's reaction, how the little seems to curl in on himself at the compliment, Pete a roaring red under all of the make up.
"Thanks Pete..."Brendon is blushing all over, nibbling on his bottom lip nervously, an action that Pete is watching intensely. And it's in that moment that Brendon isn't aware of the way Pete is fidgeting in front of him, the way that Pete is playing with the teddy bear that remains in their hands as a sort of distraction, a build up.
It's too late for Brendon to react, before Pete is unexpectedly lunging forward and pressing their lips against Brendon's in a kiss that catches the Hybrid completely off guard. It isn't rough and surprisingly, for someone who has a bad habit of nibbling on their bottom lip, Pete has surprisingly soft lips.
Brendon isn't sure what to do, does he kiss back or does he push Pete away? And so instead, the confused kitten hybrid tenses up, unsure on what to do as Petes lips kiss against his own, slow and soft and meaningful.
"Brendon, baby I think it's time for lunch- what is going on!"The kiss is short lived with the untimely appearance of Dallon standing by the bedroom door frame. Pete is the one pulling away immediately in panic, leaning Brendon confused and scared as he looks over to where his daddy is standing angrily by the door.
"I-I dunn-"Brendon panics, because he's never been caught in this type of situation before and he isn't even sure why he's in such a panic or worry in the first place. Dallon isn't dating him and so Brendon is free to do what he wants, but maybe it's because his Daddy looks really mad right now and deep down he knows that Pete shouldn't have done that."Daddy!"
He begins to sob, because that's the only out that he has in this situation because he's confused on why Pete kissed him and scared that his Daddy is going to punish him for allowing Pete to. Pete is looking just as equally scared as well as sad, very sad, and Brendon doesn't like that either because now he's made his best friend sad.
"No, Brendon, baby don't cry-"Dallon is rushing into the bedroom towards Brendon, noticing how Pete seems to scramble to get out of the way as fast as they can, still holding on tightly to the teddy bear that Brendon gave to them. As the daddy reaches Brendon, the little is reaching his hands out for Dallon who doesn't hesitate on gathering him in his arms on the bedroom floor.
"Daddy, I-"Brendon hiccups, clinging onto the man whenever he gets close.
"My baby, don't cry, it's okay, daddy isn't mad at you."Dallon reassures halfheartedly because he's a little bit mad at the Hybrid, but he isn't going to tell him that now. Looking over to where Pete was, he isn't surprised to see that they've already fled from the room, causing Dallon to grumble swears under his breath.
I've decided to end this chapter here because I'm over 2800 words and it's 2:30am and I think that's my end game of the night, but I will continue in the morning (;
A lot of you guessed correctly! On two things actually that involved Pete! So well down to those that did!
Also a big thank you to the wonderful BrendonUrieIsMyChild on the idea of his chapter!
Please tell me your opinions like always!
How cute is Brendon and Petes friendship though?
What do you think is going to happen now?
Name suggestions on the teddy bear that Brendon gave to Pete?
Who's your favourite member of Fall Out Boy?
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