31. Ice Cream Glares
To actually have more comments than votes is actually fucking amazing and I love all of your comments so much, and I know I say this a lot but it makes me so happy to wake up to having over 50+ comments. And holy shit, the last chapter got over 100 comments! That's so fucking many!
I defiantly think we're gonna reach 2K comments and y'all keep this up (;
Dallon is my fucking cinnamon roll muffin pie and I love him with all my heart. Ryan is a close second though, followed by Spencer and Brendon is somewhere down the list😂❤️
And like promised, here's another quick update!
"Brendon, Stop looking at me like that."Dallon says uncomfortably, looking over at the kitten hybrid who is sitting on his knees across from him in the booth at the ice cream parlour. They've been here before, one that both Brendon and Dallon like seeing as it caters Hybrids and ensures that what is served to them in safe for that type of hybrid, and because it's a colourful and friendly environment that always lives up to their expectations.
The little has been a crying mess after his second injection, and as much as Doctor Harris was a nice doctor and even gave him and Sinatra The Giraffe a lollipop each, it still wasn't enough because those injections had hurt! And his Daddy knew how much that they did, holding Brendon close to him as he kissed the top of his head and whispered his praises of hope brave that Brendon had been.
Brendon had did his best to glare at Doctor Harris as he was carried out of the Doctors Office by his Daddy, something that only made Doctor Harris shake his head and laugh, much to Brendon's annoyance because goddamnit, he's mad! Why does nobody take him seriously whenever he's angry?
Always one to live up to his promises, Dallon had taken Brendon from the Doctors straight to the Ice Cream parlour, uncaring of what time of the morning that it was because his Baby deserves his Ice cream after being so good at the doctors. Although, despite everything that Dallon has been doing to try and butter Brendon up and get on his good side, nothing was subsiding the glare that the Hybrid is continuing to give him.
"I'm lookin' at 'ou normally."Brendon declares, his kitten ears hidden under his soft dark hair and his bottom lip jotted out as he continues his glare across the table, if Dallon can even call it a glare because honestly it's the most adorable glare in the world if you ask Dallon. Brendon looks more like a pissed off kitten who has just had his ball of yarn taken away from him.
"You're looking at me like I ran over a puppy."Dallon deadpans as he looks down at the ice cream menu in his hands, unsure of what he'll get. He's never been the biggest fan of ice creams, but if Brendon is getting one he might get one also just so that the Hybrid doesn't feel left out.
"You ran ov'a a puppy?!"Brendon is jumping up from his place in the booth, his voice loud and tail puffing up in alert as he looks at his daddy. Eyes are quickly directing their way to the pair in the booth, something that makes Dallons face redden in embarrassment.
"I didn't run over anything."Dallon is pinching the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes as he tries to imagine that he's anywhere else but here. He sighs loudly, opening his eyes to find the Little still standing up from the booth."Brendon, sit down now."
"Not un'il you show me."
"Show you what?"
"The puppy."
"Brendon, there is no fucking puppy. It was a figure of speech, now sit down or you're not getting your ice cream."Dallon light heartedly threatens because he's too soft for his own good. He ends up keeping up a somewhat glaring match with Brendon before with a huff, the little is throwing himself down into the booth, crossing his arms across his chest with a grumble.
"Meanie."The little grumbles, purposely not looking at his Daddy.
"Of course I am. You have it so bad."Dallon rolls his eyes as he sets the menu down just as somebody comes over to take their order.
"Are you ready to take your order?"They ask as chirpy as they can, looking between Dallon and to the sulking hybrid that sit in the same booth in curiosity of what the twos relationship is.
"Uh, yeah. I'll just have a large coffee."Dallon tells the man, looking at him and then to Brendon who continues to pout and glare at him in the most adorable but childlike fashion that is possible. Usually he would find this funny, but right now he's not."Are you going to stop being pouty?"
"Not un'il I get my ice cream."
"Well you aren't getting ice cream until you stop being pouty. It's your call."Because Dallon might be soft with Brendon most of the time, but he's not going to be handing over ice cream if the little is going to be pouty and rude to him. It takes a couple of moments - in which Dallon has to smile apologetically at the man waiting to take their order - before Brendon is finally sitting up, uncrossing is arms."Better?"
"Sorry..."Brendon whispers defensively, his kitten ears twitching in his hair as he looks over at Dallon who gives him a soft, loving smile in gratitude for behaving. Shyly, the little is casting his glance to the waiter who is standing awkwardly beside their table."Can I have ice cream? Please?"
"Sure! What type would you like?"They ask, ready to note it down in their notepad as he looks over at Brendon.
"Um, A Fudge Sundae please."Brendon asks quietly, nibbling nervously on his bottom lip with his feline sharp teeth. He's never had to do this before and he isn't sure if he likes it either, it's scary to be asking or talking to someone in this type of environment.
"Of course, such nice manners."They smile at Brendon, noting it down before turning his attention back to Dallon, telling him that their food and drink will be down in just a moment before he turns away and leaves the pair at the booth on their own.
"Brendon, stop it."Dallon sighs whenever Brendon goes straight back to glaring at him, rolling his eyes at the hybrids behaviour.
"Hurts."Brendon tells him bluntly, putting on a show as he sniffles, causing his nose to twitch as well as his kitten ears in an adorable fashion that actually makes Dallons chest feel all warm.
"What hurts?"
"M'arm."Brendon sniffles pathetically, rubbing at his arm where Doctor Harris had given him his injections. Despite the fact that he's Daddy told him that it was for his own health and good, it doesn't help the fact that it was still very sore!"And M'head."
"Aw baby, come here."Dallon invites him over to his side of the booth, smiling widely whenever Brendon doesn't hesitate to climb out and into Dallons side of the both, cuddling up into his Daddy's side as best as he can. Dallon is wrapping his arm around Brendon's shoulders, pressing his lips to Brendon's temple with a kiss.
"Still wan' my ice cream."The little mumbles into Dallons side.
"I didn't expect that you didn't."Dallon laughs, giving Brendon another kiss on his temple just as Brendon's ice cream sundae and Dallons coffee is being brought to the table. Thankfully, it's not as massive as Dallon has anticipated it to be, but it's big enough for Brendon's eyes to widen and for him to let out an excited gasp as it's set down at their table.
"Daddy, look! Look!"Brendon gasps, pointing at the ice cream excitedly because he's never actually had an ice cream sundae before and it looks awesome!
"It's awesome, peanut! Lets get you a photo with it and we can show Ryan and Pete."Dallon is instructing after he thanks the waiter for bringing it down to them. Brendon is excitedly nodding his head, kitten tail swaying behind him as he positions himself with the ice cream sundae for his Daddy to take a picture.
"Smile."Dallon is instructing, watching how Brendon's kitten ears flop up just as he grins with the ice cream, Dallon snapping the photograph."Perfect."
"Wait! We gotta get a photo too!"Brendon is setting down the ice cream with the help of Dallon, snatching away the mans phone. Although he isn't the brightest with technology, there is one thing that Brendon does know what to do and that's take selfies - and that's only because Pete had so kindly shown him how.
And of course, he takes fucking amazing - and adorable - selfies.
"Brendon, you know that I don't like my photo taken..."
"Daddy, please."Brendon peers up at Dallon through thick long eyelashes, his bottom lip jotted out in a pitiful pout. It's an adorable sight because really, Brendon has been wanting to take a photograph with Dallon since the day he climbed onto his lap and tried to take a selfie with Dallon on the laptop.
"Fine but only one photo and then you gotta eat your ice cream before I do."Dallon gives in with a sigh, but it's all worth it whenever Brendon's sad face immediately turns into one of happiness as he turns to get the two of them in the camera. With Dallons chin resting on Brendon's shoulder, the little is grinning into the camera as he snaps the photograph, kitten ears standing tall.
"Perfect! N-now 'ou gotta put it on the spiderweb!"
"The spiderweb?"Dallon raises his eyebrow in confusion at the little who is confidently nodding his head, shoving the phone into Dallons face as if that's going to prove his point.
"Yeah! T-the thing where 'ou put up photos of me for your friends to see."The little says almost proudly because he knows that Dallon posts a lot of photos of him for all of his friends to see because Tyler has showed him last time of the photograph that his Daddy had put up of Brendon covered in Spaghetti that one time.
It makes him feel special that Dallon is proud enough to be posting photos of him up online, it makes him feel loved enough that Dallon wants everyone to know that he's always with Brendon and loves to take photographs of his Brendon. Brendon wishes he could do the same for his Daddy but he guesses that he's just gonna have to show that through Brendon's own type of affection, from kisses to cuddles.
"You mean the Internet?"
"I said that!"
"No you- Just eat your ice cream, Brendon."
By the time that Brendon has gotten half way through his ice cream sundae - and that evens with him force feeding Dallon a majority of the spoonfuls - it's nearing noon and Brendon has enough energy to be bouncing around for hours. So with paying for the ice cream sundae and coffee, the two of them are making the short walk towards the park much to Brendon's further excitement.
His moaning of a sore arm and sore head seems to be gone the minute that the two of them reach the park, with Brendon tugging at Dallons arm to move faster so that Brendon can go and play on the swings.
It's a beautiful day compared to the dreariness that it has been over the last couple of months, but it's nearing the end of April and so Dallon only hopes and expects for the whether to get better. Despite that, Dallon has packed a backpack full of things just incase, as well as Sinatra having a home in the backpack so that he doesn't get lost.
"Daddy! The park! You gotta push me on the swings a-and watch me come down the slide!"Brendon is excitedly trying to drag his Daddy over to the park where he can already see children and families surround the playground equipment.
"I'm going, I'm going. The park is going to be there no matter how long that we take."Dallon informs, looking over to one of the benches that sits just outside of the playground and spots two familiar figures that he had hoped would be there."Brendon, look over there."
"Wher- Tyler! Joshua!"Brendon is gasping, immediately letting go of Dallons hand as he runs the short distance over to where his two friends are at the bench, leaping at Josh which causes the puppy hybrid to fall onto the grass with a surprised yelp. Josh is immediately turning them over so that Brendon is the one laying on the grass and Josh is over him, giving the little a lick on the cheek much to Brendon's amusement.
"Ew!"He giggles, rubbing at his cheek with the back of his hand as he looks up at his Puppy hybrid friend."Missed 'ou, Joshua."
"I missed you too, Bren. Tyler says you had to get injections, that mustn't have been fun."Josh is frowning above him, his floppy ears flopping over his face a little, making him flick his head to remove them out of his face.
"It wasn't! I got ouchies from it! But Daddy took me for ice cream-Daddy! Daddy, show Tyler and Joshua my ice cream! It was soooooo big! Almost the size of my head!"Brendon is over exaggerating in his excitement, sitting up so that he can see where his daddy is, josh plonking himself down onto the grass beside Brendon.
"It looks great, buddy! Was it nice?"Tyler asks with a kind smile as he looks away from the photograph that Dallon is showing him and to the little kitten hybrid who is grinning ok the grass beside Josh.
"It was! I would'a saved 'ou some but I ate it."Brendon follows it up with an innocent smile which causes Dallon and Tyler to let our amused and endeared laughs."Daddy, can me and Josh go and play?"
"As long as you stay where I can see you and stay together."Dallon says in all seriousness. Josh is well aware of the Hybrid laws unlike he Brendon and Dallon and Tyler can both trust Josh to keep an eye on Brendon to make sure that the Hybrid Little is safe.
"Thank you! C'mon Joshua we gotta play Pirates!"
"I don't want to play pirates."
"Tough, we're playing pirates."
This is a but shorter than the last couple of chapters but it's as long as I can make it before I nearly fall asleep bc I'm so tired and i don't know why??
I'm either going to continue on in the next chapter or pick up from a plot point that I've already discussed with BrendonUrieIsMyChild about, I'm unsure yet (;
Anyway! Please tell me your opinions on the chapter!
How adorable was Grumpy/Sassy Brendon?
Does anyone want to see more of Josh and Tyler?
Who's your favourite from TØP: Josh Or Tyler?
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