30. This Is Not My Definition Of Fun!
Waking up to see more than 40+ comments on the recent chapter makes writing this so worthwhile, as well as getting me to 1.7K comments in a total. I thank you all so much because all of your comments and praise makes writing this enjoyable, knowing that people appreciate and love what I'm doing.
Therefore, here's a quicker chapter for you all!
Also! Happy Birthday to my beautiful son, Brendon Urie. He's 3 today.
2900+ words
"Lets go over this again. What's our rules when we're out and about?"Dallon asks the little as he parks in a nearby parking space, turning the car off as he turns his attention to the little in the passenger seat next to him. In a way to get them out of the house - because Dallon is the first to admit that they spend way too much time at home - and because Dallons has been dreading this task from the start, it was time to take Brendon for his much needed and drawn out check up at the doctors.
It was a task that Dallon has been dreading since the day Tyler brought it up one time at the park and something that's been at the back of his mind ever since. He should've done it sooner, especially with the knowledge of Brendon's past abuse and possible sexual abuse from the snippets he hears from Brendon's nightmares, but he knows from a first hand basis that it's a scary encounter, and Brendon is still trying to come to terms with things in the real world after being shut out for so long.
After, Dallon plans on taking Brendon out to the park to make it up to the Hybrid and since usually their trips are interrupted and seeing as it is a nice day. They haven't had a lot of nice days in a while, but now that spring has arrived it's gotten a lot warmer and brighter, giving Dallon more of a variety of activities for the two of them to do during the day without the worry of it raining on them or getting dark too quickly.
After the day of cookie baking, Brendon has stayed nestled into his headspace since then which Dallon guiltily was over the moon with. It's not that he doesn't like to hang out with Big Brendon - because he does, he loves their endless banter and obvious little bits of flirting - but he's missed having his baby, and Brendon might not need to be little, but Dallon has been craving the need to look after him.
It's mostly due to the recent incidents, with Brendon having the new need to watch whatever Dallon is doing, to follow wherever Dallon is going and worrying over what Dallon is doing. It's endearing, but it's also a worry that the man wishes he hadn't put on Brendon because he doesn't need that type of worry in his head, Dallon has doing people worrying about him already and it isn't Brendon's place either.
"To pet as many doggies as I can?"Brendon tries after a couple of seconds of blinking at Dallon, unsure on what to say because really, he can't remember their outside rules that well, and damn it, he can barely remember their everywhere rules.
"No,"Dallon pinches the bridge of his nose, taking a deep breath because that rule is actually not to touch dogs that he doesn't know."While we're out, you have to be holding onto Daddy's hand and not run off anywhere. And don't be speaking to strangers, we both know how that ends up."
"I find a new Daddy?"Brendon tilts his head to the side, kitten ears twitching because the last time that he talked - or more like stalked - to a stranger, he ended up in Dallons care and with a new home and a new Daddy. So really, he doesn't see anything wrong with talking to strangers if that's the outcome because his Daddy is the best.
"Well, yes, that happened the first time but this time, somebody could take you away from Daddy and you don't want that, do you?"Dallon questions, watching as the little's face falls into a frown, shaking his head quickly.
"Don't wan' that. My Daddy."Brendon lunges himself forward so that he can hug Dallon awkwardly in the small compact car. It's an awkward angle but Dallon gratefully wraps his arms around the small little and smiles into Brendon's dark hair.
"Your Daddy."He echoes with a ghost of a smile gracing his lips. They stay like that for a while, just soaking in one another's comfort and presences, with Brendon purring affectionately as he nuzzles his face into the soft material of Dallons jumper and Dallon breathing in the sweet sweet scent of honey that Brendon always seems to smell of.
"You said we were going to the park."Brendon frowns whenever they've gotten out of the car, immediately grabbing onto Dallons hand whenever the man starts to walk towards the unfamiliar building. His kitten ears are plastered into his hair, tail wrapped around his middle as he follows Dallons steps, eyeing the building.
"We are."
"I think Daddy needs to wear his glasses 'cus this isn't a park."Brendon squints at his Daddy because Brendon might not be the smartest about the world, but he knows what a park looks like and this isn't a park at all. With his free hand, he holds Sinatra The Giraffe, hugging him closer to him he asks,"Where are we?"
"At the Doctors, we're going to the park after, I promise baby."Dallon throws the little a gentle smile over his shoulder, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze which only makes Brendon more frightened, holding onto Sinatra tighter.
"T-the doctors?"He panics because he doesn't like the sound of that, not at all. He's heard nothing but bad news about the doctors, mostly from Spencer who refused to take him to one after Spencer had hurt Brendon that badly he had broken his collarbone. To this day his collarbone still hurts.
"Baby boy, it's going to be fine. It's just a check up, just to make sure that you're healthy."Dallon tells Brendon gently, pausing just outside of the doors so he can look at Brendon while he speaks to him.
"I am!"
"I don't doubt that, but this is just to make extra sure so that you don't get poorly again. I'll be with you throughout the entire check up, I promise baby."He tells him with full sincereness in his voice, hating how Brendon's brown eyes water up with tears because it must be so hard to be doing new and strange things.
"S-sit on Daddy's lap?"Brendon asks timidly with wide, watery brown eyes that makes Dallons heart ache at the sight of the beautiful Hybrid in front of him. Pulling Brendon closer to his chest, Dallon is pressing a loving kiss to the top of Brendon's forehead.
"Yes, you can sit on Daddy's lap."
Brendon is stuck by Dallons side as he talks to the receptionist, trying to hide into the mans jacket because he can feel everyone looking at him and he doesn't like it. There's too many people, and usually, Brendon is okay with large crowds because he's managed to compose himself after Spencer had beat him for having a panic attack during one of his meetings, but he can feel the panic settling in quickly in this type of situation.
Luckily, Dallon can feel the hybrids fear, the grip on his hand evident and the whimpering into his side evident enough that Brendon is feel extremely uncomfortable. Taking a nearby seat, Brendon is quickly wiggling his place on his Daddy's lap, legs hooked over his lap and face buried into Dallons shoulder.
It's not Dallons usual doctors, but it's one that was recommended by Tyler who said that the Doctors are the best to handle Littles and Hybrids of all types, a place where he takes Josh for his check ups and is friends with one of the doctors. It seems like a friendly place, it's colourful enough to show that it's Little based and brings a sweet vibe.
"Brendon Weekes?"Dallon is looking up at the kind looking nurse, giving her a small smile. She seems to understand his situation, giving him a sympathetic and patient smile that tells him that she can wait.
"That's us."He tells Brendon quietly who in return holds onto Dallon tighter, Sinatra the Giraffe trapped between their chests."I gave them my last name, I hope that you don't mind."
"Daddy, m'scared."
"I know, buddy. But the doctor is going to be very nice, I promise you that. And right after this, we can go for ice cream, how about that?"Dallon tries to bargain, keeping his voice soft with the evidence of Brendon's kitten ears twitching to tell him that the little hears him.
"Okay."Brendon nods his head slowly, peaking to look at Dallon."C-can Sinatra come with."
"Of course he can, he can hold your hand incase you get scared."Dallon smiles that reserved smile, the one that's only for Brendon and never fails to make Brendon feel all warm and fuzzy and tingly on the inside. It's a smile so foreign but so special and Brendon is happy to know that it's a smile only for him.
Without complaint, Dallon is carrying Brendon into the Doctors office after the nurse, taking a seat in one of the chairs with Brendon on is lap as the nurse tells them that the doctor will be there shortly. The doctor walks into the office shortly after, a kind smile on his face, handsome but smaller in stature than what Dallon expected, but then again, he's pretty tall after all.
"You must be Dallon Weekes,"They take a seat at their desk, a hand out to shake Dallons own."I'm Doctor Harris, I'll be preforming Brendon's check up this morning. I've worked in Hybrid health for the last 5 years, a short period but it is only a short time of hybrids existing after all."
"And in Littles?"
"I'm qualified, don't worry."Doctor Harris gives Dallon a reassuring smile, his eyes casting down to the Hybrid who is trying to curl himself away into Dallons chest."Hello, Brendon. I'm Doctor Harris and I really like your jumper."
"Thank you..."Brendon whispers, peeking out to have a look at the doctor who has complimented his jumper. It's one of his new favourite jumpers that Tyler and Josh bought him, it's decorated with all of the different Disney princesses on it, a soft baby pink colour.
"Which Princess if your favourite?"Doctor Harris asks kindly, engaging Brendon into a conversation.
"Really? So is mine! She really loves books, do you like books?"He asks, smiling whenever Brendon nods his head with the tiniest of smiles, wiggling a little further out of his Daddy's chest and no longer trying to hide.
"Uh-Huh, Daddy reads to me alla'the time."He tells the doctor because it's true! Daddy reads to him whenever he can't sleep or he's grumpy and it always makes him tired or calm down."Daddy is the best at tellin' stories. H-he makes these really silly voices when he reads 'em to me."
"I bet he does!"Doctor Harris laughs, amused with the way that Brendon is speaking about Dallon and how the Daddy's cheeks start to go red at the compliment of his story telling abilities."Okay Brendon, I'm just going to give you a very quick check up, just to make sure that you have no ouchies and that you're not poorly, is that okay? You can stay on your Daddy's lap the whole time."
"Okay..."Brendon nods hesitantly, following his Daddy's orders to sit on his lap with his back to his chest so that Doctor Harris has more access to him. He hugs Sinatra close to his chest, whimpering whenever Doctor Harris is poking and prodding at his Ears and his eyes, looking inside of his mouth and up his nose.
"I'm going to need your Daddy to take off your beautiful jumper so I can check how your heart is."
"A-are 'ou gonna ask how it's feeling?"Brendon asks innocently as he allows the help from his Daddy to take off his jumper and t-shirt that he wears below it, leaving him his torso bare. He snuggles into Dallons chest for the extra warmth.
"No silly, Doctor Harris is going to make sure that your heart is beating okay."Dallon explains fondly, biting back a laugh whenever the little just blinks at his confused before he shrugs his shoulders and allows Doctor Harris to check his heart beat.
"So his heart beat and blood pressure is fine, as well as everything else. Although, I might recommend that you take him to an Optometrist, but it's nothing serious. From what I can see on visible skin, whatever it is that your doing is healing those cuts and scars, so keep doing that and any history of broken bones have seemed to heal mostly correctly, nothing serious enough for re-breaks. Other than that, he's a very healthy boy."Doctor Harris smiles at the Hybrid, patting Brendon's knee.
"But?"Because Dallon can sense the but coming as he wraps his arms around Brendon's waist, Keeping him close.
"He needs his boosters. 2 of them. I can do them now, or we can book a later date to do them. It's up to you."Doctor Harris tells Dallon, watching how the mans face falls because okay, that's a bigger matter than just a Doctors Check up. Although, looking at it, getting it sorted now is better than having to come back and relive the fear of the doctors over again.
"I think we should get them over and done with."
"Ice cream?"Brendon asks whenever Doctor Harris leaves the room so that he can retrieve the injections, turning his head over his shoulder to look at Dallon, Sinatra on his lap.
"Not yet, but soon. Doctor Harris just has 2 more things to do and then we can go and get ice cream."Dallon speaks to distract the little on his lap, keeping his arms wrapped around Brendon's waist. Doctor Harris returns, taking his seat as Dallon keeps talking to Brendon."Now what type of ice cream do you want?"
"Fudge sundae!"
"A sundae? But it's a Thursday, not a Sunday!"
"Noooo, Daddy. I-it's an ice cream!"The little is rolling his eyes at hid Daddy, not realising what Doctor Harris is preparing to do.
"Ohhhhh! Okay now that makes more sense."Dallon is nodding his head with what he would say is his 'thinking face'."From what I remember, they're very big ice creams. I don't think you'd be able to finish it on your own, peanut."
"I would!"Brendon declares defensively."I'll eat it all-ow!"
It's in that moment that Brendon's eyes are starting to tear up, his bottom lip wobbling at the pain in his arm as Doctor Harris takes out the first needle from Brendon's arm and that hurts! Why hadn't his Daddy told him that he was getting a needle?
"Daddy!"Brendon starts to sob because that hurt, a lot, and now there's massive tears rolling down his cheeks as he sobs at the pain and Dallon feels like the worse Daddy in the world as he watches that happen to his Baby. Even though he knows it's for the best, it doesn't hurt any less.
"I'm sorry baby, but just one more. You're being very very brave, peanut. What is it that we're gonna do at the park? Are we going to play on the swings?"Dallon keeps talking to Brendon, rubbing Brendon's stomach from where his hands rest on the bare skin.
"Uh-huh,"He hiccups, big fat tears still rolling down his cheeks as he talks to his Daddy."A-and the slide."
"Defiantly the slide "Dallon nods his head in agreement as Doctor Harris is getting ready with the next injection."And the climbing frame, it was really fun last time, wasn't it?"
"Y-yeah, 'cus Ryry got stuck."Brendon giggles at the memory of Ryan chasing after him and getting stuck in part of the climbing frame.
"He did, didn't he?"Dallon laughs lightly just as Doctor Harris gives Brendon the final injection, making the Hybrid jump at the unexpected, letting out another heart aching sob that makes Dallons heart ache at the sound.
"I'm sorry baby it's all over. All done, no more injections."Dallon reassures, pressing kisses all over Brendon's forehead and face, wiping away his tears with his hand as Brendon continues to cry."My brave boy, well done. It's all done, now we can go for ice cream. Don't you want to get your Fudge Sundae?"
"It's all done, Brendon. You're very brave! How about a lollipop?"Doctor Harris suggests, taking the plastic jar of lollipops off of his desk and opening it, holding it out to the Hybrid whose sobs are now dying down but he keeps up with the nasty looking glare at the doctor because he thought he was nice!
"Only if Sinatra gets one."Brendon declares, sniffling as he tries to wipe away his tears that keep running down his face.
"Only because you've both been so brave."
This was supposed to be a short chapter but it ended up nearly 3K long oops??
Anyway, please tell me what you think!
Do you guys want a chapter where Dallon punishes Brendon? And how/why?
Your Opinion on Doctor Harris?
Your favourite ice cream flavour?
Your favourite P!ATD member?(Past/present/tour member)
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