29. Pete The Vegetable
I love writing this so much, and I should really be focusing and studying for physics but I agent written anything in like 2 days and I'm getting agitated so here I am writing some cute as fuck Brendon, Dallon, Pete and Ryan.
I love Pete Wentz with all my heart, and everyone Protect my small son in this fic please
My goal is to reach 2K comments by the end of his book and I'm nearly at 1.52K so I don't think I'll reach it 😂
3000+ words
"Pete!"Brendon is attempting to run down the hallway from the downstairs bathroom, with his jeans stuck at his knees and his pastel pink hoodie tucked into the front of his boxers from his rush of trying to finish his pee so that he can go and meet Ryan and Pete at the front door. Sinatra the giraffe and his blue bird tucked under his arms. He had been midway through his pee whenever his ears had twitched with the familiar sound of Petes car pulling into the drive way, rushing his way through the rest of his pee.
After wrapping up his Daddy's hand and being pulled in for a bunch of kisses and cuddles, Brendon had helped his Daddy put their cookies into the oven to bake before he had attempted to help tidy up the kitchen with his Daddy. When noticed that Brendon's presence was more of a hinderance than a help, Dallon had sent Brendon off as he continued on with preparing the dinner and keeping an eye on the cookies.
In gratitude of being invited to Ryan's house, it was Brendon's idea to invite over Ryan, Pete, Tyler and Josh but unfortunately, Tyler and Josh had already had plans and were unable to attend much to the sadness of Brendon who has mewled his sadness until a separate date was made to hang out with them on a different day. Pete and Ryan had of course accepted the invitation which has made Brendon more excited than Dallon.
It's endearing that Brendon now refers to Pete and Ryan as if they've been friends for as long as Dallon has to them, and in a way, it feels like he has with how much time that the Hybrid spends with the other men and know so much about them, information that had taken Dallon months to get out of them. But he's happy for that, because Brendon deserves to have people to confine in and Ryan and Pete are the best to.
"Brendon!"Pete shouts with just the same amount of enthusiasm as the little that's coming towards them, something that Ryan has to bite back a fond smile of at the familiarity. Nearly tripping over the falling jeans, Brendon pauses to kick the jeans off of his legs before he's making the sprint up to Pete, jumping at them.
"I missed you! Daddy says 'ou were sick 'cus of me and I'm sorry that I gave you the sick."The Hybrid pouts at Pete, bottom lip jotted out in a true Brendon Urie fashion and kitten ears plastered down into his dark hair.
"I don't think that your Daddy would blame you for giving me the sick, it was my own fsult but I'm all better now!"Pete gives the Hybrid a reassuring smile, one that Brendon reflects back because Pete has an infectious smile."I missed you too, Buddy. And I'm sorry that I missed our Lion King date, but I heard you had a good time with Josh and Tyler last week."
"I did! But not as much as with you."Brendon goes back to pouting because there's just something about Pete that Brendon is so drawn to, and he knows it isn't in the same way that he's drawn to Dallon - because he has sorted out his feelings for Dallon and understands them now - but there's something connecting the two of them that Brendon just hasn't pieced together yet.
"He's pouring his heart out to you and I haven't even gotten a Hi yet."Ryan huffs from beside the pair, feeling a little left out on the love because before Pete was introduced to Brendon, Ryan had been the favourite friend.
"Hi RyRy!"Brendon is immediately moving to hug the taller man, dropping Sinatra and his blue bird to the ground as he wraps his arms around Ryan, the Hybrid nuzzles his face into the soft material of Ryan's jumper with an affectionate purr."Don't be sad, I like you because you can cook me food and give good hugs, Pete is good to play with a-and watch Disney films with!"
"They are, aren't they?"Ryan bites back a laugh, twitching his nose whenever Brendon's kitten ears twitch under his nose. Giving a look to Pete, he can see the embarrassed blush rise on Petes face, all the way to the tips of their ears and Ryan has to resist the urge to roll his eyes because for once, he would like for Pete to let go."Why don't we go and see what your Daddy is up to, yeah?"
"Okay!"Brendon grins because he'll take any opportunity to see what his Daddy is up to, even if it's something as boring as fixing the strings on his guitars or cleaning the house. Picking up Sinatra and his blue bird stuffie, He's already running towards the kitchen to see his Daddy, tail swaying behind him and not noticing how Ryan and Pete haven't followed after him.
Turning his attention to Pete, Ryan is grabbing a hold of Petes arm before they can walk away and avoid the conversation that they know is upcoming.
"Look, I know that you're agitated and I'm telling you this now that if you want to...unwind, nobody here is going to judge you on that, Pete, you know that."Ryan says in all sincereness as he speaks to his best friend of god knows how many years.
"I don't know what you're talking about."Pete straightens up, cheeks flushed a shade of embarrassed red as they don't meet Ryan's eye.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about, don't play fucking dumb."Ryan says not unkindly, hating the guarded look that starts to build up in Petes features because he's seen this happening before, over and over again, and it always ends up in the same situation. And it hurts, for both parties.
"I don't need to unwind,"Pete scrunches up their nose at the word, despite the need to."I'm here to enjoy my time with Dallon and Brendon and I don't need you to be assuming that I need to rewind just because I'm keeping a little company."
It's been a nagging voice in the back of Petes head since encountering Brendon in Ryan's kitchen, and as much as Pete tries to push away those memories, those urges, it didn't stop them from longing. And it just gets more difficult with every day that they spend in Brendon's company - not that Pete doesn't want to hang out with Brendon because the kitten hybrid has grown on him a lot.
Pete has been fine for years now and Ryan Ross out of all people isn't going to be pressing them into collapsing under the pressure now.
"Daddy! Please!"
"Brendon, I said no."
"But Pete and RyRo have it! And so do you!"
"That's different, we can but you can't. And anyway, your Apple juice is far better than what we drink."Brendon is stomping his foot against the kitchen floor, making an annoying mewling sound in the back of his throat that he knows that his Daddy hates the sound of.
"What's with the temper tantrum?"Ryan's raises his eyebrow as he walks into the kitchen after Pete who heads straight for the fridge, grabbing a beer. Ryan is setting the bag of beer on the kitchen table, holding Brendon's jeans in his other hand.
"This is mild."Dallon rolls his eyes at Ryan, ignoring the little because he knows by giving Brendon attention to the on coming tantrum will just make him think he's on the brink of getting what he wants."I won't let him have beer so he's taking a huff."
"It's not fair!"
"You really don't want to have beer anyway, Brendon."Pete speaks truthfully from the fridge, taking a swig of their beer and scrunching up their face just to prove a point."It's bitter and disgusting, you wouldn't like it."
"Then why do you drink it?"
"Because I can."Pete replies, smirking at the little who goes back to making the whining mewling sound because he hates how left out that he feels. It hadn't bothered him the last time because Josh wasn't drinking either so he hadn't been on his own, but now everyone is but him.
"Stop provoking a tantrum, you little shit."Dallon is throwing the kitchen towel at Pete.
"I'm fragile, handle me with care!"Pete shouts, throwing the towel back at Dallon, hitting the man in the face.
"You're fucking annoying and a shit stirrer."Ryan replies instead, giving Pete a pointed look which makes Pete roll their eyes. It's not like they're about to deny that fact, because Pete knows that they're annoying and has started and provoked numerous fights in high school and in bars, always stepping away before they could get involved.
"How we show Pete and Ryan the cookies we baked, hmm?"Dallon suggests, trying to get away from the subject of drinking alcohol because even if it's mostly because of Brendon being a little, another massive part is that he isn't even legal to drink alcohol, not that he expects the Hybrid to know that.
"Cookies?"Brendon immediately stops his mid tantrum, looking up at Dallon at the mention of the sweet treat. He'd forgotten all about the cookies until now. The Hybrid lets out a remembering gasp, jumping on the spot."We gotta Pete and RyRy our cookies!"
"Cookies?"Ryan and Pete question.
"Uh-huh! Me an' Daddy made 'em!"The little tells them excitedly, trying to push his Daddy towards the fridge where they had put the cookies after decorating them."Daddy, hurry up!"
"I'm going, I'm going!"Dallon chuckles, actually walking over to the fridge with the little following behind home like the shadow that he is, kitten tail swaying behind him and knocking into Petes face, causing them to stutter at the tickling assault.
"That tail is so annoying."Pete declares, trying to swat the tail out of their face, only resulting to the tail hitting them on the other side of their face. They curse the fact that Brendon happens to be a couple of inches taller than them and the fact that Brendon has an unreasonably long kitten tail.
"Now you're not getting your cookie. Meanie."Brendon turns his head to pout angrily at Pete before turning his attention back to his Daddy who is setting the try of cookies onto the free space on the kitchen counter.
One look at the cookies and you could tell that it was made by someone with a little mindset or by someone with an obvious sweet tooth and on their way to diabetes. The cookies are cut out into all sorts of shapes, from Dinosaurs to cars to spaceships, decorated in multicoloured cookie icing and all sorts of chocolate, coconut shavings and sweet sauces and candies.
All in all, they look like a sugar coma mess.
"Ryan, this is your cookie!"Brendon is carefully picking up one of the cookies from the tray, taking it over to Ryan excitedly, a grin on his cute face as he hands it over to the taller man."I-it's a doggie because you look like a doggie."
"Thanks?"Ryan can't help but to laugh at the somewhat compliment that he has received from the Hybrid, taking a look at the sugar cookie that he has been handed. It's supposed to be the in the shape of a dog, something that Ryan can vaguely make out to be, decorated with a mixture of dark, milk and white chocolate shavings as well as jelly jeans and bits of Reece's Pieces, topped off with caramel sauce.
"Do you like it?"Brendon asks self-consciously, rocking on the balls of his feet in front of Ryan, blinking at the man as he waits for his response because he hopes that he didn't make it look bad, or worse of all, taste bad with all of the toppings of his baking abilities.
"Of course I like it! I'm so thankful for it, thank you."Ryan smiles wide, causing the corners of his eyes to crinkle."I'll eat it after dinner."
Brendon is grinning at the suitable reply, happy that Ryan likes his cookie as he turns to go and fetch the other cookie that he has for Pete. The rest are all for him - and one or two is for his Daddy because otherwise his Daddy would be sad and he doesn't want that - and he intends on eating them all.
"And this is for Pete 'cus you might be a meanie but you're my friend a-and this is your cookie."Brendon tells them shyly, handing the cookie over to Pete who takes it without a second thought, a blush on their face at the gratitude because they'll never get over the sweetness that is Brendon Urie.
Dallon is watching the whole thing in front of him, grinning at the way that his Brendon treats Pete and Ryan, the sincereness and the generosity that pours out of Brendon. In a way, as much as it makes him proud, it also makes him upset to think that Brendon is probably so generous because for a long time of his life, he had nothing and he hates when other people have nothing too.
"It's a Carrot! D-daddy says you're a vegetable an' so I made you a carrot."
"Vegetarian."Dallon corrects.
The cookie is decorated in strawberry jam and peanut butter and perfectly placed orange and green skittles on chosen sides to make the cookie look more like the carrot that it's supposed to be.
"Thanks, Brendon. That's very thoughtful of you."Pete smiles at Brendon because they mean it. It's not just because Pete is saying it out of spite, but because not everyone takes it seriously that they're a vegetarian and they love the effort that even someone like Brendon is taking to make sure that Petes needs are met.
"I wanna be a vegetable like Pete."
"That means you can't eat chicken nuggets."Dallon reminds the Hybrid as he goes back to checking up on the food.
"But I love chicken nuggets!"Brendon gasps, looking between the three others in the kitchen."I'd die without chicken nuggets."
"That's a slight over exaggeration."Ryan rolls his eyes with a laughter.
"I would!"
"Being a vegetarian also means you can't eat bacon."Pete chips in as a reminder, haven set the cookie onto the tray to eat later, because unlike Ryan who most likely won't eat the cookie, Pete will.
"I don' wanna be a vegetarian anymore."Brendon shakes his head because no chicken nuggets and no bacon? Nope. That's not the life for him. He fully respects Petes choices but he can't live without chicken nuggets or bacon.
Brendon is soon being shooed from the kitchen until dinner, not like the little minds because he's dragging Pete with him because he has to show Pete the new stuff that his daddy bought for him. Pete is giving Ryan a pleading look of help, one that Ryan returns with a smirk because if anyone is going to be roped into little activities, it's Pete.
"Here's your littles jeans, by the way."Ryan is handing over Brendon's jeans to Dallon with a fond smile on his face whenever Pete and Brendon have left the room. Taking them, Dallon is rolling his eyes.
"He has a tendency of taking off his pants. And being naked. You get use to it after a while."He says as if he needs to explain. It's something that everyone is coming to terms and at first, it had been a little awkward, especially with seeing the scars that inflicted Brendon's body, but now that most of them have healed up thanks to Dallon tending to them.
"I can tell. What was the point of you buying him clothes again?"
"He likes clothes, my clothes mostly, but he also likes to be naked so it's a constant circle of him wearing clothes and them being dumped to the floor an hour later."Dallon has this fond way of speaking about Brendon, it's in his voice, in his expression and Ryan finds it amazing the way that someone can make his best friend so smitten.
"You're so smitten."
"I'm not."
"You are."Ryan declares with a fond smile."You speak about him like he's your entire world, and you treat him like treasure. It's so fucking obvious, Dallon."
"Maybe I am, but that doesn't change anything."
"It changes everything."Because Ryan isn't going to be soft with Dallon because he tried to be soft with him before and it resulted in so many terrible things."You're smitten and you don't just like him, I can tell. And before this goes on, you need to talk to yourself and ask if you want this. And does he make you happy. Because I've seen you walk into bad relationship before, and I don't want that to happen to you again."
"He makes me happy, so fucking happy, Ryan. He's so beautiful, and kind, and all I want to do in the world is hold him close and tell him how much that I do feel for him. I just want to tell him how much that he's made me into a better person, mentally and physically, how he's helped me eat and sleep, look after myself and actually give a damn about living."
"Then tell him that."
This started off supposing to be a short filler chapter but it ended up being a lot longer and actually having something to do with the plot kinda so here you go!
Also happy birthday to me emo dad Gerard Way
Please tell me what you think!
On Pete? What is he hiding?
How should dallon tell Brendon how he truly feels?
Out of curiosity: anyone reading a little or a Daddy/Mommy?
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