27. Beautiful and Smart, And Not Good For Me

I left ya all on that wee cliffhanger and now here's the after math. Was gone for a couple of days from writing, mostly because I've been so busy and I was at a concert on Sunday night which followed up with me being late on updating so many other things but heyy

And omf I got over 60 comments in the last chapter and I'm so thankful for that! Thank you all so much, that's the most I've gotten on a chapter of Brendon.

2900 words

****Trigger Warnings****

At first, Dallon isn't exactly sure what to do because he doesn't see it coming. At all. It catches him off guard in the worse way, causing the older man to tense up in shock and surprise as Brendon's lips crash upon his, arms raised in a way of defending himself because it's been so long since someone has kissed him as passionate as Brendon is right now and Dallons mind and body is still trying to process the fact that Brendon is kissing him.

When Dallons mind does eventually catch up on the situation, his lips seem to move accordingly, hands immediately coming to cup to Brendon's jaw, taking control of the kiss because there's something in his mind telling him that he wants this, despite every fibre of his being screaming at Dallon how wrong this is.

Brendon's lips never fail to miss the rhythm that Dallon picks up, his fingers tangling into Dallons messy brown hair, leg slung over the mans lap so that he's now straddling the older man on the sofa. He's so obedient to the kiss, almost preening whenever Dallon starts to lick and nibble at his bottom lip with the same amount of hunger in the kiss that Brendon started off with.

And it feels fantastic. For both parties. Because Brendon has been longing for the moment to kiss Dallon in the way that he did, with the hunger, the emotion and the passion that he did because he wants it. He wants something more than just what their relationship is build up of, he wants the kissing, the touching, the intimate moments that he's never had with anyone else, and he wants that with Dallon.

Tugging the hybrid in closer, Dallon is deepening the kiss, his mind working on autopilot as he licks his way into Brendon's mouth whenever his mouth falls slack with an entrance, finger nails scratching at Dallons scalp as he self-consciously bucks his hips forward without a second thought in arousal.

"Dallon,"Brendon whines with arousal against Dallons mouth, bucking his hips against Dallon in a need for friction, cursing how easy it is to get turned on because as innocent as Brendon makes himself out to be, he knows the ins and outs, he's been exposed to the ins and outs in terrible ways nevertheless, and Dallon knows that.

And then it clicks.

"Fuck."Dallons voice is full of panic and remorse as he pulls away quickly whenever his mind finally catches up to how wrong this is because it is wrong. This shouldn't be happening. His quick and sudden actions causes Brendon's Tail to puff up in fear, scrambling to stand up and away from the mans lap to keep a distance whenever he sees the look in Dallons eyes.


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it- I mean I did mean it but I didn't mean it if you didn't like it, but I'm still sorry. Please don't throw me out, I promise I won't do that again, Dallon, just please don't throw me out."Brendon starts to panic, tears quickly building up in his eyes at the thought of being kicked out onto the streets again, especially now that he's gotten comfortable with living here with Dallon.

His chest feels tight as he thinks about it because it wouldn't just the living out on the streets part that worries Brendon, it's that fear of never seeing Dallon again that makes Brendon's chest heart and his vision to go swirly. He's attached, and everyone around the pair know how much Brendon seems to idolise Dallon as if he hung the room, and it's no surprise that he does, Dallon was the first piece of kindness Brendon had came in contact with in years.

Without him, Brendon isn't sure what'd he'd do. He's gotten so use and comfortable with having so,done look after him again, treating him like he's special, and talking to him like he's actually worth their time. He's gotten comfortable with being little once again, after many years of not being able to be himself.

"Bab- Brendon, Calm down. Lets just focus on following my breathing, yeah? Take a deep breath in, and a deep breath out, that's a good boy."Dallon coaxes as soon as Brendon's breathing starts to pick up in rapid short breathes that causes Dallons one heart to race in a panic that he's forced to push down because he's a Daddy and he needs to focus on Brendon first.

"I'm sorry,"Brendon panics, his voice thick with emotion and struggle as he tries to follow Dallons breathing techniques. The Hybrid self-consciously flinches whenever Dallon stands up, taking a couple of steps back with his ears flat in his hair and tail wrapped around his waist."I-I'll keep my distance, I'll sleep in my own bed a-and shower instead of baths-"

"Brendon. Stop."Dallon cuts through the Hybrids frantic rambling, using the authority voice that he has only used whenever Brendon had ran off one time in the park and nearly got himself hurt."Just, stop. Lets just forget this happened, okay? Because I don't want to talk about it anymore than you want to."

"But I do want to talk about it."

"There's nothing to talk about."

"Yes there is."Brendon argues, now finding himself getting angry than sad at Dallons stubbornness because as much as he hates what the outcome would be, not talking about it will make the already awkward situation worse.

"No there isn't."Dallon snaps a little too quickly and a bit too loud, making Brendon flinch at the tone, not liking the way that Dallon is speaking to him."This kiss didn't happen. I don't kiss littles. It's not right, it's weird for me as your Daddy to kiss you."

"You kiss me all of the time!"

"On the cheek, or the forehead. Not on the lips, and especially not in the way we did."Dallon tries to get the point across, hating the look on Brendon's face.

"It hasn't stopped people before."

"Well I'm not like other people. You're a little, a little that I look after nevertheless and I won't sit here and let this happen. It's awkward."Because it is, it makes Dallon himself feel all weird and maybe it's not the type of weird that he's trying to make it out to be, but more of that weird feeling you get me when enjoy something you shouldn't.

"It's only awkward if you let it be awkward."Brendon points out stubbornly, crossing his arms over his chest as he glares at the man before him. He sighs loudly, continuing with his glare that looks nothing intimidating."I'm sorry for kissing you and making you uncomfortable, that was out of my place and I accept any form of punishment you are willing to give me."

"I'm not going to punish you, Brendon."

"It would hurt less than your reaction."And it's only now that Dallon can really hear the extent of  sadness and hurt in Brendon's voice as the hybrid shakes in the middle of the living room, now staring down at his sock covered feet, afraid to look up at the man.

Because Brendon knows why there's that twist in his stomach whenever he smells that weird smell of another person on Dallon or his clothes, or why he finds comfortable and the smell of home found on Dallon and Dallon alone. Or how he loves to be as close to the man as possible during cuddles or raining nights. And now he hates the simple thought of Dallon leaving him for Another person.

It's not just because he's his Daddy but it's because he likes him.


"Why did you push me away? I can't help who I am, or how I act. I'm a little, and I'm sorry that you feel uncomfortable about kissing me because of that but that's not a valid excuse. I kissed you while in an adult state of mind, with full awareness on what I was doing and I don't regret it."And god, that took so much not to cry.

"Baby, c'mere."Dallon tries for a different approach, trying to dodge the subject by opening his arms up for a hug for the distressed and upset Hybrid before him. He hates the look of sadness on Brendon's face, and he hates it even more so to know that he's the reason why it's there. That his actions are the reason why Brendon is so upset and conflicted about his own feelings.

"No. I'm not coming near you until you tell me the truth, because I told you my past but you fail to ever mention yours."Brendon remains with their distance as he looks over at Dallon with an expression that could be described as longing, because Brendon had built up the courage to spill his guts to Dallon and he's willing to support Dallon as he does to.

Sucking in a sharp breath, Dallon sits back down onto the sofa, resting his head into his hands as he avoids looking up at the Hybrid who remains patient and silent as he waits. Dallon doesn't want to do this, but he knows that Brendon is as stubborn as he is and won't leave the topic alone until he does admit the truth that he's tried so hard to burry and forget.

"I had found out about this lifestyle back in high school when I had first started dating Breezy, the woman you met at the supermarket."Dallon starts off quietly, Brendon's kitten ears twitching whenever he picks up the voice."Back then, I was a dork, a mess of a teenager with too much hormones and very little friends but I was okay with myself. And then I met Breezy and my god, she was everything I was not. Beautiful, smart and not good for me."

Brendon had to hide back his sound of jealousy as he takes a seat in front of Dallon on the floor, pulling his knees up to his chest as he listens.

"I was an awkwardly tall teenager, with borderline anorexia and Breezy had been at the top of the popularity table, Head of Drama with all the curves in the right places. Of course, despite her good there also came a bad. Controlling, Sly, a love for belittling. And I ate it up, of course I did, I was a love sick teenager and I didn't care if she picked fun I'd what I wore or made a comment about how much I ate."

He takes a shaky breath because those types of memories were flooding back to him. The verbals and emotional abuse that he had to endorse Day by Day and he hasn't made a comment about it. He had let it happen, brushed it off of his shoulders because he was head over heels in love.

"We'd started dating at some point and it was from then that we started to discover this lifestyle. It was no surprise to me that me that when I came out to be a Daddy, she happened to be a Mommy. It made no difference in our relationship, we still liked one another and still dated but we were missing something. A little."

Dallon sits up a bit straighter, pulling his head out of his hands to rub at his eyes tiredly, trying to stop his emotions from flooding out as he speaks.

"And we did, we found a Little between us. And god, it had been perfect. It seemed that the strain between us was disappearing, Breezy no longer made comments about how I looked, I started to eat healthier because we had someone to focus on, to give attention to."Dallon stops, opening his eyes to look over at Brendon whose ears are hidden in his hair as he listens."And just as things were looking good, it started to get worse."

"What happened?"Brendon asks quietly, his brown eyes filling with tears as he watches Dallon, afraid to know the truth now.

"Everything. I've blocked so much of it out that it's hard to remember all of the bits and pieces. I'd crawled my way out of a dark place after High School and after the stress, the pressure of everything started to build on top of me, I had fallen back into that dark place while living with Breezy and our little. I had became distant, distracted, I started to cut down on my meals, stopped going to work, spent my time isolated away from Breezy and our little. I started to became a worse friend, boyfriend and Daddy."

"I tried to kill myself. I starved myself up to the point of collapsing, to where our little had found me unconscious on the bathroom floor. God, it had been a scary thing to wake up in a hospital bed, hooked up to IV's and beeping machines with no memory of what happened or what was going on."Dallon shakes his head, because he hates those memories, the ones that makes him think of what would've happened if he hadn't woken up.

"It turns out, nobody wants a Daddy that can't look after them self nevermind another person. I didn't expect them to stay, I was useless, a pathetic excuse of a Daddy and I still am."

"No you're not. You're a wonderful Daddy, who gives great hugs and makes great food and never complains whenever we watch Monsters Inc."Brendon argues, scrambling off of the spot on the floor to climb onto Dallons lap without hesitation, trying to wipe away Dallons tears.

"Thanks, Baby."He gives the Hybrid a shaky smile before continuing."What hurt more was Breezy leaving. By the time I was released from hospital, Our littles stuff was gone and Breezy had already packed. She couldn't face being in a relationship with a pathetic excuse of a man that I was, unable to be healthy or have a normal weight or a Perfect Brain."

"We'd argued, one that turned into a screaming match that hadn't phased her at all, but I had gotten the rough end of the stick. It had hurt. She was my high school sweetheart, despite a woman who gave me nothing but negativity, I had gave her all of my positive."

It wasn't Breezy leaving that has hurt Dallon the most, it had been what she had said to him that would remain with him forever. He had spent the years of their relationship living with the verbal and emotional abuse, and it had only been by the end that he had released what was going on. All of what Ryan and Pete had been trying to tell him for years.

"She's a bitch."Brendon declares without missing a beat, rubbing away Dallons tears with the sleeve of the hoodie that he's wearing, sniffling back his own. He expects the glare that Dallon gives him."And a coward. And the spawn of sainting. Because you are one of the most fantastic and kindest people that I've ever came across in my life, and never has anyone treated me so delicately that you have."

"You've shown me how much good there is in this world, and that no matter what, there's a solution or a compromise to every problem. You've shown me that it's okay to be yourself, and to have mental health issues or attachment issues and you support me through my problems. And with that, I support you with yours."Brendon tells him."I will do what Breezy and your little didn't do. Help you."

"I'm pathetic, Brendon. Men shouldn't have eating disorders-"

"Don't you dare say that. Men can cry, Men can have mental health issues and eating disorders and don't you dare tell me that you're pathetic because of that. The only people that are pathetic are the ones that should've been helping you, fleeing."

"You mean so much to me, Brendon. And the reason why I'm so afraid and against opening up in that way, is that the same thing is going to happen again."Dallon admits quietly, staring Brendon in those beautiful Brown eyes.

"And it won't. You made a promise to me, and I'll make a promise to you."Brendon holds up his pinky, flashing the man a cheeky small smile."Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise, sweetheart."

My god I didn't expect to write all of this but I guess I did

I love Breezy by the way! She's my queen.

Your opinions on the entire chapter?

Your opinion on Breezy?

On Dallon telling Brendon his problems; Anorexia, Depression, haven been Verbally and emotionally abused?

Do you think this will help resolve problems or create more?



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