25. Tyler Joesph Has The Patience Of A Saint

Looking for an outfit for interview skills day in school sucks major balls because I'm not the kind of person that dresses up, guys. I'm the tracksuit bottoms and band T-shirts kind of person fml.

This is gonna be as long as I can make it that nobody is bored, is that all good?

This is just pure cuteness and fluff?

Hidden Camera Vines are some of my favourite Dallon Weekes vines

"Brendon, I'm only going to be gone for a couple of hours. It'll be just like when Pete is looking after you! But only this time, Tyler and Josh are gonna look after you instead!"Dallon tries his best to sound excited about the situation because he really is trying to persuade the hybrid in his arms that he's going to have good fun with Tyler and Josh, even if Dallon isn't here to have the fun as well.

It's not as if Dallon wants to be dropping Brendon in the hands of Tyler and Josh because after all, he isn't their responsibility and he'd rather be spending the time with Brendon than drop him off for Tyler and Josh to be keeping an eye on him.

He feels bad about it, because it isn't like when Pete is coming over to look after Brendon whenever Dallon has to work, this is more to give Dallon his own time because god he deserves it. Don't get him wrong, he loves being Brendon's Daddy and looking after him but after looking after Brendon for a week with his stomach bug, he's exhausted.

"Why can't Pete look after me?"Brendon pouts, his kitten ears lowering in his dark hair as he looks at Dallon with wide, confused brown eyes. He has his legs hooked around the older mans waist, arms wrapped around his neck and not willing to let go of the man because he is not leaving him here on his own.

"Because Pete has an icky tummy, just like you had an icky tummy."Dallon explains gently to the kitten hybrid in his arms, despite Brendon being feeling bigger than he has In a long time. There's not all that much difference between a little or big Brendon, mostly because both big and little Brendon seem to be unreasonably clingy and have an unhealthy obsession with staying close to Dallon.

"We'll tell him that I'm more important and he promised to watch The Lion King with me!"Dallon flinches at the loudness of Brendon's voice, especially with how close the hybrid is to his face.

"Brendon, lower your voice or I won't hesitate on putting you on the naughty step."Because little or not, they still have rules that both of them have to go by, and if that means Dallon having to create a naughty step in Tyler's home then so be it.

"You wouldn't."Brendon narrows his eyes at the man, kitten ears lowering into his hair and lips pursed in a straight line as if he's almost daring Dallon to punish him because no matter the half hearted threats that Dallon makes, he never acts upon them.

And maybe he should.

Because as much as Brendon is sweet as sugar most of the time - sometimes now that he's opened up around Dallon - there are times that Brendon's mouth speaks before his brain thinks which ends up with sassy remarks that should end up with Brendon's nose in a corner, or throwing a mini fit because Dallon won't give him what he wants, something which usually ends up with Dallon giving over the item wanted.

"No, I won't. And that's only because I'm running extremely late."Dallon stresses, keeping his voice calm as he speaks to the hybrid who seems to grin proudly that he has won this small battle between Dallon. It's a proud accomplishment to win arguments against Dallon, and really, Brendon wins them often enough due to Dallon not being the type to argue, but to negotiate.

"Take me with you! I'll be extra quiet and extra good! You won't even know that I'm there!"

"I hardly doubt either of those two things, Brendon. You're not the quietest of Hybrids, even one for your size."

"Hey! Are you discriminating against my height?"Brendon pouts, narrowing his brown eyes at Dallon. He mewls softly whenever Dallon is setting him down on his feet in front of him, now forced to look up at the extremely much taller human being in front of him. Angrily, Brendon pokes Dallons chest, tail swaying behind him.

"No, I'm complaining about your loudness. You're the human version of a fucking megaphone."Dallon teases half heartedly, because as much as Brendon is a small hybrid, he makes far too much noise in both regions of talking, laughing and different cat sounds that Dallon has found that Brendon is capable of making.

"I'm telling!"Brendon gasps insultingly, his nose scrunched up in annoyance at Dallons comment as he turns swiftly on the spot and starts to stomp his way into Tyler and Josh's Livingroom where the two have been waiting for Dallon and Brendon to sort things out."Joshua! Dallon is being mean to me!"

Dallon rolls his eyes at the Hybrids behaviour, lifting Brendon's backpack off of the hallway floor and following the hybrid into the Livingroom, just in time to see the dog hybrid - who was previously getting his ears petted by Tyler - leap up onto the kitten hybrid, causing the delicate hybrid to topple to the floor with Josh's weight.

Before Dallon or Tyler can jump to go and aid the kitten hybrid, Brendon is breaking out into a fitful of giggles as Josh makes a show of licking up on side of the squirmy Hybrids face, letting out a low, excited woof at being able to see his new friend.

"In what way were you 'being mean' to him?"Tyler has to hold back a snicker, eyes casting the two Hybrids on the ground and then to Dallon who rolls his eyes, hand out to hand over the purple backpack, decorated with silhouette images of flowers. It contains most of what Brendon needs while he is little, and even though he isn't right Now, there are no risks with precautions.

"I was being truthful, and unfortunately the truth hurts."Dallon hands the backpack over to Tyler, which includes things like Sinatra, a paci, sippy cup and a changes of clothes as well as a pull up or two just incase."Everything you need for him is in here, and you have my number incase you need it. Hopefully, you won't. He's easy to look after, sometimes. Just give him what he wants and you'll be okay."

"You have him spoilt."

"Everyone has him spoilt."Dallon corrects, unable to bite back a grin whenever Brendon's squeals of giggles meets his ears. It's true, because even if Brendon hasn't been in everyone's lives for that long, everyone still had him spoilt and he had them all wrapped around his pinky.

"You're hanging around like a bad smell. Leave. He's gonna be fine, trust me. This isn't my first rodeo, y'know."Tyler gives the taller man a look whenever he fails to make his exit. He knows it's better to leave without making too much fuss, he's had to leave Josh on a number occasions and never has been that good."Dallon."

"I'm going! I'm going!"Dallon raises his hands and takes a couple of the steps away to exit the room, saluting at Tyler before calling out to Brendon with a kiss blown the Hybrids direction."I'll see you later, baby. Be good for Tyler and Josh."

"Wait. What?"Brendons kitten ears sit up in panic at what Dallon has just said, trying to turn his head from where he's trapped under Josh's body to have a good look at Dallon who blows him one last kiss before he's disappearing out of the room."D-Dallon!"

"Brendon, he's coming back later. Don't worry, he's not gonna leave you here forever."Josh tries to calm the kitten Hybrids nerves and panic, nuzzling his nose against the side of Brendon's face, trying to prevent the upcoming tears that he can sense are coming. He can sense Brendon's panic and sadness and it hurts."You're gonna have so much fun with us!"

"I want to have fun with Dallon."Brendon sniffles pathetically, looking up at Josh's mocha Brown eyes whenever The dog hybrid looks up, floppy dark ears hanging down and heavy tail wagging behind him.

Self-consciously, Brendon is reaching up to stroke at the soft puppy ears on top of Josh's head, still sniffling from where he lays on the ground below Josh but open to any type of comfort or affection his new friend is willing to give him. Josh allows the kitten hybrid to play with his ears, giving the side of his cheek a lick of approval which causes Brendon to giggle softly.

"Somebody told me that a certain someone has a sweet tooth for white chocolate chip cookies."Tyler makes himself known to the two Hybrids on the floor, clapping his hands enthusiastically with an excited grin on his face. Brendon's kitten ears perk up at the mention of cookies."Do either of you two have any idea who that is?"

"I do! It's me! I like white chocolate chip cookies!"He gasps excitedly, wiggling out from below Josh whenever the puppy hybrid flops over to the side. Brendon scrambles up onto his feet, leaping at Tyler with a hug that catches him off guard."I like cookies!"

"Great! Because we're gonna make some!"Tyler says with all the enthusiasm of a child, something that causes Brendon to giggle at the silliness of the man, his glossy kitten swaying behind him. It seems the sad thoughts of Dallon leaving him have been forgotten, completely replaced with the idea of making cookies.

"But I can't even eat the cookies."Josh mourns from the other side of the living room, sitting up on his bum.

"Then we'll make oatmeal cookies for you."Tyler bargains with a sympathetic smile. It was hard knowing what Josh can eat and what he can't, especially with him being one of handful of Hybrids that tended to act more like their counterpart animal. Tyler had learned the hard way of all of the foods that Josh couldn't eat without being sick, but now he has it memorised.

"That isn't fair!"Josh huffs, scratching behind one of his floppy dog ears as he glares at Tyler, causing Brendon to giggle, rolling on the balls of his feet in excitement of baking cookies.

"Yes, well that isn't my fault that you get easily sick. Now take Brendon to go and wash his hands and don't make a mess."Tyler orders, ruffling Josh's hair whenever the puppy hybrid passes, Brendon following behind him.

Baking cookies ends up being a chaotic affair, and really, Tyler should've thought his plan through because baking cookies with two Hybrids - and one in which is a little - isn't the smartest nor the easiest task in the world. Half of the mixture ends up on the floor and most of the flour ends up covering both Brendon and Josh from head to toe much to their entertainment.

At some point, Josh and Brendon seem to have disappeared from the kitchen, leaving Tyler to tidy up the mess and have the job of putting the batch of cookies into the oven to bake. Wiping his hands dry with a tea towel, Tyler decides to follow the sound of squeals and woofs until he's met with the image of josh chasing Brendon around the living room, attempting to lick off what batter is left on the Hybrids face from the baking.

"What is going on in here?"Tyler can't help but to laugh, causing Brendon to bolt his way and it's only now that Tyler is realising some of Brendon's missing articles of clothing that seem to be dumped in a pile in the middle of the floor."Brendon, why are you naked?"

"Tyler help!"The kitten hybrid that remains with only a pair of Cotten undies calls for his help, grabbing hold of one of Tyler's legs and trying to burying himself away, hoping josh won't see him behind Tyler's leg,

"Josh, why are you also naked?"Tyler has to suppress a sigh whenever Josh has stripped down nothing, not that he cares or that Brendon seems to be bothered by it. Dallon had already pre-warned Tyler that Brendon has a tendency of taking off his clothes, and further more, he warned Tyler on potential scars that he might see as well, something Tyler has spotted whenever he looks down at the hybrid by his legs.

He can't help but make a sound of sympathy whenever he sees some of the scars that litter the Hybrids back and sides, but at least there's evident from healing. He doesn't doubt that Dallon tends to them. But he's never seen such injuries so sore, not for a long time.

"Because our clothes got covered in flour and cookie mix."Josh explains obviously, going to tackle Brendon now that he's distracted, only for hybrid to slip through Tyler's legs and make a dash for the sofa. Josh lets out a low woof, following the kitten hybrid and completely abandoning the conversation, his tail wagging heavily behind him.

"Josh! Be careful!"Tyler shouts just as Josh is jumping onto the kitten hybrid on the sofa, causing Brendon to let out a squeal of laughter whenever Josh starts to lick away away the cookie mixture left on Brendon's face.

"Puppy!"Brendon squeals with a laughter, trying to squirm away from the puppy hybrid but failing, going limp under the heavier body as he giggles. As just stops, the puppy hybrid slumps against Brendon's smaller body, resting his head on the kitten Hybrids chest as Brendon purrs at the warmth."Good Puppy."

Josh visibly beams at the praise, nudging his head on Brendon's bare chest for the kitten Hybrid to get the hint and stoke his ears. Brendon complies, gently petting at Josh's floppy, soft dog ears as Tyler moves into the room to turn the tv on.

"How about a film?"He suggests, casting a glance at the Hybrids on the sofa."I think I have some Disney films, The Little Mermaid?"

"That one please!"Because in his headspace or not, Brendon is now and will forever be a Disney fanatic. Tyler laughs, putting the DVD into the player and starting it up for the two Hybrids to watch. By the state that they're both in, he expects them both to fall asleep, despite the time."Tyler?"

"Yes, sweetheart?"

"When is Dallon coming back?"He asks timidly, rubbing his finger and thumb over Josh's ear."N-not that I don't like being here, I do! I-I just miss Dallon, a lot. Do you think he's coming back for me?"

"Of course he's coming back for you! He's just having some time for himself, just like you like to have time for yourself too."Tyler explains gently, picking up he flour covered clothing that
Josh and Brendon had dumped on the floor."He'll be here soon, I promise."

"Okay. Thank you for letting me stay here, I really like spending time with you and Josh."The Hybrid smiles sweetly, his kitten ears standing in his hair and Tyler can't help but to coo. He ruffles Brendon's hair softly.

"Anytime, Brendon."

I have jealous Brendon in the next chapter and I cannot wait to write it guys

Anyway! What did everyone think?

Who thinks Brendon and Josh are just the cutest friendship?

Any idea what dallon is doing?

You guys got anything you want to happen?



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